
The Lonely Queen

What I did earlier was the power of the reset button, the ability to rewind time, and the capability of breaking timelines, and restore it to the original world, a new world, as I would like it to be called. This new found powers along with a maniac ghost can really affect the outcome of this timeline, and world in general, so this button can be very useful in worst case scenario, at least…

The ability of resets and the knowledge of timelines and all of that complicated system is pretty difficult to understand. During the conversation with the ghost, it did mention about reset, and how it's only accessible by a rare kind of soul, determination. Each soul has its own traits and abilities, such as bravery, integrity, and typical human characters. Apparently I own a special trait that none other humans have, although to be exact, I don't think I'm that special. The tale that the ghost was talking about also came with a prophecy that one day, there will be a person that will change the fate of the Underground once and for all, and apparently I'm that one. When it comes to responsibility, I really don't care about it, but this one prophecy seems somewhat true. I can feel it, the energy, and the images in my mind.

After the unexpected clash, I went back to Toriel, and continued my adventure with her, but I still have a thought in mind. I started to sweat. What if the ghost was planning on a revenge on the Underground for its whole life? The thought wandered across my mind. As we kept walking, Toriel halted right in front of a leafless tree, a dead tree. The leaves have all fallen off, as if it's foreshadowing that this whole Underground can be crumbled, just like the leaves. The thought grows inside me, as I sweat even more fiercely. Toriel noticed it, after a while.

"My child… you seem like you are having some trouble."

I was too scared to tell her that something is going to happen, and the ghost. It's creepy to tell Toriel that she could potentially be killed by me, if I controlled my that crazy ghost, of course.

I calmed myself down, "No, nothing really, but I am feeling a little bit tired."

"Ah, I see, we are almost there, just go along with me, but before that..."

I didn't know where Toriel was headed, but we waited. She went up to the dead tree, and touched it. It did nothing.

"Uh, Toriel, are you okay?" I asked

"Yes, my child. I was just checking. Shall we continue our walk?"

I nodded, and again, walked with Toriel to this place she was talking about. The interaction between the tree and her seemed odd. The tree, although is "dead", managed to communicate with Toriel, and she does understand what the tree wants and what it's saying, kind of like a magical power that monsters possess. I have known some people who are capable of mind reading, and all of that superpowers, but never have I saw anyone with the ability to communicate with nature, and the living things around us. It's honestly amazing to me that they can even do that still when they were locked up by us humans, and were discriminated by our race. Are they looking for peace, or for war and chaos? We walked, and walked again, on the vast purple hallway, to the "holy land". Soon, we reached another door similar to the gate in the entrance of the Ruins. I jot towards the door, and tried opening it, but it was locked by something, a lock perhaps? But there was no lock. Toriel gives out a quick laugh.

"Child, the door is locked using magic, only us monsters can open it."

She walks up to the door, and held her hand out, touching it, just like how she did with the tree. The door opened, sending out waves of chilly air. It felt peaceful, as if time stopped itself, again for good. The reveal turns out to be another small hallway, but I can see some furniture, and a kitchen. It was Toriel's house.

The house was quite big, with a kitchen that feels almost bigger than my whole house. I explored the place a little bit more, and noticed some pictures of her, and someone, and a child and a monster child. I took a quick guess and assumed that the "someone" was her husband, and the two kids were their children's, but something's off. There could be no way that they would have created a human child, so it could be adopted, or it could have been the first fallen child. I let all those thought slipped across my mind, and continued exploring. I found quite a number of rooms for one person only, with each room was decorated differently, as if the rooms were decorated for their children's liking.

It was confirmed that Toriel wasn't lonely before, yet she is now. There must have been a rift between her and her husband, and what tragedy happened that caused this to happen. I went to find Toriel, but she wasn't there, but there were explosions, and crashes. Something was happening, and I couldn't identify it. I took a set of stairs leading down to an abandoned hallway, and saw her. I saw the exit to the Ruins, being blocked up by boulders and magic.

"What's happening down here?" I questioned

"Locking up the exit." Her tone changed completely. I never heard her like that before, just a serious voice.

