
Contact - A Stoneybreck Island Series

Contact is a fanfic written about popular COD Character Simon 'Ghost' Riley and the new base nurse stationed on Stoneybreck Island. Its part one of a trilogy of short stories.

lilymooreauthor · Others
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Chapter Six - Simon

I dance around the ring light on my feet as I spar with Köing waiting for Collins to make an appearance. I duck and weave as I land hits against Köings stomach and back. Wanting to save my energy for Collins and his smug face. Sweat beads down my chest and drips down my abs as I tap Köing signalling for us to take a quick break. Köing throws his gloves off and rips his shirt off over his head. Any excuse for that man to be shirtless he'll take it. His broad shoulders block my view of the entrance to the gymnasium as the doors swing open with such force I think the hinges might blow off. I throw my water bottle to Köing as I walk to the edge of the ring.

Lucy runs into the gymnasium like a bat out of hell. She looks worried as she searches the room before finding me and jogging across to me at the edge of the ring.

"Ghost!" she says completely exhausted and sweaty.

"Luce, you ok?" I look at her with a raised brow.

She bends resting her hands on her knees taking in a shaky breath. Köing jumps from the ring and stands beside her placing a hand on her shoulder looking at me quizzically. 

"Ghost, I need to speak to you," Lucy stammers finally looking up to me as sweat drips from her brow. Where did she run from? Lucy hates cardio, she wouldn't ever run without a reason.

I lean down to her through the ring ropes as she takes a few shaky breaths getting ready to speak again. Before she can open her mouth, Collins strides across to the ring jumping in as he tightens his gloves. He's already taken off his shirt and he holds his mouth guard in his gloved hand. I roll my neck, the tension building as I take a deep breath. 

"Hurry up Ghost, you think that stupid mask will protect you when I smash your face in? This is a friendly but don't think that means I'll go easy on you," Collins laughs from behind me as he starts to jog around the ring to warm up. He throws weak punches in the air as a desperate attempt to intimidate me.

I place my hand on Lucy's shoulder through the ropes of the ring, "Wait here, this won't take long," I say giving her a friendly wink but her expression doesn't change.

"Please Ghost, this is important, I need to speak to you," She pleads. She looks to Collins behind me narrowing her eyes angrily.

"And you will, just give me five," Before she can speak again I turn and pace around the ring stalking Collins as he pretends not to cower as I stalk him back towards the ropes. Price walks to the center of the ring and we take our places in each corner.

"Remember fellas this is friendly, it's just for fun so no shots to the jewels," I watch as Collins reaches down to rearrange his crotch wincing ever so slightly as he moves, "no biting and lets let the new nurse have a night off, try and keep the blood to a minimum," Price shouts clapping his hands signalling the start of the fight.

Collins steps towards me, glove extended, I move towards him and extend my own glove to him. As I get within a step from him he looks at me grinning, "Maybe I should let you hit me hard enough to bleed, I was hoping to have to go and visit Sammy, I'd love to wrap that nurses hair around my fist again as she sucks my cock, she's pretty good you know, winner gets to the first go?" he sneers as he slams a fist into the side of my head.

I stumble back momentarily caught off guard before my vision narrows in on that fuckers smug face. Rage fills my veins. Collins knew he'd have to resort to a cheap shot to land a blow but what the fuck does he mean about Sam? I turn to Lucy who looks eyes with me and mouths "get him" through gritted teeth. My eyes snap to Collins who looks towards the crowd of soldiers forming around us. I take my opportunity lunging towards him and punching him straight in the stomach. He buckles in pain and my right hand connects with the side of his head as he bends. I throw a left hook at his face colliding with his nose and blood splatters across the mat of the ring. Collins falls to the floor in pain as I drop over him caging him between my knees. I continue my assault of left and right hooks as blood pours from his face and his eyes start to swell shut.

