
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 24- Yunlan Sect and Soul Palace ( 1/2 )

Dou Qi continent,

Nothern-West continent,

Xiao Family,

Main Hall,

Almost all the children of Xiao family were standing in the hall. The elders of the whole family were also present. They were all looking at Yunlan Sect elder and the girl standing next to him standing in the centre of the hall. Xiao Zhan had a helpless look in his eyes when he looked at the white robed elder of Yunlan sect.

"Ahem" Xiao Zhan cleared his throat and spoke with an helpless expression on his face, "Elder Ge Ye, I have already told you that Xiao Feng is not in the Xiao Clan he has already gone out to practice. He should be now travelling the mainland."

"Patriarch Xiao Zhan you know that the talent of Miss Xun'er and Xiaoyu Xiao Feng is quite well known in the Jia ma empire. Our sect leader Yun Yun wants to accept them as apprentice." Ge Ye also had helpless look on his face.

"But Miss Xun'er rejected us while Xiaoyu Feng couldn't be found. Now, I am here to request that when Xiaoyu Feng returns to Xiao clan please do inform us." Ge Ye was strictly ordered by Yun Yun to bring Xiao Feng and Xun'er back to Yunlan Sect so that she could accept them. But Xun'er has already rejected while Xiao Feng is like a dragon whose head could be seen but not tail.

Yun Yun didn't order him to force others and they are from well known Yunlan Sext, they can't force others to accept apprentice.

"Okay Elder Ge Ye when Xiao Feng returns I will tell him about the recruitment of Yunlan sect master." Xiao Zhan burst out laughing after he replied.

"Humph! Who is Xiao Feng to make my master wait. Master cares to much about him."

"So what if his talent is better, I will definitely surpass him and show master that he is nothing." Nalan Yanran kept talking in her heart. Her heart was full of jealousy towards Xiao Feng because after knowing about Xiao Feng her master started to pay to much attention to him.

Xun'er and Xiao Yu looked at this situation they were also helpless. In the past year, many forces have come to Xiao family to try to see if they could recruit Xiao Feng as son-in-law or take him as disciple or something. They had already gotten used to it. But this was not the case at the start.

Xun'er remembered her conversation with Xiao Yu and laughed

[ 2 months earlier,

Xiao family back mountain,

"Sister Xun'er I heard that Yunlan Sect Master wants to recruit you and Xiao Feng as disciples." Xiao Yu's words were full of mockery and irony for Yun Yun. Even if she was from strongest sect in Jia ma empire, Xiao Yu didn't think that she was worthy of taking Xiao Feng as disciple. She herself could beat and rub Yun Yun to the ground while Xun'er was stronger than her and Xiao Feng was a Dou Zong. She thought if Yun Yun the Yunlan Sect Master knew the real cultivation base of Xun'er and Xiao Feng, she wouldn't dare to accept them.

Xun'er was the daughter of patriarch of Gu Clan, one of eight ancient clans. Her status itself was very noble. She could getting anything she wanted. Except Xiao Feng who was her lover and Xiao Yu she showed cold attitude to everyone else. Thinking that Yunlan Sect Master dared to accept her Brother Xiao Feng as a disciple she was very angry. As for herself she didn't care because a mere Yunlan Sect was not in her eyes.

"Humph! Mere Yunlan Sect of the district dared to think about taking brother Xiao Feng as disciple." Xun'er's voice was full of contempt and anger towards Yunlan Sect.

"And the most hateful people are those who want to snatch Brother Xiao Feng from us." Xun'er's voice became even more cold than before. Her expression sank, her eyes revealed slight murderous intention.

Xun'er is very possessive of her Brother Xiao Feng. She can share him with Xiao Yu because Xiao Feng really loves her and he will not give up on her or Xiao Yu. She had already given her heart to him, so she could only accommodate his scumbag nature.

But for the families in Jia ma empire who wanted to marry their daughters for benefits etc. Xun'er was very angry. She was so angry that she even wanted to send Ling Ying to destroy those families who coveted her Brother Xiao Feng.

If it wasn't for the persuasion of Xiao Yu, she would have destroyed various families in Jia ma empire.

Looking at angery and cold Xun'er, Xiao Yu spoke in gentle manner, "Sister Xun'er you don't have to worry the little bastard loves you very much. You are his first love after all. So you must have special position in his heart. You don't have to worry that your Brother Xiao Feng will be snatched away by vixens of Jia man empire."

Although Xiao Yu was also jealous but her concept about marriage was different from Xun'er. She could easily accept the concept of 3 wives and 4 concubine. But acceptance is acceptance and knowing is knowing but she can't control her jealousy because of knowledge. Xiao Yu was very jealous but when her grandfather taught her that "Xiao Feng should have more wives in future because he's too excellent so you should try to accept everything about him and you should have good relationship with each other." With the teaching of her grandfather she gradually accepted the fact that many people proposed marrige to Xiao Feng. But she still tried her best to stop those marriage proposal. She and Xun'er even went to various families in disguise and threatened them to withdraw their marrige proposal. ]

Now when Xun'er and Xiao Yu think about it they know that they were too worried. Xiao Feng would return after another year so they don't have to worry that marriage proposal will succeed. Also, Xiao Zhan the patriarch of Xiao family knows about Xun'er's identify. Knowing the love that Xun'er has for Xiao Feng he didn't dare to accept marrige proposal easily.

Just as everyone was talking among themselves a strange voice was heard in Xiao family main hall.

"Jie, Jie, .... I didn't expect that the daughter of Gu Yuan, the patriarch of Ancient Clan, will be in a small Xiao family.

Wild and Evil laughter could be heard. As for the thing about Xun'er's identity it was not heard because Xun'er had already made sound isolation barrier with dou qi. She had already noticed someone strong evil aura was coming. So, she had already made preparation to stop him.

Living in Xiao family for nearly 6 years and falling in love with Xiao Feng made her have attachment to Xiao family. She didn't want her Brother Xiao Feng to see ruined Xiao family when he returns.

Xiao Zhan, three elders and the children of Xiao family looked at black mass that was slowly gathering in main hall, they couldn't help shaking in fear.

"Who are you." Xiao Zhan's voice was stuttering slightly and his body was shaking in fear due the coercion released by gathering black gas.

The coercion of black robed person quickly broke the enchantment and spread to everyone in the main hall.

"About me. You don't deserve to know. But the protector is in a good mood so he will tell. I am the protector of number 1 force in central mainland, The Soul Palace. Jie, Jie..." The expression was on his face was very sinister and his laugh was very evil.