
Conquest of a Certain Lord

FOR READING PURPOSES ONLY A top hacker was chosen by the Lord God to be reborn into countless worlds, always as an expendable villain. With no free will, every world became a dead end. Every one of his lives ended tragically. Finally, after wrestling control of the Villain System, this ace hacker decided to enact revenge. Even if his very bones were rotten, he’d choose to occupy the very heights of morality, if only on the surface. Thus, he would change his fate as an abused slag. Credit to Translator(s): Keztranslations

SlothfulxQuiet · LGBT+
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286 Chs

Live Without Regrets

After his filming with Kitten finished, Gustav lost all his patience, especially for the female players who wanted to tempt him. They often asked him to pose in intimate ways, like hugging their waist, embracing, and even kissing. Of course not real kissing, but shortening the distance between their lips.

If Kitten was the one who'd asked him to do these things, he would've been grateful, but for others, he only felt disgust, especially since Kitten was still watching from the sidelines, making him feel very guilty.

The photographer saw his impatience, but even so, his modeling skills was on point, so he didn't say anything about it.

"Mr. Acheson, can you hold me up?" In the filming, a female player made such a request, her eyes unblinking and innocent.

Only if I can drop you in a ditch! Gustav's inner thoughts were very ugly, but he had on a gentle smile, he nodded, "Of course Miss."

As he bent over, he quickly looked at the crowd and found that his Kitten had left. He felt relieved, and his tensed muscles finally relaxed.

Zhou Yun Sheng was not interested in watching a group of women 'subtlety' lure a man, so he exited. He wanted to see how Ivana's shooting was going.

Ivana's idea was very unique. She made Bonnie wear a fiery red, sexy little skirt, while she wore a black suit. She made the stylist harden her facial lines and put in hair gel to give her a Mo Xi look. Now, she looked purely like a very handsome man, even her swagger was flawless.

She put her arm around Bonnie, and made her put on a damsel in distress pose. She was 180 centimeters, but her padded shoes increased her height by 10 cm, so she was a very good match next to the 178 cm Bonnie. She put a bunch of red roses into Bonnie's arms, and had on an affectionate look.

If he didn't know Ivana's sex, Zhou Yun Sheng would've thought she was a downright man that was pursuing Bonnie. The photographer took many charming and fun pictures, when he was finished, he flipped through them, occasionally issuing peculiar chuckles.

Bonnie left Ivana's 'strong' arms, while pushing her hair behind her ears she slowly opened, "My Dear, you're very charming. After this competition, I don't mind having a meal with you. You've given me a lot of inspiration with this shoot today. Maybe next time, I'll give the men and women players a unique special challenge."

Ivana watched her graceful back walk away, then ran to her friend's side and proudly repeated her comments. Zhou Yun Sheng pondered for a moment, then gave a devious smile.

Was Bonnie hinting that the next photo shoot would involve a male and female role reversal? I wonder how tough guy Hayden will handle being in drag? As for him, female, Ger, yin and yang, he's been it all, cross-dressing was simply a superficial challenge for him.

Next was Hayden's photo shoot, the two hid behind the crowd and watched with relish. Hayden had selected a speedo, and had used sunscreen to highlight his muscles. When he walked out of the changing room, he even boldly had his hands on his pouch.

Several female contestants screamed and unblinkingly stared at his lower body, making his ego grow to an unprecedented size.

Bonnie walked out in a bikini, her complexion green, it was torture to take pictures with such a cocky pest. Valentine shouldn't have made his son spend so much time with that old bigot grandfather of his, look, he's just as unbearable as he is!

While Bonnie was holding back her vomit, Ivana scoffed at Hayden's little speedo, "That thing is something to be proud of? I bet that whiny bitch stuffed his pants. Mr. Acheson's package is probably more majestic and genuine. What do you say my darling? Which one has the prowess to bring you to heaven?" She never wasted an opportunity to belittle Hayden, while guiding her 'girlfriend' to agree with her.

Later, when Gustav sees this sample video, he'll fiercely praise Ivana, this is what a good wingman is all about. Of course, Romeo's answer will also make his heart burst in joy, almost making him act a fool in public.

Romeo was an innocent little virgin, when asked such a lewd question, of course, he had to be shy. Zhou Yun Sheng forced his face to redden, then he covered his face with his palms and muffled, "Of- of course Mr. Acheson is more…. powerful. I didn't dare look…down there, but Mr. Acheson is so charming, masculine and s-sexy. I was so nervous working with him, my heart almost retired."

Ivana put on a dubious expression and poked his forehead while she cross-examined, "Do you still like Hayden now? Hayden is dog shit compared to Mr. Acheson, please polish your eyes a little darling."

Zhou Yun Shen turned his head and stayed silent, after a few minutes he whispered "I know your intentions, Ivana. I can only tell you ….right now I'm trying to break away from the marshes. So, please don't put me and Mr. Acheson together again and again. He's….he's the sun, but I'm just dirt on the ground, we can never be together. Besides, he's a straight man, he wants a woman."

