
Consequences of Certain Adventure

On vacation in beautiful Tenerife, Mikołaj experienced an adventure he did not expect. This "one-night adventure" turned out to be fraught with consequences when one day at work Mikołaj saw a man again whom he thought he would never meet again. What will the consequences of this summer adventure look like? All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
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86 Chs

Consequences of Certain Adventure

No no no! No way! What does his empty head think about?

Skrzynecki liked Tenerife. The sand on the beach was soft and hot, the water was pleasantly warm and he could see people from almost all over the world. Mikołaj had no problems with the English language, so he could communicate with local people and tourists without any difficulties. Not only did he know English very well, but it was also rare for someone to guess that this was not his native language. Even the accent was that most people thought he was from the United States. He suspected that some of the girls considered him American and that is why they clung to him more eagerly. He did not lead them out of error, if only because he had no certainty about their suspicions, but he did not promise anything, and each was an adventure only for one night.

One night adventure. A perversion of a holiday trip. An experience no one will ever know about and will forever remain the secret of this paradise coast.

What Mirek told him about sex with a guy came to his head. In a sense, a friend was right, you only live once and it's worth trying different things in life. And if, if not now, when he is still young? He also smoked the weed, dived and parachuted.

He wasn't entirely convinced yet. On the one hand, he can expect a really interesting and pleasant sexual experience, but on the other, the thought that he would let the guy touch in this way? Maybe it was a border that should not be crossed?

On the beach, in a tavern, where he ate late for his homeland and a normal breakfast here, wandering the streets of the city, Skrzynecki could not free himself from the thought of trying something with a guy. The idea sown by a buddy grew decisively and quickly causing Mikołaj to find himself looking at men instead of women. It was like looking for someone for himself.

If he doesn't do it now, then there will be no more opportunity and he will wonder all his life, what would it be like to be with a guy?

Only once, only one adventure, one experience that will once and for all dispel this idiotic curiosity. But then where to find the right willing man?

As usual, the evening was hot and bright from the lights of the lanterns and neon lights. Mikołaj didn't even realize when the evening had fallen. He hasn't returned to the hotel since he left at noon, but Mirek shouldn't worry. It was not the first time they were out of sight for the whole day or longer.

Above the beach there were plenty of smaller and larger discos, clubs and bars. Most of them were gay-friendly. One small bar caught his eye as soon as they arrived. He was quiet, calm and appealing with his decor, but Mikołaj did not decide to enter it after he saw a couple coming out of this place - two guys holding hands. During these few days in Tenerife, he got used to such views, yet he did not decide to enter that small bar. Only today. He knew that it was on this beach that Mirek met his intriguing adventure. He gave a searching look to see if he could see some erotic scene taking place under the moonlight and lanterns, but he saw nothing. He took a deep breath and stepped inside.

The place looked exactly as he expected. The bar, although small, was equipped with numerous drinks. Tall stools stood in front of the counter. Round the room were round tables with wicker chairs. There were palm trees by the door and in the corners. On one hand, there was nothing unusual here, on the other, there was a warm and exciting atmosphere of closeness, as if everyone who came here immediately became a welcome regular.

Almost exclusively men sat at the tables, but, contrary to what Mikołaj expected, they did not hold hands or embrace. They sat after two, three, even four, and as in any normal bar they talked, laughed, drank beer or something else. A normal meeting place for guys after work or buddies who want to talk among themselves. It was really nice here.

Skrzynecki went to the bar and sat on one of the stools. After a while, a young Iberian bartender appeared next to him.

"Ready to order?" He asked in English, which was typical in this tourist town.

"Actually ..." Mikołaj didn't know what to order. He did not like local beer and assumed that he would try lots of drinks on vacation, but in this situation and place he simply had no idea what he wanted.

"I suggest cuba libre," the bartender smiled sympathetically.


For some reason, alcohol did not dull Skrzynecki's senses, on the contrary, he had the impression that he had never such awareness of his surroundings and himself before. He wondered that there wasn any drug in his drink? He looked at the bottom of the glass. No, rather not.

