
Conquering Fate, Defying Heaven

Heaven. The realm of the gods. The will of the world. The master of fate. A puppet master, with the mortal realm as its marionette. Follow Hua Xiuyan and Song Xuan as they defy the heavens! Note: There will be 5 protaganists. Two "true" protaganists (Song Xuan, Hua Xiuyan) and three, weaker "false" protaganists that eventually become side characters. The fact that these protaganists exist and the writing style that portrays them as main characters is essential to the plot in later volumes. (I have most of the book layed out.) You can basically just focus on Song Xuan and Hua Xiuyan. Update Schedule: 3-4 chapters/week

empty_and_dark · Eastern
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Humble Beginnings (1)

Blue Star Planet, Azure Sea Kingdom, Red Mountain County


The sound of thunder echoed throughout the valley, as flashes of lightning lit up the dark mountain village below. The heavy downpour crashed against the wooden houses, the roaring wind attacking the town.

Heaven seemed to be punishing the town, as the strong gale ripped up tree roots, destroyed vegetation and grains, and rattled the wooden walls of the houses. The storm continued for hours, and the weather grew colder until the town was covered in a thick blanket of snow.

During a storm like this, most people would be curled up in their thick wool blankets, sleeping off the biting cold. And that's what every person in this village was doing.

All except one house, situated on the outskirts of town, that pierced through the darkness, lit up by several torches placed inside.

Screams and sobs of pain could be heard from the house, overlapped by a lady's voice. "Come on! Just a bit more! You're almost there."

"Arghh!" With that final push, new life was born. "Congratulations, Miss Song! Your child has been born!"

The midwife's triumphant voice resounded throughout the room, sparking an explosion of intense joy and delight among everyone in the room. The new mother's name was Song Xiaodan, one of the Three Beauties of Autumn Wind Town.

She was covered in sweat, blood, and urine, and was breathing heavily. But, her bad condition could not hide her natural beauty. Her silky black hair, which came down to her waist level, was scattered across her face.

She had a seductive allure that seemed to captivate the men around her and a voluptuous, striking, figure with sensuous curves. Paired with delicate, porcelain skin and a moon-like face, with clear, almond-shaped eyes, she was quite the beauty. The moonlight shined on her poised back, making her seem like she was glowing. It would be hard for any man to resist the temptation to stare at her luscious beauty.

"Zhong Guang! Look! It's our child!" She looked up at the man standing beside her, her eyes filled with love and affection. He had a large frame, around 190 cm tall, with tanned skin and dark brown hair that was in a mess.

He had a sharp jawline, and his bulging muscles could be seen underneath his shirt. But despite his overbearing figure, his eyes were gentle and all his attention was focused on his wife and baby.

"What a joyous occasion! What should we name him?" Zhong Guang asked Song Xiaodan. "Hmm..." Song Xiaodan pondered "How about Song Xuan?"

Zhong Guang was deep in thought for a few seconds before a huge smile crawled onto his face and he said, "Sure! Whatever you say, wifey."

The baby had flawless jade-like skin, with no impurities, and embodied a delicate beauty that seemed to transcend human limits. It had a few wisps of black hair, and an aura of innocence as pure as fresh snow.

His parents marveled at his beauty for a few minutes, but they noticed something was wrong after holding the baby for a few more. Even after an incense stick of time had passed, the baby still hadn't opened its eyes.

Even Aunt Wei, the midwife, who had several decades of experience handling babies was confused, a thoughtful expression on her face. She scoured her mind for any information, before she suddenly thought of something. There was pity in her eyes.

"Uhmmm, Aunt Wei, when is the baby supposed to ope-" Song Xiaodan was cut off when the baby finally opened its eyes.

They were covered in a milky white substance.

Aunt Wei shook her head. 'How unlucky. For such a good couple to birth to a cripple.'

Song Xuan was blind.



That was all Song Xuan could see or feel.

He was surrounded by it.

This was his world.

He occasionally felt the sound of people talking, or touching his mother's belly, although he didn't understand what they were saying or doing, and only felt that it was annoying.

However, this void wasn't scary or uncomfortable.

It was gentle.

It was warm.

This motherly embrace of darkness.

Almost as if he belonged here.

Until he was pulled out of this world.


He saw an enormous amount of light flood this world, blinding him with its love and affection, incomparably greater than the love and affection he felt from darkness.

