
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 152 - Gathering

Although a day has passed but the storm on the Dou Qi Continent still hasn't calmed down.

Many fights had already erupted in various part of the continent. These fights are for the territory as well as resources of Hall of Souls. Although major powers didn't participate in this fight but it still caused quite a bit of stir.


Because he had already promised the matter about Heavenly Flame, so Xuan Kongzi called Xiao Feng and others, along with Xuan Yi and Tian Lei Zi.

In Ye family manor,

Xiao Feng had just woken up.

Last night he, Xin Lan, Aoi and few other girls in the small world who already had relationship with him, tossed around for a long time.

Although he wasn't exhausted or anything but he still slept for quite some time.

Aoi pushed the door open. When she saw naked upper body of Xiao Feng, she remembered the crazy scenes from last night. Involuntarily a blush appeared on her cute little face.

"Onii-chan, the people from Pill Tower are here. Are you going." Aoi asked after coming back to her senses.

"Yes but after a while." Xiao Feng said while grabbing Aoi's hand. Then he forcibly laid her on the bed under him.

"Onii-chan don't, it's already morning." Aoi spoke with blushing face. Her eyes were dodging and legs were slightly moving as she tried to escape from Xiao Feng.

"Hehe, just teasing you." Xiao Feng immediately got up. He didn't really plan to do it just now. He won't do it if his women didn't want to do it.

"But, Aoi, your thought are really bad..." Xiao Feng spoke in teasing tone. He also had teasing smile on his face.

"Ahh..." Aoi blushed. She immediately buried her head in her chest. Although she liked doing it with him but she was really embarrassed when Xiao Feng teased her like this. Now she just wants to find a hole and drill into it. She never expected that she would teased about that matter.

A while later, Xiao Feng left the Ye Family Manner after saying goodbye to Xin Lan, Aoi and others.

After leaving, he rushed to the top of the Pill Tower.

Xiao Feng met quite a number of alchemists along the way. These people hurriedly gave way when they saw Xiao Feng. There was respect in their eyes when they looked at Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng who can refine tier 8 peak grade pills, is worthy of their admiration and respect.

Although Xiao Feng was worthy of their treatment. With his strength he could easily accept it. Xiao Feng still felt a little ill at ease when he received numerous respectful gazes no matter where he went. When other people treated one with respect, one needed to, at the very least, return a smile. Hence, the journey had resulted in Xiao Feng's face smiling to the point of nearly having cramps. In the end, Xiao Feng, who was finally unable to endure smiling any longer, increased his speed as he rushed to the top of the Pill Tower in front of everyone's stunned eyes.


Few minutes later Xiao Feng finally arrived outside a large hall at the top level. He rubbed his face before gently knocking on the door.


Xiao Feng's finger had just landed on the door when Xuan Kong Zi's faint laughter was emitted from behind it.

Because Xiao Feng released a bit of his aura. Xuan Kongzi sensed him and immediately called him in.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Feng pushed open the door and entered. His gaze swept around, only to see quite a number of figures standing within the large hall. Cao Ying, Dan Chen, and others were all present. Moreover, there were three figures in the leaders' seats. The one in the middle was Xuan Kong Zi. On both of his sides were two people whom he knew because he came to Pill City before.

All the gazes in the hall gathered on Xiao Feng the moment he entered the hall. Being able to refine tier 8 peak grade pill meant that, Xiao Feng's strength was stronger than many Elders in pill, so many people naturally paid attention.

When Xiao Feng arrived, Cao Ying and Dan Chen also looked over. Dan Chen smile lightly while Cao Ying winked playfully towards Xiao Feng.

Towards both of them, Xiao Feng's eyes were full of love and tenderness, he smiled gently then he looked back at Xuan Kongzi.

"He he, our champion has arrived." Xuan Kong Zi involuntarily smiled and teased upon seeing Xiao Feng.

Towards Xuan Kongzi's teasing Xiao Feng didn't pay attention. He took a couple of steps forward and stood side-by-side with Cao Ying and Dan Chen. After which, he just stood their with lazy look. He didn't look like, he paid attention to Xuan Kongzi and others at all.

Xiao Feng's a action suprised everyone. Most of them thought he would be punished but unexpectedly for them he wasn't.

"Haha, you still haven't changed." Xuan Kongzi sighed lightly after seeing the look in Xiao Feng's eyes.

Few moments laters, when Xuan Kongzi returned back to his senses.