It's not a drug, he thought at once. It was the alcohol itself that made him feel more relaxed and more ready for this adventure. Therefore, the hunter's senses sharpened.

But wait, should he hunt or get caught?

Although it was a completely new experience for him, Mikołaj bit his lower lip and began to wonder how he should behave and look to give someone to understand that he was interested in adventure. Not just anyone, someone he would like.

On his right he registered movement. He reflexively looked that way.

The man who sat on the neighboring stool did not look like a tourist because he was wearing a business jacket. He sat down quite hard, as if he had a hard day behind him, he loosened his tie and beckoned to the bartender. The yang man behind the counter nodded and after a while appeared in front of the man in a suit a glass of whiskey.

Whiskey and suit in such a place contrasted a bit with the surroundings and made Mikołaj look at the man.

"Do I have something on my face?" The man turned towards Skrzynecki and asked in fluent English. He did not seem angry, on the contrary, he smiled very nicely. However, Mikołaj felt strangely, as if he was caught on something indiscreet.

"No," he answered in the same language. "Excuse me."

"Then why are you looking at me like that?"

"For no reason. You just don't look like a tourist and drink whiskey in such a bar ..."

The man laughed, quite pleasantly.

"You are perceptive. I actually do business here," he admitted. "But you are definitely a tourist. Did you come here to have fun?"

"You could say."

"It's a good place," he said. "Joaqin, the same for me and my friend again."

Mikołaj wanted to refuse. He was already opening his mouth to do so when he thought he might be picking up. He blushed and looked down. The man in the suit was not repulsive, quite the opposite. He was a few years older than him, maybe a bit taller (it was difficult to say because they both were sitting) and had an intriguing look. His gray eyes were alert and piercing as if they could read the interior of someone's soul and at the same time cheerful, saying that although this man can be a difficult opponent, he has warmth and serenity.

Very intriguing.

If I am to be picked up by a guy, it could be him, Mikołaj thought, feeling his heart pounding.

"Thanks," he murmured, touching the new glass.

Calm down, he thought. You act like a lady, and you're a man after all. If you've decided to let yourself be picked up, then there is no room left.

"Looks like you often come to this bar," he boldly looked up at the man.

"I like it. You can always meet someone new and interesting. Someone who would like to have some fun."

The stranger, still looking at him, tilted his head slightly. Mikołaj had no doubt that he liked him.

"Something like 'a stranger met in a bar, one passionate night and a return to reality?'"

"You could say that," he admitted.

Well he can be. I could have hit worse, Skrzynecki decided. His lips widened the smile he usually charmed women.

"What a coincidence," he said from above the glasses. "Two completely strangers and they think so much alike."

Mikołaj was surprised to see the bartender, Joaqin, move the number key to the stranger. He finished his drink quickly.

"So how?" A man in a suit asked slightly lifting him up. "Lucky seven?"

Room number seven, right?

Flame hit Mikołaj's cheeks. He still has the option to back out ...

He nodded slightly but firmly.

They stood up and Mikołaj let himself be led to the back room and then to the back of the house. As it turned out, there was a courtyard covered with colorful flowers and to the left was a motel building, whose rooms were entered not from the corridor but directly from the square.

"It may not look romantic, but don't worry, it is very clean and tidy inside."

"All right," he assured politely, following the man.

He was hot. He suspected that not only from high air temperature. He was after two fairly strong drinks and was just going with a stranger whose name he didn't even know to a motel room to have sex with him. He probably went crazy.

No, not probably, definitely.

"Feel free." The stranger invited him inside and turned on the light at the same time. The room was really cozy and clean. There were red, exotic flowers in the vases, pretty decent sea paintings hung on the walls, but the most striking was the huge bed covered with white bedding.

He didn't get a good look at the interior when he felt someone hugging him from behind.

"You smell beautiful," his partner said, kissing his neck. "I was very lucky today. You are so damn handsome."

