
Consumed By The Mafia

Mature 18+ Vivian's world is turned upside down when her sweet, fun loving boyfriend, Tommy, is killed and makes his cousin Niko vow to protect her. Niko is a brutal man thrown to the head of the families after the loss of his cousin and uncle. The last thing he wants is to babysit an ungrateful toy his cousin stupidly fell in love with. Preview: The room was dark with red hues and a large bed in the center draped in black silk sheets. Niko's body was over six feet tall and completely bare as he rammed himself violently into a woman he had bent over the edge of the bed. His hand was wrapped in her hair forcing her face into the mattress as she screamed in pleasure. Then he roughly pulled her head back making her screams louder. Niko's eyes met mine and he began fucking her faster, grunting out his release as I stood there and just watched him dominate every part of her body. I was right, he was a fucking beast and I swear I was not finding it fucking hot. What is wrong with me? I quickly ran from that room and headed straight to mine. That did not just happen.

Phoenix_Rising2372 · Urban
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25 Chs

Fuck My Life - Vivian POV

The way this beast just ate my pussy was perfect. His thick tongue, long fingers, and fuck how his thin lips sucked my clit fast and hard. I had never been so overwhelmed before than just screamed out not caring one bit that the whole house could hear me moan his name in pleasure.

He removed his shirt wiping his face then between my thighs. I watched him study my body, like he was taking ownership of every inch of my skin. What the fuck did we just do?

"Uh, Niko? That was... unexpected." I softly said.

He chuckled at me then pulled my underwear and pants on. He still looked like a brute, especially with no shirt on. His arms were like mountains of muscles, his pecks were large and hard and fuck he had an eight pack. This man was beyond ripped. He could crush me with one hand.

"Less frustrated kitten?" He teased, still kneeled between my legs. Thankfully my pants were on and he couldn't see how wet he just made me calling me kitten.

At first, I hated it, felt like a helpless girl at his mercy. Now I loved it and noticed he barely called anyone by their name let alone a pet name.

"Yes. Now I'm confused. I won't be your whore Niko." My gaze was getting hints of anger in it.

"Relax! I ate your little pussy. We haven't even got to the part I make you mine as I ram inside you." He leaned his mouth to mine and a breath caught in my throat.

I immediately remembered him in that black and red room and how he brutally pounded into that whore. Is that where he would take me? A shiver ran down my body at the thought of it.

"What was that?" He asked, raking his eyes down my body as I shook.

"I remembered how you fuck that woman. I don't want to be that Niko. I'd rather die." I pushed him to the side and ran upstairs to my room.

I grabbed my pillow and blanket and headed into the closet. It was the only place I found sleep in this house. Marie stopped questioning why I slept in there and began waking me up on the floor each morning.


I quickly threw on light jeans, a cute white crop top and sneakers. I nervously headed to breakfast unsure how to look Niko in the eyes ever again.

"Sit and stop fidgeting." He ordered me. I was hiding at the doorway peeking in. I was just trying to gauge his mood. He looked like a fucking monster ready to eat children, as usual. Except now I knew how those lips felt while devouring me and I loved it.

"I said sit!" He ordered again. Everyone looked at me. Sophia was seated to his right, two of his younger cousins were here, but no Dominick, and a new family of an older man and three boys. I wasn't sure why they were here.

"Sorry." I gulped taking an empty seat in the middle. Niko glared at me and I mouthed what with wide eyes. He was always so confusing. He could try a different emotion every so often too.

Then he pointed to the seat next to him and I rolled my eyes. There were guests in the house so I couldn't disrespect him. I got up with a smile and walked behind Niko pinching the back of his neck then sat down next to him. He didn't even flinch, but his cold eyes on me told me he didn't like that. I was sure to give him an even brighter smile.

"Do you need something, boss?"

"You're not part of the families so don't call me boss."

"Do you need something?" I asked again but with attitude. He was being mean to me.

"You're acting strange again."

"I just got down here for breakfast. How can I be doing anything?"

"Why were you hiding behind the doorway?" He bit into his food looking straight ahead. He spoke like it was a meaningless conversation he rather not have. Yet he was the one asking the questions. I was just trying to avoid him.

"I didn't know who the family was. I wasn't sure if I should enter or where to sit. Never got a rule book for guest of the Capo."

"Is that the real reason?" He asked but it was more like an order. He knew I was full of shit.

"No, but it sounded good." I smiled at him. His eyes shifted to the corners to catch a look at me.

He sat back in his chair. "We have a meeting in Chicago tomorrow. Do you want to come?" He asked and fear ran though me. I could only come go as his Mistress.

"No!" I answered too quickly. Now his head turned to me and eyebrows shot up.

"I thought you wanted out of the house?"

"Nope! Love it here. Thank you."

"Vivian, you are a frustrating woman."

"I thought we took care of our frustrations already." I quickly replied then kicked myself. Do not flirt with the beast.

