
Conquered (The Fire Witch Trilogy Book 1)

A decade ago, King Nephus made it his mission to reconquer the entire Supernatural World and create one unified Kingdom. He made a tempting promise: to create a utopia for all. But when he met resistance, his tactics became violent. When her Coven fell, Estrella Soleil was forced to work as a Courtesan to pay off "war crime" debts. She hates the King and his Royal Court of wealthy men more than anything. But when they meet at a party celebrating the fall of the last Coven, Estrella realizes she may be able to free not only her fellow Witches, but all who suffer beneath King Nephus' tyranny. But she quickly learns it will come with a cost.

lunarlibra · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

AFTER A NIGHT of restless sleep, I wake to the sound of the front doors opening. There's rustling, wheels rolling against the floor, and light chatter. I slide out of bed, still in my dress, and crack open the bedroom door to peer into the sitting room. Inside, I see two people unpacking bags, setting out what looks like makeup and hair products. Another person pushes a rack of dresses and shoes against the wall, then fingers through them.

Evander stands before the now closed front door, watching the scene with a bored expression. Those eyes don't miss a thing—despite the tiny crack in the door, he notices me. His eyes snap to mine, and he crooks a finger in a come here motion.

Reluctantly, I step inside.

"What's this?" I ask him, waving a hand at the scene that woke me up only a few hours after I'd finally fallen asleep.

"The King requests your audience, so get ready," he says, crossing his arms and leaning against the door. Whether he's keeping us in or others out is a mystery. "Get to know them. You'll see them often."

Everyone pauses to stare at me. I knit my brows, watching them with caution. They look friendly, each offering me a friendly smile.

Two Vampires and a Witch. The Witch and I lock eyes, sharing that knowing look of two people cut from the same cloth.

"How long am I expected to stay here?" I ask.

"Until the King authorizes you to leave, which I wouldn't count on any time soon." He nods to a chair that someone dragged to the middle of the room. "Sit."

I lose my breath. Am I stuck here forever? Evander rolls his eyes at my hesitation and pushes away from the door. For a moment, I think he's going to come strong arm me into the chair. But then a soft hand slips into mine. The Witch. I didn't even notice them approaching me.

"It's okay." The Witch gently guides me to the chair. I sit and they all get to work. As I settle in, a wave of ease washes over me, and I realize it's Air Magick, brushing against my psyche, calming my anxieties. I should be angry at the intrusion, but it's much needed.

One Vampire fusses over my hair, clearly confused about how to deal with my dark curls. The other starts matching my foundation.

"He wants her hair up," Evander says, and I can hear in his voice he probably has that aggravated expression on his face, like everyone and everything is more trouble than it's worth. "Dark red dress."

The hairdresser gathers my curls into her hands and reaches for a hair tie that's too thin for my hair type. The Witch paws through some dresses on the rack.

"His Majesty is going to be delighted when he sees you," the vampire doing my hair coos at my back. "The way this style makes your neck look so long and sexy." Snap. She swears under her breath as the hair tie snaps in her hand.

The makeup artist hovers before my face, dusting powder onto my skin. Her red eyes are level with mine. I close my lids so I don't have to look into their soulless depths. "Pair it with a strapless dress, and he won't be able to keep his hands off her."

I suppress a shiver. That's the last thing I want. Of course, the Vampires think this would be a good thing. They've been up the King's ass for a decade. Pausing by the clothing rack, the Witch gives me a heavy glance. We both understand this is not something to be excited about.

"What am I? A dress up doll?" I speak up to no one in particular.

Evander is the one who responds from his post by the door. "I couldn't care less what you have to say about it."

I peer around the makeup artists to give him a dirty look. He picks at his nails absentmindedly, but I swear his lips tug at the corners.

"Do you have to be in here for this?"

His gaze flickers to me, his oceanic blue eyes running over my face. I wonder what I look like now that my makeup is nearly finished. Usually I monitor what my stylist is doing to me, here I seem to have no say in the matter.

"I have orders to guard you," he says, then adds under his breath, "Unfortunately for me."

"You could guard me from outside the room," I offer.


"Well, good thing you're such a delight to be around."

He snorts and rolls his eyes.

After an hour of pulling and tugging, I'm ready. I step into the bedroom to change into the strapless red dress I'm given, and catch sight of myself in the mirror. Admittedly, they did a great job. Perfect winged liner, matte red lips, and my curly hair piled on top of my head with two ringlets to frame my face. The Air Witch placed a heavy diamond necklace around my neck that catches the light.

I step into the dress. I'm struggling with the zipper when an impatient knock at the door startles me.

"Sometime today would be great," Evander calls out.

Already practically sweating after squeezing into the tight dress, I huff and stomp to the door. When I throw it open, Evander stands on the other side, arms crossed over his broad chest. I don't miss the way his eyes scan me, even though he keeps his face impassive.

"Since you're in such a rush, zip me up," I demand. I'm feeling overstimulated, and not in the mood. My scalp aches from the pulling. My heart won't stop racing, and I feel uncomfortable in my skin.

