
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

Master Lou sat, his gaze fixed on the window as he sipped his tea, his mind wandering. Princess Eara noticed his distracted state and, using Divine Sense, decided to inquire without letting Shina overhear.

Divine Sense was a powerful perception ability possessed by cultivators who had reached a certain level of cultivation. It allowed them to perceive things even from a distance and communicate with others, as well as attack or defend against spiritual attacks.

Master Lou turned his attention to Princess Eara as she asked, "What are the most important aspects a cultivator must have?"

"Eh?" Eara was confused by his sudden question, but she had grown accustomed to his roundabout way of answering. She realized this was how he usually responded and decided to go along with it.

"A good foundation and physique," she replied.

Master Lou nodded and began to elaborate, "Indeed, a solid foundation is crucial. Opening at least eight spiritual meridians is necessary for a cultivator to have a strong foundation. Those who open only seven meridians have a weak foundation, while opening nine or ten meridians is considered average. Opening eleven meridians is rare and signifies a true genius. And opening all twelve meridians? That person is a true monster."

Many disciples had complained about Master Lou's habit of providing extensive explanations, and most of them never asked him questions again. However, Princess Eara found his approach highly educational, especially for those who were unfamiliar with the subject matter. But she also found it frustrating when she had limited time and he would continue rambling on and on.

Master Lou acknowledged the mixed reactions to his teaching style, knowing that some disciples admired him and sought his guidance. He considered his approach a strategy to ward off annoying disciples.

"Of course, these are natural openings of meridians without external assistance. However, in the current era, unlike during the time of the Death God when there were no alchemists to create pills, there are various methods to fully unlock all meridians. If someone can't open all their meridians naturally by the age of sixteen, they can only blame their fortune."

"The second most important thing for a cultivator is having a good physique. Major sects even have Spirit Arts dedicated to transforming one's physique through dedicated practice. Some are simply blessed by the heavens and born with a special body."

Eara attempted to ask another question, but she was interrupted by Master Lou's mention of the "Divine Passive Body."

"The Div-!" she began, but a sudden force silenced her words.

Master Lou had anticipated this reaction and hoped that she would maintain her composure. "Well, I suppose anyone in your position would have a similar reaction," he thought.

Beads of sweat formed on Eara's forehead as she listened to Master Lou's monologue. She had already suspected that the young man possessed a special constitution, but the revelation of the Divine Passive Body shocked her to her core. While she had encountered individuals with unique physiques before, hearing about this particular constitution was like a thunderclap in the midst of a storm.

Words failed her, and she accidentally spilled some of her tea. She trembled, her eyes filled with a mixture of delight and fear, realizing the potential consequences if this information were to be leaked.

The Divine Passive Body, as recorded in ancient texts, was one of the Three Supreme Bodies that bestowed limitless potential upon its possessor. It was indeed a rare body, but it was also elusive, as the true number of individuals who possessed this constitution remained unknown. While there were many other unique and special physiques, the Divine Passive Body was among the most highly sought-after.

Certain physiques were more compatible with specific Spirit Arts. For example, someone with a fire attribute physique would experience tremendous growth when practicing a fire-based Spirit Art. However, the Divine Passive Body...

If properly utilized through Dual or Multiple Cultivation, it could elevate the power of an entire organization. Not only that, the cultivation speed of those who practiced alongside the possessor would double or triple, while the possessor themselves would progress at least ten times faster than average individuals.

Furthermore, Dual or Multiple Cultivation usually required the practitioner to learn a corresponding Spirit Art, but the Divine Passive Body could easily bypass this requirement. This constitution was truly best suited for Dual or Multiple Cultivation, allowing for exceptional results.

Numerous organizations and countries had attempted to identify individuals with this one-in-a-million body, but their efforts had been in vain. Perhaps it was not as rare as previously believed.

"This matter is highly sensitive. I hope you understand the repercussions if this information were to leak," Master Lou cautioned Princess Eara, who nodded in agreement, her heart pounding.

Master Lou also felt a sense of unease. If only this young man had appeared sooner, their sect's problems would have been resolved long ago.

