
Contra x Taimanin (Male Contra OC x Futa Harem)

In a world where Humans, Supernatural, and Extraterrestrial beings exist, 2 organizations were formed to combat the latter 2 beings and defend humanity at all cost who are called Taimanin and Contra. Each of these organizations may differ from 1 another, especially on which beings they fight, but yet they fight for a similar cause... Humanity's safety. Itami Igawa, Contra's Greatest Soldier, Twin Brother to Asagi Igawa, who is known as The Mightiest Taimanin, was assigned to be deployed to Tokyo and assist The Taimanins in not only missions and training, but also because of Contra's enemy, known only as Red Falcon, having a secret base located in an unknown part of Tokyo. Itami will face the most greatest dangers as the supernatural beings the Taimanin fights are going to put him to the test as he will reunite with his twin sister and ally The Taimanin in missions while also fighting the forces of Red Falcon all in the same day.

IronGodAuthor · Video Games
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Operation: Family Rescue

(Location: Private Jet)

It is now nighttime as we start off inside of a private jet as we see pilots piloting said private jet heading somewhere as the pilots do their jobs in making it to their destination. In the passenger level, we see a female flight attendant holding a metal tray containing food and some wine as she moves towards the sole passenger who is currently reading a newspaper and his face covered sitting down.

As the flight attendant makes it to the sole passenger, said passenger then puts the newspaper away to look at the flight attendant as the passenger is a male with aqua blue hair, green eyes, and a slim teenage figure wearing a tuxedo and looking at the flight attendant curiously yet is ready to listen to what she is about to say. This passenger is none other than Gunnery Sergeant Itami Igawa, Contra's Greatest Soldier and Contra's Finest Commando.

>Flight Attendant: "(Politely) Excuse me, Mr. Igawa, what would you like to have?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Politely) Oh um... What do you guys have?"

>Flight Attendant: "(Politely) We have some of our finest wine as well as a seafood platter, pasta, and some pretzels as well."

Itami then started thinking on what he should have as he thought of the food and knowing him he was a foodie but yet he always eats with a purpose. But right now, there's nothing bad in eating something he would like to eat so for that he then orders...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Politely) Well, all choices are amazing but if I were to pick, I think I'll go for a pasta as well as a wine for today."

>Flight Attendant: "(Politely) Understood, your food will be here in 30 Minutes."

And with that Itami just nods as the flight attendant pours wine into a wine glass while Itami waits until it is finally filled. When it was over, the flight attendant then walks away to get Itami's order while Itami went back to reading his newspaper as he reads the current headline that's been happening in Tokyo.

From the newspaper, Tokyo has been facing a lot of bad things like demons somehow appearing out of nowhere causing havoc, men being killed and women being missing, and so many others as he couldn't believe that everything in Tokyo, Japan is just as worst yet at the same time not as worst the alien invasion in terms of death tolls. As Itami read the headlines, he could only pray to those poor souls that were killed or kidnapped and wished that he could've done better and maybe arrived sooner as he felt bad for them.

After that he then puts his newspaper away and when he did he looks outside of the window and mentally say...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa's Mind: "I just hope my sisters are alright out there. It's been years since I got back home but now... I just hope I can see them safe and sound."

As he thought of this, Itami then pulls out a picture containing so many people with both himself, his twin sister, his brother-in-law, his younger sister, and their friends with a few people being Bill Rizer and Lance Bean of Contra as it was his sister's wedding and they were all happy. Itami could only tear up with joy as he misses that day and just hopes that good times like that will last forever.

A/N: Since this is fanfiction, everything is a bit different here so there's that.

As Itami looks at the picture he then puts it inside his pocket and lay his head down on the chair he is on as he reminisces those days. He could hear laughter and happiness as well as music during those days and he was happy for his twin sister that she had finally found someone to love.

As everything goes on, nothing much really happen except that 30 minutes later Itami gets his food and digs in as he thanks the flight attendant, eats his food, drinks his wine, and then waits as the flight attendant took his finished food but left the wine bottle on his table just in case if he wants more. Hours later it is now daytime as Itami is seen drinking the wine bottle and surprisingly he didn't seem to look drunk nor is he even drunk as he just waited.

As another hour goes on and his wine bottle empty while still surprisingly sober, he then hears the intercomm as it is coming from the pilots and is referring to Itami.

>Pilot 1: "(Through Intercomm) Attention Gunnery Sergeant, we are arriving at our destination."

Hearing this, Itami got up and when he did he quickly prepared himself before landing as he goes to the back of the plane and gets all of his luggages containing a lot of things that are currently unknown as he seems to have brought so much that it looks like it could fill an entire tool shed. Regardless, Itami carried them by himself with ease and putting them in the passenger level.

(Location: Tokyo, Japan, Airport)

A few minutes later the screen then shows the same private jet landing on the airport as it then starts to gently makes its way to the ground and finally landing as it moves forward and then stopping. After the aircraft stopped, the door then opens after wheeled stairs were attached to the plane for everyone to get out as Itami comes out looking at his surroundings as the sun hits his head yet he wasn't bothered by it as he just casually holds 2 of his other luggages.

And so he then starts walking down the stairs and infront of him is a beautiful woman with black hair and wearing what seems to be a butler's outfit as well as somehow taller than Itami is as she stands there politely and patiently awaiting for Itami and behind the woman is a limousine as if she was expecting him. As Itami makes it to the ground he then stops infront of her as the woman introduces herself...

>Female Butler: "(Politely) Good Morning, Gunnery Sergeant, I am Tokiko Fuuma, and I will be transporting you to Gosha Academy."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Politely) Thanks, Ms. Fumma. (Scratches The Back Of His Head) However, I seemed to have over packed due to how uncertain I am of this mission so I think it's best if we have more than 1 limousine to carry all of them. Well, I can carry them all myself but sadly I can't say the same for the vehicle."

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(Politely) Don't worry, Gunnery Sergeant Igawa, we have already arranged that."

Hearing this Itami knew he didn't need to worry so for that Itami puts his luggages into the trunk of the limousine before entering with Tokiko and driving off out of the airport. As the limousine drives off into the street we see Itami having a conversation with Tokiko, who is currently driving the vehicle to their destination, as they talk about a few or a lot of things.

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(While Driving) So, how does it feel coming back here on Tokyo, Gunnery Sergeant."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Politely) Please, Ms. Fuuma, just call me Itami or Sarge, I don't mind. And to answer your question, if I'm being honest... Quite excited because I might as well greet my sister and her husband 1st. And 2nd, even though this place brought me some traumatizing memories doesn't mean it's gonna be enough to stop me from coming back here again."

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(While Driving) I see. How was living in America like? And how was Contra?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "For America, it felt more like home to me than here to be honest. It's as if like I am starting to finally live the American Life like how Yin Yang wanted from The Expendables Movies. God, I love those movies. And for Contra, let's just say everyone is like family to me... It didn't matter what race or religion I was because to them, I'm still their brother-in-arms. I just wish they were here to visit me sometimes if they don't have any current missions."

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(While Driving) That sounds great, how much fun did you have Gunn-- I mean, Itami."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "So much fun, I just wish my sisters are alright because if they are then I am definitely giving them and their friends a vacation in America. The sandy beaches of Hawaii, the cityscapes of New York, the beauty of Washington DC, you're gonna love it too if you were in my shoes."

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(While Driving) Sounds like fun. (A Little Saddened) Sadly, I have some news and if you don't want to hear it then that's oka--

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Please, tell me. As long as I can do something to help them that's fine by me."

Tokiko sighed and changed into a different demeanor and Itami could tell as he just hopes his sisters are okay because if not then he will be the 1 saving their @$$€$ even if it kills him.

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(While Driving) Weeks ago, Mrs. Asagi Igawa and her husband went missing and the only evidence we had was seeing spotting Oboro, who is now a traitor, being responsible. We sent Sakura Igawa on a rescue mission but she has not come back since. We fear for the worse and we just hope you can be of big help for as they weren't the only ones went missing because a few others also went missing in their own assigned missions."

Itami's demeanor then changed as he heard this but he quickly calmed himself down for as he knew that breaking something in the limo wouldn't help.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "I see that my assignments are much more than I realized. Not only was I deployed here to track down a secret base by Red Falcon but now I am also here on a rescue mission for Contra's allies, The Taimanin."

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(While Driving) That's not all, you will also be assigned to be Gosha Academy's combat instructor and train the students in self-defense to help out in future missions."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "I see, well in that case I will look forward in working together with all of you."

