
Conqueror of the Seven Empires

Author: Meyk
Eastern Fantasy
Completed · 602.5K Views
  • 96 Chs
  • 4.5
    21 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Conqueror of the Seven Empires

Read ‘Conqueror of the Seven Empires ’ Online for Free, written by the author Meyk, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "World Greatest Modern War" the world that was in peace for decades was now on a brink of horror by the monsters defilin...


"World Greatest Modern War" the world that was in peace for decades was now on a brink of horror by the monsters defiling the lands with their terrifying strength and numbers. Mike who is a young trouble maker got caught up in an abduction before the war happens as he was sunken deep into the ocean never to seen again. (Die? A peaceful death? Like hell, I would let that happen!) Struggle... Struggle... With fate that shackles binding him pulling him into the deepest part of the ocean, he, who struggles with the resolved to go on the surface of the world once again. The thing he did not know is that the world is now on the brink of horror as the world changed drastically. Twitter: @MeykCake Buy me a Coffee: Discord: MeykCake#8819 Illustrator: @chi___ra07

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她本是风光无限,万人追捧的娱乐圈影后,那风采,不可言喻,无人能及! 不过是受邀参加一场庆功宴,再平常不过的应酬,却不知这是接到了死神的邀请函,在赴那传说中最后的晚宴…… 且看我们当红影后死于非命后如何在人生地不熟,十面埋伏的古代丛林绝地反击。 凭借其超级大脑,及多年在演艺圈的斗争心得,周旋于江湖与朝堂,上演一出惊心动魄,精彩绝伦的江山与美人的经典大戏…… 某次英雄救美之后,穆的身后多了个妖孽。 奈何古道热肠的穆某人这回眼花的厉害,以为救的是个娇弱美人,却不知美人洗脸之后,竟然变成了可怕的白面妖怪! 师父,快拿着神器来救我啊!这里有妖怪啊啊! 月黑风高,武林高手穆和众同伙在洗劫了敌国某将军的储藏室后, 外出时总感觉有人在窥视自己 呃,这“狗仔”怎么瞅着有点儿眼熟? 还有那杀气腾腾的眼神又是? 拜托,哥,现在连跟踪狂都这么嚣张了?这么狂? 某跟踪狂斜着眼睛:“你到底是男是女?” 穆:"你大老远横跨国境追过来,就是为了问这个?   唉,说来也对,那次黑灯瞎火的,不怪你没看清,不过,现在可是青天白日,   将军你莫非有眼疾,辨不清男女?!   啧啧,可惜啊,可惜了了“   穆眯眼上下打量了一番被抓现行的跟踪狂,连连咋舌叹息……

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Eternal Love: A Tale Beyond Time

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Falling in love with a vampire prince

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The Defective

Philip, a quiet and unassuming boy who is not good at making friends and would rather keep his distance, but possesses unrivaled intelligence. He never wanted to be called intelligent or extraordinary, he just wanted to live a normal life. By trying to escape from the person who created the extraordinary side of him, he ended up at the Advance Nurturing High School in Class D. Though the school appeared to be fairly simple on the outside but was far too complicated on the inside. Four classes A through D, are ranked in order of merit, and only the top class receive favorable treatment. Favorable treatment ranged from an outrageous amount of allowance, with no conditions on spending, to an unparalleled amount of freedom. The campus had everything, that anyone could ever desire, but only the top-scoring classes can fully utilize the school's offerings, and Class D is the furthest from such a status. Standing at the bottom of the hierarchy, Class D houses all of the school's "worst" students or better known as "Defectives". Philip wanted to live a peaceful life, but if he wanted to continue, he had to reach Class A. Follow the journey of Philip, and the rest of Class D, who must overcome their differences and clash against other classes in order to climb to the coveted position of Class A by any means necessary. -------------------------- -------------------------- Reader Disclaimer : Yes, this novel is inspired by COTE by Syougo Kinugasa (Classroom of the Elite) you may see a lot of similarities in the beginning, but for future chapters, the differences will start to become more apparent. I hope you manage to stick through it. Also, don't come reading this expecting it to be another COTE. In fact, don't compare the two. If you do, the flaws of this book will become more visible as you read ruining the whole experience. Also, I do not own the cover art. Please contact me for removal. ------------------------- ------------------------- That is all, Thank you for reading.

