
Conquering your heart: My wife is the Mafia!

A girl runs away from a Mafia organization. A young man was assassinated by his family member. An elder brother has always had stubborn thoughts about his feelings towards his younger brother. An artful deception, to intend, fierce shootouts between great influences. The last big boss – who will be the big mafia boss? All will be revealed… [When the night is torn] will be the key that unlocks all the secrets. Welcome readers to watch!

JuXian · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 7: To fade from Yu-san’s memory.

[The seagulls are flying in the sky.

A vast expanse of sand is tumult.

The sound of waves lapping.

Cold night.

Misting of the past is covered with heart-rending debris.

Dear God, don't forgive me!]


The last time her red eyes appear and it was like rabbit eyes.

The deep psychological wounds of a child are too big but nobody knows that. Her sorrow must never sink into oblivion by herself. She doesn't want to be found out by anyone.

Day after day, she operates in her organization, and one of the main differences between the immature introspective and ego of humans are her conscience. But she has become a weapon to kill people. She becomes the most excellent murder weapon in her organization. Angel became the top assassin in the ranking: The super killer!


Angel keeps regaining one's composure and looking at the door.

The knocking continues on the door.

It is the familiar of the policeman.

"Angel? Get out here! Today, I can't buy anything in the supermarket. Because we don't have enough cooking ingredients tonight, I can't cook you s nice meal! I think that we should go out to eat." he said.

Angel tilted her head and her eyes were towards the door.

The big body of the policeman is standing at the door.

The lap of the policeman was dirty with oily.

Angel looked at his dirty lap, her small face showed doubt for him.

Because Angel peered, the policeman started and he suddenly ducked out of sight. He discovered the dirt on his lap above.

"What's the matter?" The policeman ducked and looked followed her eyes then smiled. "Ah~ It is the dirty is made by a difficult woman when I accidentally walked past her."

The policeman recalled the incident that took place in the supermarket before. His gentle smile on the policeman's face went off. Angel didn't know that the policeman was provoked but she heard the sound of grinding teeth by the policeman.

Angel: "…"

The angry policeman raised and he said:

"Kobe Beef has a discount at the supermarket today. I feel great when I buy a piece of beef. Because of the last piece of beef, I consider myself very lucky for this. But… Suddenly, a woman appeared. She walked toward me and snatched the beef from my hand. I'm very unhappy about this! So, I argued with her. Because of her rude attitude, I decided not to give her the beef. When I went to the cashier to pay money, she was holding ketchup and using it for malicious purposes. My shirt is splashed with tomato sauce. What a petty woman! Damn it!"

"…" Angel nodded and seemed to understand all things that he was saying.

"…" The policeman!!!

He consoled himself that Angel was only a child. A child who is too young to understand many things. So he didn't want to think more…

But, meat and food…


The policeman remembered that meat and food are left in the trunk of the car.


"…." The policeman!!!

The policeman is consoled by himself.

All of a sudden something occurs and he thinks of food and drinks bought in the car's boot.

He quickly opened the door and ran out.



Angel went in the running direction of the policeman and she shakes head and sighed.


Haizzz…Indeed, he is a dog forever alone!

With his clumsy, If it is possible to finish his long-lasting alone day, he is really talented.

Looking at the policeman, who is standing next to the car and scolding that bad woman with bad words, Angel feels that his anger can't last long. Therefore, she had been ignoring him, to him talk a lot of nonsense.

A few moments later...

He remembered that the din was not cooked, which, is a big problem…

At this time, only food is true love!

Angel quietly entered the house and continued to watch her cartoon.

The policeman talked a lot of nonsense for a long time when all of a sudden his mobile rang. It is called from the City Policeman Department.

Currently, there has been an important clue to support Mr. Phung's family to find the culprit behind this case.

When hearing this, the mood of the policeman was extremely executed.

These damn kidnappers! Maybe make them wrap their calendars for the rest of their lives in prison, it also was a success.

Because of this, the policeman is determined to catch them.

"The Big Leader, Is there any news?" The policeman asked.

"Our colleague find out kidnappers of the last signal. The last time they telephoned Mr.Phung, this place is a call-box public. They don't use mobile phones because they fear being found out by us.