>Tokiko Fuuma: "(While Driving) Thank you, Itami. Contra and The Taimanin Organization have been good allies for years and I see that you guys are still there to help us when we needed it the most."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Don't mention it, Ms. Tokiko, we are just happy to help for the survival of every innocent life in not just the world, but also the universe."

And as they make their way to their destination, the 2 started talking about things like experiences and the missions they completed and from there it became a silent ride as Tokiko Fuuma drives while Itami Igawa just thinks about the welfare of his sisters. As he thinks about this, he then starts thinking about what horrors his sisters were facing and it was already haunting him as he didn't want to see those 2 suffering or in pain on whatever the hell they were in.

(Location: Gosha Village)

Several minutes go by and their limousine is still driving but only this time they are now on Gosha Village as they drive through the city until suddenly Tokiko then tells Itami that they were close and when he heard this he looks outside the window to see a huge building that looks like a school with a large field surrounding it followed by walls and a gate around it as they are in fact finally about to enter Gosha Academy. Gosha Academy is a school for ninjas known for fighting supernatural beings called Taimanin.

Taimanins are magically or super-powered ninjas capable of fighting demons and other monstrous and supernatural beings and are sworn protectors of humanity and every innocent life like Contra but they are around Japan yet will also save the world as well. But unlike Contra, Taimanins are known for being either killed or captured with their female members suffering fates worse than death which is being violated by the ones they fight unlike what Contra faces... Who are just mindless aliens and a terrorist organization determined to kill everything and experiment on prisoners rather than raping.

Itami remembered the 1 time he and some of his Contra comrades being assigned in Gosha Village to aid their Taimanin allies and even though they were victorious their allies were still traumatized after being raped as well as losing loved ones yet he and the rest of Contra were there to comfort them. In Itami's mind, at least Red Falcon and their aliens were not degenerates and were just ones that desires nothing more than killing so for that at least Contra didn't have to face the degeneracy of Taimanins' enemies.

Back to the duo, we see their limo entering the gate after said gate opened as the limo enters into school grounds and drive to the entrance of Gosha Academy's school building. As the vehicle stops, the duo would then get out of the vehicle as Tokiko gives Itami a tour around the place without having to worry about the luggages since there will be people who will be able to take care of them as the 2 enter the school building. As Itami is given a tour, he looks inside and was amazed at the interior of the school building and even saw some students looking at him with either amazement and concern while some of the females were murmuring on how cute, handsome, and hot Itami looked but Itami payed that no mind as he was too focused on the building's interior and some art pieces.

A few minutes later they then stop at 2 sets of doors indicating that the room is in fact the room where the headmaster will be. Tokiko then opens the door and standing there is a slim old man wearing a tuxedo sitting on an office chair with his desk infront of him.

>Tokiko Fuuma: "Mr. Yamamoto, I brought him here as you requested."

Said old man is none other than Nobushige Yamamoto, headmaster of Gosha Academy and the head of the Taimanins. As he faces Itami, he then politely greets him as he says...

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "(Politely) Ah, Mr. Igawa, I'm guessing your tired after your arrival so please take a seat."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Politely) Thank you for the kind offer, Mr. Yamamoto, but I think I sat down for too long so I think I'll just stand."

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "(Concerned) Are you sure you'll be okay standing up?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Reassuring) Don't worry, Sir... I'm sure."

And so they then decided to proceed to the topic right after Mr. Yamamoto looks at Tokiko and then saying...

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "(To Tokiko Fuuma) Please, leave us Ms. Fuuma."

Tokiko could only bow in respect before leaving the 2 as now they both have enough time to talk and discuss things.

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "I am honoured to meet you once again, Mr. Igawa. Contra trained you well."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Don't mention it, just here always happy to help out. And besides, both Contra and Taimanin have sworn to protect this world and bring peace, remember?"

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "Indeed, everyone of us are grateful and happy to have all of you in Contra lending a helping hand. Especially during the time when you and the rest of your comrades were sent to help repel an invasion that consisted of Astaroth's demons... So for that you have my thanks."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Oh you know us, just happy to help. However, as much as I want to relive the good times we had in helping each other, I believe that I was deployed here because of not only being a combat instructor but also because of a request for a rescue mission, right?"

Mr. Yamamoto's face then changes into a serious 1 since both of them had to now focus on the mission or missions that will be given to Itami. Mr. Yamamoto would then breathe before proceeding to brief him on the mission.

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "(Stern) It has been weeks since the deployment of a few of our best Taimanins in 3 separate missions and all of them went missing after deploying them to said missions. Sakura Igawa was sent to rescue Asagi Igawa but we have not heard from her, the same can be said to Rinko Akiyama and Yukikaze Mizuki when Shiranui Mizuki went missing, and finally... Murasaki Yatsu had been missing ever since we sent her on a mission to investigate and kill Edwin Black's mad scientist scientist, Sabato Kiryu."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "I see, then that means that wherever they are they could've possibly have been raped or murdered by now, but I doubt the latter knowing the degeneracy of those fuckers."

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "Language, but you are correct."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Now I see why I was deployed here. Not just because command said that a secret Red Falcon base was also said to be here but also because you need our help for a rescue mission. And there's no way in hell I'll just leave them to their deaths or face fates worse than death. And I'm sure as hell will be happy to save my little sis."

>Mr. Nobushige Yamamoto: "That's good to hear. Everyone in Contra are always welcome to help us and we are grateful for any help you can give. Now then, before I you proceed with the assignments, I suggest that for now you should rest for the night, so for that, I have already rented a house for you in Tokyo to where you will be resting. I understand that you want to save your sister early and I wish to do so too but you will need rest before you can start. But worry not for as tomorrow I will give you a call as well as give you the coordinates to where you will start. I hope that will be enough for you."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "I understand, Mr. Yamamoto. And don't worry because tomorrow I will proceed with the mission and rescue everyone, especially my sister."

(Location: Itami's New House)

We then see Itami coming out of a new limousine with several other limousines as Itami then looks at his house to where he will rest. But before he can enter he and some of the people helping him out would all help him carry his luggages, enters the house, and then leaves Itami since Itami told them that he will take care of the rest once all luggages were inside.

House: (Picture Here)

After Itami enters he had started putting everything in all of his luggages to their perfect place in a surprisingly fast pace, he then settles in on his bed as he lays down on it and thinks about on what would happen from here on out. As he does so he moves his head towards a small drawer at the left side of his bed and he sees the picture of him and his sisters when they were young and all smiling as his twin sister seems to be taller than him despite being older than her while his younger sister was the same but a little shorter than his twin sister as the 2 girls are wearing casual clothes while Itami is wearing what seems to be martial arts gi while his arms have some kind of white ropes wrapped around his hands like bandages and also holding a trophy as it is the picture of him winning his 1st Junior's Martial Arts Tournament by wearing a martial arts gi yet using Muay Thai as his martial arts style... Even though he was a white belt at the time yet beating even black belts who are all using different martial arts styles.

Itami could only tear up in joy at the picture, especially when his parents are the ones who took the picture yet he wished that they were involved in the picture as well but he was grateful to have good parents who always cared for him and his sisters. He just wishes that his parents are alive to see him now and wishes to see how proud they are of both him and his sisters.

Nothing much happened after that as he just went to sleep because before arriving to the house he stopped for pizza and ate in the car on the way as he ate a pizza that contains different flavors and toppings on each slice as he didn't really care what topping whether it would be pepperoni, pineapple, broccoli, chili, or whatnot because he loves pizzas nonetheless. And so he went to sleep and from there, he just started thinking on what he should do next once he wakes up.

The Next Day, we see Itami getting up from his bed at 4:00 AM and when he did he then started doing push ups, sit-ups, burpees, and squats to start his day after fixing his bed as he does 100 on each 1. After finishing, he then picks an appropriate outfit to start the day and when he did he is then seen in the kitchen minutes later and he is seen cracking eggs and putting them in a tall glass cup.

Next, we see him pick up a jar filled with coffee beans, opens it, smells it, grabs a spoon, and then eats coffee beans as he eats at least 30 coffee beans before drinking the egg yolks in the tall glass cup from earlier. After that was done, he is then seen inside of his house's dojo and from there we see him punching a punching bag as he punches so hard the punching bag was swinging side to side due to the force he was putting and then suddenly doing kicks to which made it move more as when he continued he then does 1 last attack via a spinning front kick that sent it flying into a wall after it detached from the chain holding it as it also explodes to reveal what's inside and inside are metal coins for as Itami always punches punching bags with coins like how Bruce Lee punches a punching bag filled with rocks.

