
Conquest Of Dark Lord

Set in an age of destruction, this period is marked by economic crisis, inflation, famine, and deadly plagues. These calamities stem from four kingdoms waging war over territories they each seek to control. The magic they wield has devastating effects on both the environment and society. This turmoil triggers the rise of a being known as the "Dark Lord," the harbinger of ruin from the Age of Emptiness, about 250,000 years ago. The Dark Lord's essence awakens within a 15-year-old boy during his Elemental Awakening Ceremony. In order to destroy the power hierarchy that is worsening the situation on this continent, the Dark Lord must gather his strength again to destroy the power of the System that is used by someone to control all countries on this continent. But to get to that point is certainly not easy, it takes a high mentality and confidence to destroy the evil that has long existed on this continent.

AlFeetStudio · Fantasy
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44 Chs

He is a Psychopath

Adults and children had gathered in large numbers, all smiling and laughing. Children, as usual, ran around playfully, while the older folks enjoyed the festivities of the evening. Everyone appeared joyful, eagerly anticipating the annual grand celebration.

Eizan, Zayn, and Sophia finally arrived in the town center, where they were met with a crowd of villagers. The villagers, seeing the apples they were carrying, quickly helped them unload their baskets.

Such is the camaraderie of the Taeyang village, where everyone supports one another regardless of status or class.

Excited children began playing with fireworks around the area. However, Eizan's mother intervened, saying:

"You're not allowed to play with fireworks. I don't want you to get hurt, especially with the party about to start. If anything happens to you, I'll be heartbroken."

"Oh, Mom... hehe, we're not playing with fireworks, honest..."

Eizan tried to deceive his mother.

"Ah, trying to deceive me already? You little rascal."

His mother pinched Eizan's cheek with a smile.

"Let's sit down and enjoy the party together."

She led the three of them to their designated seats.

The village chief then began the annual ceremony:

"Well, it seems we are all gathered here tonight. I'm delighted to see you all again. This is an annual event we've held for many years. I'm grateful for our health and longevity. To commemorate the day we honor the successors of this village, please raise your beers."

The village chief lifted his beer, and the villagers followed suit.


The chief shouted.


The villagers echoed.

They all drank from their beers, a symbol of shared joy, though children were excluded from this tradition due to their age.

Eizan, Zayn, Sophia, and Lizbeth sat together in a circle, resembling a small, happy family.

"Hey, could you grab a bottle of soda from that table?" Eizan asked Zayn.

"Why don't you get it yourself while you can still walk?" Zayn teased.

"You're right there; can't I ask for help just this once, dear brother?"

Eizan gave Zayn a pleading look.

"Alright, alright..."

Zayn went to fetch the soda.

He handed it to Eizan.

"Ah, thank you, my dear brother. You're the best," Eizan said with a delighted smile.

"I only got it because I felt sorry for you, don't get the wrong idea," Zayn replied, pleased with Eizan's words.

As they chatted, Sophia returned with a large assortment of cakes from a nearby table.

"Look at what I've brought for you all!"

Sophia set the cakes down.

Eizan and Zayn were astonished at the number of cakes.

"Wow, I can't believe this. But... can you really eat all these cakes, Sophia?" Zayn asked.

"Of course, I won't eat them all by myself. But if you don't want any, I'll handle it," Sophia said, starting to eat a cake.

"I've brought water for you. It's not good to eat too many cakes and drink soda," Lizbeth arrived with a bottle of water.

"Thanks, Mom, you're the best," Sophia said, taking a glass of water and drinking it.

Eizan, Zayn, and Lizbeth laughed at Sophia's antics.

"Hey, have I just noticed that your ears look different from ours?" Eizan asked Sophia.

"Yes... I just noticed that too. Could it be that you're not human like us?" Zayn wondered.

"This means I'm more special than both of you... don't be jealous," Sophia replied while eating her cake.

"Well, there's no point in asking such questions," Lizbeth interjected.

Time flew by, and the party continued into the night. The villagers, full of joy, embraced one another and smiled broadly.

Soon, the fireworks would begin...

The villagers eagerly awaited the display, looking forward to the sky being filled with beautiful colors.

Zayn was impatient for the fireworks to start, as was Sophia.


"Hey Zayn, can you come with me to the bathroom? I can't hold it any longer," Eizan asked, needing company.

"Can't you wait a bit? The fireworks will start soon," Zayn urged him to hold off.

"Ugh, why is this kid acting like he's eight years old? So childish," Eizan thought to himself.

He glanced at Sophia.

"Huaaaa, there's no way I can ask Sophia to come with me to the bathroom. No, no, no," Eizan thought about waiting with Sophia.

"Looks like I'll have to go alone."

Eizan stood up and left his mother and friends behind. He headed to the bathroom not far from the party.

Once he arrived at the restroom, he saw a long line of people waiting.

"Damn, why is it so crowded here? I can't go here now," Eizan thought, considering other options. "Better head to the woods."

"Ah, no, what if some creature bothers me out there?"

He considered his fears.

"No, I must be brave. After all, I'm 13 now."

With determination, he headed toward the woods.

At the party...

Zayn and Sophia soon realized Eizan was missing.

"Where did Eizan go?" they wondered.

Meanwhile, Eizan reached the woods and finally relieved himself after holding it for 30 minutes.

"Ah, it feels so good to finally let it out."

Suddenly, he heard footsteps...

Eizan quickly pulled up his pants, sensing someone following him.

"Hello? Is someone there?" he called out loudly.

He looked toward the bushes and soon...


A fireball shot towards Eizan. He dodged it quickly.


Eizan fell, wincing in pain.

As he lay there, a figure emerged from where the fireball had come from.

Eizan recognized the person as someone he had seen before, someone who had frightened him with their aura.

As he recalled the memory, he saw the figure again in the darkness surrounding him.


"Haha, impressive. No one has ever avoided that attack before," Ikarius said, summoning flames in his hands.

"Goodbye, kid. Today will be your last day because... you won't see tomorrow."

Ikarius grabbed Eizan by the throat and lifted him.

"W-What do you mean?"

Eizan struggled to free himself from Ikarius's grip.

"It's because you looked down on me with that gaze of yours. You will die at my hands!"

A murderous aura surrounded Ikarius as he prepared to end Eizan's life.