
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 83 - Jia Nan Academy

Currently a major event was going on in the Jia Nan Academy. It was Inner Academy Qualifying competition.

Currently the battle stadium was full of people. From students to teacher to elders etc. were present.

As a major event of the Jia Nan Academy, the so-called Inner Academy Qualifying Competition was naturally the event that attracted the most attention. Moreover, the renowned people in the academy would appear within this qualifying competition.

The male and female students who were viewed as the idols of others, as well as their source of their adoration, were undoubtedly a great source of attraction.

Therefore, the stadium used by the academy was squished in and filled with people, despite the academy having already prepared the largest one for the competition's use. Countless numbers of students from the Jia Nan Academy squeezed and bumped heads as they charged into the seats of the stadium. At one glance, it was like a sea of dense black heads and the noise shot to the clouds.

The spacious open ground was circular in shape. The area surrounding the open ground was a set of rock stairs, which repeatedly spread upward. That shape was like an arena. The sea of people seated surrounding the arena could clearly see the entire place.

At this moment, there were two human figures on the open ground. One man and one woman. The two flashed and exchanged blows. Ferocious Dou Qi ripples shrunk and burst from the points where their palms made contact, causing the surrounding people sitting in the viewing gallery to frequently emit shocked sighs. However, clearly over half the gazes in the viewing gallery were paused on the lovely figure wearing a pale-golden dress, with her lovely body flashing and moving in a light and elegant manner.

The two human figures engaged in one risky exchange after another. The pale-golden colored figure suddenly paused. Her hands glowed brightly. It carried a ray of light as it imprinted itself onto the chest of the young man. A powerful force directly shook the latter until he was pushed out of the battle arena.

"Senior, thanks for giving way!" The golden-clothed young lady smiled after defeating the opponent with a single blow. She bowed toward that man, who was quite handsome, in such a manner that no one could find fault in her manners.

"Junior Xun Er is indeed worthy of being the student with the greatest potential this time around. I have lost." Although the handsome young man had lost, he was straightforward. He knew that Xun'er was a merciful otherwise she could have easily defeated him and he would have lost too badly.

With a smile, his gaze watched that golden clothed young lady, who was like a lotus, causing people to be relaxed and happy. Although he was slightly lost in his heart but he didn't show it on the surface. He immediately withdrew in a free and easy manner.

"Xun Er wins this round!"

The golden-clothed young lady turned around and leaped down from the competition stage only after she heard the cry that sounded from the Referees Platform.

"Xun Er, not bad!" After the golden-clothed young lady descended from the stage, a lady from the viewing gallery waved at her.

"Instructor Ruo Ling." Xun Er ignored the heated gazes shooting at her from her surroundings, and ran into that specially arranged viewing gallery and shouted with a smile. She immediately turned her gaze toward a group of ladies, who were off to the side of the viewing platform, and smiled as she said, "Sister Xiao Yu."

"Xun'er you did a good job." A beautiful lady wearing a pale-purple academy uniform smiled as she walked over. When she walked, her pair of long, mellow legs wrapped in the trouser leggings immediately attracted some heated gazes, which were originally looking at Xun Er. Those alluring, long legs were really a killing weapon when it came to attracting men.

"Hopefully." Xun Er smiled. After she greeted the ladies behind Xiao Yu, she dragged Xiao Yu's hand, sat beside Instructor Ruo Ling and softly spoke with a smile.

"Sister, that… when will Brother Xiao Feng arrive?" Xun Er softly asked as her eyes glanced at Instructor Ruo Ling off to the side who appeared to be relaxed. The brows of the latter, however, had some anxiety between them.

"Yes." Xiao Yu also sighed softly when she heard this. She immediately tightened her fist as she softly reprimanded, "That fellow sent me a message in the morning, he told me that he would be here today."

"That's good. With Brother Xiao Feng's strength it shouldn't take too long to come here." Xun Er gently bit her lip as she replied.

