

Two men sat opposite the entrance. These were the policemen conducting the investigation. Mikołaj had not been introduced before, but he already knew their faces that had been appearing in the company for a week.

The chairman and one of the lawyers sat at the head of the table. Stefan was standing by the wall behind him.

Only the policemen were smiling.

President and lawyer. I wonder what are they doing here?

Mikołaj was introduced, and so were the policemen. One was called Wyrwa and he was probably in his fifties. The second, younger, was named Ulan.

"As you know, Mr. Skrzynecki, we are currently investigating a leak of information from your company" said Wyrwa. "Our investigation is criminal in nature, because as a result of information leakage, crimes of this nature were committed. We talk to various people from various departments, hoping that their testimony will contribute to finding the perpetrator."