
Conquest of Magic

Prologue She leads a simple life and is unaware of her great abilities or the existence of the supernatural world. She finds herself drawn to two charming princes. One is a vampire who loves her more than his mate and the other is a Witch who haunts her dream and claims her to be his mate. What will happen when her life is plunged into danger as ancient prophecies, vampires, werewolves and witches invade her life, and the choice she makes will change her fate? She must choose! Have you ever read a book where a vampire and a witch, both from different Realms, are brothers and fall in love with a girl whose powers are superior to both their races? If not then this book is for you. This is a story about two princes who fight hard for her love but it seems like neither of them will win her heart or will they?

shruthi_ashok · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Part 4

Kristen P.O.V

"Wow, Lucy, this dress is stunning! I think it's perfect for your birthday party." She tried almost half of the clothing in the store but settled on a pink dress

"Thanks, Emma! I'm so excited to wear it. I can already imagine twirling around on the dance floor." Lucy said twirling around and looking at the dress, which really looked great on her. She looked at me with excitement. I agree that it's the perfect combination of elegance and fun. and the color is just gorgeous on you." I said honestly.

"Do you think I should get it?" "Definitely! "You have to try it on to see how it fits."

"All right, let's go to the dressing room," Lucy said as she bounced off to the dressing room.

She came out a few minutes later. "Guys, come see!" "How does it look?"

"Amazing!" Me and Emma said it in unison and laughed, looking at each other. We do that often.

"The fit is perfect, and the way it flows when you twirl is just beautiful." Emma said.

"And the neckline is so flattering." "It really accentuates your collarbone." I made my comments. "I'm so happy that I brought you guys instead of my mom. She doesn't have an eye for colors and would say anything looks pretty on me. I always have a hard time shopping with her. Let's buy it." She said it happily.

"What are friends there for?" Emma asked, and we both nodded. "We can finish the look with some sparkly earrings and high heels," I said as I walked to the accessories counter.

Lucy: "Perfect!" "Thank you so much for helping me pick it out; you two are the best friends I could ask for."

"Anytime, Lucy. We're here to make sure you look and feel amazing on your special day." I said and we continued with our shopping for the other preparations.

For the past week, Emma and I have been putting together the plans for Lucy's 20th birthday celebration. Each year, Lucy likes to go all out and throw a grand party and we've always been there to help make it a memorable occasion. In the past, we've taken her to a spa resort for a day of pampering and even surprised her with a giant customized cake on her 18th birthday. This year, we've decided to take things up a notch and gift her a three-day trip to Georgia as a mini-vacation. We can't wait to see the look on her face when she finds out about our surprise!

The girls needed to pick up a few more items and I was getting late as I had to pick up Anne from her friend's house. I always enjoy spending time with my girlfriends, and the thought of a day out with them lifted my mood. I grabbed my phone and put on the GPS and set off from the mall.

Unfortunately, the snow had made the roads treacherous, so I made sure to drive at a safe speed. I wasn't a fan of driving fast and wanted to make sure I arrived at our destination safely. However, I didn't see the speed bump ahead and my phone fell onto the passenger seat. While navigating a curving lane, I quickly glanced down to try and find my phone, keeping one eye on the road. The road ahead appeared to be empty, so I felt relatively safe.

I attempted to retrieve my phone from the floor of the car. Suddenly, a large animal appeared in front of the road, causing my car to skid on the snowy surface and lose control of the steering wheel. This led to an accident where my car collided with a tree and I sustained an injury to my head after hitting the steering wheel. Despite my efforts, my voice was choked and I was unable to call for help.

My vision became blurry and I started to experience bleeding from my head. Despite the pain, I tried to escape the car but found it difficult due to my numb shoulder. I desperately cried out for help, but my voice was barely audible. The dizziness I felt prevented me from even lifting my head. However, I could hear some voices in the distance and hoped that someone was coming to my aid.

Suddenly, two men appeared and swiftly removed the door from my side of the car by pulling it from its hinges. I felt a strong grip on my arms as one man freed me from the seat belt and pulled me out of the vehicle. I could hardly stay awake as the pain was unbearable.

"Her head injury is severe." "We need to take her to the hospital immediately." An unfamiliar voice said. Despite my blurred vision, I couldn't make out the man's face as it was too dark and my face was covered in blood.

"Kristen?" A voice that I recognized called out. My head and ankle were throbbing with pain as I tried to stay conscious and keep the darkness at bay. My hair was a tangled mess, drenched in blood, and I struggled to speak. "Help me!" I managed to whisper hoarsely. A pair of emerald green eyes, looked at me with terror, just before I lost consciousness.

William P.O.V

"Shit! "I can't feel her pulse."

"William gives your blood," John said. I was taken aback. "What? No! That is not going to work! I moved away from her a few steps. "Oh, come on! We both know that only your blood can save her; otherwise, she will die right now. We don't have much time. If you wish to save her, give her your blood."

