
Constantly Moving

Laura_Sanchez_5518 · Teen
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19 Chs

Enjoying the Party

"EEEEKKKKKK!!! Oh my goodness, what did he...I mean...how?...when??" Nancy was asking her friend while looking in the mirror touching the mark. Her friend told her to calm down and asked if they did anything before coming to the party. Nancy's face turned red as a tomato as she explained the make-out session they had right before arriving at school. Her friend explained that when Max was sucking and nibbling on her neck this is what he was making. "Did you say something or do something to make him mark you like this? Or maybe just seeing you as his 'bunny' pushed him to do that especially since he is dressed up as a lion, you ARRRRE his girlfriend, after all."

Nancy just turned her bright red face away. "No way, did you dress up like this so you can actually be his bunny? Did you two really not know what you both were going to wear?" "If I didn't know he would choose to be a lion", Nancy quietly said, looking away, ears now red, "Wow girl, you two are really made for each other. It's ok, you don't look too bad with the mark, although I highly doubt anyone would try to hit on you when they know you are taken, especially when they see you both with y'all's matching costumes." She smiled, laughing a little, which caused Nancy to look up, "you really think it will be ok?" "Of course don't sweat it and until the marking goes away you could just cover it with makeup. Oh wait, you could even dry rubbing ice on it. I heard that that works to lighten the hickey." After the news of how to hide the hickey, Nancy began to calm down, taking a deep breath, "thank you, shall we head back?" "Yeah."

Everyone was outside the restroom waiting to see how Nancy would act after hearing her yell when she first saw the hickey. To their surprise though, she acted normally with a faint pink hue on her cheeks.

Taking Nancy by her hand they waved bye to their group of friends and began to walk around the Halloween Bash Party playing games and eating, enjoying themselves to the fullest. Max had won Nancy a prize from shooting the balloons on the wall. Nancy had fun diving for apples, she tried getting Max to do it, but he refused explaining how his makeup would come off. They continued to play and walk around until it was time for the dance.

Max asked Nancy to dance and of course, she said yes. They danced around as if they were the only two on the dance floor, which they actually were since when people saw how they were so in sync with each other as well as their dancing moves, most everyone else stopped dancing to marvel at them. Some were caught in awe others were commenting on the costumes and how well they both looked not only together, but individually. Nancy, small yet nice body frame fitting the bunny dress and heels perfectly, while the masculinity of her boyfriend Max overflowed with his beastly costume.

After some time passed the host went to the stage and gathered everyone. Clearing his throat, in an energetic manner, greeting everyone, "good evening and happy Halloween to everyone!", applause and shouts were heard, "I sure do hope everyone has been having a blast!" The crowd yahoo'd and clapped showing their agreement once more. "As the saying goes time flies when you're having fun, am I right everyone?!" The words were muffled as different answers were given amongst the clapping hands. "We have now come to the time to have our Halloween costume contest. The first category, of course, is none other than the 'horrifying horrific' costume. Which naturally goes to the man in black. I mean...the announcer shivers..how terrifying to see red eyes glowing in the dark and the claws to come out and greet you...the announcer shakes his whole body as he presents the person with his ribbon, "Congratulations 'glowing red-eyed shadow man'." "Next we will have the cutest costume…now the sexiest female which was a little hard to choose from until we realized 'Ms. Sexy Bunny' came with the Mr. Sexy Lion then it was easy as the french maid won the sexiest costume while the predator and prey won the 'best couples' costume, congrats to all of our winners.

After what happened at the Halloween Party Bash, Max and Cindy's relationship became very clear to everyone. After seeing Cindy's dance moves as well as beauty under her usual tomboyish looks, no one dared to criticize or make fun of her again. Also, the boys made sure to keep their distance from her since Max made it very clear that night, that she was his and he was hers.