"Why? Don't you want me to explore?"

"Child…" Her soothing voice came back "I don't want you to be killed"

Being killed. It was something that came upon my mind. If I have the reset button, then what could the yellow orb be? A checkpoint? So that really doesn't mean you can "die", as you would just be revived near a checkpoint. So dying doesn't really come up in my mind often, except when it's in a vital situation. I could have chosen to fight my way out of trouble, and make me feel powerful, like a king, but I didn't. I couldn't afford to kill someone, I just couldn't.

"Well, I guess staying here for a little bit doesn't hurt much." I said

I went back up to the kitchen area, walked to the left, and found myself in the living room. It was a room full of books, shelves and shelves of books stacked on a neatly decorated bookcase. There was also a chair for Toriel to sit, and a comfy sofa that I sat on for an hour. While I was sitting down, I thought about me living in Toriel's house. I liked the interior and decorations, but there was a reason I dropped down to the Underground, and it's not staying in a house with nothing to do. I wanted to get out of here, but without Toriel noticing. I didn't want her to worry for me, I was capable enough to see the outside world, the true Underground. I jumped out of the sofa, and went to one of the bedrooms, but something caught my attention. I looked into the mirror. It wasn't me.

"Hello. Partner."

I walked back to the bedroom I was at, unceasingly clattering my teeth, and shut the door. It looked similar to the ghost, which confirms my theory. Toriel's kids died, and one of them is sort of inside of me. It bewilders me, to the point where I even want to ask Toriel, but there was no use. I would have look like an idiot either ways. The bedroom I am staying on could even be the ghost's room. I surveyed the area, looking in drawers, and the paintings, and recovered a locket, a golden locket that says "Best Friends Forever". I opened the locket. It was the same one I saw back in the hallway. A picture of a baby goat, and the ghost, when it was still alive. There was more secrets that Toriel holds within this house, and I'm eager to find it.

"What are you doing in my bedroom, child?"

I was sick of these secrets she was hiding. That innocent face meant something else than just a convincing face. It was a disguise, a vessel, for something even that could be endangering and violent. I know I was busted for searching in possibly one of the most important room full of evidence.

"Drop the act, lady, I know your past."

She snapped. "And how did you know, my child?"

"These pictures on the wall, the obvious interior," I pulled out the most important evidence of all.

"And the heart locket"

She smiled. "You beat me child, guess I wasn't so slick as I thought."

"Ha! I told you" But really, I didn't at all.

Being clever and cunning can be a strategy for me, and others, if they know how to use their thoughts to plan out, and execute it. Strategy was everything to me, it was a powerful weapon that not many have, and need.

"So…" I questioned "Toriel, are you going to tell me what really happened?"

"I guess it doesn't hurt to tell you my backstory."

We sat on the couch in the living room, and started a pretty rough conversation. She started first, where the history of the Underground, and the prophecy, except the dark story of the souls. The Underground's king, which is her husband, ordered that every human who fell down to the Underground was to be killed after the war between humans, and their soul would be preserved in order to break the barrier. Disgusted by this, Toriel decided to leave the King, and now lives here, in a lonely vast place, awaiting for any children to come and protecting them to the best of her abilities, until they wandered beyond the Ruins, and got themselves killed. It was scary to imagine the fear that they had when they dropped down here, and wander beyond the Ruins.

"Now do you understand why?" Toriel asked

"A little bit? Yeah, but really, I'm unique."

I didn't want to tell anyone about the immense power that I have, that I can change the fate of this place, with a press of a button. But I know that I can't possibly die, right?

"So does that mean I can go wander beyond here?" I tried changing the topic

She stopped. Her mood completely changed.

You think that's not scary enough, but when the room goes silent, you know something is going to happen, and it's usually not a pleasant one. I can feel the heat rising within the area, as if Toriel is emitting it herself. It was magic, pure magic flames.

"You want to get out of here don't you?" She questioned

"Obviously, why would I want to hang around here? I'm here to explore!"

"Well then, child. Let's see if you can survive against me to be worthy."