With a quick slice of my sharp fangs, I cut into his palm and offered my blood to Kristen who was lying on the floor unconscious, I desperately hoped that it would revive her. But, she did not wake up. This was the first time I ever felt scared, I thought I would lose her and the thought alone made my dead heart die again. My heart ached with the thought of taking her dead body back to the castle as a lifeless shell. My eyes filled with despair as I realized the gravity of the situation and remembered the words of my father. I will do anything in my power to bring her back. She didn't respond for a few seconds, my soul left my body when her skin started to pale.

"I guess it's not working," John said and looked for a pulse again. It was very faint. I could hear it.

"No, I can't let her die. She holds so much value to me, I have to get her to the castle alive at any cost. I said and made another big cut on my palm. The blood oozed out and I poured it on her wound and made her drink some.

It looked like it was not working at all. Vampire blood heals humans very fast but her body seems to reject it. Her heartbeat constantly slowed down. She wasn't breathing.

Carrying her in my arms, I sprinted to the hospital at the speed of the wind. I carefully placed her on a stretcher and frantically called for the doctors. The doctors quickly sprang into action, administering treatments with human medications and ushering me out of the intensive care unit.

As a pure-blooded vampire, my blood has the power to heal anyone. However, in this case, it had no effect and her body rejected it. This realization led me to conclude that she was not a typical human being. I decided to speak to my father, as I needed to understand what was happening and find a solution.

Kristen P.O.V

I jolted awake in the hospital bed, disoriented from the nightmare that had disturbed my slumber. Blinking rapidly to clear my vision, I took in my surroundings and noticed the IV attached to my arm and the oxygen mask covering my face. A few minutes later, the doctor entered the room with a warm smile and approached my bedside. As he checked my eyes, I anxiously asked, "Where am I?" with a mixture of confusion and concern in my voice.

The doctor gently lifted the oxygen mask away from my face and helped me sit up. "Here you go," he said, offering me a glass of water. I gratefully took it with a shaky hand and drank eagerly, the cool liquid soothing my parched throat.

"Miss Kristen, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked, studying me closely. "Are you in any pain?" "Do you remember anything from the accident?" His words were filled with concern.

"Yes, I do remember something now," I said, piecing together the events of the previous night. "I was driving to pick up my aunt when a wolf or a dog suddenly jumped in front of my car, causing me to lose control." I hit my head on the steering wheel, and there was a lot of blood. "And I think I broke my ankle too." I recounted the details as vividly as I could recall.

"I also remember hearing my friend William's voice," I added, a sense of relief washing over me. "He must have rescued me."

"Yes, you were involved in a car accident," the doctor confirmed. "You were brought to the hospital just in time, before you lost too much blood. You had a head injury and a minor ankle injury, but other than that, you are in good shape. A few days of rest and you'll be back to your normal self," he said, jotting down some notes on his notepad.

"But I remember seeing a lot of blood," I protested, feeling confused.

"Yes, you did lose some blood, but it was taken care of and you're fine now," the doctor reassured me with a smile. "Just focus on getting some rest and letting your body heal." With that, he left the room, leaving me to process what had happened.I laid back on the bed in frustration. What kind of creature was that that jumped in the middle of the road from nowhere? I can recall bits and pieces of that animal. If I'm not mistaken, it's a wolf with shiny eyes. But it sounds so ridiculous that there is no wolf in town; perhaps it is a giant dog or a figment of my imagination.

Ever since I turned 18, I've been plagued by a wide range of nightmares - some that are pleasant and dreamy, featuring fairies and other magical creatures, and others that are nothing short of haunting. In my nightmares, I often find myself being hunted down by animals in the forest or pursued by a mysterious figure who tries to bite my neck and suck my blood, like a vampire.

I used to think that these nightmares were a result of my love for fantasy stories featuring vampires and werewolves, as I used to watch these kinds of series a lot. But, no matter how many different types of creatures I dreamt about, I was always being chased by something unknown and ominous.

I've tried to convince myself that there's no real explanation for these nightmares and that it's just my mind playing tricks on me. But, it's hard to ignore the fear and anxiety that come with these dreams and the thought that there could be something deeper going on.

I was just about to get out of bed when I heard the sound of someone calling my name. I turned to see William standing in the doorway, a bouquet of gorgeous flowers in his hands.

"Kristen!" He called out, his voice like a soothing melody. He walked over to my bedside and sat down next to me, placing the bouquet on the nightstand.

"How are you feeling?" His tone was filled with genuine concern.

"I'm okay," I said, my voice flat and emotionless.

William's face fell, and he looked at me with such sadness that my heart ached. "I'm so sorry for what happened," he said, the pain in his voice palpable.

I couldn't help but be touched by his concern for me. It was clear that he cared deeply, and his green eyes, filled with sadness, only reinforced this.

"Thank you for saving my life," I said, squeezing his hand to let him know just how grateful I was. He smiled warmly at me, but his expression soon turned serious.

