
Contract beast

In a world where the boundaries between realms blur, follow the journey of Yohan, a disenchanted college student who finds himself transported to a mysterious realm. With no future prospects, Yohan's mundane existence is suddenly disrupted as he is thrust into a world teeming with magical creatures and ancient mysteries. Yohan wakes up and finds that the world has changed drastically. He realizes he has come to a world of beasts. Yohan makes a solemn vow to embrace this new reality and live his life differently. No longer bound by the familiar constraints of his previous existence, he resolves to embark on a journey filled with untold adventures and thrilling discoveries.

cliffide · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Ch 15 : Dawn City

The sound of rough breathing filled the room as two figures, one smaller and one larger, exchanged rapid blows and kicks. The larger figure, Brian, moved with a mix of power and precision, each strike calculated to test and train his opponent. The smaller figure, Yohan, though more agile, struggled to keep up with the relentless onslaught.

Brian threw a swift punch aimed at Yohan's midsection, but Yohan managed to sidestep just in time. He retaliated with a low kick aimed at Brian's knee, but Brian blocked it with ease, countering with an elbow strike that Yohan barely dodged. Despite his expert-level proficiency, Yohan's movements lacked the fluidity and instinct that came from experience.

Kyle, sitting nearby, watched intently, occasionally jotting down notes. His eyes tracked every movement, evaluating Yohan's form, reaction time, and adaptability.

"Focus on your stance, Yohan," Kyle called out.

"Keep your guard up and watch for openings."

Yohan nodded, sweat dripping down his face. He adjusted his stance and launched a flurry of quick jabs, aiming to push Brian back. Brian parried the blows effortlessly, then stepped in close, trapping Yohan's arms and sweeping his leg out from under him. Yohan hit the ground with a thud, but quickly rolled to his feet, eyes locked on Brian.

"Good recovery," Brian said, nodding approvingly.

"But remember, your opponent won't always give you time to get up. Stay on the offensive."

Yohan's breathing was ragged, his muscles screaming in protest. With each passing minute, he felt himself adapting, learning to anticipate Brian's moves and respond more effectively.

The training was grueling, but Yohan could feel the growth.

"Okay, let's rest a little," Brian said, moving toward Kyle.

"What do you think?" Brian asked Kyle.

"He is growing at a tremendous speed. He almost reached expert level in both swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat in only three weeks," Kyle replied.

"Now he just needs to fight some real battles and hone his senses more, and he'll reach expert proficiency in no time," Kyle continued.

"Yes, I think it's time for him to hunt some real beasts," Brian said.

"Okay, you talk to him, and I'll get permission from the captain," Kyle replied, heading out of the room.

"Where is he going? I thought he would be sparring with me next," Yohan asked, watching Kyle leave.

"He's going to Captain Cruz to ask permission to take you on a beast hunt," Brian answered.

"I think it's time for you to learn what real battle feels like."

Yohan felt a surge of excitement mixed with apprehension. Hunting real beasts was a significant step up from sparring in the training room. The prospect of facing genuine danger thrilled him, and he can finally resume extracting.

Brian clapped a hand on Yohan's shoulder.

"You've shown incredible progress, Yohan. Now, it's time to put those skills to the test. Real battles will push you in ways training can't. Are you ready for this?"

"Yes, I'm ready," Yohan nodded.

Yohan and Brian informed Sister Amelia of their upcoming hunt and left the orphanage, heading to the military base. Upon reaching the base, Brian went to pick up some weapons and equipment while Yohan waited outside. After a short while, both Brian and Kyle arrived in a big Humvee.

"Let's go," Brian said, and Yohan got into the car.

From there, they drove to the airport. As they traveled, Yohan asked,

"Are we not going to Frontier City?"

Brian shook his head.

"No, that area is not for Rank 1. We will be going to another rift in District 12."

They reached the airport and boarded a military airplane. It took twelve hours for them to reach District 12.

During the flight, Yohan looked out of the window, watching the landscape change below him. His mind was filled with anticipation and a bit of anxiety about what awaited him. District 12 was known for its low rank rifts, but it was also a place where one could grow stronger quickly.

As they disembarked from the plane, Brian and Kyle guided Yohan to a waiting transport. The military presence in District 12 was palpable, with soldiers and equipment everywhere.

"We're here," Kyle said as they drove through the bustling military base in District 12.

"This rift is a good place for Rank 1 hunters to get real combat experience. You'll be facing real beasts, so stay sharp."

Yohan nodded, taking in the sights and sounds of the busy base. This was his chance to prove himself, and he was determined to make the most of it.

After they collected the necessary equipment, they drove to the rift's entrance. The area was heavily guarded, and Yohan could see why. The rift shimmered with a strange, otherworldly light, and he could feel the energy emanating from it.

Brian handed Yohan a set of advanced combat gear.

"Suit up."

Yohan quickly put on the gear, feeling the weight and security it provided. He took a deep breath, readying himself for the challenge ahead.

As they entered the rift, Yohan felt the same heavy sensation as before, but this time it didn't affect him as much. Upon exiting the rift, he found himself surrounded by a bustling cityscape with massive buildings and shops scattered around. This city was enormous, almost on par with Stillwater City, making it seem as though they hadn't left Arkas.

"Why is this city so big compared to Frontier City?" Yohan asked, looking around in awe.

"Because this is one of the first cities built by humans in the Horizon, the city of Dawn" Brian answered.

"This area has mostly Rank 1 and Rank 2 monsters. Only when you cross the Kengen Mountains will you encounter Rank 3 and Rank 4 beasts. So, this city is very easy to defend, which resulted in its massive growth."

Yohan nodded, taking in the impressive surroundings. The streets were bustling with people, from merchants peddling their wares to adventurers and soldiers preparing for their next missions. The architecture was a mix of utilitarian military structures and more ornate buildings that showcased the city's prosperity and strategic importance.

Kyle pointed toward a large building nearby.

"That's our headquarters here. We'll check in, get our bearings, and then head out for the hunt."

As they walked through the city, Yohan couldn't help but notice the sense of order and security. It was clear that this city had been built with defense in mind, with walls and fortifications visible in the distance, and numerous patrols ensuring the safety of its inhabitants.

Upon reaching the headquarters, they were greeted by a soldier who guided them to a briefing room. Inside, maps and charts detailed the surrounding areas and the locations of various monster habitats.

"We'll be heading to the eastern outskirts," Brian explained, pointing to a spot on the map.

"It's a good place for Rank 1 hunts, and we'll encounter a variety of beasts for you to test your skills."

Yohan studied the map, committing the layout to memory. This was it—the real challenge he'd been preparing for.