He accepted it.

This light.

It was different, something unique in the monotonous world of his.

But, it only lasted for a moment.

The light started fading, and an excruciating pain erupted in his eyes, attacking every fiber with merciless intensity. It felt as if thousands of needles were thrust into his eyes, each inflicting unbearable agony.

As time passed, the pain escalated into unimaginable levels, and his mind and soul started crumbling. Suddenly the pain started fading, and a soothing feeling surrounded his body, comforting him.

He opened his eyes again.

He was back in a world void of light.


Lin Wuhao was a seemingly fortunate 23-year-old man. He led an enviable life, at least to outsiders. He had an extremely successful career, graduating college with honors and being invited to work at a prestigious company.

Yet, despite his accomplishments, he felt an overwhelming sense of boredom that permeated his existence.

But, then he discovered the cure.

The enthralling world of novels.


Bathed in the gentle glow of his computer screen, Lin Wuhao immersed himself in the novel he was currently reading, The Invincible Peerless Heaven Defying Supreme Sword Emperor Divine God King.

Empty bags of chips and soda cans scattered beneath his chair testified to the hours he devoted to his escapes from reality. His glasses reflected the countless words that transported him to fantastical lands of imagination.

"Damn it!" Lin Wuhao exclaimed, his voice echoing through the room. "Why'd the author have to end this chapter with a cliffhanger?" Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, he glanced at the clock.

It was 1:58 AM.

He had been reading novels for over 5 hours already.

Time to get some sleep.

As he prepared to rest, a wish lingered in his mind, like those imaginary scenarios he dreamed up in his head as a child.

'If only I could be reborn into one of those cultivation novels,' he thought, dreaming of a world where he could amass a harem of stunning jade beauties, face-slap arrogant young masters, and stand atop the pinnacle of existence.

With a sigh, Lin Wuhao dismissed the thought. Such a fantasy would never happen.

Raindrops splattered against the window, accompanied by the distant rumble of thunder and rhythmic splash of rain—an orchestral symphony of nature that lulled him into a sleepy state.

Succumbing to fatigue, his heavy eyelids closed, and he slept.


[Detected Suitable Host]

[System Activating]









[Synchronization Complete]

[Preparing World Transfer]





"Ack!" Lin Wuhao woke up with a jolt. He looked around at this unfamiliar place. He was in an antique room that looked straight out of Ancient China. The room was modest in size, around 7 by 10 meters.

Soft sunlight filtered through the carved lattice screens, creating beautiful patterns on the wooden bed, adorned with luxurious silk pillows and richly colored cotton bedding.

The cream-colored walls were interspersed with calligraphy scrolls and ink paintings that depicted legendary beasts and soothing landscapes. In the center of the room was a woven bamboo mat, with an ornately carved wooden table on top.

A golden talisman lay on the table, exuding mystical energy. On it were the words 'Good Fortune'. Next to the bed was a bookshelf, which had several rows of books and scrolls.

'How realistic,' Lin Wuhao thought. 'Could this be a lucid dream?' Suddenly he felt an abrupt, searing pain and countless memories surged into his mind, filled with vivid scenes.

"Holy shit!" Lin Wuhao yelled. "I transmigrated!" Lin Wuhao had dreamed several times of being the protagonist in those transmigration novels, but he never thought it would actually happen. Naturally, he was ecstatic and felt a tumultuous mixture of emotions.

But, calmness quickly settled in his heart, soothing the various emotions he was feeling. A certain profoundness washed over him, and he resolved to begin this new chapter of life.

He had transmigrated into Tianlong Continent, a cultivation world where the weak were prey to the strong. As long as one had the strength, they could do anything.

In this world, he was also named Lin Wuhao, and he was the fourth and youngest son of the Lin Family, one of the most influential families in Holy Mountain City. His father was Lin Bo, the patriarch of the Lin Family, and his mother was Su Yixia, the seventh elder, who cared for him very much.

Having a family was one of the things Lin Wuhao was excited about; he was an orphan in his past life and had never experienced things like love and affection.

Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door, and a sweet voice said, "Xiao Lin, get dressed. It's time for your Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony."

Hearing the voice, he remembered a crucial detail about this world: martial souls. Martial souls were divided into several ranks based on strength and having a good martial soul was essential to cultivation. A martial soul determined future potential and talent.