He grunted then leaned back to the table to keep eating. I got some pancakes and eggs not missing Sophia's little jealous stares aimed at me. When does she leave for college again? She was getting annoying.

"Capo, I leave tomorrow for school. Maybe we could have dinner before I go?" she asked sweetly. My grip tightened on my fork. I wasn't jealous of this little girl though. I didn't even want Niko for myself. It was just sick how a child begged for an old man's attention.

"You can do whatever you want just don't bother me." He waved at her like his hand magically made her disappear. I looked at him strangely.

Why was she here? Niko was taking care of her in New York for a reason and it wasn't to marry her.

"I meant we could have dinner." Sophia added.

"I eat at 6:30 every night. Everyone is welcome at my table."

"I know... just"

"Stop speaking!" He ordered her and she huffed in defeat. I did feel a little bad for her.

"Sophia, why don't me and the cousins have a little good bye party tonight. Dominick has a DJ setup he can bring over. It'll be fun."

"Would you come?" She looked hopeful to Niko.

"Niko is an old man and would only yell at everyone." I added with a smile. Niko of course glared daggers at me. Get a new look buddy.

"I guess. If it's alright. Dominick isn't allowed here though." Sophia had both excitement and defeat in her tone.

"It's fine, Niko is leaving for Chicago so we will have the house to ourselves. Why isn't Dominick allowed here?"

Sophia shrugged her shoulders looking slightly at the brute between us.

"Niko!" My tone was all warning.

"I didn't say he couldn't come here. I said he needed to ask permission."

"He is your cousin. Remove that stupid rule and invite him over."



"I said no. Now both of you shut up or there will be no party." His voice raised grabbing everyone's attention.

I kicked him under the table while I wore a sweet smile.


"Niko!" I challenged back.

"Go to your room." He ordered. My mouth dropped open but I saw the rage building in him. I was pushing his buttons and in front of his men.

"Fine, boss." I got up and left. He was a beast.


Marie helped me rush order some party supplies and I met our baker, Russel. This house had its own baker! No wonder the desserts and breads were always so delicious. Russel was able to put together a cake and lots of little finger size treats. We agreed to just order some pizza and since I was twenty one, I placed a large alcohol order that came along with a bartender.

Gio quickly canceled the bartender since we couldn't have strangers in the house and I glared at him. He was like a ghost that randomly popped out to smack my hand for being bad.

"You can make the drinks!" I randomly shouted at him.

"No! I'm a guard not your servant."

"Please! You make the best hurricanes Gio buddy."

"Fuck off, Mistress."

I pinched him and he swatted my hand away. He still called me that despite everyone knowing it wasn't true.

I went upstairs and got changed into a sexy but not too revealing red party dress and skipped my way back down stairs. Niko was speaking with Gio and I got an idea.

"Niko," I called to him sweetly. The second his eyes caught my body they were glued to it. Come to think of it, he always watched me. I thought it was because he was afraid, I would run, but I had constant guards watching me and the edge of the property was like five miles away. Niko watched me because he wanted me.

"What Vivian." He said annoyed, but I also noticed he always says my name, that or kitten. He never called anyone else by their name, just grunted orders.

"Are you going to speak?" he asked bored. Oh, but he wasn't bored.

My head was tilted examining him then a smile crept on my face. You like me Beast and I know exactly how to use that to my advantage. Operation: escape this hell, has a new plan.

"Can Gio have the night off?" I took a step closer to him as my eyes sparkled up to his. His was a good foot taller but with these heels I reached above his shoulder.

"Why? You're planning something aren't you?" He squinted his eyes at me. Eyes that never left my face. Marie just finished my makeup and she perfectly highlighted every feature of mine.

"We need a bartender and Gio is the best."

"What?" Niko was confused.

"Tommy and I would go to parties a lot. Gio was a little wild and made the best drinks."

Niko shot a look at Gio who took a hard gulp. Oops, were Tommy's body guards not supposed to be partying?

"He's not a servant. Who gave you permission to get alcohol?"

"I'm not a child. Legally I'm allowed to purchase it on my own, boss."

"I told you not to call me boss."

"I know." I smiled at him then bit my lip. Niko was so confused and it was amazing. He didn't know how to handle a woman teasing him. He just orders everyone around.

"Vivian what game is this?"

I giggled then placed my hand on his shoulder. "No game Niko. I'm nicely asking your permission, that is all." He looked at my hand then at Gio and back to me.

"Fine! Mario is to watch you all night then."

I leaned to his ear. "I thought you wanted that job." Then walked away. I felt his eyes on me and smiled.

"Oh, did you tell Dominick to come and to bring the music?" I quickly asked.

"Is that why you all... weird? You want Dominick to come back here?"

Oh god he was jealous and didn't even know it. He really only had pissed off as an emotion.

"No, Niko. I apologized for yesterday and thought we made up last night." I smiled at him.

He huffed. "I'll order him to be here at six."

I shook my head and left. He will order him. Of course, Niko will, he was the boss. Poor Beast had no idea how to be a human.