After that, we see him training with a Wing Chun dummy but only this time he was using Krav Maga or Silat on it since he trains differently than everyone is. Next, we see him breaking blocks of bricks stacked up together via using either a punch, a downwards elbow strike, or an axe kick. Finally, he then starts using a combat knife, a yari, a tomahawk, a katana, and so many other weapons as he is improving his already perfect Eskrima as he trains and trains in different styles of melee weapons and doing so perfectly.

After that was done, he is then seen coming out of the shower and a towel over his shoulder and is wearing pants after drying off as he goes to his bed and sits down on it. As he does this, he was about to stand up to get changed but before he could, he then gets a call from his smartphone so for that he picks it up, looks at it to see Mr. Yamamoto on the line, accepts the call, and then puts it over his ear to hear what Mr. Yamamoto was saying as when he listens the only thing he could ask is...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Where?"

After the call, we see Itami already suiting up and putting on not only his military combat gear and cap but also his armoured exoskeleton and then going over to a luggage the size of a crate as he opens it and he just smiles before closing it as the screen fades to black.

(Location: Chaos Arena)

Inside of a place called The Chaos Arena, we see demons, orcs, and other monsters around the seats as they watch and cheer at the spectacle around them as they are all having fun watching what's at the arena. In the arena's box, we see a middle-aged man with silver grey hair and wearing what seems to be a count's outfit with a black trench coat like tuxedo as he watches in satisfaction as he is entertained at what he is currently watching as he watched at the debauchery that took place at the arena.

Meanwhile at the arena, we see 2 females as 1 had long blue hair and green eyes and is in her mid-20s or so while the other looks like a teenager with short blonde hair yet also has green eyes and both women are naked with their massive breasts exposed and an extra something on their crotches as both are also covered in what seems to be semen while they pant in exhaustion. The woman with blue hair is none other than Asagi Igawa, Itami's twin sister, and the other being Sakura Igawa, the younger sister of the siblings.

Standing there infront of them is a woman with a short bowl cut red hair wearing what seems to be a red lewd leotard that exposes most of her large breasts and her wrists sporting what seems to be clawed weapons as she looks at the 2 with satisfaction as if she was victorious. This was Oboro Koukawa, former Taimanin now a member of NOMAD.

Next to her are 2 women of muscular build with large breasts and both wearing some kind of wrestler's outfit with 1 wearing white and the other wearing black as well as both having a different mask with 1 being dark skinned and with a blonde hair while the other is fair skinned and wearing a cat mask of some kind. The blonde 1 is none other than Power Lady while her friend is none other than Masked Lady.

These 3 watched in sadistic satisfaction seeing Asagi and Sakura all covered in orc and demon semen as the 2 had been violated for days, weeks, or so as they lay there weak and tired yet were still not yet broken but Oboro knew that with more time the 2 sisters would eventually break and become nothing more than sluts begging for more. As Oboro watches she then taunts...

>Oboro Koukawa: "Well, well, well, it seems you 2 are having a great time being sluts. I mean it perfectly fits you Taimanins, after all. But now, I think it's time for the main event to start."

And with a snap of a finger a man is then seen being dragged into the same caged ring the 2 sisters were in before letting him go as he just stands still as said man looked like he is at his mid-30s or mid-20s with brown hair and wearing what normal civilians wear as his eyes are covered in shadow. This is none other than Asagi's husband, Kyousuke Sawaki.

Asagi is quite surprised to see this and tried to call him out of concern and worry yet he didn't move as if he was just meant to be there and due nothing. But horror would then struck Asagi as Kousuke then starts to not only scream in pain but he seems to change in size and look in a grotesque way as Asagi is forced to watch him turn until suddenly he then turns into a large orc.

This was something that Asagi feared as now her husband has been turned into a mindless monster who is currently eyeing her as if she was going to be a sex toy. As Kyousuke gets closer, Asagi closes her eyes in fear as her now mindless monster of a husband will rape her as his large orc cock then levels towards her snatch.... Until suddenly...

The penetration didn't happen making Asagi open her eyes slowly until her eyes then goes wide eyed at what she is seeing. Standing there is the headless body of Kyousuke orcish body as the stump to where his head his is seen spraying a lot of blood in the air before falling down back 1st into the ground completely surprising literally everyone in the arena.

Edwin was curious yet intrigued at what happened while Oboro, Power Lady, and Masked Lady were shocked at this as Kyousuke has been murdered infront of their eyes. Asagi and Sakura were surprised and also horrified at what occured as Kyousuke lays there dead with none of them knowing of who was responsible.

(Location: ???)

The screen then turns into a 1st person view of what seems to be a scope with crosshairs and then zooms out to see 2 hands holding a sniper rifle with a bipod as the shooter is seemingly on the ground front 1st and is looking at the chaos arena that is somewhat a few kilometers away which is more than enough to break The Guinness World Record of longest sniper shot. The 1st person view is then finally disabled as the shooter is revealed to be Itami Igawa, who is sporting his armoured exoskeleton with a sheathed katana on his back and a knife sheathed at his right thigh, wearing his military cap, and his military combat uniform inside of his exoskeleton.

After taking the shot, he felt saddened yet didn't show it because of how calm, stoic, and collected he was since he had to focus on the mission and knew that he committed euthanasia towards his brother-in-law as much as it saddened him. And so he then stands up, leaves his sniper rifle to the ground, turns around, goes to a crate, opens it, and then starts arming himself as he grabs an assault rifle with an under barrel flamethrower attachment, a spread gun, puts the 2 weapons on his back, and then grabs a machine gun to which he grabs with 2 hands and activates it as the 6 rotary barrels of his machine gun starts to rotate fast before getting ready as he attaches the large bullet belt on his left hip.

And so he was finally ready as holds the machine gun's 2nd handle with his left hand while his right hand holds what seems to be what people uses in a zipline and then runs towards a rope meant for laundries and uses it as a zipline as he zips down into a building, lands on it, and then starts running and jumping onto other buildings and perfectly landing or rolling as he does so.

(Location: Chaos Arena, Entrance)

Meanwhile outside of The Chaos Arena's entrance we see orcs, demons, and monsters guarding the entrance as all of them are either patrolling around or are just staying still while thinking on what they would do to the 2 Taimanins after their shifts are done.

Everything was silent except for some of them conversing on their perverted thoughts but only for the silence to finally be broken when bullets started coming out of the darkness and taking out every orc, demon, or monster outside of the entrance as well as those inside of the entrance as they get mowed down without even having a chance to attack. After the bullets stopped, a person then reveals itself to be Itami Igawa as he walks towards the entrance and when he did he then kicks the entrance doors down and when he did he then started raining hell on every orc, demon, or monster that somehow survived as he feeds them lead before stopping as he wiped out those that he saw so far as blood, organs, and other dismembered remains litter the ground on both outside of the entrance and inside of the entrance gates.

(Music: Firepower - Airbourne)

And so Itami starts moving forward and when he did he encounters a few more demons, orcs, or monsters and as he did he starts mowing them down with his machine gun as he continues to love and eliminate everything he sees. Even after eliminating those fuckers he continued on firing even outside of a door knowing full well more are guarding so for that he destroys both the door and enemy hostiles behind the door.

But that wasn't over as Itami continued to slowly move forward while firing more and more of his ammunition towards everything he sees as he mows down enemy hostiles left and right without mercy with most that got closer being bashed in the face with his machine gun's rotary barrels and then being mowed down as blood and other remains fly towards his face and cap yet he didn't flinch as he was used to this. When he even got into a circular part of the arena's interior, he got surrounded when so many started coming out of every hall all ready to kill the intruder that is Itami but unfortunately for them Itami just started spraying more bullets all around his surroundings and even spinning while shooting as he fires more and more shots at every single 1 of his enemies as blood, dead bodies, dismembered body parts, decapitated heads, brain matter, guts, organs, intestines, and other remains litter the area as he took out so many of these fuckers without any mercy.

(Location: Chaos Arena, Box)

The same middle-aged man from before heard gunfire but he was not afraid thinking that it was just another Taimanin that will be the next unfortunate victim of whatever debauchery Oboro will do. Speaking of Oboro, we see her commanding Power Lady and Masked Lady to go and check out who is attacking them and the 2 gladly went on their way and the middle-aged man didn't do anything because he knew those 2 would deal with whatever Taimanin or attacker was sent to rescue Asagi and Sakura not knowing what he was actually going to face.

(Location: Chaos Arena, Interior)

Meanwhile, we see Itami walking forward in a hall whiles slowly moving forward as he keeps firing his machine gun without stopping as he mows down everything that tried to come after him. Even those that could fly were easily mowed down as Itami fires his machine gun as he showed no hint of mercy at any of these fuckers.

