
Conquering hell with a system

One painting, one man and an event that will change lives forever. Now as an angel, he gets a new purpose to live While getting stronger he takes part in wars, goes to other worlds, fights bloodthirsty battles to defeat hell. ****** The storyline in the different worlds are not the same as in the originals. ****** Notice: First time writing something ******* Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding of the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

unknxwn · Action
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I am a normal man named Shay, who is 26 years old and almost like everyone else at this age has a "job". Mine is not really special as an artist , but regardless of my career, which isn't successful, I still love it.

In general, it must be said that I am a person who is very interested in mythical creatures. This is also the reason why I started drawing! In my younger years, I have always drawn creatures, which normally should not exist. Even if my drawings didn't look good, I didn't let it get me down and I kept trying to improve my art and see, today I am an artist who has a realistic level of drawing. However, no one has yet discovered my potential, even if that sounds very aloof...

I am in the process of finishing a new piece of mine. The picture is, in my opinion, the best picture I have ever drawn. Apart from that, I have only made 5 other pictures (which did not got soled yet, but I´m still very optimistic, tat this will bring me to the top). But this picture is something special, because it is a 2 meter tall and wide picture! This time I drew about creatures that you can only believe exist!

- angels!

My drawn angel has long blond hair with long white wings, which have a wingspan of more than 2 meters. He has armor on for this, which cover his torso, legs and partly his arms. Of course, the angel must not lack a weapon, so I gave him a sword, which he can hold with only one hand.

In the background you can see a small town, from which more angels come, but you can not see them so well, because I drew them slightly blurred. But without reason there are not so many angels that can be seen here. There is a specific reason for it:

- demons!

Since the picture would be only very monotonous if only angels were on it, I have drawn a diagonal in the middle from top left to bottom right. This diagonal is to delimit the area of angels and demons. While above bright colors were used for the heaven, below dark colors, such as black, red, dark blue were used.

The demons try to break through the space between the two "worlds" to then wipe out the angels. In my case, there are more demons in the picture, because I think that angels have stronger powers than demons due to their pure nature, but of course no one does not know if this is true.

However, I would still like to talk about the demons. My drawn demons have red to black skin and have a wild look. They pay almost no attention to their appearance and if they do, they have little to no armor because they can only feel a certain rate of their taken damage due to their wild nature, it´s like they don´t care if they get hit by something. This does not mean that they do not die from critical hits, such as the heart, head, or severing. To compensate for this disadvantage against the angels, I gave the demons much more ferocious looking weapons than those possessed by the angels.


Since it is now 3 o'clock at night, I decided that I continue this painting on the afternoon. Everything once clean up and wash off brushes, so that I do not have so much to do later. I dress thickly as always at this time of year, otherwise I freeze. Thick cloth coat, scarf, pants and gloves - so I'm done, and leave the studio.

Since my home is not far from here, only about 500 meters, I am always on foot and only have to cross a few streets. So that I'm not too bored for the short walk, I turn on some music on my phone and start walking. Since it's really dark this time of year, I'm glad when the traffic lights/street lights are working. Otherwise I would probably be completely helpless and have to use my phone for orientation, which I would find very embarrassing for the short way.

After I have reached the half of the way, a street comes, at which normally a traffic light stands, but unfortunately it does not work. So that nothing happens to me, I provide myself with extra close look, so that nothing happens. When I was of the opinion that everything is alright, I went over, but then suddenly everything goes black. Apparently there was a car nearby after all, which I overlooked, which shouldn't really happen because of the car lights - but now it's too late.

I only hear sirens getting louder and louder. There´s a woman too. And I recognize how she tries to talk to me, but I can't give any reaction. I only notice how she tries to put my body in the stable lateral position, however, I suddenly notice how my life passes by and I give my life.


After a while, however, I notice that I am still conscious, but only see black. I can even look around, but nothing except black, and then realize that I am in a body, which is very strange to me. In my understanding, I have died, but now I have all my memory and I am in a new body? This body feels strange...so unfamiliar.

[scratch, scrape]


Suddenly I hear noises around me that sound like someone trying to break through a wall. These noises went on for about 10 minutes and I still didn't know what was happening. Then, when I remembered how stupid I was sitting in here, I got the idea that I could also destroy the shell around me.

So I started to punch against the shell, but without success. The non-success is probably because I have no space in here. If I had to go by my pose, I would assume that I am lying in the fetal position. I'm leaning against the hull with my knee drawn up against my body. My arms are on the sides of my body and only have about 10 cm of space to move. This observation also explains why I didn't manage to destroy the hull with my arms. I simply had no space.

