
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 50- God of War, Artosh

"That's me. I was the one who launched the attack on Dragon King." Xiao Feng answered the question of Riku.

Hearing this, Riku's eyes widened, remembering what Couronne told him when she left, "Xiao Feng will solve the war and you don't have to worry." Riku was shocked speechless.

"Is this the truth about quelling the war?

But...he's still confused.

Even the people were dumbfounded.

They are ready to flee, but now... how?

"I wanted to save you guys and it was mainly because I felt that the time was right, so I decided to take action. If other races are obedient enough, then in less than a month, other races will be evacuated from this continent. When that time comes, you can join your compatriots. It's that simple."

Xiao Feng looked at Riku and said with a smile, "I'm going to kill the God of War and end this war."

When the name of the God of War came into Riku's ears, his eyes instantly froze.

The information from the Goblin and Elves, the legendary Gods, the initiator of the war, is also the initiator of the death of his parents and friends and brought doom to mankind.

Riku once "ordered" many people to die.

But if you ask him which existence he wants to kill the most, Artosh, the God of War, will undoubtedly be ranked first.

"When?" Riku suppressed his excitement and asked calmly.

"very soon."

"I see." Riku nodded and fell silent.

Don't ask why, don't ask how to kill, don't ask if he can win, he has already made a decision, he will do everything according to Xiao Feng, he will follow his orders completely.


Since entering the war, Ocain, the God of Forge, has never made such a difficult decision.

The loyalty of the kin created by him, and the technology that he discovered to use the essence of the deceased god for blasting.

The weapon that can destroy an entire continent - the marrow burst.

After years of searching and precipitation, the Goblin species now has nearly twenty blasts of marrow burst.

But even so, Ocain still doesn't have much hope of defeating Artosh.

Therefore, the Goblin Species have been seeking allies of reliable races.

However, news from a captain yesterday made Ocain fall into chaos.

When the relatives first reported, they only thought that the other party was an insignificant character and would not affect the plan.

But the opposite is true.

Just staring, the attack of the other party his heart trembled, he felt like an ant facing the galaxy and the tragic death of Dragon King, and the merciless threat he knew of his existence.

All of the above are enough for Ocain to retire.

In the luxurious palace, the short and sturdy God of Forging stopped the hammer that he was beating all day long, and after careful consideration, gave an order to his dependents.

"Announce the whole clan to evacuate the mainland from now on and go to the last stronghold."

After a while, Ocain's voice murmured, "Humph! Let that god species try the state of Artosh first, at least it can weaken the power of Artosh."

Ocain's idea is also simple.

Two tigers fight, he will be the fishermen who will take the final benefit.

Now that there are Gods who are not afraid of death to challenge the God of War, of course he is happy to sit back and enjoy the success.

The order quickly spread throughout the goblin race.

Although the warlike ones are extremely puzzled, due to the order of the Creator, they can only relocate their families.

The large-scale migration of goblin species naturally could not hinder the eyes of their mortal enemy Elves.

The chief eight-layer magician of the elves, that is, the strongest female Elf, Think Nirvalen discussed with the high-level officials overnight.

"Why did those ugly goblins suddenly withdraw?"

"I don't know, but it is said that even the goblin's frontline base is empty."

"What's the reason?"

"It may be that the Goblin Species knew something that prompted them to leave as soon as possible."

"It is very likely that it was an order from the God of Forging.

"I need to ask the God of Nature for instructions."

There was a lot of discussion in the naturally gorgeous palace.

"No, I'll just evacuate later." Think's cold voice came out.


"We don't have an order from the God of Forest."

"Need not."Think Nirvalen said coldly.

Her arbitrary behavior naturally aroused dissatisfaction among the top elves of the other elves.

But so what?

She stood up from her seat and stared at the statue of Kainath, the God of Forest, with eyes full of disgust.

The cowards who created them couldn't possibly show up.


Avant Heim

In the second place, the name of a certain fantasy species.

If the gods are the embodiment of concepts and rules, then the fantasy is the embodiment of the elements.

They form their own world, similar to a small world with a complete ecosystem in the fantasy world of immortality.

Fearing the majesty and power of the god of war, Avant Heim became the capital of the Flügel.

A city in the sky suspended in the air.

The splendid throne room.

A Flügel with long emerald hair and a patterned cheek, Azril put away the geometric halo and knelt down slowly.

Then, there was a strong and majestic voice.

"How about the extra individual?"

On the highest throne sits a man with muscles as strong as a rock.

The strong body is twice the size of a Flügel, with a black beard as tough as steel hanging down, and the eighteen pairs of wings on his back wrap around him like a cloak.

A face with a deep outline was looked down upon by a sharp and tenacious golden gaze.

Just like that, Azril felt the strong strength of her creator.

However, she also knew.

Even the terrifying and dazed appearance is only a small part of strength of the Creator, a faint reflection of a drop in the ocean.

"Go back to my lord, she has been out for several days, do you need me to bring her back?"

Azril bowed her head and replied respectfully.

At the same time, the figure of the extra individual "Jibril" appeared in his mind.

As the last of the Flügel, she is the youngest sister and the object of all the sisters favor.

However, as the leader of the Flügel, she had a hard time accepting Jibril's behavior.

The god of war Artosh is the creator, the most noble, mysterious and powerful master of the Flügel.

Every time she made a report, she would reverence and bow down from the bottom of her heart.

However, only Jibril was different.

Although she also respected the Creator in her heart, not only did she not bow down to worship, but instead she often attacked the Supreme Being of the Flügel.

Even Azril couldn't help but kill Jibril at the beginning.

However, the Supreme Being always said that he didn't care, but instead laughed and seemed very happy.

Do you find it interesting?

Whether it was the master's laughter or Jibril's true meaning, Azril didn't understand.

She was even ashamed of her arrogant self, trying to speculate on the divine will of the Supreme Being.

"Just let her move freely, maybe it will bring something very interesting."

Artosh lazily propped up his cheeks and smiled meaningfully.

The laughter was different from before, and Azril raised her head in surprise and spoke, " My lord, you...why are you so happy?"

"I'm glad this world finally has someone who can challenge me." Artosh smiled happily.

Hearing this, Azril subconsciously blurted out, "Impossible, no one in this world can compete with my lord!"

In this regard, Artosh did not speak, but just looked at the world outside the throne hall.

Azril was silent.

After killing the Dragon King Hartyleif.

For thousands, tens of thousands of years, the masters were just melancholy, sitting on the throne lazily, holding their cheeks boringly.

And Azril knew the reason for the master's melancholy.

The master is the god of war.

War is fighting each other.

Competition, war, killing and being killed, both sides bet on life and death, tempering their own soul and existence.

The continuous intersection of such a cycle is the birth of the concept of the God of War, which is also the essence of Artosh.

Therefore, the master will personally set foot on the battlefield to evoke killing intent.

However, as the personification of the concept of "war", no one is the master's opponent.

Because he is the strongest, no one is stronger than him.

One-sided massacres cannot be called war.

Therefore, the master will be depressed for a long time in burnout.

"The strongest without a challenger... what's the point?"

The god of war, Artosh, withdrew his smile and looked down at the earth with calm eyes.

It was as if there was something that was looking right at him.