As Itami kept moving he then makes it into another circular room similar to the 1 he entered and when he did so many saw him and all charged at him but unfortunately for them they were easily mowed down as Itami fires his machine gun as when he does so he didn't care if he was going to empty everything to these fuckers for as he was out for blood while still focused on how mission. More and more demons started coming out of almost every hallway to replace the other but unfortunately for them they met the same fate as their comrades as they are easily mowed down with so many dead bodies littering the floor and Itami didn't care if he stepped on any of them as as he fires more and more of his ammunition without mercy as he mowed down everything in his way.

He keeps this up without stopping as he even steps up in the middle of a corpse mountain and raining hell towards those that tried to get close to him by trying to climb up into the mountain of dead bodies but only for them to be another addition to the dead bodies around Itami as he mows them down without mercy as he kept firing without care. I mean really, he fired so much that it was a bloodbath as Itami is stained with a lot of blood with some brain matter hanging on his cap as he rained hell.

After clearing this area he then started going into another hall and it is what you can already expect as he continues to mow down everything and everyone. After making it to another section of Chaos Arena it is no surprise that he just went in and mowed down more and more demons, orcs, and monsters as he didn't hesitate as he emptied more and more until he saw a huge @$$ demon that looked like a minotaur and is about 36 feet tall but only for it to be mowed down by more bullets yet lasted longer than his comrades as he endured every bullet but only for it to be quickly mowed down but it took almost Itami's remaining bullets to kill it as when he finally killed it he then started pointing his machine gun in the air and firing it upwards as well as shouting in a war cry like Rambo did but only this time with a machine gun that looks like a minigun as Itami emptied his last ammo since he wouldn't need them all as he finally empties his gun before throwing it to the ground and detaching the bullet bag off of his left hip.

(Music Stops)

After that was over, Itami then checks to see that he had cleared this section and knew that he has 1 more hallway to go through to make it to the main ring of The Chaos Arena so for that he starts walking towards the hallway infront of him and he knew there would more enemy hostiles that will be infront of him once he does go. But before he can make it to the hallway he is then met with punch that sent him flying backwards before landing to to ground back 1st and skidding but quickly got up after he stops skidding by jumping up and flipping forward like Yuri Boyka does in Undisputed and looks what's infront of him and sees Power Lady and Masked Lady.

>Power Lady: "Well, well, well, looks like the Taimanins sent a teenage boy rather than a girl here~"

>Masked Lady: "They must be running out of whores to send to us so they resort to cute little boys instead. I must admit, he is a cutie, and he looks very fuckable too~"

>Power Lady: "I may not be into guys but I guess this cutie is an exception."

>Masked Lady: "You and me both, I guess it's time for us to taste something new today after we break him physically~"

Itami was unbothered by this so for that he just does a Muay Thai fighting stance and since he was shorter than this ladies they thought it was as cute as a small puppy trying to be as threatening as possible.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Threateningly) I don't care who you both are or what you want to do with me, but if you harm my sisters then I swear to God I'll Fucking kill you both."

>Power Lady: "Sisters? Oh how cute, those whores must've attracted their puny brother here. So tell me, are you a new Taimanin here boy?~"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Nope, but let's just say I'm someone who's not only an ally but is also related to those ladies you've kidnapped."

Hearing this they were confused but they didn't care because they think he could be either from the USF or worse... Contra.

>Masked Lady: "Like that's gonna scare us boy, after we break you you will join your sister but only this time, you will experience every futa monster cock after this~"

Itami was a little fearful of this inside but he shoved that fear away because he was more angry yet focused than fearful so for that he and the 2 muscular ladies then charges at 1 another as Masked Lady is behind Power Lady following her and when they all charged Itami slides down under Power Lady and then slides underneath her and punches her crotch at the same time causing her to cringe in pain while Itami quickly stands up and jumps up after sliding through Power Lady and as he is in mid-air he then delivers an downward elbow strike towards Masked Lady staggering her.

After Itami landed on his feet he then started to send punches towards Masked Lady's face before delivering a push kick that sent her flying to a wall. Itami then turns around and sees Power Lady already recovered and charging at him so for that he then changes to Krav Maga as he then starts to every jab and hook coming for him as Power Lady starts punching while moving forward as Itami moves backwards while blocking until finally finding an opening as he blocks a right hook with his left wrist and then twisting his body sideways and deliver a right jab towards Power Lady's chest at the same time sending her skidding back.

After Power Lady stopped skidding she then cracks her knuckles after recovering while Masked Lady does the same when she recovered as well while Itami was indifferent as he takes on another fighting stance which is Silat.

>Power Lady: "Well, well, well, this little guy is stronger than he looks."

>Masked Lady: "This just makes it even more fun!"

And so both ladies started charging towards him at different sides but Itami was not scared as he starts blocking attacks before countering with his own attack towards Power Lady's chest and face and then after that he then dodges a hook from Masked Lady and delivers a kick towards her leg causing her to fall forward and with quick reaction Itami delivers a knee towards her face before she could meet the ground causing her to stagger back. After that, Itami then dodges hooks, jabs, and uppercuts from Power Lady and then blocks an incoming hook and then does a push kick towards her gut that staggered her back and Itami then delivering a 360 Helicopter Kick towards her face to which sent her falling to the ground sideways. As Itami lands, Masked Lady then suddenly grabs him from behind and lifts him up in a power lock but unfortunately for her she forgot to restrain his arms so for that he used his arms and strikes her head via his elbow to which stunned her and weakened her lock and gently putting Itami down but still gripping him as when Itami touches to the ground while still in the lock he then grabs both arms of Masked Lady, leans forward, and then throws her forward as she is then thrown to the ground infront of Itami back 1st and then Itami didn't relent as he starts to punch her face.

He was able to land 6 punches before being kicked out off of Masked Lady when Power Lady recovered to help her friends as Itami is sent skidding back but only for him to stop his skidding and balanced himself getting ready for whatever comes next but he knew he has the chance to attack 1st and he took the opportunity while still being cautious. Power Lady then helps out Masked Lady and when she did they were not expecting on what was gonna happen next as Itami runs towards them and when he did he then delivers a flying spin kick towards Power Lady that staggered her back and then he starts sending a kick towards Masked Lady's crotch and then an uppercut to the face after landing making her also stagger back and cringe in pain.

Itami then does a fighting stance waiting for whatever comes next as he sees Power Lady and Masked Lady recovered and when they did they then start to run towards him and with Power Lady being 1st as she starts with a punch that Itami blocked and then attacks her with a few punches towards her face and then sending a knee strike towards her face staggering back a little and then dodging a jab and a hook from Masked Lady and then jumping up and delivers a downwards elbow strike on Masked Lady's head stunning her to which Itami quickly delivers an uppercut staggering her. But Power Lady quickly recovered and sends an uppercut that Itami dodges by leaning backwards and then suddenly landing a kick towards her face similar to what Tony Jaa did in Ong Bak and after that he then crosses his arms to block Masked Lady's jab, grabs her jabbing arm's wrist, pulls it like a lever and towards him as he also twist his body sidewards at the same time, and then deliver a forward elbow strike to her face stunning her and staggering her again.

After that both Power Lady and Masked Lady then recovers and when they did they then start to attack him together this time as Itami is forced to dodge and block every 1 of their punches and kicks while moving backwards as they move forward and when he does this he then sees the 2 of them doing a jab with Power Lady using her left arm and Masked Lady using her right arm and quickly reacting he dodges the 2 jabs by backflipping a few meters away from them and then landing perfectly in a perfect split rather than using his feet as he does a fighting stance while doing the split with both his legs sideways apart from each other.

Power Lady and Masked Lady were now getting infuriated so they wanted to end this now so for that they charged at him and both delivers a low kick to which Itami blocked and countered and then quickly stands up and as he quickly blocks and dodges every punches coming for him and when he did he looks for an opening until finally finding it as he quickly acts quickly by doing a split position once again as he not only dodges another jab from the 2 but he also does this so he can punch their crotches causing them to cringe in pain and staggered back. Itami took this chance to stand up and then lands a spinning roundhouse kick towards their faces sending them flying back and spinning mid-air before landing on the ground face 1st.

After that was done Itami saw them struggling to get back up and as much as he wanted to finish them off he knew now wasn't the time because he is currently focused on his sisters so for that he took this chance to walk away while the 2 try to recover from the beating they received from Itami. Back to Itami's we see him walking to the hallway to where he is supposed to go and as he does he kept moving and moving until suddenly he is then caught off guard when he is then grabbed in a bear hug from behind but only this time both of his arms are then restrained and thanks to this the 1 who bear hugged him from behind then does a double suplex before standing up and turning around so he can face the now recovered Power Lady as the now recovered Masked Lady bear hugs him.

