
Conquering the Fantasy World with my System

Qin Yi, a young man working as a takeout driver died in a miserable car accident. But not only did he not die but also transmigrated to a fantasy world, where the strong reigned supreme. Where Kingdoms fell and new rose and legendary heroes achieved unbelievable. He had been reborn as the youngest prince of the White Lion Dynasty. When the King died, the struggle of power and the battle of the crown had begun. To not participate in the struggle, the oldest of his brothers had made him the lord of a little town at the border. Now with his system and the memories of his past life, will he achieve greatness? [ I had a small new idea and wanted to try it out so here it is. I will upload some chapters when when I have time. ] [ If you want me to upload more, don’t forget to comment or send me feedback ]

Yuccas · War
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Chapter II The Ambush

When I left the carriage, I saw the two guards already looking for useable firewood to make a fireplace.

The driver of the carriage was petting the horses and giving them an apple.

My first day in this world was almost over now. I sat down on a huge broken stone, a little mush was growing on the side, but it didn't matter to me. I wasn't the same ignorant prince as before. I had a Mission to change my live. And I wouldn't stop before that.

I still felt quite tired, so I decided to return to the carriage as the guards came back with wooden parts and sticks in their hands.

"I will rest in the carriage" I said and walked towards the door of the entrance, when suddenly a strange noise came from one of the bushes behind a huge dark tree.

"Who's there?!" I immediately tried to use my eyes to find anything hiding, but because of the darkness nothing was able to catch my eyes.

"Ah shit! He found us." A laughter could be heard from the bush and only a moment later three man wearing black clothes like a typical assassin walked out.

Not only was I shocked but also the two guards, who had heard the laughter.

"Who are you?" I asked before the soldiers could. They didn't reply, and I knew they didn't come here because of something nice.

Did I provoke anyone? This thought went through my head as I tried to signal the guards to pull out their swords.

When I looked at them a screen appeared in front of me. System?

[ Status ]

Person: Wang Ni

Strength: 1st Stage

Master: Lois, the second

Only first stage? I thought and scanned one of the hidden persons.

[ Status ]

Name: ???

Strength : 2nd Stage

Master: Lois, the second

[ Status ]

Name: ???

Strength: 1st Stage

Master: Lois, the second

"Wait! Why are you two attacking me?!" I suddenly screamed out of my lungs, so everyone could hear it.

"You two are also subordinates from my brother Lois! You know that your Master sent me here."

"What?" One of the guards looked at them in disbelief. "Why do you want to attack us? We are also Lois subordinates."

"Well, there have to be sacrifices for the great plan. And you three are blocking the plan."

The burly man in black said while a small smile appeared on his face. Then the two black men pulled out two little knifes and started running towards the guards like maniacs.

The guards could only respond with their own swords and the battle had started.

You could here the clashing of the swords and the smell of blood was slowly reaching my nose, as I saw that a guard's finger had been cut off. And the assassins held a huge advantage over the guards, because of their weapons and experience.

As I thought how I should deal with these two and assist the guards, I could feel a cold stare directly at me. It was the third and as it seemed the leader of these three.

When I scanned him, I knew he had the strength of a second stage sword apprentice but that didn't really make me scared or anything. When I received the novice reward, I automatically became a 2nd stage magic sword apprentice, I couldn't really figure out what I was when I looked at my stats

[ Status ]

Name: David StoneHeart (Host)

Strength: Second Stage (Magic Sword User)

( need 16.000 XP to level up )

Servants: Zhang Yu

Kingdom: none

Money: 491 Gold Coins and 7 Silver Coins

( 10 of each for the better coin )

( bronze < silver < gold < Platin )

Summoning Chances: none

[Quest Board] Unlocked

[Market] Unlocked

[Arena] Locked

[Army] Locked

[Spins] Locked

[Alchemy] Locked

Although, i was a magic swordsman, I knew no spell or anything so I couldn't use my magic affinity and so I had to solely rely on my swordsmanship.

The stare stopped at my hand, wich held a thing but long katana made out of a black steel.

[ Item Status ]

( Mid Yellow Stage )

Sword crafted by the royal blacksmith, three years ago. Made out of black steel and enchanted wood.

It has a low mana presence and can be used to deal with weak spells.

The different kind of tools and products were divided into Yellow Stage, Xuan Stage, Earth Stage, Heaven Stage.

With this sword, my defense and attack output increased by a large margin and I was ready to fight with this anonymous assassin of my brother. I had already chosen, to make my brother kneel down in front of me in a few years, when I ruled over White Lion Dynasty.

„Die" the man in black screamed and suddenly appeared infront of me.