
Conquering Love

micsojuum · LGBT+
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26 Chs

17 : Grudge

"I heard you didn't attend Mr. Park's class," Ms. Lee said, arrange the notebook of her student in her desk, and look at his son.

"I'm not feeling well that's why I rest in the student council office for awhile," Dave answered in monotone.

"Since when did the office became the clinic? Is that how should a president act? Abusing his power?" her mom scolded.

Despite of all the teacher inside the room that can hear her, Ms. Lee didn't stop from scolding her son. The room is quiet, the only noise that can be heard is her mom's words and the few giggling of students' that pass the room. The teacher didn't glance at them but Dave knew they're all listening. How? It's because he can clearly see them looking down on their books but not turning any pages.

Dave clenched his fist: calming himself. It is in fact his fault, he deserve to be scolded as the consequence of his irresponsibility.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. That won't happen again," he surrender, accepting he was wrong.

"Of course it shouldn't. And you were with Mr. Choi, the vice president, right?" Dave flinched but still nodded.

"You two seems so close. People nowadays are malicious and gave dirty meanings in every action. You as the president and as the son of a teacher shouldn't let that dirty thought stick with you, should you?"

Dave remain silent so his mom added, " And the treasurer is gay, is that true? They say same feather flocks together. Distance yourself with them before they drag you down."

Her mom bluntly said not minding the teacher who gasps from her straightforwardness. Ms. Lee is a homophobic, he has a grudge with gay because of her past. But right now, they know Ms. Lee is being irrational and so one of the teacher interfer in the mother and son conversation.

"Ahm, Ms. Lee I guess that's too much. Being gay is not a transimitable disease and Chester is a good student," the SSG adviser interfered. She can't tolerate someone to degrade her student just because of his gender identity even if it's her fellow colleague.

"Relationship between same sex is forbidden. Youngster nowadays have the guts to commit loathing relationship because of those who tolerate them," the disgust is audible in Dave's mom.

Before the two teacher argue the eldest teacher stop them and tell Dave to go back to his room. Dave complied and bow his head.

He's one step away in the door when he stop and look at his mom," Being a gay or homo is not a sin or anything to be disgusted of. In fact, people whom close-minded and homophobic is the disgusting one and should be ashame."

Ms. Lee take two minutes before she grasp out from her shock. This is the first time her son talk back to her. How can her son talk back? For Ms. Lee, her son is being rebellious to her. Her son is being brainwash by his friend. They're bad influence to Dave so before it's too late she must take an action.

How can his mom said it? What's so wrong with being a homo? If they can love the opposite gender, why loving the same gender is forbidden? It's so unfair, treating it as a crime when in fact both are just the same. They happen to fell in love with the soul of the same gender, that's all. He want his mom to accept him and Steve's relationship. He want to tell her who's the one he love.

He went to the SSG office to meet Steve. They agree to eat together and Steve will be waiting for him to finish his talk with his mom. Steve must be hungry right now. If he knew their talk will last this long he would tell to Steve to eat first. How long it has been since lunch? 30 minutes? Worried of Steve, Dave fasten his pace. He open the door of the office and Steve who obediently waiting for him welcome him.

The lad stand as soon as he saw Dave. Dave's body move on it own, walk straight ahead, hug his man, and lean his forehead on his shoulder.

"What happen?" Steve asked fondly.

Dave didn't answer. Afraid that if he tell him what they talk about Steve will pull out with their relationship. He can't afford to lose him, not right after he got conscious of how he feel for him, not right now after he get to know this kind of warm with him. If only he didn't let his feeling sway him and rush things. He should at least wait for the class to end before confessing. It's his fault, he must not involve Steve in his problem.

"It's okay. Don't blame yourself, we're both responsible for that so don't be selfish and take all the blame. It's our wrong and we won't do that again. I'm right here, you don't need to face the consequences alone," Dave flinched as he felt Steve's hand tapping his back.

His embrace tightened without him noticing. It as if he's clinging onto his last straw of life. Minutes pass but the two remain silent. Dave feel Steve is waiting for him to open up. He can't gamble their just starting relationship by telling him the whole story so to divert the topic and mood he joke.

"You know. You're more mature than your big brother. I'm ashame," it's a half-truth lie. He indeed feel ashame on behalf of his mom's attitude though the lad didn't know the truth.

"Don't spoil the mood or I will kill you," the youngster threatened but still holding him in his arms.

Just thinking about it, Dave couldn't help but chuckle he felt the urge to tease the man. He lean just enough closer to whisper in his ears, "thank you babe."

Just like Steve, he too, was shock to hear his husky voice. He didn't plan to make it husky so why? It looks like he's seducing him. It is indeed real he wanted to kiss him but he didn't plan to do in for now. He feel that if he did he'll scare Steve away.

Dave was right because right after he whispered Steve shove him away, blushing.

"I hate you," Steve shouted.

Different from what Dave should feel, he didn't feel any fear or anger. Surprisingly, he kinda feel happy to see Steve all flustered because of him to the point he want to this the guy more.

"Ah that was close, Dave. That was close," he reminded himself.

He smiled thinking how Steve move all his worry away. Just Steve beside him, Dave forget all his problem. How could he live Steve? It's so late, he's drowning too deep in Steve's trap and not willing to get away with him.

His thought was interfer with the noise coming from the door. It was Steve giving him an attitude questioning look.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go to room before the teacher. You don't want to get scolded again, do you?"

"No, I'm not sir," he teased walking toward his love.

"Stop calling me with different name, it pisses me off," Steve complaint as soon as Dave reach him.

The lad rest his arm on Steve's shoulder before suggesting, " Okay. I will stick with babe then."

Steve slap his stomach making him groan in pain and left him alone. Despite of feeling a pang in his stomach, Dave still grin like a mad dog because Steve didn't say anything and he take that as a yes.