I'm not sure how many punches I land before I feel a set of hands grab me by my shoulders firmly pulling me back off Collins as I continue throwing punches towards him. I shove their hands off me and stand calmly as Köing and Price move to stand over Collins who rolls to his side and spits blood from his mouth.

I rip my gloves off my fists and throw them towards the sack of shit that lays there whimpering. 

"Ghost!" I hear Lucy yell towards me beckoning me to the edge of the ring.

"I need to talk to you," she stammers.

"Ok, what is it?" I ask with a raise brow.

"I went to find Collins, like you asked and I thought maybe he had his med clearance check, so I went over to Sam's office and when I knocked, Sam called me in loudly, urgently, she sounded scared. When I opened the door, Collin's was there and he looked, I don't know, looked like I'd interrupted him, he looked pissed off" she whispers.

"What did you see?" I growl.

"I saw them together but Sam had tears in her eyes and she was trembling, her knuckles were bloodied, I think he..." I cut her off by placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"Go back to her, make sure she's ok, tell her I'll be there as soon as I can, wait with her ok?" I speak calmly but the rage in my blood is desperate to break free.

Collins is now standing on weak legs in the middle of ring with blood pouring from his nose. I walk calmly towards him as to not alert him to my plan. He doesn't deserve a warning. Price pins me with a glare, a warning that he thinks I hit Collins too hard but I think its impressive I had the self control not to kill him and that's before I knew what the fucker has done. I move towards Collins moving Price aside as I grab Collins by the throat. Lifting him off the ground easily he splutters, his face turning purple and his eyes beginning to bulge from his head. They are already so swollen I know this will be hurting him. 

"You touched her," I growl slowly. Collins attempts to shake his head in fear, desperate for me to release him. I know exactly how long I can hold him here and I know exactly how long it will take for him to choke to death on his own blood after all the blows to the head I gave him. He's got about fifty seconds left before his brain shuts down. I drop him to the floor like the sack of shit he is and he falls with a thump. He gasps for air clutching at his neck as he coughs blood onto the ring.

I lean down forcing him onto his back before pinning him down with my foot on his chest.

"You touched her, you better watch your fucking back Collins because next time," I release my foot from his chest kicking him over onto his side, "because next time I'll kill you," I spit down to him baring my teeth.

Every single cell in my body is screaming at me to punch him, kick him, kill him. But right now, I need to get to her, I need to make sure she's ok. I take a deep breath jumping from the ring and head through the gym doors out into the cold afternoon air. I'm so angry that the cold chill of the day does nothing to stop my blood from boiling. I jog over to the infirmary and I can see that all the blinds are pulled down but Lucy's boots sit out on the concrete door step.

I get to the door and knock exactly seven times in a very specific pattern that I know Lucy will recognise. The door swings open and Lucy stands there her mascara running down her cheeks. She nods to me before silently slipping past me and slipping on her boots.

"She's ok, she's in her bed with a cuppa, I told her you were coming" She says before taking her leave across the field.

My phone pings in my pocket and I pull it out, stepping inside locking the door and heading towards when I know Sam will be curled up in her bed. 

Price: Mate?

I reply, 'don't start. he crossed the line and now our base nurse has locked herself in her room. he's lucky i didn't kill him.'

Price: 'He has a fractured nose and two black eyes'

I reply instantly, 'yeah and he's lucky that's all'

Price: 'what happened?'

I take a deep breath before sending one last reply 'mate i'll see what sam will tell me. speak to Luce and keep that cunt collins far away from me'

I pocket my phone, flicking it onto silent and push the bedroom door open slowly.

"Sam?" I announce my presence softly.

"Simon?" She softly replies through shaky breaths.

"Baby," I gently pad over to the side of her bed. 

Sam sits in her bed, her eyes puffy and red with tears spilling over her lashes. She looks me up and down and I realise why. Not only am I covered in blood I am also only wearing a pair of shorts and my balaclava. 

"Holy shit, you're hurt?" She pounces from her bed and walks towards me in the doorway.

