
conqueror: Life after truth is revealed

[this novel is taking part in fantasy carnival! Please drop a powerstone if you like it! Thanks for stopping by!] How would you strive to become the most powerful among your peers when given a system at the same time, same quests and different paths? would you run to the top with strength and perseverance? lay in the shadows with patience strong as steel? Cast your way across galaxies? or just lay there alone - The darkened lights in the auditorium flared down at the crowd of people. It was our first year entering high school at the prestigious academy for "young geniuses". When really, most of them here are payed entries. I stood in the middle of the bunch of people shoving others aside in hopes to get a small head start. In this day and age, people have managed to control the human body and expand it beyond belief. But people had to earn that power, by unlocking the system with a mana crystal you could be limitless. the school you attend to of your first year of high school will give you your system and you must fight amongst your peers to become the best. Where people have been betrayed many times, stolen tests to breaking arms to get a better placement on a mile race. The crowd of people were a racket as the professor rolled out a large blue ball. stopping in the middle of the stage like a popular music artist. "I wish you all the best of luck on your journey." a blue hue slammed against everyone as it spread throughout the room [Welcome, Andrew] 'no one will stop me, this time, or ever.' -------- Welcome to my novel! thank you for stopping by! This novel contains mature themes, so if you are uncomfortable with heavy gore, language or naughty scenes :3 (these are not common and will only take place after story progresses) please be warned. Prolougue will be written in a very fast pace to give background information, I feel that starting the novel like this will be refreshing and will bring more depth to the characters. WARNING! 18+ chapters will have a * in title WARNING! release schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (starting when prologue ends, will change if novel does well) power stones will hasten chapter releases so if you love the novel, please drop one down! 10 pwerstones = 1 bonus chapter 30 powerstones = 2 bonus chapters 60 powerstones = 3 bonus chapters 100 powerstones = 2 chapters a day for a week *chapters will be uploaded the day after goal is reached* this is my second novel after I took a writing class I'm at it again, let me know if anything is wrong! cover is not mine, please contact me if you want it removed

frewdsfagr · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Spells and decisions

Andrew sat back down with Zoe who was eating a third burger.

"Jesus, calm the fuck down. Do you want to get fat?" He laughed at the embarrassed face of Zoe.

"N-No, Either way it's not your business." she pouted, turning away to throw her contents out. Probably because of the comment.

Andrew returned to sitting patiently as he took a painkiller, and a woman approached him.

"Hey there, wanna fight for a STR point?" A voice called out to him, Andrew looked up at the large woman. She has short brown hair like Andrew, but this one was brushed and wasnt kept in any style on purpose. She seemed rather interested to fight, looking at him as more of prey rather than a valuable opponent

"I'd rather not, I don't want my statistics or any information going out to the public yet." He responded. Fights were often held in a large stadium, where everyone could watch if they wanted too.

"Tch" she responded as she walked away to find the next person. Her back disappeared into the crowd as he watched her back disappear from view.

'Guess there will always be those kinds of people. Rather fight for others hard work instead of their own.'He commented to himself as he turned his view back to the table in front of him


"Alright, I'm back." Zoe called out loudly as she came back and sat down on the table. Andrew looked towards her.

"HEY WANNA VISIT THE LIBRARY?" she said loudly too him as she continued. She was very excited and probably on a sugar high from chugging a soda.

"Sure, but first quiet down." He replied bluntly as he pushed himself out of the small table.

He had nothing to do for now, so following her suggestion he exited the large plaza. The sun blared down on their faces as they readjusted their eyes to the outdoors once again. The concrete stone path had heated up a bit as they crossed the campus. The library building was rather busy by the looks of it as they walked closer. People walked in and out of the building quickly as they followed suit inside.

"What elements did you get?" Andrew turned to ask Zoe with a smirk.

Her gaze widened at the large library, its three floors of books astounded her. She had never seen that many books in her life. Its grand interior had given her a little bit of a refresh on where they actually were. This place wasn't the local mall in town anymore, This was the real deal.

"OH! I got water,earth and space." she told him with a large smug grin.

Her face just screamed 'oh, aren't i great' as Andrew turned away with a slightly annoyed grin.

"Okay, let's start with space then. It's one of the more rare and difficult ones after all." He continued as he directed her up the grand staircase located at the end of the large room.

The second floor had all of the more difficult and rare element categories. Like space, which can allow you to teleport short distances and store things in a separate space. There were two other elements located on this floor, Light and Dark. Dark counters all of the basic elements as it deals more damage to the spells itself. It corrodes all magic thrown at it, allowing the user free range for attack. Light has been deemed worthless in fighting as its main use is too buff and heal. While this may be extremely useful, most of the progressive paths given to us by the mysterious makers of the strange technology were a solo mission.

The shelves reached five different layers all packed full of books, Andrew looked through the books as Zoe ran by him and immediately grabbed two books on the second shelf. She looked at them eagerly as she turned to sit down at a table to start studying the contents.

Andrew looked through his selection more carefully, he'd rather have things that worked well together than something flashy and useless. He stumbled his gaze to the 5th shelf after discerning all of the options.