Power Lady then starts to send punches towards Itami's face and as she does this his cap was sent flying yet he wasn't unconscious yet so for that he is met by hooks to the face as Power Lady continues to punch him.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa's Mind: "Mr. Yamamoto wasn't kidding, these NOMAD fuckers ain't ones to be messed with. Especially these 2 wrestler chicks, if I wasn't in an adrenaline for combat, my Gynophobia would've kicked in right now. But fortunately for me, I got plenty to fight for, and since these ladies are wrestlers... Their moves are predictable."

As he mentally says this he then tells his head forward before leaning it backwards with so much force it stunned Masked Lady and then follow it up with a punch to her crotch after her grip became weaker after the attack on her head as the crotch pain causes her to cringe in even more pain and thanks to this Itami took this chance to move his head and dodge a punch from Power Lady causing her to punch Masked Lady's face forcing her to let go of the bear hug to hold her face in pain while Power Lady could only curse herself for accidentally hitting her comrade as she curses...

>Power Lady: "(Cursing) Fuck!"

And thanks to this Itami then delivers a somersault kick towards Power Lady sending her flying back a few inches and landing back 1st to the ground and Itami landing safely. However, Masked Lady recovered quickly and grabbed Itami's left arm and restrains it with a powerful grip. Before Itami could use his right arm Power Lady quickly stands up and recovers and from there she does the same thing Masked Lady did as she grabs his right arm and restrains it with a powerful grip and both of them pulling as if they were trying to rip his arms off yet his arms were more stronger than they thought.

With quick thinking, Itami then uses his right leg and kicks Masked Lady's right knee and then uses his right knee to do the same to Power Lady's right knee causing them to keel over a little as Itami quickly kicks their crotches with the same leg, and then their stomach, and then their face when they finally leaned forward due to the pain similar to what Jason Statham did in Transporter. This caused the 2 to let go and stagger to the side and thanks to this Itami then looks at Power Lady and when he did he approaches her as the latter then tries to do a punch but only for the former to grab it, break and twist it via an uppercut, lets go of it to send several Muay Thai kicks to her broken arm and waist, and then finishes her off by jumping up and delivering a downwards elbow strike as she finally falls unconscious or possibly dead as the blow was so strong you could hear a bone cracking.

As Itami lands he then turns and looks towards a weakened Masked Lady and he didn't take any chances so for that he then delivers a powerful spinning roundhouse kick that landed on the latter's face as the kick was so powerful a bone crack can also be heard causing her to either fall unconscious or possibly die. Itami was victorious despite his injuries as the strong punches to his face caused some blood to pour out of his head yet he was still okay as if this was a minor injury even though this type of injury would've killed a normal man.

Regardless of the injuries, Itami perservered as he then starts to make his way to the hallway after picking up his cap and dusting it off before wearing it back on. After that he then walks to the hallway, grabs the spread gun from his back, check if it was broken, and then moves on as he was glad the gun didn't break in anyway and he thanks Contra's technology for it.

(Music: Big Dog - Gary Borden)

And so Itami walks to the long hallway as everything is in slow motion and as he moves we see a few demons, orcs, and monsters spotting him and running towards him but unfortunately they are then mowed down by Itami's spread gun as he fires shots that spreads infront of him as he automatically fires while walking. The unfortunate enemy hostiles infront of him were mowed down by every shot as each shot sent them flying and shredding them.

After clearing a few of them Itami stopped firing as he turns to his left and fired as the incoming enemies to the left also met the same fate as Itami fired his gun. When that was cleared he then turns around and when he did he then starts to fire more and more rounds towards the right hallway killing more and more incoming enemies as he fired without stopping until his ammo became empty right after clearing the right.

After that he turns back towards to where he was supposed to go and when he did he then reloads while walking forward and as he does so more demons came in and charges towards Itami and got close but unfortunately for them he was able to load his gun the same time they got close and started spraying more lead towards his enemies who all became unfortunate as they were mowed down without mercy. As Itami mows them down he continues to walk forward and when he did he then stops firing after clearing the ones infront of him.

And as he walks forward he then saw what seems to be a cage looking door with a few orcs guarding it but they seem to be shaking in their boots while Itami only smirks and aims his gun since they were going to be next. And so the scared orc guards all charges towards him out of fear as they want to end him now but only for them to meet their fates soon.

(Music Ends)

(Location: Chaos Arena, Ring)

Oboro had been waiting for Power Lady and Masked Lady yet they have not returned afterwards and thought that they were taking too long to fight the intruder. But as she waits and waits she would then hear a different kind of gun fire as it was an automatic shotgun of some kind and it was coming from the 1 of the arena's doors that leads to the ring indicating that the intruder might have ended their lives so for now all she could do was wait and maybe everyone of the spectators would help her by jumping on the intruder.

But as she waited the gunfire became more and more louder indicating that the intruder was getting close so for that she prepared for the worse. As she waited the guards at the other side of the arena ring's door are then seen sent flying and turned into bist and pieces and thanks to this the door gave as it breaks due to the sizes of some of the orcs and when it did more and more bodies flew as all of them were bloodied and mangled as more gunfire came out forcing Oboro to jump to the side and dodge a few bullets.

As the loud gunfire got closer and closer a figure is slowly being revealed as more and more demons, orcs, or monster are sent flying out of the ring's door and from there the figure then fires his last bullet to the last 3 orcs to which sent them flying in pieces as their dead bodies join the rest of the dead bodies as Itami reveals himself and say...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Remember this shit on Christmas!!!"

(Guess the reference and you get cookie)

After that was done, Asagi and Sakura weakly looks at the arena door to see someone that made them wide eyed yet happy to see as they see him... Their older brother, Itami Igawa. Oboro on the other hand, stood up and when she saw him she could only feel 2 things, anger and lust: Anger because this teenage boy dared to interrupt the fun that was going to happen and or intruding, and Lust because he looks fuckable in her opinion and thought of maybe breaking him to become hers.

The middle-aged man only watched intrigued at what was to happen yet was surprised that the intruder isn't a Taimanin nor is he even wearing the same Taimanin outfit as he wears all military gear. He could only guess that he could be either from The USF or worse... Contra.

Itami on the other hand was indifferent but when he saw his sisters naked and covered in semen made him angry as there's now blood in his eyes yet was still focused on the mission so for that he throws away his spread gun due to it being empty and then grabbing his assault rifle on his back as he is ready to free his sisters from these fuckers. And with that Itami cracks his neck before aiming it at an incoming orc and then killing him and when he finished he then proceeds to shoot more incoming orcs that are in the ring with great precision and those that were unfortunate enough to get close were met by either a kick to the face or a hit from the butt of his rifle before being shot down as Itami takes out those that charges at him John Wick style.

As he does this he was staying still as he kills everything around him without mercy. The spectators that consisted of orcs, monsters, and demons just watches at the bloodbath and were only encouraging their comrades to kill him but all of them failed miserably as Itami easily kills every single 1 that got close or were far off as Itami uses Gun Fu and Systema as his main martial arts for this.

As Itami does this he even leans back and rolls backwards before being stabling himself and landing a headshot towards a demon and then fire more shots to his sides. Oboro only stood there and watched as if she wanted to see this with her own eyes intrigued by Itami.

As Itami fires more and more he then points it at 1 orc and said orc covers his face in fear but only to hear a click when Itami's assault rifle ran out of bullets making the orc stop covering his face and was ready to kill Itami confident that he would be able to kill him now but only for him to be killed in a painful way as Itami as the under barrel flamethrower then fires a stream of flames that burned down the orc. After he was done Itami then starts firing even more streams of flame towards incoming enemy hostiles as he burns them down without remorse as he burns them down until finally running out of napalm.

After that Itami then tries to reload his gun but only for him to be interrupted as he blocks an incoming overhead strike from what seems to be claws as Itami uses his rifle as a weapon then delivering a push kick that forced his attacker to backflip away from him to dodge the kick. His attacker is revealed to be Oboro who has a sadistic look on her face as her claws are ready.

>Oboro Koukawa: "As much as I like watching cute boys like you fight, but it would be boring without me having fun myself."

Itami could only crack his neck and knuckles before unsheathing his knife and does a fighting stance.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "So your Oboro, huh? Your uglier than I expected."