"It's not my blood, Im OK," I reply softly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She looks up to me and her bottom lip quivers as she tries not to cry. I pull her in to my chest, wrapping my arms around her and she sags into my body. I hold her up letting her sob against me. Stoking her back I let her release all the tears she had been holding on to. After a few minutes she pulls away looking up to me with her big brown eyes.

"Who's blood is this?" She asks tracing her finger along my chest, stroking along my collarbone and down my arm.

"We just had a friendly boxing session, no one got hurt," I lie.

"It's his isn't it?" She asks pushing away from me slightly.

I look down to her, cupping her cheek in my hand and lifting her chin to me, "Yes, but it's nothing less than what he deserves ok?"

"Is he hurt?" She questions.

"Yeah, he's hurt but he's alive, for now," I run my hand gently across her cheek before wrapping it around the base of her neck. Sam takes a deep breath and exhales slowly biting her bottom lip as her mind starts to wonder. Before she can ask another question about Collins I pull her into my chest and she leans her cheek against my chest.

"Im ok," She trembles against me. 

"No you're not and you don't have to be," I stroke her hair as she clings to me.

"Thank you," she whispers against my skin. Her lips are so close to my skin as she speaks against me. I can hardly concentrate. Every part of me wants to protect her, kill anyone that comes close, I want to keep her safe. My muscles ripple as I hold her against me tighter. 

I pull away from her slowly, stroking down her arms and taking her tiny hands in mine as she takes a step back. I rub my thumbs across her sore knuckles and she winces ever so slightly, they are just grazed but fury rises through me. He caused her pain. For that I'll make him suffer. 

"Get your phone, take my number. That way, you need me, you call me. You feel scared, you call me, god you need help changing a lightbulb please just call me ok?"

Sam nods slowly, "It's on my bedside table, I'll grab it" she turns and walks towards her phone charging behind us on the tiny table. As she bends to unplug the phone I notice she's wearing the hoodie I gave her the other night and a little pair of gym shorts. Her toned thighs and curves of her ass peek from my hoodie as she leans down. The sleeves are soaked with tears and it swamps her tiny frame but she wears it like armour. 

My cock hardens at the sight and there's absolutely no hiding it in my light weight sport shorts. As Sam turns back towards me I pull my phone from my pocket subtly pushing my erection into the waistband of my underwear.

"Here you go," she says handing me her phone. I open it up and add myself into her contacts making myself her emergency contact too while I'm at it.

"Seriously Sam, I don't need to know what happened but what I do need to know is that you feel safe here. I can speak to Price about having you moved to another location..."

"No!" Sam says louder than I think she had anticipated. Her throat bobs as she holds back more tears. 

"Ok but if that changes, you need to tell me," I hand her back her phone desperate for her touch again. Sam reaches out taking the phone from me and her fingertips linger on mine.

Sam sighs and closes her eyes, "I'm ok," her shoulders sagging as she releases her breath.

"Ok, well I need to go and clean up. I'll have Luce bring you some dinner over if you want?" Sam's eyes glide down my body and her mouth opens slightly. I'm not sure if she notices her tongue dart out across her lips as she slows her gaze down my body towards my waist.

I cough quietly and her eyes snap back up to mine.

"I was, I was just making sure you didn't have any injuries" She whispers as her eyes lock onto mine.

"I'm ok, I promise" covering her hand with mine over my chest.

"Can you stay? I, I don't really want to be alone right now," Sam says looking up at me her bottom lip trembling. 

"Ok, get into bed and I'll sit here until you fall asleep I promise," I say placing my hands on her shoulders and turning her towards the bed, nudging her forward.

"Can you lay with me?" Sam whispers so quietly and I rub my hand across my jaw desperately hanging onto my composure.

"No, I can't" I say through gritted teeth as she hops onto the bed. When she turns to me, her eyes widen and plead with me to join her. Never in my life have I wanted anything more than to get into that tiny double bed with her but I can't. I know I wouldn't be able to control myself. 