Evander's eyes widen almost imperceptibly. I can't help but smile internally, knowing I've caught him off guard. I turn around and wait, holding the dress against me at the front, allowing the back to splay open, exposing skin down to the dip of my lower back. There's a beat of a pause, and then I feel his hand take hold of the zipper. His other holds the dress together. As he drags the zipper up, his lukewarm hands brush the skin of my bare back, and the touch sends a pleasant chill down to my toes. For once, I don't feel creeped out my a Vampire's touch. It's almost…enticing. And all too soon, it's over.

Then his presence is gone. When I turn around, he's already by the front door.

"Let's go," he demands without looking at me.


Evander escorts me through the palace and out to a circular courtyard with a view overlooking the city. The City of Ash actually looks beautiful here with its tall buildings glittering in the light of the setting sun. Behind it, celestial hues of orange and purple paint the sky. A light breeze caresses my bare shoulders.

Flower bushes my height surround us, the magical blooms otherworldly. Little white blips of light hover near them—garden fairies. A few of them notice me and fly over, hovering around my necklace. They love shiny things, but fickle as fairies are, they quickly get bored and return to the bushes.

In the center of the courtyard sits a round table set up with a white cloth, a bottle of wine, and covered dishes. Candles create a circle around it, lighting the scene with what could be an intimate ambiance. Sprinkled on the ground are red rose petals that stick to my heels with every step.

...And seated at the table is the Demigod King himself in an all black suit with a deep red tie.

It could almost be romantic if he weren't so sinister.

Evander touches my shoulder, nudging me towards the table. I let my hesitant feet propel me forward, even though every step makes my stomach cramp more and more. The King's predacious honeyed eyes watch my movements with an undivided attention that makes me want to disappear. With unmitigated focus, he takes in my hair, his eyes gliding down my neck, to my dress. Slowly, his lips spread into a satisfied smile. I suppress a shiver, suddenly feeling cold.

How can a man so handsome be so terrifying? He's clean cut, his inky black hair tamed with product. Freshly shaved, there's not a single blemish on that olive-toned skin. Overall, the King has a look of ancient royalty with his Grecian nose, thick dark brows, and cut jaw. And his eyes… they're breathtaking. Scary and beautiful all at once. You want him to notice you, but once those eyes lock on, it's frightening.

When I reach him, he stands, rising to his full height a few inches taller than Evander. Then, to my surprise, he rounds the table to pull my chair out. I try to avoid his eyes as I cautiously approach and sit down. His hands settle on my bare shoulders for a moment, and squeeze. Every muscle in my body tenses. I feel like I'm trapped by a Werewolf on a full moon. Don't breathe. No sudden movements.

Then his palms slip away, and he returns to his seat.

Before me sits the man who has conquered all corners of the Supernatural world. I've even heard he has dealings in the Human Realm. He's the one who put Witches into indentured servitude doing shit we hate with the fragile hope we can buy our freedom - which would never happen with how much it costs. He's the reason I got assigned to be a Courtesan, and he's the reason I wear this stupid Suppressor that stops me from using my powers to their full extent. I lost my moms because of him. I lost friends and Coven Leaders. I lost my life. I haven't felt like myself in years because of him.

Then he has the nerve to celebrate conquering the final Coven by parading us around all night to serve his guests.

I clench my fists. What I wouldn't give to clock him one time. What would be the consequences? Death? Worth it.

King Nephus stares at me in silence, his eyes unflinching. "Why am I here?" I ask, since he doesn't seem to plan on speaking first. Some of my distaste drips into my voice. He notices, his eyebrow raising.

"You caught my interest."

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" I ask, frowning. "Last time Witches caught your attention you burned down our homes and enslaved us."

"You're not enslaved. You have the opportunity to pay off your debts and return to your forests and rivers at any time."

I grit my teeth at the smugness of his tone. He knows that's impossible for us to do.

He's so unapologetic about what he's done. Now he's sitting here—what? Trying to wine and dine me? There must be some other purpose to him. King Nephus doesn't seem like the type to waste his time on something unless he gets something out of it.

"There it is," he says, cocking his head. "This is what drew me to you—the hate you feel for me written so plainly on your face."

I suck my teeth, folding my arms over my chest. "How long do you plan on keeping me here?"

"As long as it takes."

"As long as what takes?"

"As long as it takes for you to fall in love with me."

"Fall in love?" I repeat, blindsided. "Why? What purpose would that serve you? I know everything has to benefit you in some way."

King Nephus is a conqueror through and through. He's a collector of power and people, and now he has his sights set on me. Perhaps he's gotten everything he wanted, and now he's going mad trying to find new things to take from people - including love and affection.

He runs his eyes over me for a moment, pausing at my chest, though not as long as most other men do when they openly stare. Maybe he has a little bit of decorum. "I suppose I simply enjoy conquering wild women."