Fifty years ago, a war had erupted when the Nether Sect began absorbing smaller sects, amassing an immense amount of power. The Supreme Sect, not concerned as long as they were left alone, formed an alliance with other sects to resist the Nether Sect's ambitions. However, the Nether Sect's Sect Master, arrogant and ambitious, declared his intention to unite the Alkania Continent under his rule. Despite being located in the North West Region, he targeted the South East Region first.

The alliance attempted to defeat him, but even ten Saint Kings combined couldn't hope to prevail against him. It was only when the Supreme Sect's Sect Master, a 9th Order Saint Emperor, personally intervened that the war finally ended. The Supreme Sect's Sect Master tricked the elders and ordered all disciples to return before activating powerful defensive formations, isolating everyone within the sect. The final confrontation between the Sect Masters of the Nether Sect and the Supreme Sect resulted in mutual destruction.

The war marked the peak of the Supreme Sect's power, but it also led to the death of their Fourth Sect Master, signaling the end of their golden era. When the disciples returned, they found their previously managed territories in other continents already claimed by others. They were forced to seek new territories, and their operations were disrupted, causing their income to dwindle. Many enemies rejoiced in their weakened state and declared war or became subsidiary sects.

Since then, the Supreme Sect had held deep resentment towards the various associations that had failed to support them, despite the significant contributions of their previous Sect Master during the war with the Nether Sect. The sect had faced immense pressure, but as the saying goes, diamonds are forged under pressure, and several powerful individuals had emerged.

It seemed that the heavens had given them a chance to rise once more. However, they were left wondering whether this opportunity was truly a blessing or a calamity, as the potential consequences of the young man's existence weighed heavily on their minds.

"Master Lou, are you certain that it is the Divine Passive Body?" Eara asked, her doubts surfacing as she regained some composure.

Master Lou understood her skepticism. He had sensed a cold aura emanating from the boy and, intrigued by it, had used his True Ki to probe further. He discovered that the boy's meridians emitted a cold aura, and his bone structure felt unique. Initially, he thought the bone structure was of the dark attribute, as it seemed to consume his True Ki. However, he also detected traces of wood, water, earth, and even air attribute bone frames, stunning him. After several confirmations, he became convinced.

"It is indeed the Divine Passive Body," Master Lou affirmed. "Although traditionally associated with women, it is exceptionally rare for a man to possess this constitution. Only two men have been recorded to possess it in tens of thousands of years: the Evil Emperor and this young man."

"There have been eight known women who possessed this body in the past. Some of them met untimely deaths, while others became enslaved or used as blood furnaces. However, two of these eight women became hegemons in the Martial World."

Eara recalled reading a book that claimed whoever claimed the "first" of these women's bodies could even surpass the Venerable Realm. Astonished, she struggled to find the words to express her thoughts.

"Indeed, the power that comes with this body is awe-inspiring. When the time is right, you will learn more about it," Master Lou assured her, ending their telepathic conversation.

Meanwhile, in the Ocean of Marcus, nine isolated islands stood in the vast ocean. One island occupied the center, surrounded by eight other islands in a radial pattern. Each of these eight islands had a towering hexagonal pillar that reached the sky, standing about two hundred meters tall.

The crashing waves relentlessly assaulted the shores, while dark clouds roiled in the sky. Lightning occasionally pierced the air with thunderous cracks. One of the islands bore evidence of craters and shattered trees, as if a battle had taken place. Even the island's buildings showed signs of damage, both minor and severe. The central pillar was now tilted, emitting a faint glow.

People on the islands hurriedly moved back and forth, their faces filled with anxiety and fear. On another island, many individuals sat in front of a massive building, their bodies emanating a weak and subtle glow.

Some had pale faces, while others had trails of blood trickling from their mouths. Some had bones protruding through their skin, and most had bloodstains from their seven orifices. Elders assisted those who were severely affected.

Gradually, a slight change occurred. The weak glow intensified, and the turbulent energy emanating from the individuals began to stabilize. Although they hadn't fully recovered, they felt satisfied with the progress. One by one, they retrieved small jade bottles and consumed small, smooth balls inside, swallowing them.