"Ok, well, can you wait till I fall asleep?" She asks sheepishly.

"Sam," I move to the bed and sit at her side pulling the bedding up and running my hands over her silky smooth legs, "I want nothing more than to lay here with you but I can't. Not because of anything you've done but because I know I couldn't control myself if I did".

Sam shifts taking a deep breath, her mouth parts so slightly, I know she wants me to kiss her again but I can't. I've got so much anger, so much adrenaline running through my body I know if I kiss her soft lips I'll end up fucking her and that's not what she needs right now. When I fuck my girl, I want her to crave it. I want tears in her eyes for a whole other reason. 

As if sensing my torment Sam lays down her soft hair splaying out on the pillow and she pulls the covers up under her chin. I lean down and kiss her forehead, stroking her hair I savour her sweet perfume and soft skin. She yawns and my lips creep into a smile.

"When did you get all these pillows?" I say notioning to the almost ten pillows pilled up around her head board. 

"They came with my personal stuff, I like a cozy bed, sue me," she smiles softly. 

"Shut your eyes, I'll stay till you fall asleep and then I'll see you in the morning ok? I think Price needs all personnels med kits restocked and audited so that should keep you busy tomorrow. I'll make sure you can do it from your office and I'll have someone stationed outside to keep you safe ok?" I say softly stroking her hair as her eyes get heavier and heavier.

Through a sleepy yawn she mumbles what I think was an 'okay' and a 'thank you' but I can't be too sure.

Rather than leave her as her breathing evens out and steadies, I stay the whole night. I can't seem to leave her all alone. I watch her sleep peacefully, my hand gently resting on her back. Sam has a soft little snore and she scrunches her nose in her sleep, I won't ever forget her face. I find myself just watching her, memorising her face, her freckles, the way her golden hair spills out onto her pillow case. All my years and years of combat mean that I can stay awake and alert for days on end. Give me a target worth staring at and I won't move a muscle. I look to my watch and note the time, three am. If I leave now I can get to my room to shower and change before training. I look down and see Collin's blood has dried into my own cracked knuckles. He better not make eye contact with me today or I will kill him.

Careful not to wake Sam, I stand and she stirs softly in her sleep as she turns over onto her side. The blankets shift and her peachy ass sticks out from under the covers. Her soft skin and her long legs tempt me - I desperately want to reach out and touch her, caress her, but I don't. I shake my head and take a deep breath, leaving the room and pulling the door closed as I leave. Making my way through the office I take the spare keys from her desk so I can lock the door from the outside once I leave. I'm not leaving anything to chance.

Stepping out and locking the door behind me I turn and survey the darkness of the early morning. Fuck I wish I had my cigarettes on me. I jog over to the gymnasium and grab my bag from my locker. I take a cigarette out and roll my mask up, lighting the cigarette before I even make it two steps outside. The nicotine washes through my veins and the rage subsides slightly. I walk over to my quarters finishing three cigarettes before I get to the door. Opening the door I sigh as it closes and locks behind me. I roll my neck heading for a shower to wash away the past twelve shitty hours.

The bathroom steams as the hot water pours from the shower head and I strip off my shorts. My cock instantly hardens as I remember how close I was to Sam. How fucking adorable she looked in my hoodie and how the sleeves were about ten sizes too long. How she held me and cried. How I'll never let another tear slip past her eyes unless its from choking on my cock. How her lips had hovered over my chest and her fingertips had traced my bare skin. I step into the scoulding water and take my cock angrily into my hand. I close my eyes as I stroke my cock as the images of Sam laying there in her bed, her soft breathy moans as she slept, the thought of her begging me to fuck her mouth, the way she'd feel when I sunk my cock deep inside her. I slam a hand on the shower wall as I jerk my cock harder and faster until I release and my shoulders sag as I take a breath.

This is dangerous.