Martial Souls were divided into 5 types: attack, defense, support, control, and speed. They were also divided into ranks: 1-2 was inferior, 3-5 was advanced, 6-8 was superior, 9-10 was extraordinary, and 11 was the legendary ultimate grade martial soul.

As he went to get dressed, he looked in the mirror. In his reflection, was a lean, 8 year old child that was around 130 cm in height. He had an attractive face, with golden eyes and medium-length black hair. He would grow up to be quite the looker.

He quickly got dressed and opened the door, revealing the person behind it. She was a beautiful woman, with a slender, well-proportioned figure, and a radiant complexion, free of any blemishes.

She had lush, dark blue hair and striking green eyes that seemed to be able to see through you. Her warm smile was laced with affection. This was his mother, Su Yixia.

Seeing his original body's mother, he felt a certain connection to her. A warm feeling permeated his body. 'Is this familial love?' He thought. After all, he had never experienced familial love, so he didn't know what it felt like.

In order to not make anyone suspicious of him, he decided to act like an 8-year-old would, using his memories as a guide.

"Mother!" he called out, flashing a cute smile, "I'm prepared for the ceremony. "

Su Yixia flashed a smile, and then said, "Remember, Xiao Lin, even if you awaken a bad martial soul, mother will always be here for you."

As Lin Wuhao saw the worry in his mother's eyes, he instinctually wanted to comfort her and replied, "Don't worry mother! I'll make sure to awaken a really good martial spirit and make you proud!"

"Alright, alright. The ceremony has almost started. Let's get going, " she said. But, in her heart, she was worried and had already prepared what to say if Lin Wuhao awakened a bad martial spirit.

Lin Wuhao, like his mother, was also worried, but for a different reason. 'Well, know that I've transmigrated, aren't I supposed to get a golden finger or something of the sort,' just as he was thinking about it, a ding sounded in his head.

[Ding! The God System has awakened.]

'Here it was! His transmigrator privileges.'

Even though Lin Wuhao looked calm as he walked with his mother, he was ecstatic and happily jumping around in his head. After all, it was completely different to read about something than experience it yourself.

'So, what type of system are you? Are you a leveling system? Or maybe like a harem system?' he asked in his mind.

A robotic voice sounded, void of any emotion.

[The purpose of the system is to help the host on the path of cultivation.]

[Any more information is locked as the host has too little authority.]

'Then, why did I get chosen? I'm pretty sure there are much better candidates than me?'

[The host was deemed as suitable, with high adaptability.]

[Also, a system only has a certain time frame to find a host to bind with, and you were the best one.]

He didn't ask any more questions. After all, he had transmigrated into the world of his dreams and binded with a system. And who cares if he got chosen because of luck, he was still chosen.

[If host wants, the system can send the host back and choose another one.]

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person, but now, he has the opportunity to stand at the peak of a world much more exciting than his previous one. Only a fool would decide to go back to their world.

After all, he would rather have the chance to be in a cultivation world, even if there was a risk of death than return to his monotonous life. He refused the system's offer.

[Since host has agreed, the system has been unlocked.]

'So what can you do?' He asked the system.

[Currently, the system has 4 main functions: Status, Shop, Lottery, and Quest]

'Wait, I don't get a beginner package?' He asked. In most system novels he read, the system would give a novice reward that would contain all sorts of good items.

[Unfortunately, the host can only obtain rewards through his own effort.]

'Well, makes sense. What's my status?'

[Host: Lin Wuhao]

[System Level: 1]

[Age: 8]

[Cultivation: Mortal]

[Martial Soul: Unawakened]

[Martial Techniques: None]

[System Points: 0]

[System points are obtained from quests. They can be used in the shop.]

'Speaking of the shop, can you open it?'

The system opened a giant display of several hundred items, several of which were greyed out.

[These are the items currently available.]

There were tabs on the side that said "Cultivation Manuals" "Weapons" "Martial Techniques" and "Pills/Other Items".

Unfortunately, he couldn't afford any of them as he didn't have any system points.

He closed the shop and started walking towards the awakening ceremony. In his eyes, a blazing fire of determination could be seen. This was the start of his glorious cultivation journey.


Constructive criticism and feedback welcomed. I'll try to use it to improve the later chapters.

empty_and_darkcreators' thoughts