
Conquest of Marvel Univers

Guy reincarnated in a large Marvel univers mixed with some others. Read the first chapter for knowing more, you will have all the info you need. I own nothing. I'm not English so grammar is not my best friend but I try my best and I think that can still be read. First fanfic or writing of any sort!! I just wanted to try, so don't be too hard with this newbie.

Darth_markentof · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Undetermined place.

"huuh, what happened?" I ask to myself in confusion.

I think I begin to remember, just a moment ago I was on a bed in the missionary position on top of a beautiful woman that screamed for more while I fiercely pounded in her.

I remember more now, she was the mother of one of the girls I frequented regularly, probably the most beautiful one.

One day she saw me going out of the shower naked, by chance her daughter was not here and like most of the sluts that saw my perfect toned body, handsome face and my rather large and long dick, she directly became aroused and couldn't move her eyes from me.

Me of course will never let pass this sort of occasion, I'm absolutely not a good man and seeing a more mature version of the girl I frequented, I could not restrain me, I live for myself and do what I want, be it evil or good.

I asked her if she liked what she were seeing and I remember seeing her gulped her saliva and ogling with a hungry look on my dick that became half-erect.

Like this, she became one of the woman that I would go pass time with, more than once in a month, of course she knew I was seeing a lot of girls at the same time but that was not a problem for her as she also have a husband but for her daughter that was not the same, a lot of her friends warned her that I was some boy that don't care for the romance and that I was just a lustful beast.

She never confronted me on this believing she was the only one and believed me when I said to her I was busy with friends and others things, never knowing that my only friends was girls, so technically I never really lied to her but I was never truly honest.

And the day come, when she comeback to her home just for heard muffled sounds of people in heat, the more she listened to the scream of her mother the more she grows uncomfortable and at one point she heard her mother screaming my name, totally dumbfounded she begin to move slowly to her mother's bedroom just for seeing my dick violently enter and going out her mother with hard clapping sounds, she was devasted and angry for not listening to her friend and even more at me, going to the kitchen she picked a big knife.

She comeback to the bedroom silently in some sort of trance and approached from my back, we didn't see her coming and she began to stab repeatedly my back while crying and muttering "If I can't have you for me alone, then nobody will have you" the mother screaming to stop make her wake up from what she was doing, she began to cry even more while saying " I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Emptying myself of my blood on the bed, I turn to face her, at this moment I didn't even feel the pain from the eight stab on my back but I know I don't have much time, I felt myself growing weaker at each seconds.

I take my bloody hand to her face caressing her cheek, I said "don't be sorry my little Yandere, it was my fault, I shouldn't have done this in your house" she looked at me with the anger that come back and almost shouted "IDIOT, you shouldn't have done this with others girls and surely not with my mother to begin, not just in my home" I let a little chuckled at this "Yes my little Yandere, maybe, but that would have not be me the man you loved" I can see the regret in her eye between the tear as she began to said cutely gripping my hand on her face "I don't want to loose you" I chuckled a little while poked her forehead with the Itachi move he always do at his brother and said with a teasing tone "if you have missed some vitals organs maybe I could have lived but you did a really good job!" she began to cry again, I take her in my arms "it is OK little girl, I don't blame you" shoothing her hairs.

I turn toward the mother she didn't say anything from the moment she screamed her daughter to stop, I can see she is shocked, her eyes wide open not blinking, she was looking in the void, she is totally lost in the madness that has happened in front of her some minute ago, her brain is on mode off, I didn't even know if she have forgot to breath.

I muster the last strength in me and shout "WOMAN, WAKE UP!! YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOUR DAUGHTER" I can see her eyes begin once again to focus on reality after my sentence, she look at her bloody daughter and remember what have happened, she Whisper guilty "My baby, I'm so sorry".

Knowing that was my last moments I urged them "listen to me girls, I don't have a lot more time, you will need to tune your stories for when the cops will come. I will give you the big lines of what you must say but you will be alone for the rest, first for you" I look at the mother and see in her eyes the resolve, she will do anything to protect her daughter of the consequence of her act "you will said that I was here waiting for your daughter, you didn't know why for once I came this early make them feel that I premedited what I will say, I tried to seduce you and when you refused I became violent and that I forced you and raped you I was too strong for you to resist, you will need to scratch my body and put some hit on you for showing struggles and self-defenses" I can see her determined, she nod at me and begin to think of all the loose ends and what she will need to put for a better version, she will be perfect and protect her little girl that is for sure. "And you, you came back home headed to the kitchen for eating something when you heard your mother crying and screaming for help, you didn't think twice take a big knife headed for your mother's bedroom and saw me raping violently your mom while she was screaming for help, you just wanted to protect her and rushed at me with the knife stabbing my back for letting her go" I saw them nodding their heads seriously at me

"Good, the rest is up to you, you must play for the award of the best actress" I said smiling as I take my last breath in this world.

Ok now that I remember what happened, where I'm? I turn and see a gigantic throne with a big man with a big white beard and long white hair on it but didn't seem too old, weird, he is in a cloack that is half white and half black.

I look at him curiously and I heard is profound and ancient voice that make the space and me shiver.

"What a lucky young soul" he said, I look at him perplexe "lucky? Are you sure? I think I just die.." he laugh at me "Yes lucky, you died just at the moment when my boredom hit the peak and that I randomly selected a soul from all the departed souls of your planet at that time and you were chosen, so yes lucky is the word, I didn't interfere in any way" I look at him with a smile " so I have win some sort of cosmic lottery?" he laugh at this "yes you can say that my child" I can't help but ask " what did I won?"