Therefore, they take advantage of the call-box public to contact with

Mr. Phung's family. According to the location search, this call-box public is located near Haido station."

"If this location is Haido station, we don't sure to get a clue. We can't do anything if there was not enough evidence to prove them guilty.

It's hard to find them! The Big Leader, I think that we should change a new plan."

"What is the new plan?" The Big Leader asked him.

The policeman said:

"If it is a simple organization, includes the kidnappers and extortionists. They will not fool to kill the hostage. Unless otherwise agreed with the instigator or when the hostage realized to their face.

They will make a decision that kills the hostage to keep the secret.

The Phung's daughter is just a child, she inability to recognize someone's face well. Haizz…If the kidnapper needs money, they will enable Mr. Phung to bring money to go to the meeting place and they appear in this. But they didn't appear at the meeting place. It's seen that they just joking with Mr. Phung's family. The main purpose of the kidnapper is to make Mr. Phung suffer mentally. The pangs of parting with a father when there is a small daughter are killed. These pangs of parting…who…who will understand for Mr. Phung? In the majority of cases, it's necessary to quickly gather evidence of a murder and collect the statements of the witnesses other. Hopefully, we will find new clues."

"I ordered somebody to arrive at Mr. Phung's house and go to someplace other. I hope that there will well news."

"I hope too."

"Ah!" The Big Leader asked the policeman. "Where is that little girl? Does he still stays at your house?"


"Why doesn't take her to the city's humanitarian organization? Or…Doesn't send her to an orphanage?" The Big Leader expressed contempt for him. "Baike, you are still an alone man. You don't know to take care of the children. If you accept to take care of many people we to arrive to search for you. They will preach to you for half an hour."

"Huh? What will they preach about?"

"Uhm…They preached against violence, about the Rights of children,… etc. Like their lecture on "the Rights of children" has been done before, then they will preach with you. You will tire of listening to them preach. Hey, my mate! I dislike you bringing up a little girl! Your work is too busy to can take care of a child. How troublesome!

I don't want my personnel to get into trouble!"

"My Big Leader! Is it your intimidating method?"


Baike said:

"In this city, the cold look and emotional deprivation to me become a loner. I choose not to married because a broken marriage will kill the beauty of love. My parents have a divorce. They have a family of their own. Although they told me that I should get married to one wife but I didn't like this thing. I am interested in women."

"What a sick brain!" The Big Leader said. "Baike, are you sick? I feel that you should go to the hospital. Let your psychologists examine you. Why does a mature man like you don't feel like marrying? Why? Because of your parent's broken marriage, this thing becomes your psychological obsession, don't you? Is it true that so you hate getting married to somebody? Baike! Let's trust me! Let's get married to somebody! The life of marriage is an enjoyable feeling~"


What is the hell enjoy?

Baike attitude to disgust with the big leader.

If marriage is truly like what the big leader said, why does every day when the big leader work, he always complains about his financial problems?

Why must the big leader have to throw on his face as soon as the meeting is taking place because of his wife the call?

What a guy who boasts!

If he were not Baike's big leader, Baike would run to the police station and would give this guy's boast of his face some punches.

"Baike? Are you listening to what I'm saying?"

"The phone signal is too wave," Baike answered. "Because my phone signal wave, I can't listen to what you said. The big leader! Is it possible to repeat what you just said? I feel that your admonition is full of useful!"

"REALLY?" The phone line suddenly keeps silent in a jiffy.


That the big leader repeating once by his enthusiasm again.

Baike is as cool as a cucumber and creates recording the big leader's call and then puts his mobile phone on the table.

Until recently, Baike is losing sleep. Like this sound of recording the big leader's call can become a lullaby melody and it makes Baike sleep better.

While that big leader is babbling, Baike takes the time to cook dinner.

The sounds of water discharge are resounding.

The phone line expressed displeasure with Baike's actions. And the big leader was angry shouting at his mobile phone:

"Damm it! Baike, what the hell are you doing?"

He calmly turned off the faucet and went to the table to hold up his the mobile phone.

"Yes?"Baike replied.