
Conquest Of Dark Lord

Set in an age of destruction, this period is marked by economic crisis, inflation, famine, and deadly plagues. These calamities stem from four kingdoms waging war over territories they each seek to control. The magic they wield has devastating effects on both the environment and society. This turmoil triggers the rise of a being known as the "Dark Lord," the harbinger of ruin from the Age of Emptiness, about 250,000 years ago. The Dark Lord's essence awakens within a 15-year-old boy during his Elemental Awakening Ceremony. In order to destroy the power hierarchy that is worsening the situation on this continent, the Dark Lord must gather his strength again to destroy the power of the System that is used by someone to control all countries on this continent. But to get to that point is certainly not easy, it takes a high mentality and confidence to destroy the evil that has long existed on this continent.

AlFeetStudio · Fantasy
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44 Chs

You're not the only one

The mysterious fact about mana formed within the core during earlier stages is that it varies based on how Knights and Mages use it.

Although expensive, many parents opt to test their newly awakened children to see which element they excel at using special devices. A Mage's attribute becomes apparent depending on the type of element they cast, making it easier to identify.

For Knights, however, it's much less clear since most of their attacks focus on using mana to enhance their bodies. Nevertheless, augmentors also differ in their proficiency with certain elements. A quick example is the culmination of gathering mana into a single point and releasing it in an explosive attack. While no visible flames are involved, a Knight who finds this method easier is typically considered to have a Fire Element attribute.

This differentiation applies early on.

Although it varies from person to person, once a certain threshold is reached in a person's mana core and elemental understanding, they can use mana in a way that truly aligns with their attribute. For Knights, this means they can gradually move away from chanting training wheels and start shortening or even abandoning their chants in the elements they excel at.

For Knights, this becomes more apparent as they begin to manifest their elemental attributes instead of merely manipulating mana in ways that align with those attributes.

For example, before breaking through, a Fire Element Knight's attack would simply result in a stronger explosive force, while a Wind Element Knight would find it easier to manipulate mana into faster and sharper attacks.

However, with sufficient understanding, an Element Knight's attacks will physically reflect their element. An Earth Element Knight might learn to generate earth spikes and create small seismic shocks by stomping, while a Wind Element Knight could release small wind blades and create vacuum effects with their strikes. These techniques are essentially ones that Mages can use with enough understanding of their respective elements.

Of course, Mages still have a significant advantage in their ability to manipulate the environment. Their range is also much greater, but their weakness remains their vulnerability during the chanting process and their bodies not being naturally protected by mana.

Due to these differences, both types of spellcasters who can break through the threshold become much stronger than those who can't, ultimately determining their future talent and achievements.

While Mages can inherently control elements based on how well they absorb natural mana, Knights differ.

For every one Element Knight, there are ten who aren't. There are cases of Element Knights who never break through the threshold to become complete Element Knights. This is where proper schooling comes in; with sufficient guidance from the start, spellcasters are more likely to achieve an understanding of their elemental attributes.

Both his fists ignited, flaring into dark red flaming gauntlets. His control over the fire element was still basic, evident from the steam rising off his body. This indicated that unnecessary mana was dispersing throughout his body.

I had learned early on that Bairon was a Fire Element Knight, capable of using two elements simultaneously as a Knight, and even more impressively, he had broken through in his understanding of fire.

I grinned proudly at him, readying myself as well.

"Impressive, Brother Bairon... but now it's my turn."

"Try not to be too surprised!"

A crackling sound filled the air around me as my hair stood on end, the Dark Aura coursing through my body. A current of Darkness enveloped me as I prepared to strike.

"What..." Bairon nearly halted his attack in shock. Before he could recover, I dashed towards him, leaving a trail of scorched grass and earth behind. I blinked behind him, concentrating the Dark Current into my fist as I went in for a hook.

A fearsome explosion occurred when my fist collided with him. While Bairon managed to block my attack, the counterforce pushed him into a nearby tree.

Standing back up, Bairon channeled fire through his hands before looking at me. We both remained still, our gazes conveying our intentions. As he lunged at me with frightening speed for his size, I prepared myself as well. As soon as Bairon was within range, he unleashed a series of precise punches. With my assimilated body and the nerve-enhancing effects of the lightning coursing through me, I managed to dodge each one with minimal movement. Darkness intertwined as I parried and dodged his punches, each of his strikes growing faster and sharper. "He is indeed strong."

I was at a severe disadvantage in height and reach, and Bairon wasn't one to let such an opportunity go to waste. He maintained optimal distance instead of recklessly closing in, while I did everything I could to get within range. As I parried each punch, I fired Dark Bolts at him, gradually numbing his arms. Bairon didn't realize it until it was too late; his swings and punches became blunt and clumsy. Seizing the opportunity, I ducked under his swing and prepared for a powerful punch. Just as my fist was about to make contact, Bairon's knee connected squarely with my jaw.

It was a stalemate.

The tension from the sparring session quickly dissipated as Bairon clasped my shoulder. "Ouch!" he yelped in surprise.

I still had a dark current around me, giving him a slight shock. I smiled back as I dispelled the mana, allowing Bairon to help me up. While I had finally broken through to the divergent realm, I was still a novice. I had a lot of work to do with the Element of Darkness since it was something entirely new to me. As for ice attribute magic, I was also bound by strict limitations on its duration, with the Element of Darkness lasting around three minutes.

The reason why so few Mages can transcend the basic elements they master and reach higher forms is that these higher forms are fundamentally different and far more challenging. Of course, while I could awaken an Element of destruction at such a young age, I must remind myself that I am still a complete novice with this mystical element.

Bairon had always been the type to accept facts easily, and he knew I was some kind of terrifying genius, so it didn't shock him too much. However, this didn't apply to everyone here. The only one who seemed unfazed was Sophia, but that was likely because she didn't fully grasp what was happening. She was probably used to seeing me fight, so nothing outside seemed particularly strange. Eva and Alex's faces were in sync: pale, jaws dropped, eyes wide open.

Compared to Bairon's excited yet unsurprised acceptance, this reaction was more along the lines of what I had expected.

"Haha... Surprise!" I raised my hand.

"Eizan!" Sophia ran towards me, looking at me with concern, as if to ask, "Are you okay, Eizan?"

Eva was the first to speak.

"H-he really has it," she managed to stammer.

"My God..." Alex sighed in awe.

"Eizan, that was a very interesting fight. You're already quite skilled in using your Element. It felt like I was fighting someone with a lot of combat experience," Bairon marveled at my fighting abilities.

"Not too long ago, I fought with some bandits, so I trained by fighting them," I replied sheepishly.

"You really are something else," Bairon sighed.

We all walked back to the living room, gathering around the dining table.

"Eizan, do you realize what kind of future you have? You're only fifteen, but you're already stronger than Bairon," Eva said, barely containing her excitement.

Bairon scratched his head. "This might sound crazy, but this isn't the first time I've lost to a beginner like Eizan."

"What do you mean by that, Brother?" Alex asked, surprised.

"Two days ago, I was defeated by someone your age quite embarrassingly. Even when I fought him, I couldn't land a single hit," Bairon recalled what had happened two days ago.

"Do you remember his face, Brother Bairon?" Alex was shocked by his brother's statement.

"No... His entire body and face were covered by a black cloak. I couldn't see his face, but when I asked where he was going next, he said he was heading to Axeris Academy. It seems he's a talented student who will be entering that academy."

I was quite curious about the person Bairon had fought, given that I had just struggled against him. It was surprising to think there was someone even stronger than him.

'Could it be...' I wondered to myself.