'Item Transport… Huh, this might be useful." He said as he reached up to pluck the book from the shelf. He opened the book up and information started to pour into his mind. He stood there calmly as he thought about what was given to him.

"Why don't you come and sit down?" Zoes voice snapped him out of his daze.

He nodded and walked over to sit down, opening the book once more as he did so. Once again, A splurge of information shot into his brain. He sat there with his hand under his cheek to support his head as he thought.


Congratulations! Spell Item Transport now learned!:

Item transport: you are able to transport any inanimate object a certain distance away from you.

Limits: 100 pounds, 100 feet



"Hoho, this isn't too bad." Andrew said to himself quietly as Zoe scratched her head frustratedly. She was studying flash teleportation and portal manipulation. Both of them are staples in the modern world, in combat and in life. Flash teleportation allows quick teleportation within a short distance while portal manipulation, while mastered. Can allow one to create portals that can take you anywhere in the world

"What are you going to use portal manipulation for? You barely left your room as a kid since you were always reading manga." He pointed to the book she was studying furiously.

"Brooo, I wouldn't have to get out of bed to grab a soda. What do you mean what would i use it for. I would use it for literally everything." she snapped back a little frustrated.

Andrew laughed, it was interesting watching her try so hard for something once in a while. But learning spells is a difficult process, you have all the information on how it works given to you directly to your brain. You just need to figure out why it works.

"Howdy!" a shy male voice spoke from his left.

Alex was there holding around 10 books as he slammed them down on the side of the small 4 person table.

"Got enough?" Andrew asked in a teasing voice.

"Not enough, there are so many cool things i can't wait to do." He shook his head as he sat down and immediately tore into one of the books.

His face widened in surprise as the onslaught of information poured into him. A stunned face remained as he stared outwards.


"I know right" Zoe stated as she opened up her book yet again, her blonde hair falling down to her shoulders.

"I'll be right back, going to grab a couple more books." Andrew said as he stood up and placed the old one back.

Zoe looked at him with shock yet again, but shrugged it off. At this point she's just given up on understanding whatever happens with him. Alex stood there without understanding that he's only been there for maybe half an hour.

Andrew walked through the light section first, browsing through swiftly. He stopped when he read 'Replenish'

"Now, this is a must." he grabbed the book off the shelf and then left the section, turning towards the staircase.

He climbed up another flight of stairs to reach the third floor. The third floor was more of a unique floor as it didn't really have any magic spells. It was mostly a study floor but had two small sections of spells. Body enhancement and Body manipulation, a lot can happen with body manipulation as he noticed quite a few guys standing around there.

But he turned left to grab the basic strength enhancement spell from the enhancement section. He didn't waste much time getting back to the table where Alex was bouncing up and down in excitement and an exhausted Zoe.

"Yo Andrew, check this out!" Alex called to him as he returned.

The air around him suddenly got extremely cold as Alex started to conjure a small ice pillar. Which floated in the air waiting for a command.

"Isn't this awesome?" he asked with a quivering voice


"It is pretty cool, but are you sure you want that to be one of your limited spells?" Andrew nodded with interest.

"Oh ill be fine, i've still got 9 more to learn." he responded without much thinking.

10 spells wasn't necessarily the base limit, but most people can only handle 10. So everyone gradually only acquires 10 as they get progressively harder and more dangerous afterwards.

Learning too many spells puts the person at risk of having an override of the brain, causing them to fall into a coma,die and in worse cases losing system powers. The only way to increase this is to level up and have a stronger soul.

Andrew Turned back to the book in his hand before setting both of the books back into the return shelf. He didn't really feel like studying these right now and would rather think about it for a bit before he did anything. Luckily he found Item transport first, or he would've been window shopping spells which could lead to hasty decisions.

He sighed and picked up the three books he had acquired.

"Alright, I'm going to head back to the dungeon. Id want to get as far as i could before these two weeks are over." He nodded towards Alex and Zoe who opened the book to try yet again, sweat dripping from her neck down to her moderate breasts.

"Alright, see you later." Alex waved as Andrew descended the staircase to check out the three books.

In the schools meeting room.

"But headmaster, why would you give the kids two weeks of free reign? Do you realize how many of them will die because they haven't learned proper training or management? Even with everything that has going on in the world?" a brown haired woman pleaded

"Quiet, you have no power here in this decision" The old man boomed towards her.

"This isn't some bottom feeder school, only those who are worthy may step foot into our classes. China has been dominating all of the tournaments since the introduction of the system, I refuse to let that go on much further. I want glory to this school and our students, and i will do anything to get it." he said with authority as his presence boomed, his aura choked the female assistant.

"Now, i dont give a flying fuck what other schools say about our tactics. We will come out on top for this next tournament, whether they like it or not." He released his authoritative presence.

"Now, go and fetch me that student. I want him to be pampered, nice and well, grab a couple of his friends too. A well coordinated team is what we need" he grumbled as his old wrinkled face curled into a smile.

"And open up the new development section for the upper 50."

The woman looked at him with a light of horror.

"Y-you don't mean the infinipod do you?"

"Yes I do… now get to it. I don't want to hear any more complaining."

Not knowing that they will never get the chance to use them or meet them. She ran out the door to talk to other staff.