
Constellation Index: Passive Skill Poacher

For the better part of a century, the human race has been using the constellation index to fight off the plague that was the ryka. But even then, we have more lands still in their hands than those we've reclaimed. The war is at a loss, even with this new mystical power. However, that was before a boy named Atlas was discovered. No one is quite sure what his powers are, but one thing's for sure. He can help win the war. But with his own agendas to fulfill, and enemies acting in the shadows, things won't be that straightforward. ** The title says it all. He steals passive skills and grows stronger. Though, the world system makes it interesting. Give it a try.

TaurusLCarnitine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The Beginning

"Whether the accused is a criminal or not, the laws that govern the constellation indexes will be respected as long as this tribunal stands. Now chancellor, as someone who is supposed to uphold those laws, I do not expect such behavior from you. I understand your excitement, but let this be a last," the emperor scolded.

"Now, if the boy's roots are unclear, he shall remain under government affiliation until the DNA matching is complete, and his heritage is discovered," he added, before turning to look at Atlas.

"Usually, the next course of action would be for him to be admitted into the academy. However, due to the nature of his past, I believe it would be unfair to the students if we allowed a criminal to study in their midst," he continued, to which some members whispered sounds of approval.

"So after he has served his sentence, then he may proceed on the usual route," the emperor added after some thought. A few members nodded their heads in satisfaction at this, however, there were some with confused expressions on their face.

"If I may Emperor, do you mean to have this boy sit in prison for 20 years?" one of the silver-haired members of the court asked.

Atlas was starting to notice that the silvered-haired individuals in particular were pushing for his survival, something he had mixed feelings about. He was well aware that nothing in this world was truly free, he could only imagine what those people wanted from him.

Though this talk of prison was starting to make him nervous. It was beginning to seem more and more like escape was the only option. However, he doubted he would even be able to make it past the front door with all these monsters in the building.

"Exactly so," the emperor replied briefly.

A few members voiced their dissatisfaction at this, mostly those from the silver-hair family, as Atlas had named them. He wished that he could shout in dissatisfaction as well, however, he was no idiot.

"If I may, Emperor. Can the little one not carry out government service instead?" a familiar voice spoke up. It was Sasha, her once proud and upright demeanor reduced to that of a hunch. Well, Atlas couldn't blame her, even though he didn't know these people, he could tell from their demeanors alone that they were major bigwigs.

"Government Service? Are you suggesting we send him to the front lines?" the emperor asked thoughtfully. Almost as if he was actually fond of the idea.

~What? Like, fight Ryka? Are you trying to get me killed?~ Atlas thought to himself, staring daggers at Sasha who was right beside him.

"T-There is another option. A new division that handles outbreaks in the undercity has recently been formed. O-our division is short-staffed, so- ah..." Sasha explained meekly, almost as if she had stage fright.

Atlas couldn't understand why she was helping him, however, he wasn't going to spit on a gift. All he knew was that she was now his new favorite surface person.

"A new division, huh? Who's in charge of this... undercity division?" the emperor asked.

Atlas looked through the crowd to see who would respond and spotted the commander, in the back row staring angrily at Sasha. A few moments later he slowly got to his feet, before addressing the court.

"What Lieutenant Sasha says is true. A new division has been founded, I am the interim High Commander of the division," he announced, side-eyeing Sasha as he said this. "If need be, I can approve of his recruitment right now," he continued before pulling out his black card.

"You need not," the emperor replied, before allowing the courtroom to discuss.

Many questioned the validity of government service under this new division. Some of them even went as far as to question whether the division should be in existence. It was clear that people here weren't fond of the undercity.

After some back and forth, the emperor rose once again, a look of finality on his face.

"Very well then, it is decided. If the boy is able to make up for his crimes in the year following year, then he may enroll at the academy. However, if he fails to display any notable achievements or reverts to his life of crime, he will serve his sentence," he announced.

The Chancellors nodded their heads in agreement, and although there were still some who had a problem with the verdict, it seemed most were content.

As Atlas was escorted away, the next defendant was brought into the room. From the dead look in his eyes, Atlas could tell that he wasn't going to be leaving here a free man.


As expected, the commander gave Sasha a verbal lashing once the session was over. Atlas felt sort of guilty since she had stuck her neck out to help him. However, he wasn't even going to attempt taking on some of the scolding for her. The commander's shouts were not something he was confident in handling.

"Anyway, take him to the Smiths and get him fitted in Recruit level Battle Gear. In fact, take care of all the gear he needs, he'll be a part of your squadron from now on," the commander shouted, before giving Atlas one last look, and walking off.

"I'm glad he's gone, I was getting tired of hearing his voice," Atlas commented, as he and Sasha stared at the commander leaving. Sasha nearly let out a chuckle, before clearing her throat and walking off in the opposite direction.

"Come duvka, you only have a year to save yourself, there is no time to stand around," she shouted. As they walked out the Tribunal doors, the warm city sun flashed Atlas's eyes, temporarily blinding him. As his vision slowly returned, it came with the sight of the vibrant city.

Massive cars drove up and down the streets, some clearly designed for war, while others seemed more to the side of luxury. Although most of the people he had seen til now had been outfitted with tactical gear, the majority of people walking on the sidewalk were dressed in alien-looking cloaks.

"Come on, let's go," Sasha said, dragging Atlas towards a parking lot filled with hum-vs. She took out her black card and swiped it over the door handle of one of them before opening the door.

"Can I have one of those?" Atlas asked. He reckoned he could make a fortune just swiping and selling these back in the undercity.

"There is no time for your big mouth," Sasha replied, before Spicking him up and throwing him in the back seat.