Xuan Kong Zi smiled. He pointed at the Xuan Yi by his side and said, "This is association head Xuan Yi. Hehe!, I don't think I need to introduce you, after all, you knew her very well during your stay. Both of your relationship was really good."

"Xuan Kongzi, don't talk nonsense. Who has good relationship with this bastard." Xuan Yi wearing cheongsam immediately roared out aloud. She did have good relationship with Xiao Feng. At that time when she got to know that he had many women she didn't care too much, after all she neither liked him, nor could she stop him from liking other women, being with him she knew that he wasn't fickle person, so her friendship with him was quite close at that time. It was only because Xiao Feng left Pill Tower without telling, that she was angry.

"Ahh..." Xiao Feng sighed as he rubbed his temple after hearing loud cry of Xuan Yi. When he came to the Pill Tower for first time, he did have good relationship with Xuan Yi. During his short stay with they had already become close friends.

Although he was a close friend of her but Xiao Feng had a headache when he thought of her character. His leave caused a lot of estrangements between them.

Thinking of how wild Xuan Yi was, Xiao Feng mouth twitched. Forcibly holding him self back, he once again followed Xuan Kongzi's gaze again.

"This is association head Tian Lei Zi. I don't think he need to be introduced either."in

Xuan Kong Zi's eyes turned to the dark-skinned elder with an unusually cold and stern face. Xuan Kong Zi introduced him with a smile.

"Yes. Long time no see, Tian Lei." Xiao Feng spoke as if he was seeing an old friend.

"Yes, long time no see. You still haven't changed." The cold and stern face of Tian Lei Zi changed and he said with a smile on his face.

Cao Ying and Dan Chen already knew the matter about Xiao Feng coming to Pill City few years ago. They knew about his evaluation of tier 9 alchemist. In the Pill Realm, Xiao Feng had told them everything, so, both of them also knew about his relationship with three giants. Although he wasn't too close but they still knew each other.

Because Cao Ying and Dan Chen were already aware of everything, so they just smiled after seeing Xiao Feng talking with Xuan Kongzi and others.

Other than Cao Ying and Dan Chen rest were stunned. They never thought that Xiao Feng would have such good relationship with three giants of Pill Tower.

"Since everyone has gathered, I shall come back to the main topic." Xuan Kong Zi's expression had become much more serious upon bringing up the topic of an important matter. He slowly said, "The star region will be opened the day after tomorrow. You will all enter it and try to subdue the Three Thousand Burning Flame."

"The star region is a space that the three of us joined hands to create. Moreover, we added some powerful seals and hid it within the stars. The Three Thousand Burning Flame is also sealed within it."

"Due to the prolonged seal, the Three Thousand Burning Flame has formed a great grudge against the Pill Tower, especially against the three of us. Should it escape the seal, it would definitely end up attempting to take revenge." Xuan Kong Zi explained in a deep voice.

"This time around, it would be fine if there is someone who can subdue the Three Thousand Burning Flame. However, we are worried about someone not being able to subdue it and will instead want to release it to destroy Holy Pill City."

"The Hall of Souls has already been destroyed. I think you should know about it, right, Kongzi." Xiao Feng said.

Xuan Kong Zi slowly nodded. A solemn expression flashed across his eyes as he said, "What I am worried about is the Clan behind Hall of Souls. Although those guys might not be interested in Heavenly but what if they were. I am worried about their action. After all, with our strength we can't resist them."

Now the whole mainland is in Chaotic situation. We don't what might happen. Maybe few people from other major force will try to undo the seal." Xuan Yi also knit her eyebrows and softly added.

"The three of us must definitely maintain the seal of the star region when it is opened. Therefore, we will not be able to enter it. The reason why we have summoned all of you here is to get all of you to try your best to stop any one who sneaks into the star region. If you feel that something is not right, you should immediately shatter this bead. The experts from the Pill Tower will swiftly arrive to lend a hand."

Four jade beads rushed out after Xuan Kong Zi's words sounded. After which, they remained suspended in front of Xiao Feng's group.

"Kongzi, I don't think you need to do this."

"This time, I will help you but you will owe me a favour okay." Xiao Feng said after recieving the bead.

"If you can really help us, then I promise that Pill Tower will owe you a favour." Xuan Kongzi spoke after weighing the poes and cons. If Xiao Feng helped then they would definitely be more certain and a mere favour couldn't compare to the future of Pill Tower this he promised.

After hearing Xuan Kongzi's response Xiao Feng nodded. Then before anyone present could react a huge pressure appeared in the room.
