

Ren was already hurting all over, and now, was pinned to the floor. 'At the very least, I'm not unconscious yet'.

"Let's just kill him now and be done with it already. We can't wait on the chiefs wisdom while this spy is a constant danger." Said the same voice from behind him. It was low and whispered harshly, but was rather feminine in pitch.

Though he was happy enough to not be knocked out yet he couldn't help but squirm beneath the large weight on his back and worry. Yelling out in a pleading manner "NO! No, please. I'm not a spy. Please, I was just lost and alone." He begged to his captors, sweating buckets and squirming to no avail as his hands throbbed from the bleeding and his arm sent lightning flashes of pain up to his shoulder with each awkward turn.

"Be quiet Prana. We do not simply kill people for making noise near our home. The chief will decide his fate and we will hold him until then. And you, be silent. You will explain yourself to the chief and he will decide your fate. Until then, remain silent and still, else I will break more of your limbs until you cannot move." Said the male voice above Ren before twisting his arm and shoving him back into the storage room.

Turning back around Ren saw his two captors. Both had raven black hair and muscled bodies with pale skin. They both wore furred cloaks and boots but had linen tunics and pants. Both held spears though only the woman pointed hers at him. The woman's hair that seemed to be partially braided before falling behind her in a ponytail. She seemed to be around the age of twenty, though her height gave the appearance of a still developing teenager. The man on the other hand was of a much older visage, given the amounts of ash grey in his beard, probably around forty or so. His face appeared worn and chiseled but his muscles were still easily seen past his tunic and how much larger he appeared to be then Ren at this moment. Probably something like a six and a half foot body builder. 'They might be father and daughter or Husband and wife depending on how well I can get their age right, not to mention whatever the hell this culture practices for marriage. I guess I'm back near the medieval times if they're holding spears like that, but those spears have stone, how the hell do they have medieval clothes and tribal weapons?'

Ren's mind couldn't help but race with a number of questions on his captors appearance, culture, morals, and attitudes, but his first priority was survival so he made a simple request to test things first.

"Is it alright if you don't tie me up in ropes again? I'd rather not be stuck feeling like a board all night until your....um....chief comes to question me. Besides, as you've seen, there's almost no way of me getting out of here anyway." He said with a sliver of hope, appearing weak and mild mannered to them to see if they would listen at all.

The older man looked to the woman, Prana now, and then back to Ren before looking him over from head to toe, seeing him bleeding, and defensive, he sighed and said. "Fine, we will not bind you. Prana, get some rest, I will watch him until the chief arrives."

"But father...."

"Enough, I will watch him, and you will see his outcome when the chief arrives. Go to rest and I will have no more words from you about harming this stranger. It is not our way, and I will make certain it is not yours. Now go." His words were stern as a heavy handed father, but the look on his face was one of being tired and confusion, though Prana would not be able to see it.

Without another word, Prana left in a huff for deeper into the house and a soft muffled rustling could be heard as she reached her bed. The house was obviously not very large. Ren relaxed back into the closet and leaned against a box as he calmed down, only to hear a small ding. He looked around, hoping his chance had arrived as all systems began with dings announcing to their host something momentous, but there was nothing. No voice, no text, no announcement. Disappointed, but hopeful, Ren settled back down, hoping it wasn't just some metal ring that he mistook.

The man, Prana's father now, took a deep breathe and noticed Ren's odd movements but simple assumed him nervous and bouncing at noises. After all, they found him yelling to himself in the woods. The poor bastard could be crazy for all Prana's father knew.

Eventually Prana's father settled down onto a small box he pulled over from the side of the room to sit and watch over the closet, making sure Ren couldn't escape or attack anyone. A silent thirty minutes passed by as the two attempted to get comfortable in their new positions and had a lack of knowledge on what to do in such a situation. Feeling bored given how he'd gotten far to used to the modern amenities to keep him constantly busy, Ren couldn't help but ask "What's your name by the way? Mine is Ren Grey." Though Prana's father looked at him oddly making him smile a bit awkwardly to try and appear normal, he still answered.

"Arne Dow. It is obvious that you are not from around here, and I do not recognize you from any of the nearby villages. Are you from the settlement? Across the sea's?" His voice almost accusatory when he mentioned the settlement and across the sea. Obviously answering yes to those would be a massive mistake.

"I...don't know. I don't know how I got here. I just woke up in the forest, in these clothes, alone and confused. I don't know where I'm from." He told at least half the truth. No reason to offend anyone by mentioning a god or speaking of magic just in case. Even if the story sounded odd, they must have at least heard him before attacking him in the forest, so it wasn't completely impossible.

"Mmmm, very well. You were acting odd in the forest."

"Was it just you two that captured me out in the forest? Did you carry me all the way here?" He asked trying to get a better lay of how this place operated.

"We were just on a simple hunting patrol and we heard your yelling. Not a smart thing to do out here. We figured you were either someone in distress or a spy attempting to bring out a pack of predator's close to our village. We saw you continue to act odd, so we figured we would capture you first. Prana attempted to stab you, but I intervened and knocked you out at the base of your head. We then fed you some Lady's Embrace so that you would remain asleep until we got you back to the village. The Elder's and the chief should only take a bit longer until they come for you."

Ren couldn't help but look wide eyed at Arne in a bit of shock and thankfulness. He had saved him from his overaggressive daughter twice now as well as the rest of the villagers and any animals lurking in the forest. He had come way too close to death already and he hadn't even stayed more than half an hour conscious in this new world. Any more close calls and he really might die, wasting his second chance.

Taking one last look over at Arne, Ren rested back against the box again and closed his eyes, resting and waiting for what happens next.

Hi, thank you very much for taking a chance on this story. I am not on a set schedule with this yet, but I wanted the first two chapters out at a minimum to allow people to see where things were headed.

As for future post of these chapters, I want a minimum of 2 chapters a week, and probably a maximum of 7, or one a day if I feel relatively inspired.

Thank you again for reading, it was very warming to see at least a dozen people take an interest in two days, here's hoping I can keep the interest

dmanonecreators' thoughts