This clearly made Oboro angry at this so for that she then charges towards Itami with anger and the latter knew she would do so and for that he blocks an attack from the former's claw strikes as each strike is blocked and parried by Itami's knife as sparks fly and Itami seems to be blocking and parrying each strike with ease due to him being a black belt in Eskrima. As Itami blocks and parry each attack he then saw an opening and with it he twist his body to the side to dodge a claw jab, grabs Oboro's jabbing wrist, pulls it forward causing her to lean forward and look at the ground, and then landing a knee strike to her face causing her to stagger back and blood coming out of her nose as she holds her face trying to comfort the pain.

Oboro then looks to Itami and when she did she then sees him spinning twice in mid-air after jumping twice before being met by a spinning front kick that forced her to block with 2 arms and sent her skidding backwards. When she stopped skidding she wasn't ready for what was to come as Itami starts being on the offensive as he attacks with several knife strikes forcing Oboro to block and trying to counter with her own attacks and even though she was able to land a hit when her claw grazed Itami's cheek she was more unfortunate as she received more knife strikes from Itami as not only was her cheek grazed but a few parts of her body got some knife cuts as Itami was able to land so many hits on Oboro.

(Location: Chaos Arena, Unknown Box)

Meanwhile in another box, 2 Ladies are seen watching the fight but both of them were mostly focused on Itami with interest as if he was someone that they think that could be theirs. Both are dark skinned and are in the same height yet 1 has a long blonde hair while the other has a long purple hair and both are wearing a different dress as the former is wearing a yellow dress while the other is wearing a purple dress.

These are Anushka Rai and Aishwarya Rai, the 2 sisters and leaders of Crimson Tower.

These 2 Ladies looks at Itami with sultry and lustful looks while watching him fight as they have observed what he had already done and right now they look like predators wanting to pounce on him and have their way with him. But the 2 didn't do so because right now they're interested in what's happening...

>Anushka Rai: "(Lustfully) He looks like a cute boy~ So tell me, sister, who is he?"

>Aishwarya Rai: "(Lustfully) Itami Igawa, older twin brother to Asagi Igawa, a member of Contra, he also has Gynophobia due to his fear with women yet is still straight, and is also in love in martial arts. Quite breedable too~"

>Anushka Rai: "(Lustfully) Ooh~ and so handsome too~ If I had known that Contra also recruits attractive and cute boys like him then I wouldn't mind getting my hands on 1~"

>Aishwarya Rai: "(Lustfully) Even better, he's cursed with immortality too~"

>Anushka Rai: "(Lustfully) Oh~ I'm interested~"

>Aishwarya Rai: "(Lustfully) Remember his Gynophobia? Because let's just say he was raped when he was 12. I may not have been there personally but you already know I can see everything. And he was just so cute begging for everything to stop like the child he was~ He was so cute and pathetic... Especially when his parents taught him not to hurt women in his child days. But even though that changed, inside he is still the weak child afraid of every women in the world. And besides, after being raped he was cursed with not only immortality that will stopped his aging once he reaches 18, but an extra something that will make him breedable~ I just wish I can fuck him right now~"

>Anushka Rai: "(Lustfully) Ooh~ If that's so then I can't wait to have my hands on him~ We might even fuck him forever~"

>Aishwarya Rai: "(Lustfully) Don't worry, sister, that time will come and I'm sure of it~"

(Location: Chaos Arena, Ring)

Back on the ring, the battle continues on and on as both have been fighting for so long even I lost count when writing this. Itami then changes his hold in a reverse grip and when he did he then does an overhead knife strikes to which forces Oboro to use both of her claws to block a the knife gets caught in between Oboro's claws as she tries to push the knife back while Itami pushes his knife downward. Oboro thought she could push the knife by standing up due to her height advantage since Itami was shorter thanks to him being only 5 feet and 5 inches tall yet to Oboro's surprise Itami was much stronger than he looked as when Oboro stood up his knife is now pointing forward since Oboro's claws were also facing forward and pushing it as he moves forward while Oboro is being moved back until hitting the arena's wall.

Oboro tried to push the knife back but before she could even do so Itami's knife then suddenly overpowers her claws and stabs her left chest and close to her heart making her scream in pain. Itami tried to push it further but he knew that if he pushes all inches of his knife into her it could kill her but he knew that he could possibly die if he gets too close so for that he jumps up and land a few feet away from his opponent.

When Itami landed a few feet away from Oboro, she only looks at him sadistically and laughs as she underestimates him

>Oboro Koukawa: "Is that the biggest you've got?"

As she said this she then pulls his knife out of her left chest as she groans in slight pain and after that she then readies herself to fight Itami again. She wouldn't really kill him, just fuck him up bad enough for her to rape later.

And so Oboro charges at Itami ready to use her claws and take him down and as she does so Itami just dodges every attack with ease until finally finding an opening as he catches Oboro's wrist with 1 hand and then delivering several strikes to her torso and face and ends it with a kick to the hip and each strike was so painful that some bones could be heard cracking as the kick sent her staggering back and hitting the wall back 1st. After that, Itami didn't let up as he then follows it up with a kick to Oboro's left hip as a bone is then heard cracking while Oboro coughs out saliva and blood from the powerful attack.

But it doesn't end there as not only did Itami send a spinning sidekick to the face but spins again during it as he unstheathed his katana and quickly thrusts it into Oboro's heart and then saying...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Nah, that's the biggest 1 I have."

Not only did the katana pierced into Oboro's heart but surprisingly pierce through the wall she was cornered in. Itami then pulls the katana out of both the wall and Oboro and then quickly slashes her neck decapitating Oboro once and for all.

After that, Itami then swings his katana to the side as the blood around it splatters to the ground cleaning his katana. After that he then sheaths his katana back on his back and say...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Nothing beats Contra's technology."

As he said this he then hears something from above and when he did he then turns around and looks up to see a swarm of bats coming out of a box as the carrion swarm flies on the sky before descending down fast into the ground when all of them met the ground it is then revealed to be a figure and said figure was none other than the same middle-aged man form the 1st box whom had been watching everything. Itami faces him and he knew whom he was facing right now.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Edwin Black, leader of NOMAD, and the vampire motherfucker who is a simp towards my little twin sister. Too bad for you, you're gonna need my consent if you are ever marrying her since my dad's dead, but I ain't letting ya."

The middle-aged man's name is now revealed as Edwin Black, the vampiric leader of NOMAD.

>Edwin Black: "Hmph, I see you're well informed. But unfortunately for you, your intrusion ends here."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Famous last words, for a perverted vampire."

And with that Itami then does a fighting stance while Edwin Black does the same as the 2 ready themselves in combat while Asagi and Sakura crawls to the edge of the fighting ring's cage as the 2 look on at the duel that is to come. Asagi was more worried as she shouts...

>Asagi Igawa: "(Worrisome) ITAMI!!!"

Itami looks on at Asagi and when he did Asagi then says...

>Asagi Igawa: "(Worrisome) Get Out Of Here And Forget About Us! He's Too Dangerous!"

Ignoring his sister's warning, Itami then looks back at Edwin Black ready to fight him because he didn't care whom he was fighting, what he cared about was saving his sister from Edwin Black's hands even if it kills him. And so the 2 start to circle each other while the spectators could only look at what is about to happen as their leader is about to fight the intruder yet all of them were overconfident thinking that he would beat Itami.

And so the 2 circled around as they wait for the other to make a move and as they do Edwin Black was taking off his coat at the same time and when he finally took it off he then throws it towards Itami as the latter then swats it away and when he did he then sees the former already infront of him and delivers a jab but was fortunate to block in time with his arms in an x and then delivers his own attack at the same time via a knee strike to the gut as it sent both fighters skidding back due to their attacks. After they stop skidding they then rushes towards each other and when they did they then start to trade punches as they block, counter, or dodge every attack meant for the other and only landing a few hits towards the other.

As they do this Itami then catches a punch from Edwin Black and then does his own punch with his free hand but only for it to be caught as both are now in a power struggle trying to overpower the other but quickly thinking Itami then suddenly performs a somersault kick to which hits Edwin Black's face staggering him back causing them both to let go of each other. But when Itami landed on his feet he then quickly performs a roundhouse kick that sent Edwin Black staggering to the side but quickly recovered and did a fighting stance.

And with that they then start to fight again as Edwin Black gets close and starts to attack with his own sets of punches but only for Itami to block them and swat them aside but thanks to strength behind Edwin Black's attacks it was quite painful but Itami was used to the pain as he fought people who are just as strong so for that he blocks and blocks until finally countering by blocking a hook with his wrist and twisting his torso as well as moving it forward at the same time with his free arm forward as he punches Edwin Black to the chest. Even though Edwin Black was hit in the chest, he was still able to perform a sweep kick to which Itami didn't see coming as he is now down on the ground falling back 1st.