He look at me for a second and say " to be one of my personals creations that I put love in it, you will become one of my son" stunned by what he said I ask "who are you?" he smile at me "I'm the creator of all, the God with a big G" my eyes wide open "hmm yes I'm lucky like you said" he laugh and said "So do you accept?" I directly replied "of course I accept, at the creator you were already some sort of father and for a orphan like me, knowing there is someone that love me and that I can call father, I more than happy!!" I said cheerfully, I can sense a form of warm coming from him, that must be this to be loved by a family members. Suddenly my mood worsen and I say " but I'm not a good person, I tend to classify myself at chaotic neutral with evil tendency, I don't think I can make someone like you proud of me " he look at me with reprimand in his eyes " fool, now listen to me my stupid son" I bow my head embarrassed at his sentence "if I wanted a pure soul, I would have chosen one or even created one, you are you and i don't want to change this, freewill is the most important thing for me to give to all beings, look at my creation the omnivers there is evil and there is goodness, that is what I am, the people that see me as some sort of holy and pure beings are foolish, so you don't have to force yourself at being a good person, be yourself, you are at the start of your journey, a journey that will probably never finish, I will be proud whatever you will do, the only advice I can give you for make me even prouder is, love OUR family" I sense relief in me as i listened to him, I will not loose him whatever I will do "I will father, and I will cherish your words" I can sense is happiness and I am sure he can sense mine too "now my son we must go a little faster or your mother, sisters and brothers will sense us and they will know where I hide and for the moment I don't want to see them or they will pester me for having disappeared" I laugh at this and I think he can feel some worry in me he add "don't worry son I will never be too far and in our longs life we will have plenty of time to be together with the family all reunited" I nod my head seriously as I understand his words.

"So now I will begin to modify your being and I will make you suffer" he said with a evil grin that make me want to run for my life "Maybe you can make it in a way I don't suffer?" I ask with hope "No way, where is the fun at that!! Take it at a spanking session for your stupid doubts from earlier!!" sweating I nod my head I know there is no way I can escape this, and he begin, sending me some sort of energy that restructure me, I feel my soul being torn in all unimaginable way and I suffer a lot, a pain that I hope I will never feel again, a pain that will probably bring me nightmares, and suddenly all stopped and I felt wonderfully good like I am in a warmth bath just relaxing.

"it is done son, I must say I'm impressed by your will, not even a little a little scream!" I put a smile on my face " a little more and I would have cry like a baby" he laugh at this "you want to see your new appearance?"

"of course!!" I egearly answer, he made a mirror in front of me and I look dumbfounded.

"didn't you make me a little too bulky and old?"

I ask unsure. Again he laugh at my face "no you are perfect, that will be your form from now on. A mature and strong man bring security and recomfort to girls and with this charm, no one will resist you and don't forget you are eternal now if you stay a teen for eternity I am sure you will be disappointed" I nod at his words and take a new look at my new body "yeah that is perfect, I like it" I take a peep between my legs and I am happy to see that father didn't deceit me, I will really recomfort some frustrated women.

" I have given you the power of chaos, in simple creation and destruction, a sort of reality warping , of course you will not have access from the start to all your potential, you will begin little and train your power for more, I don't want you to mess with all the omnivers directly, and you need to follow your journey with little steps, there is a lot for you to experiment, you are still young. You are now a being made of pure chaos energy, you will not bleed, not aged and don't have the need to drink, eat and go to toilet, you will keep the scars that I put on your body because you look badass like this" he said winking at me and continue "to go with the scar I had given you all the combat skill of two of the most skilled humans Warriors, Leonidas of Sparta That has trained from young age in infighting with the body alone, sword, and spear even with a shield and for the second Warrior all the skills of John Wick that is principaly the Gun Kata.

You have now the same wings as your brothers and sisters but technically your absolutely not a angel. That is almost all since with your chaos power you will be able to do almost anything, the rest is up to you my son, I will send you in one of the main univers that has for base the Marvel's univers mixed with a lot of the comics and mcu, but like I said it is just the base a lot have been added at it creation, so don't be chocked for finding things from other univers that you may know of, it is really a big mix and there is even some of your brothers and sisters in it, even your mother but she is indisposed at the moment, so you will have to wait a little for meeting her."

" Okay father, that will be fun I think!" he nod at what I said. "Your new mane will be Hikael Burzum, Burzum mean obscurity in the Mordor language, i was feeling like this, don't judge me son and I think it fit you well, dark but not completely." I beam with joy as I heard my new name "thank you father, I love it, and I will wear this name with my head up."

"Good, now I must send you or I will be caught." I laugh at this " hmm I was thinking can I do a spectacular entrance? Like a meteorite that crash on earth?" I ask with hope, he look at me like I'm a unruly child then Smile at me full of love "Of course I can, stupid son" and then just lift one finger, I know I am leaving so I yell with all I have "Thank for all, father, I hope you comeback soon so we can pass more time with each others!!" I know he have heard me because just before starting to go at surely more than the light speed in a unknown direction, I saw him smile and nodded his head, I hope I will see him soon because he is someone I now call father with my heart, someone who care for me, I have a link with him and my new family for the rest of eternity.

Now where I am? I look around, I see, I'm in space in the way to earth at full speed I can see her get bigger each micro-seconds, I hope father will slow me because at this speed I will definitely provoking the next mass extinction on earth after the dinosaur or maybe directly destroy the planet!! nooo father wouldn't do this sort of mistake, right?