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FUTURE KINGDOM : The Perfect Useless

“Dad, please don’t leave me, Daddy!” Since she was 7 years old, Greisy Hawysia was thrown into the Exile Area by Her parents. The effort and hard work she had done was never recognized by all the teachers and the people around her. Her fiance refused their marriage and prefered to love another woman. She was also very hated by the Residents of the Exile Area for taking their rations food while she was a noble who were considered stupid and never leaved their place. Until one day the Crown Prince came to see her and announced an order that was surprised. "Be useless?" That was his order "Why should I be useless while I have mastered more than 4 tribal skills?” At first the Crown Prince thought that Greisy was so useless as rumor spreaded. But he was surprised upon knowing the fact that Greisy was very smart and wise. "Then just pretend to be" And also At first, Greisy was very hesitant to accept the order, until one day she saw her mother so loved other women and that woman was also a woman who liked by her fiancé. Greisy desperately wanted to be recognized. That woman really wanted her parents looked at her. If being best and smart couldn’t make her parents seeing her, then well, She would be useless and would cause trouble or even chaos in the Royal Territory so that everyone looked at her although she would be hated. She didn’t care. She only wanted to be seen. "Ahhh, I'm afraid, she will torture me. Didn't you guys hear that she insulted me, 'Useless'? Even though I never insult her even a bit," shouted her started to make a trouble. And she would continue to do that again and again at the orders of the Crown Prince. And the Crown Prince would love Greisy very much even if it just pretended. Then Greisy would become 'A Perfect Useless' for the Crown Prince who had strong ambitions to rule the Kingdom from behind the scene and made his cousin being the King of Puppets. "Grei, I love you," 'I know you're lying, Cyrill. Because it's impossible for me getting love from anyhuman,’ murmured Greisy who actually really wanted to be loved in her deep heart.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :1


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This is so gooood!Ever since i start reading in this app,this is the first time i unlock the story to continue reading.Though it is only 3 charpters.Also this is the first I post a review. Sorry for my grammer and writing skill.I am not a native speaker.🥰🥰🥰


Although it's imaginative(?) and has a bunch of positive reviews(possible fabricated), the grammar is horrible and the story development is forced and unnatural. I really tried hard enjoying the first few dozen chapters but they are too short, unentertaining and it seems like it's written by a fourth grade student. It would take a skilled editor to really improve it to readership standards. Most of the paragraphs contain sentences that are mostly filler words, irrelevant exposition and runoff sentences. The chapters are extremely short, mediocre and has a substandard quality. In my opinion, this novel doesn't deserve any of the positive phrases in its reviews. I hope the author can improve its chapters and make it more palatable. Until then, I can only give this a low score to offset the other biased reviews here so future readers won't get scammed into reading this.


A potentially good storyline with awesome character design👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 I gave it five star to encourage author but still it's got a way to become a genuinely five star rating novel 🧐 Keep up the good work author 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


I was drawn to the story by the cover. glad I did decided to read it. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


With the vivid description that's combined with the world premise established in the prologue, you can't help but anticipate and wonder how the story will branch towards said Prologue from the first chapter. And so far, it does not disappoint!




I really love this kind of novel. Story-wise, characters, development of the story, the world background and basically everything here are great. THis novel is for slow-burner type so if everyone like those type that slowly builds up everything then this is worth reading.


This story is lit! Awesome read author! I gotta say awesome is an understatement. It was outstanding! With the initial start, It made me hooked! Interesting premise and a definitely a recommended for me! Good luck author and have a good day!


This is pretty good! I love the writing style of this book. I love how the author depicted the atmosphere and how the author showed the character's trait. Also has a bit of humor, which is always great! Hehe! Great job, author! Wishing you good luck! <3


Having a blast with this one. Opens with great hook as the protagonist fights for his life out at sea against creatures and is apparently drowning, before jumping back in time to bring the reader up to speed. The writing style is certainly unique and the author is a great story-teller. Moves at a great pace which keeps the reader glued to the screen. Certainly seems like an epic novel thus far. Good effort.


Woow, Simplemente Increible. Una vez Comence a Leer no Pude Detenerme es Extremadamente Interesante e Increible esta Novela. El Desarrollo del Personaje, El Mundo e Incluso sus Poderes es increiblemente Interesante.


X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter X-rank Hunter


kwakwaksaksk affliction lyrics excommunicated martin Luther that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that I tt


very confusing and messy ..................................................................................................................


×*********************w ho and I love this thing is so goood and I love well that all o have to say about it and yea leep up the good work and don't give up k wa


Reveal spoiler






Honestly quite horrible, granted tho I’ve seen worse. I can only assume those giving 5 star ratings aren’t native English speakers; or have received monetary compensation. Grammar, sentencing structure and the overall storytelling is quite bad. Now this is not me taking a shot at the author I commend you for trying, but readers should be given an honest account of what to expect. My review applies to the first 12 chapters. Couldn’t handle more



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