As Itami fell back 1st he then quickly looks up and sees an incoming axe kick to which he dodge by rolling over once and deliver a high forward kick towards Edwin Black's face staggering him back as Itami takes this time to jump up and stand up straight. After this, he then sends a few sidekicks to Edwin Black's chest before performing a spinning kick that finally staggered him back but recovered afterwards and is now in a different fighting stance with Itami doing the same.

And so both men looks at each other with a serious face in their eyes seeing each other as enemies than anything else. As they do so they slowly move towards each other and when they did they stopped when they are finally a feet close and waiting for the other to strike.

Edwin Black starts off with a faint punch that didn't flinch Itami and the finally an actual punch that Itami swat away and then more punches to which blocks as many as he could with some being dodged by him while moving as Itami is slowly moving backwards while Edwin Black is slowly moving forward while trying to deliver his own punches to which are all blocked or dodged by Itami. Itami knew he couldn't block forever so for that he then blocks a powerful jab by forming an x with his arms and then hitting his opponent's nuts causing him to keel over in pain as well as cough out saliva to which Itami used as an opportunity to swat away the fist he had blocked, sends 2 hooks to the sides of Edwin Black's head, jumps up and deliver an downwards elbow strike from above his head, and then hit him in the face with a knee strike making stagger even more as he uncomfortably walks backwards and turning around before stopping a few feet away from Itami to where he finally recovered, turns back around, and looks at Itami.

When Edwin Black recovered his hands are then seen glowing with what seems to be dark magic so for that Itami then finally decides to use his abilities and when he did he could feel his Alien Cells finally kicking in as his physical stats increase and with it his arms then starts to glow red making Edwin Black curious yet was ready for whatever comes next. And so both men charges at 1 another and when they did Edwin Black starts by sending several punches but to his surprised Itami blocks but only this time at a much faster pace but he was even more surprised when he was able to counter and even land hits on his face while blocking at the same time.

Itami blocks a strike and then lands a hit to Edwin Black's face, another comes in but only for him to block and hit him again but only this time, his torso involved, another strike is blocked and he then starts to punch Edwin Black's chest before sending an uppercut that staggered him back. When Edwin stopped in his track and recovered he then does a different attack as he does a low kick that was then countered by Itami's low kick but then performs a spin kick that Itami dodges by ducking and then stands up and land a roundhouse kick to Edwin Black's face that is then blocked by 2 of Edwin Black's hands, gripped on it hard, and then use it as a lever as he starts to swing Itami around via his leg before throwing him into the ring's cage.

When Itami hits the cage back 1st, he then starts to slide down back on the ground and groaned in pain but soon quickly recovered and when he did he saw an incoming punch to which he blocked by doing an x on his arms and even though he blocked it it was painful for as the punch was more potent than ever due to dark magic. Itami groaned and cringed in pain but soon toughed it out and land a kick towards Edwin Black's other leg causing him to slip and fall on his knees and thanks to this not only was his first no longer in contact with Itami's arms but Itami also took this opportunity to punch Edwin Black's face so far he was sent flying away from Itami.

When Edwin Black was sent flying he was able to stabilize himself as if he was actually flying backwards and land gracefully on his feet and skidding back a little before stopping and doing a fighting stance. Itami gets up and when he did he then does another fighting stance while his arms still glow red due to his ability and when he was ready his sister looks on in fear and worry for her twin brother.

And so the 2 of them waited to make their move and when they did they slowly approach each other and quickly starts attacking 1 another as they got close with both of them dodging, blocking, and countering each others' attacks as Itami was attacking with greater speed while Edwin was attacking with greater strength as both fighters fight each other and even landing a few hits but mostly Itami landing more faster hits due to his increased attack speed while Edwin landing a few hits yet each hit being more powerful than Itami's individual strikes.

The 2 of them continued this until Edwin Black suddenly catches Itami's incoming jab, delivers a headbutt to his head, and then follow it up with a powerful jab that not only stunned and staggered Itami but also sent his cap flying as his head was forced to look up. As Itami was stunned and staggered he uncontrollably walks backwards a few feet away from Edwin Black before stopping with shaky legs as he now on 1 knee before recovering.

Itami then touches his head and when he did he then pulls his hand away and looks to see blood all over his gloved hand as now he was bleeding even more than his fight with Power Lady and Masked Lady making Asagi and Sakura worry for Itami while Edwin Black was only becoming even more confident thinking he could win this as Itami's arms also lost their glow. Asagi felt useless as she is watching her dear brother fight for her and now here he was trying to rescue her and is now suffering injuries that would've killed any man.

Regardless of these injuries, Itami persevered as he stands up and gets himself ready yet he wasn't doing a fighting stance so for that Edwin Black thought it would be an easy kill and proceeds to charge towards Itami but only to be temporarily blinded when Itami threw the blood from his bloodied gloved hand as Edwin Black got blinded by this. Itami took this chance to attack as he then delivers a flying kick towards Edwin Black's chest staggering him back and keeling over in pain.

Itami didn't relent as he then starts throwing hooks, elbows, and knees towards Edwin Black before finishing it up with a roundhouse kick to the face that sent him flying to the side and into a wall back 1st before sliding down to the ground. Edwin Black then gets up and knew that fighting normally wasn't going to take down his adversary so for that he then decided to use his powers and with it he then stands up, points his arm forward, opens his palm that is now facing the ground, and then suddenly... Itami seems to be being pushed down on the ground by a gravitational force as Edwin Black is now using his Gravity Manipulation.

Itami struggled to stand up as his body now faces the ground and is currently being pulled into the ground as Edwin Black laughs in victory thinking he could crush his opponent as smalls cracks appear in Itami's armoured exoskeleton. Asagi felt useless and tried to call out for her twin and the same can be said for Sakura as they tried to call for Itami but yet their cries fell on deaf ears as their brother struggles to get up.

>Edwin Black: "(Evil Laugh). (Stops Laughing) (Arrogantly) Is this your best? I must say that you fight better than your whore of a sister. But not enough to stop me. I may not know your name, but that matters not for as I will keep you alive enough for you to witness your sisters be broken into nothing more than whores. Perhaps I may give you to Oboro or my daughters. So for that, your intrusion ends here."

Itami struggled to get back up while Edwin Black looks at him triumphantly as if he had won as Itami could not get up even if he wanted to. The gravitational pull was painful, not only that but it was so strong that he could hear parts of his armoured exoskeleton cracking slowly.

This was it, he was going to fail his sister, fail Contra, and fail everyone. He couldn't do anything as he closed his eyes with a lone tear.

But that is until a flashback helped him remember something.


(Location: ??????)

Inside what seems to be a training room we see a man with black hair, an eye patch and a scar behind it and is wearing white military outfit as well as having a cybernetic arm, inside of some glass overlooking the interior of said white room and we see Itami being pulled down by a strong gravitational force as the man looks on with a serious look.

While Itami is seen struggling inside the white room's gravitational force, the man then takes a deep breath and then say...

>Military Man: "(Sternly) Come on, Itami! You're better than this! You're Contra's Finest Commando aren't ya!? Stop being a Fucking Maggot and fight through it! Are just gonna let some gravitational force stop you from your objectives and let innocents die!? Or are you gonna soldier through it and fight!?"

As Itami heard this he then started remembering everyone he loved and when he did he then opens his eyes and starts to slowly stand up in pain and when he did he was screaming in pain before gritting his teeth as he starts to endure the pain. The man then starts to increase the gravity to which almost made Itami fall down again but he soldiered through and starts walking towards the door of the white room but albeit slowly.

Regardless, he kept going and going until finally making it and opening the door to which he goes into and finally out of the white room and stumbling forward face 1st and panting after that while scientists came to his aid and helps him on his feet and gently sits him down. After that, the same military man arrives and says...

>Military Man: "Congratulations, Gunnery Sergeant Igawa, even though it took you 45 minutes to beat this test, I am still impressed that you pulled through and survive."

>Gunnery Sergeant Itami Igawa: "(Panting) Thanks Colonel Bahamut... But... In all honesty... That thing's impossible..."

The man is then revealed to be Colonel Bahamut, Contra's leader.

>Colonel Bahamut: "True, but know this, son. Just because something is impossible doesn't mean it always have to be impossible. If you want to achieve the impossible... Then you must face it head on. You have people to fight for, hence why they are your strength. So use that strength as a way to help you achieve the impossible. Hence why we made this gravity chamber, to train you and everyone else to their fullest not just in space, but to also help you become stronger and save those you cherished."

