
Consequences of Certain Adventure

On vacation in beautiful Tenerife, Mikołaj experienced an adventure he did not expect. This "one-night adventure" turned out to be fraught with consequences when one day at work Mikołaj saw a man again whom he thought he would never meet again. What will the consequences of this summer adventure look like? All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
86 Chs

The first draft of the head of the department

"On a house" the bartender put before Mikołaj a brown drink in a tall glass.

"Cuba libre?"

"When you came back from Tenerife, you said you liked it."

"Yes, thanks. Um, good."

Although not like in that bar, when the Szwedas set it for me, he thought.

"Did you know that Mirek is meeting with guys?" The bartender continued the conversation.

"He truly surprised me. I mean, there was one incident, but I would never say it would turn seriously. Well, but he was never lucky with women."

"And you?"

"Thank you, I'm not complaining."

"You don't have any."

Mikołaj sighed.

"I don't know if I want to. I don't have time for dates, for romance, going to the cinema and doing everything you do in a relationship to keep it."

"Work will give you money, position, prestige, but why all this, if you have nobody to share it with?"

"You don't meet anyone, either."

"I had my Tosia," he smiled sentimentally.

"But she is gone."

"She is here." He pointed to his heart. "And this is the most important."

Skrzynecki smiled in the same style. Has he ever dreamed of such love? Does he still dream about her?

"Do you think it's a difference who you love, a man or a woman?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Personally, I couldn't have sex with another guy. It's just ... I don't know, actually. Maybe I grew up in a slightly different world. In our time such love was a deadly sin. Crime. Now people are more liberated. They no longer attach such importance to religion and moral conventions. I couldn't be with a man, but when I see couples like them, it doesn't disgust me. I sincerely wish them luck. And you?"


"Your best friend turned out to be gay."

"I've never seen a Mirek like that before, but Mirek is Mirek. Well, I have to go now. Thanks for the drink. Take care."

"Take care."

He did not say goodbye to the couple sitting at the table. They were too staring at each other, too absorbed in themselves to feel his absence. Sometimes fits just disappear in English style.

As he left, however, Mikołaj felt a pang in his heart. Mirek really looked happy. He envied him. It must have been nice to have someone in your life this way.


Although in the evening Mikołaj did not drink much, he woke up with a hangover. Usually it took a minimum of three times as much for him to feel any discomfort the next day, but it usually ends badly if you drink on an empty stomach after an exhausting and too long day of work. In addition, his nose was slightly swollen, which made breathing more difficult and caused even more headache. And everyone at work will see that he was in a fight again.

By dressing and eating breakfast quickly Skrzynecki could not get rid of the impression that before the Szwedas appeared in the company his life was simpler. Yes, he was often gossiped, but only about how handsome he is and with whom he is currently meeting. Since the appearance of the Szwedas (just a few days ago) he has already collapsed one speech, someone blew his nose twice, today he goes to work on a hangover (it was only Tuesday) and what some girls would gladly see him in the arms of the handsome Szwedas.

Oh beautiful, just beautiful!

He knew that it wasn't the Szwedas who was guilty. The guy has done absolutely nothing so far that could cause any unpleasantness towards Mikołaj or business confusion. It was Mikołaj himself who panicked and hence the whole commotion.

But starting from today this is enough. He has the whole department on his head and does not intend to screw up just because he has lacked common sense once or twice.

He entered the office with a positive attitude and set to work. He knew his enlarged nose was conspicuous, but since it didn't bother him, the others didn't say a word. The day passed peacefully, similarly a hangover treated with effervescent tablets and coffee. There was no embarrassing or disturbing incident and Mikołaj stayed at work only an hour longer. Because this day turned out to be a success, Skrzynecki decided to repeat his approach on Wednesday.

Everything was perfect until Stefan Szwedas appeared at ten o'clock.

The man, dressed as usual with impeccable elegance and grace, appeared beaming with beauty and warmth. Łukasz jumped up, as if he saw a ghost and Ewka's jaw dropped.

"I brought the documents I was talking about on Monday," he announced, handing Mikołaj the workbook. "Will you be able to read them today? At three o'clock I would like to have a preliminary conversation about this project."

