
Conqueror of All

Izan is someone who’s under a lot of pain. Every day he wakes up with pain and late at night, he endures the pain and falls asleep. Izan is someone who wishes for to die as he can’t seem to keep up with the pain he is under. Suicide was an alternative which Izan wouldn’t commit as he knew that it would have pained his family more than he could have imagined. Day after day, Izan tried his best to endure for his family. Izan did also have a wish, a wish that strong which allowed Izan to continue forward until his breaking point. One day, Izan was allowed to seek for his wish in the vast universe. - Disclaimer, I do not own this picture. - I do not own One Piece, nor any of the upcoming series I will be visiting in this novel. - This is just a fan-fiction which I thought of in my mind, therefore, I will not always follow certain 'plot'.

iMiH · Anime & Comics
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174 Chs

Do not gaze into the abyss

*Hissing* A crispy hissing noise sounded out from Ouroboros as he slithered near Izan whilst coldly gazing around. Ouroboros saw every large beast around Izan as his enemies.

"Ouroboros." Izan called out the snake's name as Izan flew towards Ouroboros's head. After standing in front of Ouroboros, Izan patted it softly. "I want you to travel around this continent. Fight. Adapt. Grow. You will be by yourself, let me know if you're under danger, and at that time, I will come. Till then, roam around freely."

After Izan had said that, Ouroboros hissed once again after carefully gazing towards Izan before turning around, slithering away at a high speed. It only took Ouroboros a few seconds before its massive body couldn't be seen any longer.

Whilst the snake was here, Defying was gazing at the stupid snake with an indifferent gaze, but there was a hint of contempt in her eyes. Because as far as she would allow, only she was worthy to be a familiar under Izan, not a stupid snake that could only hiss like an idiot.

And whilst Defying was doing that, Hisoka was closely staring at Izan and the snake. He was surprised to see an enormous snake suddenly appearing, and Hisoka was sure that the snake was a real monster and not an ability or power of Izan. But even whilst knowing that Izan wasn't from this world, he found it very weird how Izan, the woman near him and the snake; Ouroboros could be so strong without having a hint of Nen.

Izan then turned towards Hisoka with a small smirk on his face. "Are you interested?"

"In what?" Hisoka replied in a slightly gruff tone.

"Standing in front of me whilst I'm at my strongest." Izan's smirk was both to himself and for Hisoka, Izan wanted to push his own limits the moment he arrived in this world. And, if he could also at the same time show it to Hisoka, he would be able to do two things at once.

When Izan saw Hisoka nodding, Izan said. "Prepare yourself." And when Izan said this, Hisoka's tremendous sinister aura gushed out of him, preparing himself and guarding himself for anything that Izan might show.

Izan closed his eyes for a brief moment, and after a whole second, he opened his eyes. At that moment, the whole world seemed to stay still, the world was losing its colours, the entire went calm when Izan's eyes gazed upon this world. Izan's eyes were dark as the abyss, no light could escape from them, but they shined brightly like stars in the night sky.

And what followed after, was a massive aura suddenly appearing. Animals and beasts ran away in fear, the air around of Izan began ripping itself apart, the ground that was over two hundred meters began trembling.

-At Gon's base-

A tremendous aura suddenly appeared before the ground began trembling. Gon hurriedly ran towards the window, gazing towards where he was sensing the aura was coming from, Gon's eyes were squinted, he was afraid because he had never felt something like this before. 'Is this coming from one of the Heavenly Beasts?!' Throughout the years he has been in the Dark Continent, Gon had never felt something like this before.

The aura wasn't sinister, nor oppressive, if Gon had to put a word into it, the aura had to be majestic. Something belonging to a King.

"Oh, I wonder what Izan is doing." Nojiko asked herself in a calm tone, alongside her, everyone other than Gon in this room could sense the familiar aura that Izan usually would use.

"Uhm… Do you think that Izan might be struggling? Should we go there?" Shirahoshi asked in a low voice gazing towards the window worriedly.

"What? You girls know who this aura belongs to!?" Gon asked them loudly with shock showing on his face.

"Of course, the person releasing that aura is our Husband." Hancock was proudly saying this, but in the corner of her eyes, she was staring coldly at Gon. She was being cautious against him, solely because she didn't know him. The only reason Hancock accepted going to Gon's hideout was that Jiutian and Calypso were with them, and with them here, no one would be able to force them to do anything.

When Gon heard Hancock say that, he remembered the face of the man that was with them. In Gon's eyes, that young man was slightly younger than him, appearing to be in his early twenties. Aside from his unusual handsome face, Gon didn't find anything special about him. But now that he had been told that the crazy aura belongs to that man, it did shock Gon a little bit too much.

"There's no need to worry." Jiutian replied to Shirahoshi's earlier question. "From what I can sense, Izan is currently only showing off his strength. And what we are sensing now, is merely a small bit of it as we are around two thousand kilometres away from him."

Gon's eyes widened and his mouth was agape, he couldn't think of any human possibly being this strong that his aura would be so strong even whilst being two thousand kilometres away. As from Gon's travels in the past, only a few people were crazily strong, one of them being his friend; Killua and his family. His own dad was also crazily strong, and there were also a few people in the Mafia and the roamers were also strong. But if Gon had to guess, they would all have a hard time fighting against someone like the owner of such an aura.

-Izan's location-

Izan was standing in the middle of a chaotic aura that was gushing out of him like a gate of flood had been opened. Izan's abyss eyes were piercing towards Hisoka, Izan's stoic expression was calmly gazing at Hisoka.

There were no animals or beasts in the surrounding thousand kilometres, they had all ran away, or died because of the pressure that was coming out of Izan's aura.

Whilst Izan was gazing at Hisoka, Hisoka was also gazing back at Izan. Staring right into Izan's eyes that looked like the abyss.

My cold has finally gone away, and I'm healthy once again! I have to say, being ill is tedious.

Oh, it's Friday already, just a heads-up, there won't be a chapter tomorrow, so don't wait for one.

I'm looking for interesting people in HxH, anyone got any thoughts about that? Or should I simply just make some original ones? And btw, if you join the discord; e7dFDKj, you can make your own OC for the story, in any World you wish for. Just a little bonus for those that are in the discord channel.

Just gonna say this, that one of the important characters is an OC from a guy in the Discord!

iMiHcreators' thoughts