
Dying Is Actually A Good Thing

Jax slowly opened his eyes.

His sight was blurry at first, and he felt weak — only enough for him to move a finger. But he slowly recovered his strength and regained his sight properly.

The first thing he noticed was the starry night sky. But he didn't give it much attention as his mind was currently blank and hazy.

After a short while, Jax finally regained the strength to get up from the ground. He didn't notice it yet, but when he got up, his body absurdly became two — one that remained lying down unconscious, the other was conscious but looked somewhat transparent, emitting a slight glow, and was also naked.

In any case, only then did Jax notice the dim surroundings and the current time.

''It's evening already?'' Jax muttered, one question mark floated over his head. ''Just what in the world happened to...''

Jax swept his gaze around to confirm his crazy thoughts. That big rock... He hoped that he was just dreaming. That what happened earlier was just his imagination.

However, when reality struck him in the face, his eyes couldn't help but widen. His heart filled with terror and disbelief.

Jax just found his physical body, lying unconscious on the cold ground.

''This... How can this be happening...'' Jax stuttered in disbelief as he moved backward a little. Only then did he realize that he was now floating in midair as he didn't need to touch the ground to move. He could now move freely as if he could move with the wind.

With hands still shaking, he raised his hands for him to see them properly. But what he saw was semi-transparent hands and his semi-transparent body — giving off a slight glow of white.

''NOOOOOOO!!!!'' Jax suddenly screamed in his loudest, his body spiraled in midair like a vortex of wind.

In front of him was a body lying on the cold ground. More precisely, it was a body whose appearance was so much similar to him. No, it was him. It must be. There was no way he could be wrong.

But while that was something to fear, the realization that his crazy thoughts were actually true only brought greater fear to him.

''THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!'' Jax continued to scream. ''I'M NOT A GHOST NOW, AM I?!''

It took him quite a long while for him to calm down a bit. And right now, he was hovering over his own physical body, sitting crossed-leg, and thinking about something really deep.

He was always afraid of souls. In fact, that was something he feared the most. But now that he had become one, he didn't know anymore.

Instead of fear, what he felt right now was sadness. Sorrows that overwhelmed his fear and made him lose his will to live.

However, it didn't mean that his fear of ghosts had completely faded away. It was only overshadowed by sorrows, it hadn't disappeared yet.

That aside, he was now really dead. The evidence was right there in front of him.

What should he do now? Where was the Grim Reaper that would come pick him up and bring him to the other side?

''Maybe, God took pity on me as he's letting me see my beloved first before I go to the paradise?'' Jax suddenly had a wild thought. He shifted his gaze to the face of his physical body as he ended up sighing.

But having decided on what move he should do next, Jax flew away and left his body over there. He was still afraid of souls. And now that he became one, he might encounter another soul along the way. He must be careful in case he really met one.

Who knew, perhaps he might encounter some random wandering souls and devour him? He should better be wary no matter what.

As he was on the way, Jax tried something and went toward a certain tree. And sure enough, he could go past any object. If that was the case, it only meant that no one among the living could see him either, right?

With that in mind, Jax headed straight to the village where he and his girlfriend used to live. He wanted to see his girlfriend at least for the last time before the Grim Reaper came after him to collect his soul.

Soon, he reached his destination. The village hidden in the trees where people there lived rather peacefully. Even when it was nighttime, the place was still lively as countless lights illuminated the place. It went without saying, many people could be found here and there doing their own business.

But no one could see him even when he was walking openly in the middle of the street. Jax wasn't bothered by it though. He just went straight to the house where his girlfriend and her old parents lived.

Shortly after, he reached his destination. He walked past the door and entered the house like there was nothing wrong with what he was doing.

Unfortunately, he didn't find his girlfriend over there, only her old parents — who were eating together at the dining table. Just where on earth did she go? Jax tried to search every nook and cranny of the house, yet he didn't find his girlfriend.

''That explosion earlier is really terrifying. I thought it was a bomb, but to think that it's only caused by a foreign object.''

Amidst his thoughts, Jax suddenly overheard his girlfriend's parents talking with each other. It piqued his interest, so he listened more to them.

''Just how can a block of rock form into a stone statue upon landing? Those who claim to see it must be making things up.'' The old woman asked.

''But it's true that it's a stone statue. I saw it myself, so I will naturally believe in it.'' The old man answered.