"Up to three?" Skrzynecki glanced at the still large pile of documents. "Fine."

"For sure? I know you have a lot of responsibilities now."

"Cool, I'll make it."

"Thanks," the Szwedas smiled, spreading the almost blinding glare. "Then come to my office at three. I'll try not to take too much of your time. I won't bother you anymore. See you."

"Was it ... an angel?" Ewka asked.

Mikołaj shook his head. What was the secret of the Szwedeas immediate seduction power? When this man asked for something, he couldn't be refused even if he had a thousand other things on his mind.

"Łukasz, have you dealt with new contracts yet?"


"All right. Today you will take care of them again. On the network you will find a folder with patterns. Remember that we have three new offers at the moment, so check their terms carefully. You will manage, it is not difficult. If in doubt - ask. Promotion department wants to introduce another one, so I will sit on the proposal a little today. "

"Will you make an offer proposal?" Asked Ewka, surprised.

"Well, I think we do it too."

"Kind of."

"No 'kind of''. You, Ewka, do your job. Before you sign anything, remember to confirm it by finances. No typos this time."

"Yes, boss."

Although Łukasz did not have much to do with the new contracts and worked only on resumptions, he was sure that he would manage. The work was not difficult, it only required concentration and attention, so as not to mistake the details of similar offers. At first, he was quite slow and interrupted Mikołaj three times with questions, but by noon he accelerated clearly and it seemed that he was doing great. He exchanged information and documents with Ewka, who seemed to work with redouble. They both behaved strangely quietly, as if not wanting to disturb the boss in his new duties.

" Mikołaj, are you going to lunch?" Ewka asked him.

"I don't have time. I haven't figured out yet how to bite it."

"Maybe I can help you with something?" suggested Łukasz.

"Actually ... Remember, in May we had such a promotion for a while ... Optimal 6. Do you know what most complaints were about?"

"I know!" Ewka replied with enthusiasm. "I started working at the time and that's why I remember it perfectly. The pressure sensor was too sensitive and the alarms went off even when a cat or a small dog passed. We guaranteed that under seven kilograms it would not react, and it would activate at four."

"And do you remember what the technicians said? Was it a question of incorrect calibration?"

"Eh ... Yes, I think so. You know, I still have a few e-mails from that period."

"Seriously?" Łukasz was surprised.

"I told you I was just starting then!" Wait, I already have them. Send them to you?"

"Yes please."

"And ... they went."

"Thanks" Mikołaj opened the message. "Indeed, calibration. Thanks again. Are you going to lunch?"

"Bring you something?"



"You're right. Then nothing, thanks."

With these data in Skrzynecki's mind, a clearer picture of the problem and the potential way to solve it emerged. To put the comments here prepared by Szwedas ...

Yes, it should be good now. The sketch for the new project promised to be quite interesting. With this new offer they can attract a completely new group of customers. All you have to do is get along with the techniques and you can even include all purchased, discontinued sensors.

He finished the initial offer proposal twenty minutes before three o'clock.

"Uffff ... Ready," he stretched. He looked at his people who smiled kindly but pale. Mikołaj noticed that they are working really hard today.

"Łukasz, give me a few files," he told his tired friend.

"No thank you. I'm involved too much."

"But you can't do it yourself, and I still have time before meeting so ..."

"So go have a bite. You haven't noticed that you are grumbling?"

"What, really?"

"It's annoying. Eat at least a candy bar."

"I think you're right. I'm sorry."

Skrzynecki stood up and felt dizzy. Well, these are the effects of working for a good few hours in the same position and without a break for a meal.

The most important thing, however, was that the initial design was prepared and they could start working on the details.

He bought a candy bar from a kitchen vending machine. It wasn't until he had eaten his first bite and his sweetness spilled over his palate that he realized he was actually quite hungry. His stomach, which had just started working, played a march for him. Mikołaj blushed. He would die of shame if something like this happened to him during a business meeting with a Szwedas.

He looked at his watch. It was already five to three. He returned to the office, took the papers he was working on and headed for the office of the new specialist.