
Conquering hell with a system

One painting, one man and an event that will change lives forever. Now as an angel, he gets a new purpose to live While getting stronger he takes part in wars, goes to other worlds, fights bloodthirsty battles to defeat hell. ****** The storyline in the different worlds are not the same as in the originals. ****** Notice: First time writing something ******* Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding of the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

unknxwn · Action
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18 Chs

Ambush II


In my opinion, it is very difficult to describe a battle, especially when so much is happening at once. I hope you like it nevertheless!


Shay charged at the orcs with his servants. As strong as the orcs are against humans, they have almost no chance against Shay and his underlings! The orcs suddenly wondered why their own race was suddenly fighting them. They tried to calm the orcs down, suspecting that they were just out of control, but everyone who tried died.

Additionally, Shay used his "Rally" ability, which Shay developed for 400 souls. The "Rally" ability gives a 10% attack and defense bonus to all creatures within a 10 meter range. This ability lasts until the wielder's magic power runs out.

This buff allowed the soldiers near Shay to win battles and launch counterattacks. Since the various squadrons are all fenced off from each other, Shay's top priority was for them to be able to reunite to gain greater combat power.

While Shay was relaxed killing the orcs, the soldiers outside the buff were having great difficulty. Shay now had to make a decision: Should he kill as many enemies as possible and not go for support or should he rather work as a team and save the other squadrons.

The answer was not easy for him, because both have their advantages and disadvantages. If he chose the first option, he would definitely eliminate many opponents and thus eventually win. However, the problem with the option would be that Shay would not pay attention to the soldiers and would therefore lose many soldiers. It is the same with the 2nd option. In this one, he can guarantee that the squadron he is in will suffer few casualties, but he can kill so many fewer orcs, which leads to more soldiers dying in other squadrons.

Shay had to make a quick decision, however, and so he ended up choosing the 2nd option. He hoped with this that he could quickly kill the enemies around him and then come to the aid of the other squadrons. But how he wants to do that, with a length of 2km, even he doesn't know.

Even Shay had to rely on the other officers in this situation to do the right thing in their squadron and not die. Overall, a battle is not won by just one, but by all of them together. He has the confidence in Varian, who has to lead his army and act in the right tactical way.


Immediately Shay began to fight. Everywhere he looked, he saw humans and orcs fighting and dying. As Shay fought several orcs at once, cavalry rode over the orcs and pushed them right into the ground. Immediately blood and mud splattered around. This was also accompanied by a heavy rain, which was a bad omen for the humans, who believed God was punishing them.

It felt like you couldn't really move because there were people everywhere. It wasn't even possible to fight an enemy alone. Orcs kept coming out of nowhere and trying to kill Shay. And while that was happening, soldiers of the humans came and attacked from behind.

Such battles are very different from fighting someone alone, you could say it is much more intense and the adrenaline has a much bigger role. Shay has permanent tunnel vision and didn't notice what else was happening around him. Shay himself had to come to terms with the situation. Even he, who is addicted to fighting since he was reborn, had underestimated the war.

Types of fights he can not even imagine: An orc lies on the ground and gets beaten up by a soldier, but then another orc comes and splits the soldier in 2. Everything comes so suddenly, you can't prepare for something like that!

Moreover, many of these men have no war experience and hold a weapon in their hands for the first time. Of course, then it is only logical that they achieve nothing and die. With a little luck they survive for a while, but then croak, you just don't know!

Suddenly an orc came from behind, which Shay just managed to dodge, but was caught the soldier in front of Shay, whose head was now chopped off and flew away. Brutal! That's exactly what it was, no light injuries that heal after a few days, but death, severed army, soldiers bleeding to death because their belly was slit open.

Everything happened so fast. An orc comes from the right, which dies and the next one comes to kill you, killing other soldiers. It feels like there are not getting less, but the truth is that there are just too many soldiers and orcs fighting here. Already the number of people, which is 400k.