"Eh, thanks."

He did not know what to say, how to behave. Suddenly he felt incredibly tense, almost unable to move.

The man's breath was hot, exuding desire. Mikołaj felt a shiver. He never felt a breath of passion on his neck. The impression was strange, but quite pleasant. However, when he felt a man's hand snake slid into his pants and embrace his penis, he started.

The man paused for a moment, then decided to back down. He moved his hand higher up to his stomach and breasts. He massaged them with a tangible dose of passion without ceasing to kiss his neck, and when he reached his nipples he began to play silently.

"Uh ..." it escaped from Mikołaj's mouth. Although tense, he couldn't say that the caress was unpleasant.

"Looks like it's your first time," the stranger murmured in his ear. His voice was sweet and seductive. "Are you sure you want to have it with me? If you don't back down now, I may not let you later. So you have to say clearly: do you want it?"

Mikołaj felt a heavy lump in his mouth. His heart was pounding madly and his body began to feel the physical pleasure of the caress.

"Yes," he panted with difficulty.

"I'm glad," he said in a warm, sexy voice. "Trust me and you will experience pleasure that you will never forget. Will you trust me?"


"Ummm, wonderful," he murmured. "Close your eyes."

He carried out the order immediately. He didn't even think about opposing it. It's strange, he thought, but he really trusted that stranger whose breath was so hot and his hands disturbingly functional. It was crazy to trust a newly met man, but his gray eyes were just ...

"Ah ..." he groaned as he felt man's tongue in his own mouth. The kiss was strong and powerful. Mikołaj had the impression that his knees bend under its influence. Maybe it was, because after a while he lost contact with the ground and suddenly felt the softness of the mattress under his back.

The kiss was interrupted just enough for them to breathe. Then the stranger pressed his lips to him again.

Mikołaj kissed more than once with so many partners that he stopped counting. He never belonged to polite or faithful boys, so he had years of experience behind him, but it was one of a kind. Although he gave a kiss, someone else was the leading and imposing rhythm. Now it wasn't him who took someone's breath with his passion. Now his breath was taken from him.

"You're good," said his lover.

Mikołaj opened his eyes and saw man's face over his face. He is handsome, he thought, and his gray eyes ...

"You too," he admitted.

His smile! Mikołaj boasted of really seductive, but with this man he felt like a schoolboy. Don't know why he felt his blush. To control his growing nervousness, he bit his lower lip.

"If you do this, I will take you immediately. Now" threatened the stranger.

It actually scared Mikołaj. Although he was already quite excited, he was not ready yet for someone to put his penis in him.

And yet there was something exciting in threat.

"Doing what?" He asked a little innocently and a little offensively.

"Be so sexy."

The last words drowned in his chest as the man plunged into her and swept his nipples with his tongue. Immediately afterwards his hand slipped again into the belt of Mikołaj's pants.

"Oh ..." he groaned, feeling a strong hand on his penis, so different from small, female hands. The pressure was also different, more determined.

"How beautiful you harden," he heard the words of his lover. Do I turn you on so much? I am pleased to."

"I'm a man," he answered defiantly. "I don't need much."

"But greed is so pleasant ..."

The stranger unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off with one quick move - along with the briefs. Mikołaj saw his own penis arched and being the object of observation of the lover.

"Hm, how appetizing," the gray-eyed man muttered with a smile. Wait, I don't think he's going to ...

And yet.

His handsome face approached Mikołaj's penis and after a moment he felt the fire of his mouth swallowing him.

"Oh, damn, oh!"

He felt that he was growing in this hot, wonderful mouth and throat, surrounded by a clever and greedy tongue. The fact that the guy was bothering him was not a problem, on the contrary, it was extremely exciting. Mikołaj arched and covered his eyes with the back of his hand. The mysterious gray-eyed man caressed him as if as a point of honor for him was that he gave his lover unearthly pleasure.

"Oh fuck!" Mikołaj swore again, feeling he was close.