''I know, I know, but what kind of statue can give off such an ominous feeling? I really think that this is a sign that a great calamity is about to transpire.''

The two of them continued to talk, and Jax was getting more and more confused. Explosion... Stone statue... Calamity... What on earth was going on here?

''That aside, our daughter seems really busy, huh? He rarely comes home and is always together with Jax.'' The old man suddenly changed the topic.

''Haha, just let them be. They're going to marry soon, so it's only natural that they work hard.'' She replied.

''?'' But upon hearing those last words, a big question mark suddenly appeared on top of Jax's head. What did they just say?!

Jax wasn't senile. He knew exactly every detail of what was going on with them every single time. He rarely met his girlfriend as he was too busy with his work. On top of that, he thought that his girlfriend was only helping her old parents at home.

He couldn't recall the time when they were being together these days.

And he never knew that she was also working.

What in the world was going on here?

Was his girlfriend really working hard too, without him knowing? To think that she was...

Jax was touched. He almost cried when he thought that his girlfriend was such a thoughtful woman. It was not really a mistake to choose someone like her.

But for her to work so hard to the point that she wasn't going home till night... What kind of work was she doing? Jax suddenly frowned when he thought about it. If she happened to overwork, she might catch an illness. That was something he never wanted for her.

''Damn, just where in the world is she working? Why didn't she tell me?'' Jax muttered to himself. He took a moment of pause before he added, ''No, I must find her now.''

This night might be his last stay in this world. He must see his girlfriend at least for the last time, no matter what.

With that in mind, Jax was determined to find his girlfriend the entire night. He just hoped that he would get lucky and find her easily by chance.

''Hmm... Where should I go first?'' Jax thought as he went out of the house and went aimlessly around.

As things had become a lot more convenient for him in soul form, Jax managed to search every nook and cranny of the village in a mere hour.

However, he didn't find even a trace of his girlfriend.

''Damn, just where are you working in the shade of the night?'' Jax grunted as he had no more options left for him to go.

Except for one place.

That was the hacienda where he worked, the private property of his friend's father. Was his girlfriend also working there? Perhaps, she was doing housework? The mansion of his friend was quite huge, so they needed a lot of workers to keep it clean. Thinking about it, the chance of his girlfriend working there became certain.


Without further thought, Jax rushed over to his friend's house. He might as well visit his friend and see him for the last time.

It only took him several minutes to reach his destination. People were guarding the gate, but they didn't stop his entry. After all, who could stop a ghost like him? They couldn't even see him.

That said, Jax entered the place without difficulty. Since he was working there and his friend also strolled him around the area, he was quite accustomed to the place. And he knew where his best friend's room was.

Rather than searching for his girlfriend, Jax decided to see his friend first. Maybe he was doing something on his own while he was alone in his room? Thinking about it, a sly smile appeared on Jax's lips.

With that in mind, Jax went straight to his friend's room. It only took him a few minutes before he reached there.

But now that he stood in front of the door of his friend's room, he couldn't find his will to enter anymore. Instead, he was stunned, his smile suddenly froze. His mind went completely blank as a single question mark floated over his head.

Plok! Plok! Plok!


Jax could hear strange noises. Noises that could only be done by a man and woman when they were doing the deeds.

Then he heard the voice of a man and woman talking with each other. That struck him completely frozen.

''Ugh, shit, Kally. Yours is really so big. I think I'm gonna lose my mind again! Ah, ah, ah...''

''Right? I bet, your boyfriend can't give you this kind of pleasure, yeah?''

''You're right, ugh, ah. He didn't even want to... Ah, ah... touch me... ah... before we get married. (It's so big, ugh!) What a silly thinking. Hmmm... ahh... Jax is really still a young kid.''

''Haha, don't blame him, Len Len. He's just too inexperienced.'' ''I'm coming baby! Accept my love!''

''Yeah, yeah, come inside me, baby. I'm coming as well!''


And just like that, the two of them finished the deeds.

On the other hand, Jax knew who were the owners of those familiar voices well.

His entire world finally collapsed.

It felt like something was in great pain from within him, however, he couldn't tell where it was. He clutched his chest, but the pain wasn't there. It felt like it was aching somewhere else.

But although he couldn't feel it with his current self, he knew that he was in great pain. Was it because he was now just a wandering soul? That was why he couldn't feel what he was supposed to feel right now?

Now that he thought about it, he had become glad that he had finally died. To think that there would come a time in his life that he would think that dying was actually a good thing.