While the two of them were quietly whispering privately, another three round of fighting had passed. A man flashed up onto the stage at the fourth round. The long lance in his hand landed on the ground with great force. The somewhat heated gaze of his swept toward the direction where Xun Er was at without any intention of covering it up.

"Xuan class – Third class Xue Beng against Huang class – first class. Xiao Feng!"

As the voice from the referee seats fell, the noisy open ground suddenly became much quieter. A countless number of gaze were thrown toward the position where the Huang class – second class was at. During this year, the name Xiao Feng, had already been firmly remembered by all the students and even the instructors of Jia Nan Academy. After all, this was the first time that they had met such a student who had Dou Huang level strength, he even took a year leave and never ever came to academy until now.

Of course, a greater reason was Xun'er. The whole academy knew that Xiao Feng was Xun'er's boyfriend, so almost all male compatriots remembered him for this reason, even few girls who tended to be lily remembered Xiao Feng.

As for instructors, that was because they never heard someone breaking through Dou Huang at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

Therefore now that they heard this name again, everyone's gaze were thrown toward where Xun Er's group was seated.

Due to Xun Er's outstanding strength and peerless beauty, she had many suitors at the academy. However, during the whole year, there was still no one who could move her heart. The only form of address, which one could hear the most from her mouth, was that so called Brother Xiao Feng. This kind of extremely affectionate address naturally caused Xiao Feng, who had Dou Huang level strength in name but he never shown himself, to become everyone's common enemy.

When faced with the countless number of gazes being shot over, some cold sweat involuntarily surfaced on Instructor Ruo Ling's smooth forehead. Her fist was also tightly clenched as her eyes swept around her, hoping that the figure, whom she had valued greatly a year ago would appear once again like a savior.

The open ground, which had become silent, also caused Xun Er and Xiao Yu to become anxious. They exchanged glances and saw some anxiety from within each other's eyes.

"Xiao Feng huh.. a coward. Although he has Dou Huang level strength but he didn't even dare to reveal himself and let's a girl receive such unnecessary criticism. This person, won't do." A white-dressed young man on the viewing platform, who was not bad looking, shook his head and said faintly, "He is not worthy of Xun Er…"

The white-clothed young man was Bai Shan, one of the outstanding people among the younger students in Jia Nan Academy. He was one of Xun'er's pursuers and his strength was not much weaker than Xun Er's.

"Chi, this is the man whom Xun Er always talks about incessantly? Is his zodiac sign a turtle? If one were to follow this kind of man, isn't it better to follow me? What is so good about those stinky men? They only think with the lower half of their bodies." On another very good location in the viewing gallery, a young lady wearing a red-colored dress had her hands crossed in front of her chest. Her back leaned against an iron pipe with her enchanting curves appearing extremely alluring against the background of the straight iron pipe. The current her could not help but curl her lips as she eyed the open ground where there was actually no one who came out to engage in a fight. There was a little disdain as she spoke with a cold smile.

"Little witch, sit properly. That person is Dou Huang level, even I would treat him with caution, much less you." A white-haired old man by the side of the red-clothed young lady could not help but blow his beard angrily when he saw that posture of hers and the independent special words of hers.

The red-clothed lady unceremoniously rolled her eyes at this old man, who clearly had quite a high position within Jia Nan Academy as she coldly snorted, "To think that you are still the Deputy Headmaster of the Outer Academy. You don't even dare to fight against a you Dou Huang."

The old man helplessly shook his head. He immediately voiced his thoughts: "You don't understand what a Dou Huang represents."

"Don't tell me such nonesical things." The red-clothed young lady gave the old man a stern glance as she said. She didn't think Xiao Feng was amazing.

"You realy…" The old man sighed. He slowly closed his eyes and said in his heart, "I hope that boy Xiao Feng would teach you something."

After the silent atmosphere continued for two minutes, some private conversations finally began to appear.

