
Telephone by Lady Gaga

The judges eliminated the lowest scoring player. The usually ranked first or second Emily fell to fifth place, and Hayden was ranked second to last and almost had to pack his bags. When he and the lowest scoring player stood in front of Bonnie awaiting their sentence, he almost fainted on the spot.

He never thought he would be in such an embarrassing position.

When he returned to the villa, he went out of control, he turned over the fridge for all the beers and started a binge drink. The contestants saw that he was in a bad mood and unanimously distanced themselves from his anger.

Zhou Yun Sheng went back to his room and took a bath, then he stayed by the second floor staircase handrail, overlooking the living room. He was now playing a Romeo that 'desperately loved' Hayden, he couldn't abandon him in disregard like the others, whatever the outcome, he had to try and comfort him.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you see everyone beat it in the opposite direction? You know already, Hayden has very thin skin, he may try to hurt you." Ivana tried to pull him away by his arm.

Zhou Yun Sheng sincerely thanked Ivana in his heart, but he showed a struggling expression, "B-but he's so pitiful now, he can't find his way. I have to help him. If I'm sarcastic again, maybe he'll perk up."

"Yeah, right ah, he'll perk up with a roundhouse kick to your throat! Don't you see even Emily is making herself scarce? That girl has more sense than you, you blockhead!" Ivana poked his forehead.

Zhou Yun Sheng hesitated, then he heard a shockingly loud noise come from the living room. They quickly looked down and saw that Hayden had angrily thrown his beer can at Romeo's TOP1 picture, shattering the frame's glass, then he shaped his hand into a finger gun and made a shooting motion at Romeo's poster.

The frame's outer light was cracked, the light bulb blinked a few times, then completely shut off.

Zhou Yun Sheng exposed a timely shocked and depressed expression, his blue eyes filled with tears, his pale face nearing transparency. He couldn't believe that Hayden would treat his picture like this, if he himself stood in front of him, wouldn't he be killed?

Ivana also reached this conclusion, she quickly dragged the 'scared' little boy into her arms and patted him in comfort, "Don't be sad, don't be afraid, he wouldn't dare hurt you. He's a poser bastard that can only use your picture to vent his anger. He just wants to blame you for his own mistakes. He's a fucking coward! Fuck, how can you fall in love with such an asshole! How the hell is he worth it? That helpful hand was just a polite charade. You blockhead, wake up already!"

Ivana's hug tightened as she got more frustrated, then she finally just grabbed the boy's shoulder and shook him.

Zhou Yun Sheng pushed her away and ran back to his room to hide under his blanket, presumably crying his heart out. John fought against his desire to lift up the quilt and comfort him for a long time, but he had to uphold the principle of authentic recording, so even though he wanted to help, he couldn't.

Zhou Yun Sheng? Crying his heart out? Don't joke around.

He was so pleased from seeing Hayden follow his predicted path, that he almost fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, but he didn't forget to squeeze out a few drops of crocodile tears.

So, when Ivana opened up his quilt, she saw the scene of a boy who'd 'desperately cried himself to sleep', his red eyes and nose looked very pathetic.

"There are so many good men in the world, why must he like Hayden? He could like Mr. Acheson, ah he probably couldn't land him, but at least Mr. Acheson wouldn't hurt him." Ivana rubbed her short fiery red hair, her expression distressed.

Seeing this scene on the monitor, Gustav first smiled and nodded, then fiercely frowned. What do you mean Romeo can't land Mr. Acheson? How does he know if he doesn't try? Come on, try and get closer to me Romeo, you will find that my heart already belongs to you!

The crew leader walked in to meet him mumbling at the screen, looking very agitated. Both froze in shock, then Gustav quickly restored his noble and humble appearance and asked, "Was everything handled?"

"Yes, the damaged lights and electrical appliances have been replaced, and the bill has be sent directly to Mr. Brown. Bonnie is currently talking with Hayden to help him learn to control his emotions. Boss, what do you want to do with the footage we shot?"

Hayden's background was still very tough, and the crew leader was unsure of Mr. Acheson's attitude towards him.

"Don't deal with it, play it uncut." Gustav had already given the Brown family face, he wouldn't give them a second chance. Even without someone else's push, Hayden would destroy himself on his own.

The fourth episode broadcasted at prime time the next day, and the ratings had risen 2 percent from the last episode. Romeo's rapid increase in online votes showed that millions of viewers watched just for him.

