
Conquest of Ascendance

In a fantastical world where the line between hero and villain is blurred, Karma, emerges as a mysterious figure shrouded in enigma. He awakens with no memories, thrust into a infinite world gripped by turmoil. The world is divided, and the flames of power, prejudice and hatred burn bright. Karma's journey becomes a testament to the stark dichotomies that define existence, as he navigates the perilous paths of Abandoning humanity vs becoming human, Effort vs Talent, Hate vs Hate, and many other complexities. -The "Conquest of Ascendence" is an epic saga of grand proportions, where as Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience. His quest to recover his lost memories, define his moral compass, uncover a meaningful goal or dream, and understand his own intrinsic value becomes a driving force that fuels the flames of destiny in a world dominated by chaos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The narrative delves deeper, exploring profound themes that resonate with the human experience. It unearths the turbulent waters of Hate versus Hate, as hatred breeds hatred in a world where differences are exploited and divisions run deep. The dichotomy of wanting to rid the unknown versus exploring the unknown becomes a central dilemma as Karma's quest takes him deeper into the heart of darkness. As Karma grapples with Accepting Your Flaws versus Rejecting Your Flaws, Racism and Identity play a pivotal role in a society torn apart by prejudice. His journey is a reflection of the internal struggle between Kindness and Self-Love, exemplified by a compassionate act that defies conventional wisdom. The tale ventures into the realm of Revenge versus Forgiveness, Dreams versus Reality, and Isolation, as Karma faces the consequences of his choices and battles his own inner demons. Fear and despair walk hand in hand in this gripping narrative, showcasing the profound struggle between Protection and Free Will. Karma's actions blur the lines between Grace and Justice, Truth and the Fall from Grace, and Innocence and Experience. Amidst the chaos, The Ascendant Conqueror explores the clash between Family and Coming of Age, Pride and Loyalty, Winners and Losers, Intent, and the perpetual tug-of-war between Fear and Despair. In a world where protection often battles with free will, the narrative unravels a tapestry of complexities that mirrors the human condition. As Karma's journey unfolds, it invites readers to traverse these nuanced and interconnected themes, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience.

MeSoPyro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 10 - Hostility

As the time flowed by like a stream the slightly mystical but eerie atmosphere of the bioluminescent forest faded to another sight through the travelling of the group by foot. As they continuously followed Myron, each briefly conversing in their own way and contemplating on their contents, they gradually arrived in a new region of land starkly different from the previous one they were in.

Shoes of all kinds tapping against the hard and solid rocky material below them, the harsh and icy gusts of winds blasting against all that got in their way. They were now standing within a green marble mountainside with white patterns like a paint bucket that was flung about by a child, truly displaying the natural beauty of nature and its randomness. 

'Hmm… what's that sound i can hear' filtering out the accompanying sounds of the wind and surrounding wildlife, Karma was intrigued by the new sensations he has been experiencing so far, along with the reactions they brought him.

"I hear water, so we must be near a river." Thalassa added, confirming what the whole group apparently knew.

For the last couple of hours their eyes have been met with a similar sight. The rough yet smooth jagged and erratic oscillations of rock now stretching beyond and blocking the horizon line. The sound of liquid rustling in a constant manner created a crisp and clear sense of peace, relaxing the tension to all that heard it.

As the grouped walk and the sound grew louder with each step, they came across a blurred shadow in the immediate distance, as they walked closer it was clear to see it was a type of bridge. 

The bridge was about the length of a stone throw and a half, composed of what looked like a thick grey stone carved into patterns that decorated the edge along the sides of the bridge, the footpath of the bridge, seemingly made of a differing material was of a more beige colour, being structured in longer rectangular panels. 

Underneath the stone bridge, a formidable river unfolded, its currents swirling with a clay-like viscosity that seemed to carry the secrets of ancient lands within its turbulent embrace. The waters, murky and cloudy, whispered tales of time immemorial. As the river surged forward, the air became a cauldron of swirling heat, akin to the breath of a slumbering dragon, and the temperature soared to the brink of scalding.

The atmosphere vibrated with the hum of its power, a low, resonant symphony that echoed through the surroundings. Waves lapped against the banks, releasing the scent of minerals mingled with the earth's memory. The very essence of the river seemed to permeate the air, a tangible presence that engaged every sense. Steam, laden with the tang of acidity, curled and danced, creating an ethereal veil that clung to the skin and filled the air with the heady fragrance of the river's ancient journey. This was not merely water; it was a living, breathing entity, a force of nature that transcended the boundaries of mere liquid.

Suddenly Zhangli who was ahead of the group next to Myron slightly paused then shifted his head to the side gazing down at the violently flowing river with a neutral look on his distinguishable face.