Ivana shrugged then no longer teased him about Mr. Acheson. She also understood the impossibility of setting up her girlfriend with Mr. Acheson.

After seeing this video, Gustav kneeled and cried out: My love, please don't belittle yourself! You're the sun, I'm the one who's dirt. As long as you shine your affection on me, I'll tremble for you and set off a tsunami filled with my love. I'm gay, but I don't love anyone but you!

Hayden's fashion photo shoots and swimwear shoots were completely different. When he was shooting fashion, he usually acted cool and handsome, but when it was swimsuit photos, he became very doubi [slang, silly but amusing person]. In order to show off his muscles, he did a lot of work out poses, he even lifted Bonnie up, causing Bonnie to let out a frightened scream. He thought he was making a good impression, and when he finished his thirty shots, he boasted to everyone that Bonnie was fascinated by him and became his number one fan.

"She must've never seen such a strong and charming man like me before. You don't know, whenever she looked at me in our shoot, her eyes were hot enough to melt my hard muscles. I think I heard her telling the photographer how great I am and how I'm the most promising contestant. She glanced at me a couple of times when we left the studio, I bet she wants to ask me out."

On the return bus, he boasted incessantly, provoking many players' anger, especially Emily. They quarreled and accused each other all the way.

Ivana rolled her eyes, and Zhou Yun Sheng looked out the window, his expression bitter.


The next day, the contestants gathered at the studio again and awaited their sentencing.

Bonnie quickly introduced the prizes that the champion could win and called them up, one by one.

Without the guidance of professionals, this session's theme, modeling, clothing and other aspects had a lot of problems. Especially the female contestants, except for Ivana and Emily, all the others chose to wear swimsuits, and because they were obsessed with Mr. Acheson, their performances were abysmal.

Bonnie gave out several six points, five points, and even four points, when Ivana's turn came, she finally exposed her first smile, "10 points, your taste is excellent!"

Eureka: "10 points."

"Who is this handsome man? I want to spend a romantic night with him. If I give him 10 points, will he give me a chance?" Miss Jeffrey joked.

Ivana generously opened her arms, "Come on baby!"

The three judges and the players all laughed at her come back, and the tense atmosphere in the studio lightened a little. Then Emily was called to the stage. She straightened her back up and raised her chin, her whole body exuding confidence. Especially when her and Mr. Acheson's tango photo appeared on the screen, she even screwed her eyebrows in haughtiness.

But the judges' reactions were exactly the opposite of her imagination.

Bonnie curtly opened, "Honey, instead of wearing that see-through gown, you should've just worn a bikini. Your wide-open sexuality is better than this masked vulgarity. You have a great figure, it's especially full, but this can't get you anywhere in your modeling career. Well, it won't get you to a respectable place."

"In a high end fashion show, to not ruin the fit of the clothes, the models often aren't allowed to wear undergarments. Your jumping figure will attract the audience and give the high-end fashion show a pornographic mood. Your body is not suitable for the high-end markets, especially when posing in such a sensual scene like in your photo, it's very easy to overdo it. Hey, don't look so resentful. Just look at Mr. Acheson's expression, he's terrified. He's holding your waist, but I can feel how he really wants to push you away."

Jeffrey immediately looked at Acheson's handsome face, then nodded his agreement.

Eureka didn't comment, she just directly gave six points.

"Six points." Bonnie and Jeffrey said in unison.

Emily felt like she had been greatly insulted. The judges had simply described her as a horny bitch, panting after Acheson. Fortunately, the netizens were very happy with her erotic behavior and gave her a relatively high score, making her feel better.

Hayden's picture also got bad remarks, Bonnie and Eureka only gave him five points, and Jeffrey gave him a point higher for the sake of his perfect abs and pecs. But his net score was shockingly still at the bottom. He couldn't understand, where did his huge fanbase go? Did it evaporate overnight?

The last one called up was Romeo.

Bonnie leaned back on her chair and sighed, "Romeo, my beloved Romeo, you can always bring us surprises. Look at your photo."

She snapped her finger and his and Acheson's confrontation scene in the dark and narrow coatroom appeared on the screen. Acheson's tall stature shrouded his body, his strong and powerful arms propped on both sides of his cheeks. He was not intimidated by Acheson's strong oppression, on the contrary, he'd grabbed his bow tie, strangling his Achilles heel, and raised his chin to show his pride and dignity.

There was no light in the coatroom, everything was shrouded in shadows, and the subjects were wearing black and white or silver gray clothing, making the photo have a heavy sense of nostalgia. The boy's narrowed sea blue eyes was the only bright and beautiful light in the photo, he was obviously a static image, but his pupils seemed to shimmer.

The judges had earnestly looked at it for a long while and failed to pick out even a hint of sloppiness. The other contestants were amazed, their jaws dropped. In the overabundance of sexy swimsuit photos, suddenly, a classical, solemn and romantic photo appeared. Like the only star in the dark night sky, it was extremely eye-catching.

Whether it was the picture's consistency or the clothing or the two models' cooperation, everything was perfect. Romeo's talent seemed to be beyond all their imaginations.