When few minutes passed and Xiao Feng didn't come, a group of male and female of the same class similarly sighed with disappointment as they stood up, preparing to leave the stadium. However, they had just stood up when Xun Er's lovely body suddenly stiffened. Her pretty face was abruptly lifted as she muttered, "He is here…"

Xiao Yu raised her head and looked towards the stadium with Xun'er.

"Uh? What?" By her side, Rou Lin and the others were startled, having not heard clearly.

A space channel suddenly appeared on the battle platform and a young man in white clothes walked out from the portal.

Xun Er's gaze stared intently at the young man on the battle platform. An excitement that she had difficulty hiding swarmed onto her face, "He is here!"

When they heard these words of Xun Er, the lovely bodies of Instructor Ruo Ling, the rest quivered. Their gaze were immediately cast toward the area on the open ground. They all looked at Xiao Feng with shocked eyes. They just saw Xiao Feng coming from a space channel which meant either some Dou Zun stage fighter helped Xiao Feng or Xiao Feng himself was a Dou Zun stage fighter. Either of the two were enough to shock them.

All the male students and instructors in the stadium also looked at Xiao Feng in shock. They didn't think that a space channel would suddenly appear and someone will walk out of it.While the girls in the arena had nympho when they looked at white clothed Xiao Feng. Even if Xiao feng supressed his temperament, his look was way off the charts, combined with his white clothes, he looked like a peerless white fairy, so almost, all the girls were charmed by him.

"Who's your excellency and why have you come to Jia Nan Academy." The Vice dean stood up and appeared in front of Xiao Feng. He looked at Xiao Feng with solemn gaze. He couldn't feel the strength of Xiao Feng.

"Hey,hey, you don't treat me like an outsider. I am a student of your Academy." Xiao Feng shook his head while looking at Him Gan, the vice dean of the Jia Nan Academy.

"What..." Hu Gan was shocked, he didn't think the one who came was student of the academy.

"Then who are..." Hu Gan asked hesitatingly. He didn't think academy had a student of Dou Zun level.

"I am Xiao Feng. As for the space channel, it was made by others in order to send me here in time otherwise I might be late." Xiao Feng knew that such clumsy cover up might not work but never intended to hide and pretend to be a pig and eat tiger. He just wanted his status in academy to be normal and spend time with Xun'er, Xiao Yu and Ya Fei. He never cared about what the people of this academy think.

Just as Xiao Feng thought Hu Gan didn't believe him. It's wasn't until he showed the academy certificate as a proof did Hu Gan believe him. Even then he looked at Xiao Feng, with slightly wary. This showed that he still didn't fully trust him.

Xiao Feng naturally saw the wariness of Hu Gan but he didn't bother to take care of it.

"Here, I announce that student Xiao Feng has returned and the competition shall continue." Hu Gan raised his hand said in the loud voice. He used Dou Qi to transverse through the areana.

"Wow..." There was an uproar when the students in outer academy heard that it was Xiao Feng who came. They all looked at Xiao Feng different eyes than before. Most of them had awe while few were hateful , jealous even few had different thoughts going on their hearts. Most of the girls looked at Xiao Feng with fiery eyes as if they couldn't wait to eat him. Only Hu Jia looked at Xiao Feng and spoke in unhappy yone, "Cut."

Xiao Feng came up to the stage and stood in front of Xue Beng.

"The match begins."

At this moment almost all of the students looked at Xue Beng with pitiful eyes because they knew that coming of Xiao Feng meant defeat of Xue Beng. After all Xiao Feng strength was Dou Huang.

Xue Beng's legs were shaking when he looked at Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng just glanced at Xue Beng then he stepped forward and his palm hit the opponents chest. Xue Beng immediately flew out of the arena but he didn't suffer much damage.

"Winner, Xiao Feng." With the referees announcement another uproar occurred in the areana.

"Thank for your mercy." Xue Beng bowed towards Xiao Feng and thanked him because he knew that if it wasn't for Xiao Feng keeping his hand he might have been injured seriously even if he didn't die.

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Feng waved his hand and moved towards Xun'er and Xiao Yu.