Shay didn't know how many orcs are attacking right now, but there must be at least 200 thousand, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to raid the force. It's probably even more or it feels like that much since the orcs are attacking here right now, but who knows. While Shay was checking with Aris to see if the summons were still working, he wondered how Varian and his men were doing.


The problem he had now was the range of his buff "Ralley". With a range of 10 meters, he can't guarantee that many will get the buff. Shay had to think of something and quickly came up with an idea.

With the soldiers and servants holding down the fort, Shay quickly drew a standard and gave it the description "Abilities can be projected onto the standard." Even though Shay wanted nothing else but this ability, it cost him 140 souls again. In addition, the consumption of magic power was 10 per minute.

Actually, Shay was planning to save souls from the battle, but as it looks now, he has to consume most of them to make soul ampules to keep his magic power from running out. Moreover, the problematic thing about souls was that they disappear after a while and return to the core of this world, which means that Shay simply won't get many souls. At least, he orders his servants that they must collect souls at any cost.

When Shay made sure everything was going well with the summons, it was now time for Shay and the squadron he is in to attack. He had about 100 subjects and the approximately 2000 men from the squadron.

He ordered them to attack. Immediately, the roar of soldiers was heard coming from Shay's direction. In addition, everyone saw 10 standards being raised in the air and everyone standing close to the soldiers at all times. Everyone involved immediately noticed a difference in the way they fought.

The soldiers were now fighting more as a team and not as a lone wolf. Thousands of loners are just as useless as an anthill without order. They don't work and fall apart one by one before they are all dead. However, with order and cooperation, an army becomes strong and that's what Shay achieved at that moment.

If you had a perspective from above right now, you would see a section of the army run in two directions and collide into the orcs, then take them to the cleaners. The squadrons next to Shay now also realized they needed to work together and began to think and act more tactically.

The orcs were now spread over 3 squadrons at a disadvantage and also had no way out since they were completely surrounded. They could only watch as they slowly became fewer and fewer and would eventually die. As the orcs noticed this, other orcs had to come to the rescue, which changed the balance of the attack, again relieving other squadrons.

Shay fought on the front lines and made himself a blood sword with his "B-Virus" ability. This allows him to transfer the virus directly into the enemy through the injuries he makes with the sword, causing them to die quickly. Even though the orcs are more robust than the humans, they don't stand a chance against Shay.

He either stabbed him directly through the head or just hurt them badly, the virus then did the rest. Shay acted with the soldiers in such a formation that they kept surrounding orcs to then destroy them. They all now had a much more effective way of killing and were thus able to make " wins " over and over again. Especially the ranged fighters were a great help, because they can land good hits from a safe distance.

It doesn't matter if human or orc: head hit remains head hit, only the orcs with helmet could escape this death, but found another death. At least the orcs who fought against Shay and his group. The squadrons further back are rather unlucky, since they are attacked from 4 sides, they have no real chance against the orcs and could do nothing but resist as much as possible before they croak.

The mistake Varian made in this was the distribution of the army. He kept the strong soldiers in front so that they would be well armed in case of an attack from the front. The farther back you went, the weaker or more inexperienced the soldiers became. Varian never thought they would get ambushed, even more so when the force was so large. However, in this case, the orcs acted smartly and took advantage of the mistake.


Back at Shay's place, one could see a success after 2 short hours. He managed to unite 3 squadrons and gather them. Unfortunately there was very little space, so these relays were spread over 50 meters. Unfortunately, they couldn't go further on the offensive for now, as the focus got more on the squadrons under Shay's control. This either means that many losses of people in other squadrons occurred or that they were desperate to kill Shay.

Shay also noticed how the soldiers became more and more exhausted and lost focus. He desperately needed a counterattack to make the orcs retreat or at least relieve the troops. While Shay was thinking, the ground began to shake, causing the soldiers to tense up. He knew this was meant to be a distraction and shouted:


But it was too late and the orcs found a section of the army that was too distracted and charged into the soldiers.