The audience couldn't have imagined that Romeo's life experience was so tragic. When the other players had sat in front of the camera to talk about their own childhood suffering to win sympathy, he was often the most silent one. Then he hid all his painful past in a few understated words.

This made the older audience members grab a napkin to wipe their tears, then his and Ivana's 'if only you were a woman/man' dialogue made them laugh heartily.

They were totally obsessed with the teenager.

The cat enthusiasts screamed when they saw him imitate the folded-ear cat, they were anxious to kidnap him out from the TV set and pet him, then his photo with the little leopard made them feel a direct shock to their hearts.

The two little beast's identical panic-stricken eyes shattered the hearts of an unknown amount of audience members.

"Oh no, I can't bear it, please don't look at me like that!" This was the common thought of most of the audience. When the teenager's shots appeared on the big screen, they almost wanted to cover their faces and moan. The young man was fragile but strong; he was pure, sometimes melancholy and sometimes cheerful; he was seemingly oblivious, but often so sensible. He was a complex of contradictions, with unparalleled appeal.

The Wildlife Conservation Association put his photo on their official website that night and raised a large amount of money at a staggering rate. They had thought that reaching 70,000 was good, but they didn't expect Mr. Acheson to actually donate a million in his own name, which made them ecstatic.

Unlike Romeo's fanatical pursuit, Ariel and Hayden were shot down by the audience.

Although the program didn't explain the real reason for Ariel's departure, there were still many viewers who guessed the truth. Ariel was Valentine Brown's model, in order to keep her job, she would certainly want to help Hayden fight off opponents. She even wanted to shave Romeo's soft platinum hair, which made the audience very angry, but Romeo's 'human-faced white egg' self-ridicule made them unable to pick between laughing and crying.

The boy was so naïve that people didn't know what to do with him.

Valentine Brown's personal website received tens of thousands of letters of complaint, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, he had to fire Ariel. As the Brown family had huge influence in the fashion circle, Ariel could only swallow her punishment and didn't dare seek the help of other big companies.

To make things worse, she'd repeatedly asked Romeo to believe in her professional vision on the show, saying that his shaved head would be more fashionable, when the truth was quite the opposite.

Taste was the key to whether or not a person could stand in the fashion circle. If everyone agreed that you have no taste, then sorry, the fashion business would be closed for you. Ariel's job offers fell sharply, her fashion sense was ridiculed by her peers, and she was grilled by several designers.

They wouldn't hire a model with such bad taste to show off their clothing, it would lower their brand. Ariel plunged into an unprecedented predicament, she was willing to sell her soul to turn back time, all so she could fiercely refuse Hayden's unreasonable demands. Hayden ruined her career!

Contrary to Ariel's circumstances, the designers who watched the show had a very deep impression of Romeo, his unique temperament inspired their creativity. Before the teenager was even famous, he was already the muse of several big name designers.

At the same time, Hayden's muscle flexing behavior on the bus was ridiculed by the audience, calling him ridiculously arrogant for wanting to fight with Acheson. The picture of the little monkey in pain in his hand made everyone feel disgusted, and when he smashed Romeo's poster, the audience was first frightened, then they erupted in anger.

"Hayden has violent tendencies, the program team should quickly eliminate him, or he will hurt Romeo!"

"Keep him away from my precious little kitty!"

"Romeo, oh my sweet Romeo, why don't you love me instead?" [Attached was a photo of a handsome man]

Because of their excessive love for Romeo, the audience felt more and more hatred for Hayden, the sent in complaints were overwhelming the program group. Hayden had a sharp decline in net votes, and was left with only a few thousand votes.

At the moment, Gustav's desk was lined with several business letters and a lot of complaint letters.

Bonnie fiddled with a letter and bitterly opened, "Egou, Marcel, YSL … … all the world's most famous fashion brands, and they all want to invite Romeo as their debut model? I'm now the undisputed top female supermodel and I have never been so enthusiastically pursued. Holy crap, even Valentine sent a letter, and I thought he would hate Romeo for Hayden's sake."

Hearing this, Gustav was upset, he sneered, "He fancies Kitten, in all kinds of ways."

Bonnie understood in seconds. Valentine was gay, his marriage with Susan was purely to fool Brown family's old man, this was an insider secret. Romeo was so charming, how could he not catch Valentine's attention?

"I think you need some good luck. The person you fancy is now the world's darling." Bonnie smiled in schadenfreude.

Gustav gave her a vicious stare, he realized that he needed to act fast, otherwise, his Kitten would be taken away by someone else.

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