After watching the shell for a few minutes, I noticed that the shell was a little weird. I was trapped in a kind of amniotic sac, which was gooey, but hard in some way. Normally this amniotic sac is transparent, but this time it was black, so you couldn't see through it. What surprised me the most was the fact that it had a hard core, so touching it didn't feel slimy, but as if you were touching a wall. Despite the hardness, you could still consume it....

Thus, I now try it with my legs, I manage to get a few small cracks in the shell trough kicking. Since, as I said, I have little space, it is definitely much harder to break through than if I were to kick/punch from the other side. However, the saying was not true of me, as I was the biggest wimp in my life as an artist and had no strength to do so. I would have definitely lost to a student who is only 16 years old, which is why I very rarely leave my house and if I ever have to, I go at night. Based on my experience, it amazed me that I could destroy the shell with so minimal force and space after a short time. So I kept kicking and kicking until the first pieces flew out.

As soon as the first piece was removed, I was immediately struck by the brightest light I have ever seen. It was so bright that I thought I was going blind, but I was able to get used to the glare so quickly that I could look around without any restrictions. Thus, I changed my position and moved my face closer to the hole to see what was going on outside.

Meanwhile, Shay worries about his current situation, not yet knowing what is happening at this moment and how it will affect his next minutes.

These angels, who "hatched" in the last 20 minutes, are not in heaven, but on a kind of plateau level, which is not the "world" between heaven and hell. This level is namely an artificially produced level of the higher angels. The higher ones did this, so that the angels already know from the beginning that this world needs pure strength, so that one can secure his survival! No matter how you look, how you sound or which weapons you use, all this did not matter, as long as you can defeat your opponent. And to ensure that, you have to rely on the hardest method - the rejection of your own child, only possibly to learn one day that it´s dead, but that's just the way the hierarchy is.

Outside of his shell there are thousands to tens of thousands of creatures, which are also called "angels". Ordinarily ones thinks that angels are the purest creatures among the imaginary beings, but this is not true! You could even say that they are on the same level with demons with their ferocity. You might think that angels would never fight among themselves and that no fights would arise among the angels themselves, but if you put a human being here, he would definitely not think that these are angels.

However, before you saw the angels fighting among themselves, you saw a strange phenomenon. The angels that "hatched" from the amniotic sac began a strange action...they began to consume the shell...?

Not only that, after consuming the shell, they stopped for a few minutes, but he did not know why.

When Shay saw this situation, he was extremely astonished:

What are they doing and why do these creatures look like angels? Am I a reincarnation of an angel? How can that be? I am not worthy to live as such a powerful and pure creature...I have done nothing world-improving in my life.

At that time, of course, Shay did not know that this "pure and powerful creature" was not as it was said to be among humans. Seeing the others killing each other, Shay got goosebumps and was very worried that it might end up the same way. Yet, when he looked closely at an angel that had been killed, he was shocked. All he could see was one angel ripping a "vessel" out of another angel's chest.

The vessel, which the angel held in his hand, reminded him of the human heart. After a short intensive look, however, he realized that the "vessel" did not have so much to do with the heart. First, the "vessel" was different in structure. One discrepancy between the heart and this "vessel" was its exit from the body. Although the heart normally remains in the body after death, it automatically comes out of the body and just floats over the body. Looking more closely, he noticed that the surface was moving. It looks like light veins are pulsating and lightning is gliding wildly through this vessel. It was much rounder and had no red colors but had a white surface. Furthermore, this vessel drove Shay crazy when he looked at it. He had to pull himself together, otherwise he probably would have done his best to destroy the shell and would have immediately gone after the angel with the vessel. Another inconsistency between the heart and this "vessel" was coming out of the body. Although the heart normally remains in the body after death, it automatically comes out of the body and simply floats over the body.

When he had these thoughts, this very event took place. Several angels, waking up from their state of daze after consuming the shell, ran with greedy eyes towards the angel with the "vessel", however, the angel noticed it and immediately started to swallow the "vessel". When the angels standing around saw this, they went crazy and all together started to attack him. It is not necessary to mention that this event is not the only one that is happening. Many other angels started killing each other. At first there were several thousands of angels, but when Shay looked around, he saw that almost 1000 angels were already dead and all the victorious angels were feasting on the dead.

So that Shay wouldn't just sit idly by, as he had been doing all along, he continued to destroy the shell, trying to consume it as well. So while he was swallowing the shell one by one he also entered the state of stupor and noticed how many moments were happening at once in his head.

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