
Conquering Pride

Dark_Matter_Frog · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Facing Death

Just like when you first wake up trying to open my eyes at this moment almost seems impossible. Trying to focus my eyes on my surroundings was even harder; but realizing I was in the middle of a forest made me snap back into reality. Where was I?

Looking down at the body there is no more denying the fact that I am no longer in my original body. Like most teenagers I spent years feeling awkward in my skin; but just when I was feeling comfortable I had to go and switch bodies. Standing up it becomes apparent that I have grown a few inches; like most people my height I used to always have to round up when people asked how tall I was. Being 5"11' just never felt right but now it was obvious that I was taller, I mean I am not going to complain about that fact. I took a chance to look at what outfit I was wearing.

I was wearing pants that looked like jagger pants which I am pretty sure got out of style a while ago. I had a belt with a bunch of pouches and a dagger. I was wearing a trench coat but the weird thing was all of the clothes had a fantasy element to them; and the weirdest thing about it all was that I was wearing a skin tight sleeveless turtleneck. As much as it felt weird to have a tight shirt that revealed a lot I was not going to complain because of defining reasons… I have a six pack. I would have never thought this day would come; not only did I get taller and leaner but if I am the person in the mirror my face isn't too bad. White hair at chin length that seemed to need to be combed with emerald green eyes and pointed ears underneath the bandana I was wearing on my head.

Wait pointed ears, does that mean I am not human anymore; I was so preoccupied by the fact that I was in a different body that I completely forgot. I don't have a single clue where I am, I mean if I am not human does that mean I am not on earth anymore? Hell, I got pulled into a mirror. Am I even in the same dimension? At that moment I resolved myself that I needed to first find a way outside of this forest.

Since I had no way of knowing where I was I decided to choose a random direction and just start walking. While I was walking I checked the little pouches that are attached to my waist to see if there is anything to help me with the situation that I am in right now. In the pouches I found some beef jerky, a couple coins that looked to be gold, and on the opposite a small dagger.

"Hopefully I won't need to use the dagger" as I continued walking I heard something that gave me a little hope. A running stream not only can get water but I can also follow it to hopefully find civilization. I am lucky that my dad would always make me watch those survival shows when I was younger. All I need is to follow downstream and it is very probable that I could find a town of some kind.

Walking was the only thing that I could put all my attention to so that I would not freak out about the situation that I am in. How was I supposed to wrap my head around everything that has happened to me? I was pulled into a mirror by a strange person, looking in the mirror all parts of my existence on earth disappeared, I woke up in a random forest in another person's body. The thoughts kept spinning while I tried to focus on walking. I could feel my feet becoming swollen from all the walking but after everything that has happened I feel like I could crash any moment.

It was getting late after all those hours of walking so I decided to take a break for the night. Though I had no access to fire, food, or shelter it was still better than walking through the night. After all, I had no Idea what kind of animals would start hunting at night. Gathering wood to attempt to make a fire when I realized that the survival shows that my dad made me watch failed to teach me how to identify any kindle in a world you have never been in. I have no idea what is poisonous or not and I feel as though burning a poisonous material is dangerous. So I decided to go without a fire for the night.

Laying on the ground with nothing to cover me from the cold wind; I would have thought I could fall asleep after how tired I am but my thoughts keep me up. Not only that but my midriff is really cold!! Laying there trying to fall asleep I already forgot the reason that I did not keep walking through the night… the animals.

Hearing the rustling of the trees to the right of me I shoot up from the spot I am laying at and standing at about 3 feet tall is a green looking man with sharp teeth and pointed ears.

Wait, is a goblin? Like from the video games and shows, what kind of place am I at? Okay this is not the time to be worrying about things like that, right now I need to survive. The goblin takes a step forward and getting a closer look solidified my hypothesis, this thing is a goblin. Its skill was so rough it almost looked scaly with bright yellow eyes that stared at you. In its right hand holds a wooden club, but unlike other goblins from games this goblin was wearing armor.

A chest plate covering a portion of its legs showing that it was not made for him. How did this goblin get it? At that moment it hit me. If this goblin was able to kill a person wearing armor then how am I an elf with a small dagger and no weapons supposed to kill this thing. RIght when I started to hesitate it was almost like the goblin sensed it and it started charging at me. Frantically trying to get the dagger out of my sheath on my belt the goblin is only getting closer. Why did they add latches to keep the knife in, right as I got it out I could feel the back of a tree.

What just happened? Did that goblin just hit me into a tree 5 feet away, I am screwed. I tried standing but I didn't realize how hard I had gotten hit, I have never once gotten in a fight. Is it supposed to hurt this much?

At that moment I realize that I can't be distracted or I am dead meat. I sprint towards the goblin trying to stab him in the neck with my three and a half inch dagger. Before I could reach the goblin it charged at me trying to hit me but I had a plan. Right when it hit me in the stomach I slashed its hand holding the club. Falling to the ground almost throwing up but I was successful, the goblin dropped the club. What I didn't expect is that the goblin without missing a beat picked up the club with its other hand.

This time I had to take a bigger risk, if I didn't I would be the one dead. When the Goblin charged at me again I decided to take the hit but I was going to slice this goblins neck if it was the last thing I would do. The goblin charged at me with the club in the first hand, seeming to try and find a good grip with its non-dominant hand. Right when the goblin gets in reach I see the club rushing straight towards my head but instead of running away from it I get closer so that the club can't reach me. As soon as I am in reach I jab the dagger into the goblins neck, the goblin taking a step back and the dagger still in its neck.

For the first time in my life I saw a creature's life drain from its eyes; my dad used to offer to take me hunting but I never went. The goblin drops down to the ground and I slowly walk up to it to check its pulse, putting my finger on the goblin's wrist as I wait for a pulse but there's nothing. I grab the dagger from the goblins neck and as I am about to stand up I feel this power rush through me.

It feels as though something in me that had always been stagnant started to rush through. Not only that but I feel stronger, faster, more flexible. As soon as I realized that it was from killing this goblin I realized that if I only fought I could completely survive. I mean I already survived one goblin and a few more, I already got stronger. As soon as I completed that thought the adrenaline in my body that was helping me not realize that amount of pain that I was in started to wear off. I look at my stomach and realize that I had been hit pretty hard, it hurt so much that keeping conscience was hard within itself.

I tried going back to wear I was laying to rest but before I could even take a few steps the surrounding started spinning and before I could take the third step I was out.

I don't know how much time passed but when I got up it was pitch black outside. The only thing I heard was the sound of leaves rustling; I shot up to check what was going on and right in front of me was a goblin just like the one I killed earlier. It took me a second because of how dark it was but there wasn't just one goblin there was now four. I had to swallow my previous pride and snap back into reality and realize that I barely took on one and I could not take on four goblins at once.

I decided to run away while the goblins back was to me, Slowly trying not to make a sound even while my stomach feels like I am three seconds away from dying. I successfully got up without alerting the goblins right in front of me. As I took about ten steps away from the creatures a branch snapping could be heard from underneath my shoes. I turn around to see all four of the goblins staring at me.

As soon as I saw that instead of trying to fight I ran as fast as I could towards the water and ran downstream. I never once looked behind me instead opted to run as fast as I could for as long as I could. This would normally not be for a very long time but after the sudden strength I ran for longer than I have ever.

Running for 10 minutes I could feel that my legs were about to give out at any second; the only thing keeping me from giving up was that I saw a town in the distance. It was a smaller town but that didn't matter. I was finally seeing a civilization walking into town. I finally thought for the first time since getting to this world that I was safe; I hope.

I took a break for Christmas but my goal is to post a chapter every sunday!!

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