"For a second, I thought I lost you, Kristen," he said, his voice a mixture of concern and affection. "Don't ever scare me like that again, okay?"

I looked into his eyes, and I could see how much he cared for me. I wasn't sure what the future held, but I knew that I wanted to be by his side, no matter what.

"How did you save me?" I asked him with a mixture of confusion and fear, my voice barely above a whisper.

William sat quietly for a moment, appearing to search for the right words to say.

"I was on my way home when I saw a car swerve out of control and veer off the road. To my shock, I realized it was your car," he finally spoke, his voice filled with concern and regret. "With the help of a friend, we were able to get you out of the car and bring you here."

I shook my head in disbelief. "I remember it being a wolf that jumped in front of my car, that's why I lost control," I said, staring down at my hands as I spoke.

"There was no wolf, Kristen. I was right behind you and I saw nothing like that," William replied, his green eyes filled with certainty as he looked at me.

"But I remember seeing so much blood, and my leg felt like it was broken," I said, my voice wavering with uncertainty.

"The only injuries we found were a small head injury and a twisted ankle, but now both of them seem to be healed," I continued, feeling a sense of confusion and disbelief wash over me. "How is it possible to heal so quickly?"

William frowned, deep in thought. "When I rescued you from the car, your ankle was twisted, but by the time we got you out, it seemed to have healed on its own," he said, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

Before I could question him further, William reached out and gently cupped my face in his hands. His touch sent shivers down my spine and my heart raced faster than ever.

"Kristen, don't stress yourself over this. You're safe and that's what matters." He said in a calm and reassuring voice, his eyes searching mine. "Just focus on getting better, okay? I'll be here with you every step of the way." He added, his thumbs gently rubbing circles on my cheekbones.

I melted into his touch, feeling a sense of safety and comfort wash over me. I nodded, unable to form any words. He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead before pulling back, his eyes never leaving mine. I felt my heart flutter at the gesture and couldn't help but smile at him, grateful for his presence and his concern.

"Kristen," William's voice snapped me awake, sending shivers down my spine. "I promise to always protect you, no matter what." "I'll stay by your side as your friend or more." My eyes filled with tears as I was overwhelmed by his sudden display of emotions. Could it be possible that he cares for me more than I ever thought?

He placed a gentle hand on my cheek, looking deeply into my eyes. "Promise me you'll drive carefully from now on," he whispered, his lips brushing against my skin in a tender kiss. I felt my cheeks heat up, the blush spreading across my face like wildfire.

The buzz of his phone interrupted the moment, and William smiled apologetically. "I'll be back in a minute." "You should rest," he said before leaving the room, leaving me in a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts.

With a heavy head, I rose from my bed, ignoring the pulsing pain in my head. I stumbled towards the door, desperate to uncover the mystery behind the hushed conversation taking place just outside. I was always a curious person and a bit nosy too.

Peering outside, I saw a man talking urgently with William. The guy looked worried and kept pleading with William to leave the hospital, but William was stubborn and refused to go until he was sure I was okay. My heart skipped a beat when he said that.

I moved closer, trying to catch every word, but their voices were low and indistinct. William, You cannot be here; there is a high chance that the blood to drive you crazy. I hardly kept myself under control, and I cannot do it anymore. We must leave this place. She will be fine.

Frustration surged through me as I struggled to understand what they were talking about.

Suddenly, the conversation came to an abrupt halt, and I realized with a startle that the man had seen me. I quickly retreated back to my bed, my heart racing with fear and confusion.

What did I just witness? Who was that man, and why was he so desperate to leave the hospital? And why did the mere smell of blood drive him crazy? A million questions swirled in my mind as the medication began to take hold, pulling me into a deep slumber.

I woke up to the sound of Anne's voice, filled with concern and tears. "Kristen, are you okay?" she cried, clutching me tightly in her embrace. "I tried calling you last night, but your phone was off. When I called Emma, she said you were coming to pick me up. I got so scared, I filed a complaint with the police. Then I received a call from your friend William, saying that you had been in an accident and were admitted here." She sobbed, "I am so sorry. It's all my fault. I should have taken a cab instead of asking you to pick me up in such heavy snow. I'm so sorry."

I hugged her back, trying to comfort her. "Annie, I'm fine. Look at me, I'm perfect. It was just a small accident. Please stop crying." I tried to calm her down, but she kept examining me, looking for any signs of injury. "Thank God that boy saved you in time," she said, wiping her nose. "I must thank him."

"I spoke to the doctor," she said, her voice becoming firm, "he said you can be discharged, but you need to rest completely for a week. I will only discharge you if you promise me that you will stay home and rest."

I chuckled, a playful smile spreading across my face. "Okay, I promise," I said in a teasing tone, making her smile as well. Despite the situation, I felt grateful and relieved to have Anne by my side, taking care of me.

"I will go get the discharge papers, let's go home," she said and left the room.


Author's note:

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