A servant appears and removes the lids from our plates to reveal seafood with rice and leafy green vegetables. It's a meal I love, but I'm not even hungry now.

His gaze latches onto my full plate, and how I don't make a move for my fork. "Eat."

I level my eyes with his. "No."

The amusement drops from his face immediately. He frowns, and his gaze hardens. "Eat now, or you won't know when your next meal will come."

We stare at each other for a long moment. Would this man really starve me? Reluctantly, I pick up my fork, cut a tiny piece of scallop, and put it in my mouth. King Nephus watches the entire time until I swallow. Then he smiles.

"Good girl," he hums. "Do as I say, and we will get along fine."

The scallop I just ate threatens to come back up. I groan audibly, and reach for my wine to gather some liquid courage.

I don't know what expression I wear, but I know it's not a pleasant one. Whatever he sees on my face makes him say, "Many women would love nothing more than to be in your place right now."

"You had my people slaughtered, put into low societal positions, and our powers stripped," I say, speaking slowly since he seems to not understand. "Why would I be happy to be here?"

He takes a quick sip from his own glass of wine. "Your people lived on the outskirts of society, barely surviving like savages. I've simply integrated them into the kingdom the way it should be. All of us together and thriving."

I motion to our surroundings - the expansive courtyard, the fancy food, the manicured garden… none of this is a common experience. "You're the only one thriving. Everyone else is miserable."

King Nephus smirks. "Now that you're here, you can thrive as well, wanting for nothing."

"I'm not thriving until all my people are."

He leans forward, his eyes glittering with curiosity, the candlelight highlighting the planes have his handsome features. "And this is important to you?"

I hate the look that comes onto his face, like he's found a delicious thread to follow, and he definitely won't let it go. He won't let it go until it he completely unravels me. King Nephus is not the man to be vulnerable around, so I need to be more cautious of what I reveal. His eyes travel from my face to my still untouched food. After that one bite of scallop, I quit eating.

"Finish your plate."

I glare at him, my patience wearing thin, a dull ache pounding in my skull as the fires within me try to come forth. "I'm not hungry, and I'm certainly not interested in whatever game you want to play with me."

He leans back in his chair, fingers tapping rhythmically against the table as he watches me with curiosity. "No games here. Perhaps I find you interesting."

I scoff. "Me? A glorified whore whose Coven you destroyed for the hell of it?"

King Nephus swirls his wine glass, studying the deep red liquid as if it holds all the answers to life's questions. "You sell yourself short."

I scoff. "You think I'd ever fall for someone who's caused so much suffering?"

His gaze shifts from the wine to me, and he smiles, showing his white even teeth and boyish dimples that somehow look sinister. "You will learn I can be quite persuasive."

His words send a chill down my spine, and I realize that my situation just went from bad to worse. He doesn't sound like he will release me any time soon. There's a game he wishes to play, like a cat who has finally caught a mouse and wants to toy with its food before eating it.

We continue to eat in silence, the weight of his presence suffocating me. I can't help but wonder how I ended up in this surreal situation, dining with the very person who turned my once beautiful life into an endless nightmare.

I allow myself a quick glance at him, only for our gazes to lock. Looking into his eyes feels like staring over the edge of a cliff. An overwhelming fear washes over me, with a touch of recklessness that says do it, jump. I know it's dangerous, I know it would death, but a small piece of me somewhere beneath the terror, wants to leap. To know what it feels like to fly for a moment, even if it is towards an obviously inevitable doom.

"You have a fire in you unlike the others of your kind. You neither fear nor respect me and you show it," he muses, topping up our wine glasses. "I find it intriguing. "

"Because you want to snuff it out," I tell him, eyes narrowed, knowing my words could put me in danger. "That's all you enjoy doing, is crushing people beneath your thumb."

His smile widens, and he leans closer. "You think you know me, but perhaps I can show you a different side of me, a side you never expected."

"I don't care who you pretend to be. You could show me a million fake, phony sides of yourself," my hand grips my fork so hard I'm afraid it will bend in my fist. The candles around is begin to dim. "I'll never forget what you did to my people."

So much death, so much destruction, and completely unprovoked. My stomach turns, and suddenly food is tasteless. I drop the fork onto my plate, lean back, and cross my arms over my chest.

When he once again commands. "Finish eating." 

Something about him once again telling me what to do sets me off. I feel the fire inside me stirring. So badly it wants to come out, and the Suppressor on my wrist pushes back. A headache pounds through my skull, but I resist the urge to show I'm in pain. All I know is that my anger has to come out or I just might explode.

The candles, disturbed by my magick, grow then extinguish completely, leaving us in darkness.

I flip the plate off the table. It shatters as soon as it hits the stone ground. The remaining scraps of food splatter everywhere, even hitting my foot. When I look up at King Nephus, I expect him to be angry, but he's not. In fact, he looks delighted by my behavior, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. His eyes never leave mine, even as he speaks to someone else. I assume Evander.

"Escort her to her room. She does not eat until I say so."