
Drop Down

The darkness didn't last as long this time as Ren soon felt a rude and harsh reality hit his ass as gravity took hold on his body and he found himself sore on the dirt and shrub coated ground in the middle of a dark forest. Groaning as the warmth and dream like feelings left him and his mind caught up with his body, Ren couldn't help but look around.

"Huh, it doesn't seem all that much like a new world to me. Trees, bushes, dirt, all green. And.....oh.....shit, there it is..." He says as he looks up into the sky and sees not just a moon but what looks like a large line stretching across the sky and not leaving. It almost looks like a ring similar to Saturn's, but it was blueish white in color, similar to the moon instead of Saturn's yellow rings.

Ren continued to look around as he slowly got up and stretched from the uncomfortable soreness around his body. Seeing nothing immediately eye catching other than dark forest he took a deep breathe and tried to notice if anything was different about himself like in all those novels and shows he'd seen. He noticed he felt rather normal, that was, until he looked down. Instead of his original body, that to be honest wasn't in the most fit of shape thanks to years sitting around in a chair and age catching up with him, he saw a muscular pair of arms and thick chest. Looking around further, it wasn't just his upper body that had changed. Undoing his pants, which now seemed to be made of basic linen instead of his old jeans, he saw a large pair of muscular legs and a slight improvement to his old equipment as well.

"Holy crap, I'm fucking ripped!" He shouted as he looked over and felt his new body, getting used to the new feeling of strength that came with flexing his previously weak arms and sensing he could now compete with a pro athlete if he wanted. He reached up and felt his face, thinking it might have changed, but other than some stubble and much thinner cheeks, he couldn't feel any difference. "I guess I'll have to find a mirror, or at least some water if I really wanna get a good look at my new body. I guess this is the help that guy....god mentioned. It's not bad, but I hope he gave me something more than just a nice athletic body to survive out here and do what he wanted."

He continued looking around, and even attempted to perform magic, or smash a tree with his fist, all to no avail, with the tree leaving quite the bruise on his knuckles after the attempt. Figuring he didn't get any powers he tried to think over any of the previous shows he'd seen about transmigration.

"Maybe, I have a game like menu like those light novels and such. Hmmmm, SYSTEM!" He shouted into the dark, only to get nothing. "Menu!" More nothing. "Open!" Notta. "Inventory" Zilch. "Map....." Nope.

"Fuck, this is hopeless. Did all I really get was a better body? I mean, it helps, but it's nowhere near what I need. Where am I supposed to go? The fuck am I supposed to do?!!" He asked shouting to the empty sky, hoping the god or system might hear him. Unfortunately there was no reply. Drained and confused, Ren couldn't help but slump back against a tree and contemplate what the hell he would do next.

"Ugh, well, I'm in a forest. Maybe I can find some basics to survive. It was water, then food, then shelter, and finally tools and fire I think." With a sniff and a stretch, he looked around and thought about which direction might be best to start with. After all, this was his second chance at life. It was already somewhat better than eternal nothingness so he might as well try to survive and preserve the chance at least. "Alright, time to go."

*Crack* a snap came from behind him and than a dull pain echoed out from his head and he found the ground, now again, against his face and the world going dark fast. "Wha...."

'Seriously, I didn't even get ten minutes to adjust and I'm already going to die again? What the hell kind of chance is this? Where the hell are my cheats? My skills? What the fuck "GOD"? Where is my fucking fantasy?!'

Those were the last words he could think of before everything went dark and quiet.


Soon, the world begins coming back into focus. It's blurry, and dark. It looks like he is inside of some wooden room, small and cramped. His arms behind him, tied tightly together and his muscles stiff from what appears to be him being thrown in here in an awkward position. Straining his arms and legs, he attempted to break free, but to no avail as she panicked a bit and looked around for something that could help him or at least get these ropes loose. "There's got to be something, this looks like a storage closet..." He says as cold sweat begins growing on his forehead and he wiggles his body back and forth looking for anything. At first, all he sees is random assortments of baskets and boxes made of wood and fibers. Not seeing any metal, he crawls over to one of the more jagged and crude boxes and leans against it, struggling to sit his back, and more importantly, his bound hands against the edge of the box before he begins to grind his ropes against it.

The friction and random cracked and splintered edges of the wood doing a noisy number on his bindings and his hands as he begins to feel blood seep down his fingers. The pain intense enough to drive a few whining groans through his gritted teeth.

'Fuck, FUCK, FUCK! Hurry it up, I don't want to be like the rest of this food and wait to get eaten by whatever the hell dragged me in here.' His body covered in sweat and his skin flushed with the exertion before he finally hears and feels the bonds loosen and finally fall down behind him. With a grunt and sigh he quickly reaches up and removes his bindings around his feet with a few strengthened tugs at the knot before taking a deep breathe and trying to come up with a plan.

'Alright, finally free at least.....that's a start. Now, just have to get out of here quietly, and hope I'm not killed, eaten, or captured again. No sweat, just gotta pull off a mission impossible in a new world where I know nothing. Complete walk in the fucking park, right?' He takes a few more deep breathes before wrapping his bleeding hands in some spare cloth he found in one of the boxes. Then, he reaches for the flap in the doorway and slowly presses against it, peeking out of the side.

It was dark outside, but it appeared to be another room in a house or hut of some kind and he didn't see anyone. Just some chairs and what looked like benches with a large smoking pit, probably for cooking. Seeing no one immediately, he slowly moved forward and crawled through the doorway, only to find a thick hand grabbing his arm and swiftly cracking it behind his back before shoving him to the floor. Then, a voice behind him said "Told you he's a spy."