
Continent's Clamour

Arstol Hamalite is a villager who sets out to be an Adventurer. He is joined by his party member to go out adventuring together. The continent of Soryce is facing trouble to battle with Akhtang, the Demon King which rains demise on the continent. Arstol sets out to slay Akhtang to restore order in all of Soryce

niqaniq01 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 - A Shocking Encounter

As my eyes well up with tears, I looked at my exam result. "Looks like fate has decided that you are born to be an adventurer" said Ky who also has passed the exam. I passed with flying colors. After we pass, we are both given an adventurer ID card to keep track of our levels

The exam was really difficult like how the people claim it to be. Out of 20 people who took the test consecutively in the exam room,only 7 managed to pass. I get why it's hard though, it involves physical strength and mental strength. Some of the tests in the exam requires great brainstorming to answer. I'm glad that I managed to survive all of that!

"Well, since I have officially became an adventurer, I guess I'm gonna have to go kill some monsters to level up huh." said me with a satisfied face. "Hey, why don't we temporarily party up and go kill monsters together, that way we can level up together. How 'bout it pal?" Ky grabs my shoulder after saying that. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. Lets go buy swords first. Can't expect to kill monsters with a fist right?" We both laughed.

After we bought our starter swords, we both grind to level up to level 6. "Well, I guess I'll be on my way now, good luck Arstol. See ya later" We both parted ways.

"Now that I leveled up enough, it's time to head into the forest" I said full of confidence as I go into the forest.

The forest isn't that thick, a path paved through the forest makes it easier to navigate around. It's a place where novice adventurers visit to kill monsters for better loot. I walked into the forest as I kill monsters along the way.

"Phew, that was tiring. Guess I'm gonna have to take a rest." I walked along the path, and found a place to rest. Under a shady tree, I rest there, appreciating the beauty of nature and the chirping of birds and the wildlife of the forest.

As I was resting, I hear movements nearby the river which is not that far behind me. It really gives me the worries as I thought it was a monster ready to ambush me. I put my hand on my sword which is still in the sheath.

I peeked behind to see what it was. To my surprise that what I saw isn't a monster of any kind. It was a young girl near the river, playing with the rabbits that I think lives near here. I inched a little bit closer to make sure what I saw was true. "She's quite cute" is what I thought. But as I inch closer, I accidentally stepped on a branch, making a sound that the girl could hear.

"Who's that?!" the girl said shocked. But her shock made her jump a bit that she is at the edge of the river, she's falling. "Watch out!" I sprinted towards her and extended my arm.