
Conquering a primitive world

Tyler a half American half Asian man in the modern-day USA studying to be in an engineer gets in a tragic traffic accident. He lives his final 2 days with his family and friends visiting him in a hospital bed in his bedridden condition as he finally stops thinking and dies. He opens his eyes into a primitive world under his own power for him to develop.

DaoistnBrOhj · Fantasy
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The Highway

Tylers phone rings in the car "Ah fuck who is this time." he looks at his phone on the car mount. As the sun glares making the screen hard to see 

"As shit what the fuck kind of shitty luck is this?" Tyler not obviously in a good mood quickly pokes his head forward to see the phone and presses accept. As the caller hangs up quickly

"Dude! are you kidding as soon as I pick up the phone" Tyler gets agitated as he forgets to switch lanes rams into the concrete road divider splitting his front engine into two.

Tyler rams his head into the wheel and his neck jerks back from the sudden stop almost snapping his neck as glass shatters onto him from his windshield.

Tyler slowly passes out from the pain and regrets that he got distracted and mad he was supposed to reach an important class today was late and on a rush. only for some prank caller what a jack ass to call him and distract him each time.

24 minutes the ambulance got him put him on the stretcher and got him to the hospital in barely survivable conditions. had about 2 days left to live and all he had to do now was wait and die.

"Fuck really am an idiot. " Tyler paralyzed on the bed could only tap the remote to change channels and shit. he was about to mutter some more words till one of his friends came in. "Hey Tyler, heard about the accident."

"Yea welcome buddy" Tyler greets his friend as he usually would. his friend sits on a chair beside him and scoots it forward a little "So what happened dude how the hell did this happen?" Andreas Tylers friend asked him as he was looking at Tyler to listen in on any conversation about to start.

"Well, some fucker prank called me and got me into an accident" Tyler blamed the prank caller instead of himself for getting distracted. "After that I crashed into the metal divider real sturdy piece of shit split the front almost in to two.

"Yikes" Andreas said something to add that he was feeling a little sad that he was about to die "Well your family wants to come in now so ill Cya or at least say my goodbyes now." Andreas left as his mom dad mother then siblings came in. 

They talked about life how Tyler was feeling and all that worried stuff he joked with his siblings as they quickly left probably to go mess around and shit. 

Well for the most part his family didn't really worry about him or like him. Just there to see his condition act like he had somebody there for him the person he really loved the most was his brother because he was just like him.

For the most part doctors came in checked up with him and after that no one visited him again his thoughts faded from his mind and Tyler experienced or felt something indescribable. his feelings faded.

He felt calm and relaxed his muscles soften and he took one last breath as his body shut down.

Somewhere in there his consciousness woke in a spirit like form. where he met a bright glowing orange orb 

"Hello there Tyler" The orange orb glowed Tyler tried to speak but couldn't the orb seemed to look into his mediocre life. And judged him "Well normally this is the part where you would go to hell it said as the orb glowed brighter frightening Tyler.

"But you have a chance to make it up you will be going to a different world." The orb sent him into the world making his conscious fade, but he heard other gods chatting about his life and stuff it was mediocre but just something they wanted to chat about 

After all he did get a second chance

"Ah! Horah Devor!" A savage almost naked man woke up a group of people in a hut including Tyler he had cloth around his waist covering his parts and wore a weird looking animal's head on his as a coat/cape. 

it looked to be a panther with a horn like a small lightning strike appearance. Tyler got up quickly and a wave of odor flooded his nostrils and fell to the ground and almost threw up but eventually did.

"Shit" Tyler breathed heavily as the big guy who woke him up walked over to him. 

The man stood over him looking down on him

"Jeur?" The man held a Axe above his head ready to chop it off as another guy stopped him

"Anme Tor Gali!" The scrawny malnourished teen looked at him and back at the Leader or Boss

The big man left, and Tyler got up as the man led them out into the outside the bright light flashed Tylers face he held his hand over his eyes to see a community where people in red huts worked and lived and did basic bartering as no currency existed.

Damn this village is really not great Tyler looked at the dirt ground and the cliff at the back of the village where he was being led the community was on flat dirt surface and as some workers led a trolley of a red skinned animal which looked like a pterodactyl.

'Damn I could make this village 100 times better if I could understand my situation' Tyler thought to himself he sized up what happened and guessed they were a group of slaves. as they were led into a cave with basic pickaxes of wood which was sturdy enough to not break with 

A simple act of mining a voice snapped in Tyler's head causing pain to course he crouched for a minute then held his head in pain -God of Engineering System-

The system was loading a basic interface Infront of him which displayed his stats.


| Strength: 1 |

| Agility: 1 |

| Intelligence: 1 |

| Charisma: 1 |

| Endurance: 1 |


Skills: Inventory,



| Unlockables : Expand for more |


If you don't know what those do here is what they do

Strength: This stat represents a character's physical power and ability to carry heavy objects. It is often used in games that involve combat or require the player to move heavy objects.

Agility: This stat represents a character's speed, balance, and coordination. It is often used in games that require the player to move quickly or dodge attacks.

Intelligence: This stat represents a character's ability to learn and solve problems. It is often used in games that involve puzzles or require the player to make strategic decisions.

Charisma: This stat represents a character's ability to influence others and make friends. It is often used in games that involve social interactions or diplomacy.

Endurance: This stat represents a character's ability to withstand physical punishment and resist fatigue. It is often used in games that involve long battles or physical challenges. 

Tyler opened the unlockable tab, and it showed him a list of things that could help the tribe advance.


| Unlockables: |

| |

| 1. Basic Knowledge(Housing) |

| Requires: 50 gems |

| 2. Basic Knowledge(Medicine) |

| Requires: 100 gems |

| 3. Basic knowledge(Tool crafting) |

| Requires: 150 gems |

| 4. Basic Cooking Skills |

| Requires: 200 gems |

| 5. Basic Weapons making |

| Requires: 250 gems |
