
Continuation of Indian Empire in 1900s

A nerd from 21st century reborn in 1900s as illetimate prince of Hyderabad, who later created an Indian Empire in foreign land. Expect around 4-5 chapter/week

WangRK · History
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23 Chs

Chapter 9: The Secret Alliance: Part 2

Chapter 9: The Secret Meeting: Part 2

Raj and Shivaji had spent a few days in Indore, discussing their plans and strategies. They had also become closer as friends, and had shared many personal stories and secrets. They had learned to trust and respect each other, and had developed a strong bond.

They decided to seek the alliance of another powerful kingdom in southern India: the Mysore Kingdom. Mysore was ruled by Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV (, the son of Chamarajendra Wadiyar X), whose predecessor had fought against the British in the Anglo-Mysore Wars. Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV was a calm and ambitious ruler, who had reformed his army and navy with the help of the French. He had also introduced many reforms and innovations in his kingdom, such as a new calendar, a new coinage system, health, industry and a new land revenue policy. He was known as the Saint King "Rajarshi" of Mysore, and was loved and admired by his enemies and allies alike.

Raj and Shivaji knew that Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV was a potential ally, as he also hated the British and wanted to drive them out of India. They also knew that he was a potential rival, as a human he too had ambitions to expand his kingdom and dominate the Deccan but as present scenario with British involvement in India he had to unwillingly accept his positions. They hoped to persuade him to join their cause, and to avoid any conflict with him.

They left Indore with a small escort, and headed towards Mysore. They travelled through the forests and hills, avoiding the main roads and the British patrols. They reached the border of Mysore, where they were stopped by a guard.

"Who are you and where are you going?" the guard asked, suspiciously.

"We are merchants from Indore, and we are going to Mysore to trade with the Maharaj," Raj lied, smoothly.

"What kind of goods do you have?" the guard asked, eyeing their bags.

"We have some fine fabrics, spices, and jewels," Raj said, showing him some samples.

The guard was impressed by the quality and value of the goods. He was also tempted by the possibility of a bribe.

"Very well, you may pass. But you have to pay a toll of ten rupees per head," he said, greedily.

Raj nodded, and handed him the money. The guard smiled, and let them go.

They continued their journey, and reached the capital of Mysore, Seringapatam. They were amazed by the sight of the city, which was surrounded by a moat and a wall, and had a magnificent palace and a fort. They saw many soldiers and cannons, and many flags and banners. They also saw many people of different religions and cultures, living in harmony.

They entered the city, and made their way to the palace. They had a letter from a friend of Shivaji, who was a courtier of Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV. The letter was a recommendation, and a request for an audience with the Maharaj.

They reached the palace gate, where they were stopped by another guard.

"Who are you and what is your business?" the guard asked, sternly.

"We are merchants from Indore, and we have a letter for the Maharaj," Raj said, showing him the letter.

The guard took the letter, and read it. He recognized the seal and the signature of the courtier. He nodded, and said, "Wait here. I will inform the Maharaj of your arrival."

He went inside the palace, and returned after a while. He said, "The Maharaj has agreed to see you. Follow me."

He led them inside the palace, and to a large hall, where Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV was sitting on a throne. He was a tall and handsome man, with a dark complexion and a thick beard. He wore a turban and a robe, and had a sword and a dagger at his side. He had a majestic look, and a commanding presence.

He looked at Raj and Shivaji, and said, "Who are you and what do you want?"

Raj and Shivaji bowed, and said, "We are merchants from Indore, and we have come to offer you our goods and our friendship."

Tipu Sultan smiled, and said, "I welcome you to my kingdom. I am always interested in new goods and new friends. What do you have to offer me?"

Raj and Shivaji showed him their goods, and praised his kingdom and his achievements. They also praised his courage and his wisdom, and his resistance against the British. They said, "You are the true hero of India, and the protector of our faith and our freedom. We admire you and respect you, and we wish to join you in your noble cause."

Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV was pleased by their words, and said, "You are very kind and generous, and you have good taste and good sense. I like you and trust you, and I accept your friendship. What do you wish from me?"

Raj and Shivaji exchanged a glance, and said, "We wish to form an alliance with you, and to fight against the British together. We have a plan and a vision, and we need your support and your cooperation."

Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV raised his eyebrows, and said, "An alliance? A plan? A vision? Tell me more."

Raj and Shivaji told him about their plan, and their vision. They told him about their alliance with the Indore Kingdom, and their intention to form a confederation of Indian states. They told him about their strategy to attack Hyderabad and then reorganise to attack the British from different fronts, and to cut off their supply lines and their communication. They told him about their vision to create a united and independent Southern India, free from foreign domination and oppression.

Krishnaraja listened to them with interest and curiosity. He asked them many questions, and they answered them with confidence and clarity. He weighed the pros and cons of their proposal, and he considered the risks and the rewards. He was impressed by their courage and their ambition, and he was tempted by their offer. He also felt a bond of friendship and respect with them, and he wanted to join them.

He said, "You have a bold and a noble plan, and a grand and a glorious vision. You have a strong and a loyal alliance, and a smart and a effective strategy. You have a brave and a honest heart, and a clear and a bright mind. You have convinced me and inspired me, and I agree to join you. I will form an alliance with you, and I will fight against the British and Hyderabad with you. I will support you and cooperate with you, and I will share your vision with you. I will be your ally and your friend, and I will be your partner and your leader."

He extended his hand, and said, "Are you with me?"

Raj and Shivaji thought for a while, as the image of saintly king affected their decision but finally smiled, and said, "We are with you."

They shook his hand, and sealed their alliance. They felt a surge of emotion and energy. They knew that they had found another partner and a leader. They knew that they had strengthened their cause and their chances. They knew that they had made a history and a destiny. They knew that they had forged a rebellion and a revolution.


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