Directly after this reaction the others, including karma felt it. The group's collective segnxi senses sparked with a sudden alert, a primal awareness that transcended the ordinary spoke to Karma. An undercurrent of hostility slithered through the air, its essence a predatory shadow, unseen but deeply felt. Like a phantom breeze, the group could almost taste the tension, an acrid flavour that lingered on the edge of their awareness.

Not Feeling this for the first time karma spoke up, "this feeling is similar to the sensation i got when i woke up and was attacked… we are being watched by something… it's like both the air and my mind is telling me i'm being judged."

Alrickz let loose a distorted grin and chuckled "This journey up until now was getting so bleak. Walking and more walking, we are just now getting to the action. This weak thing thinks it can eat me! haha!"

In the unseen depths beneath the bridge, a presence stirred. A creature unknown to Karma and his companions, its essence radiating an aura of malevolence. It felt like a manifestation of primal instinct and savagery.

The hostile intent, though subtle, was an undercurrent of malevolence that threaded through the very fabric of the air. It was a trap laid with calculated precision, an ambush waiting to spring forth from the unseen depths below. The killing intent, well-concealed and ominous, permeated the surroundings like a silent predator preparing to pounce. The group stood on the precipice of the unknown, their senses finely tuned to the mysterious threat lurking beneath the bridge.

Up until now karma has been exposed to numerous forms of life that vastly differed from his own, however through using his segnxi he is able to see that this one in particular in terms of its size, power and overall nature emits a sense of tyranny that interested him. Using the laws of survival this creature, karma assumed using his existing anecdotal knowledge, would be favoured. 

As they stepped on the bridge, sounds of the friction of the soles against the tiles the presence felt through the segnxi suddenly rose as if striking like lightning. A large, long and thick log of an arm covered in tangled light violet purple fur that resembled a matted carpet, glistening and soaked in the liquid underneath emerged from the side of the bridge with a frightening speed that betrayed its size and rushed towards a calmly observing Zhangli.

With a sound that resembled the air being split apart the trunk-like arm came crashing down in an open palm stance, this allowed for the rest of the hiding beast's body to be revealed from under the bridge. Standing at around eight metres was a humanoid giant with distinct features that looked like a cross between a gorilla and an ogre, its two arms drastically disproportionate to the rest of its body causing the weight imbalance and for it to lean forward.

Funky dark yellow eyeballs that clashed with bright red irises bulging from its hideous visage made two orbs that pierced its prey with hunger, below held an open mouth of four inch long crooked teeth, the number karma could not count in the instant as it closed its mouth to swallow the drool seeping out.

Towering over the observing group, its shadow cast across them like a cloud. It failed to notice how the prey it just crushed under its hand now stood on its shoulder.

It let out a low bellow that shook the surroundings, causing the other creatures observing to either run or hide. Raising its other arm to the sky, it brought it down in a sweeping motion intending to reap all present of their lives ruthlessly.

However, in the frenzied ballet of combat, the behemoth's colossal swing became a symphony of impending doom. As the sinewy muscles of the creature rippled and contorted, a sudden blur of grey materialised in its path. The clash, when it came, echoed like the resounding crack of an otherworldly bat colliding with an immovable boulder. The resultant shockwave erupted, a seismic force that upheaved a massive portion of the stone bridge into a storm of dust and debris, swept away by gusts of wind birthed from the cataclysmic clash.

Alrickz, a vision of absolutely no grace, leapt into the fray with a feral grin etching his otherwise rigidly handsome features. His deceptively compact frame housed a raw, primal might that rivalled the creature's titanic swing. In a dazzling display of speed, Karma was just barely able to keep track of his movements, being taken off guard in the sudden shift of pace and foreign circumstances of a battle of this type. Utilising both his bodily senses and his segnxi he analysed and rationalised the events taking place before him.

With a wolfish twist, Alrickz crouched into his countermove, the raw power of his infused body meeting the creature's onslaught head-on. Feet planted on the behemoth's forearm, he pushed off with a force that shattered bones, sending the monster tumbling back with a roar that mingled with the crashing waves of the river sweeping over the fractured bridge.

In an instant, Alrickz materialised before the creature's bewildered countenance, his arm winding back with predatory intent. A crazed smile danced upon his face as the blurred motion of his attack collided with the left side of the monster's jaw, crushing it and leaving a grotesque imprint in its wake.


The ear-splitting impact reverberated through the surroundings, an uncontrollable force that surged through Karma's being. Chunks of resilient pulsating flesh and robust bones spun and were scattered throughout the air, suspended for a fleeting moment before succumbing to the whims of the turbulent river. Viscous dark purple blood sprayed like a fountain painted Alrickz in a savage tableau, seeping into the fabric of his clothes. His visage, twisted in a toothy grin, reflected the primal triumph of a deranged beast, standing atop the shattered remnants of its fallen kin.