(Flashback Ends)

As Itami remembered this he then started to realize that even though he is currently being crushed by gravity he still has people to fight for, he has people waiting for him, he has people to save, and he has a family to rescue. And for that Edwin Black then looks curiously as to what he is seeing as he sees Itami crawling forward but yet he wasn't worried for as he thinks that Itami is already weak to do anything even if he gets closer.

But as Itami crawled and crawled he then stops making his opponent think that he had gave up... But only for him to be surprised when Itami starts to slowly stand up and nearly falling once before finally standing up and gritting his teeth in pain. Itami then starts to slowly approach Edwin Black as he is determined to save his sisters and beat this son of a bitch into a pulp until he dies.

This was surprising for Edwin Black so for that he tried to increase the gravitational pull to which almost made Itami fall face 1st but only to catch himself and continue walking slowly again. Edwin Black felt fear for the 1st time, no on had b able to withstand his gravitational power yet here was someone who is currently walking towards him with blood on his eyes and determination in his heart.

Edwin Black tried to increase more and more but yet Itami got closer and closer and when he finally gotten so close, he then grabs the wrist of Edwin Black's hand, the same hand manipulating gravity, and when he did he then crushes it causing Edwin Black to scream in pain and disable his power. Itami then took this chance to land a punch with his free hand as the punch was so powerful we could hear Edwin Black's skull break as the force was also enough to send him flying into the wall after Itami lets go of his grip on Edwin Black's other hand's wrist.

Itami then stumbles on his knees after being finally freed from that gravitational pull as so much blood was coming out of his body as he pants in near exhaustion yet the fire in his eyes was not yet extinguished. Asagi and Sakura were amazed by this as Itami had not only survived Edwin Black's attacks but also his gravitational pull. But now they watch in worry and concern for Itami's wellbeing as he is currently losing a lot of blood yet are surprised he hasn't died from this yet.

Edwin Black on the other hand, slides back down on the ground after being sent flying from the punch and when his @$$ landed on the ground, he then starts to get up while groaning in pain after a punch to his face as he spits out his own blood. After that, he then gets up and taunts...

>Edwin Black: "(Arrogantly) So what if you had survived my gravitational pull? It really doesn't matter... Look at you, bleeding to death and near exhaustion. But it seems you have chosen death."

And with that he then snaps his fingers and when he did every spectator minus the Rai Sisters all started jumping out of their seats and all surrounded the 2 of them. Itami only weakly unsheathes his katana and does a fighting stance while his arms glow red ready for whatever comes next.

>Edwin Black: "(Arrogantly) Very well then, death it is."

And so he snaps his fingers and everyone of his minions all started running towards Itami all of them excited to end his life. With whatever remaining strength Itami has, he then starts swinging his katana and decapitating everyone that got close with great attack speed as so many were being shredded by his katana.

He lasted long, so much so that he had killed over a hundred or so but unfortunately for him his luck would soon run out as 1 jumps up on him, and then another, and another, until more and more pile up on him like zombies trying to eat their meal.

Asagi and Sakura looked on in horror at what is currently happening while Edwin Black watches triumphantly thinking that he actually won today. Asagi blamed herself, not only for getting easily captured but for unintentionally leading her brother to his death. She felt weak, she felt useless, and now her brother dies because of her.

The pile still kept rising and rising and both Asagi and Sakura couldn't imagine what's happening right now if Itami's remains are still in there. But as the pile grew something glows in the middle piquing Edwin Black's interest and making Asagi and Sakura concerned.

(Location: Chaos Arena, Rai Sisters' Box)

The 2 had been watching the fight and we're impressed at what Itami displayed throughout everything. But when Itami was piled up by Edwin Black's minions Anushka felt a little saddened that Itami was gonna die until she saw her sister not worried 1 bit making Anushka think that something is about to happen and this is 1 thing that they shouldn't be worried about making her interested on what will happen next.

Especially when the middle to where Itami was starts glowing as if something miraculous is about to come.

(Location: Chaos Arena, Ring)

As the light became brighter and brighter, a bloodbath then came as all of the minions piled up onto Itami then all exploded into blood and other bloody remains of each and everyone of them as they rain in the air showering everyone around the fighting area. And what came out next was a humanoid figure made of a flashing red and blue light walking menacingly at Edwin Black and his minions.

The figure is none other than Itami Igawa, currently using 1 of his powers and abilities. 1 idiotic demon charges towards him but only to be punched in the face yet even though the punch was soft the same idiotic demon burst into a bloody explosion as if Itami was Saitama from One Punch Man.

Edwin Black was intrigued by this so he ordered his minions to kill Itami but when they got close Itami's arms glow red and his legs glow blue while his torso and head is still a flashing red and blue light. What came next was surprising for nearly everyone present as Itami suddenly starts speeding up on both speed and attack speed as he then starts to annihilate everyone of Edwin Black's minions left and right without mercy.

Edwin Black was nearly hit as Itami wheezed past him as he was lucky enough to teleport into a safer area before flying away in a carrion swarm. As much as Edwin Black wanted to stay and fight, he knew that he could potentially die as if he had sensed something in Itami that was enough for him to fear for his life since he knew not of what he was facing so for now he has to flee and maybe return once the time was right.

Meanwhile, Itami was murdering every single demon, orc, and monster with ease as each 1 turns into a bloody paste with each punch. Even though Itami was hit a few times each attack was futile as if he was indestructible and technically he was invincible and indestructible as he murders every enemy on sight.

He kills enemy hostiles left and right as blood floods the ground and bodies stack up with every attack he made. There was so much death that it was a bloodbath that surprised even Asagi and Sakura as they watch him murder everyone.

A few seconds go by and we see Itami standing there panting yet every enemy hostile around him was dead while he was still a flashing red and blue light before his light would then diminish as he returns to his normal form with blood and blood stains still present as well as cracks in his armoured exoskeleton but yet what's surprising was that not only was he perfectly standing there as if he was all healed up but he also looked like he was reenergize back to full. As he looks at his surroundings he then turns around and moves towards the cage covering the fighting ring to where his sisters are and when he did he then punches the door to said cage rather than using a key as he destroys the door with 1 punch.

After that he then rushes towards his sisters while his sisters are seen trying to stand up and go to Itami yet nearly falls but only for Itami to catch them both and gently lay them down on the floor. Asagi and Sakura were more than happy to see their brother rescuing them and we're happy he was still alive even after everything. Asagi cried and so did Sakura as they hug their brother's chest as he tries to comfort them.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Comfortingly) Shhhh... It's okay guys, it's okay... Your big brother is here. Let it all out."

Itami then hugs them comfortingly as his sisters hug him while they cry and also mourn. The reason for this was because even though Itami was successful in saving his sisters, he failed to save his brother-in-law and was the 1 who put the bullet in his head as mercy killing.

Regardless, Itami could only blame himself for not arriving sooner. His sisters were also crying because they were worried sick on Itami as to what would have happened to him. Even though Asagi knew that Itami killed her husband, she knew that she couldn't blame him as she knew that he did what he had to and knew that both him and Kyousuke were like brothers as well.

(Location: Chaos Arena, Rai Sisters' Box)

Meanwhile, the Rai Sisters were more than amazed and impressed at what was displayed by Itami. They were so impressed that they were clapping but their claps were ignored for as the Igawa Siblings were more focused on themselves.

As the 2 clapped they hear a sound of someone appearing from behind before said someone stopped in their tracks as Aishwarya and Anushka were not afraid in any way as they stopped clapping and talk to whoever arrived without looking at it.

>Aishwarya Rai: "Well, well well, it seems that you were late for the show."

>??????: "(Sultry) Oh I know, but I'm more interested in that boy~"

This was a woman's voice indicating that this mysterious woman have appeared only interested in Itami.

>Anushka Rai: "No surprise there, he is quite cute~ looks breedable too~"

>Mysterious Woman: "(Sultry) Why did you think I raped him when he was just a boy?~ And besides, making him immortal was the best choice I made, especially when I want him to be my eternal bride~"

>Aishwarya Rai: "And I can already picture that~ However, there are 2 possibilities as to where this will go. But I haven't seen that far off into his future... For now. So tell me, what brings you here?"

The mysterious woman could only smile in an evil seductive way as she keeps eyeing Itami with lustful interest while Itami is seen helping his sisters out of the Chaos Arena and leaving behind the dead corpse of who was once Kyousuke.

To Be Continued