
Connor Wants to Be A Hero but Is Actually a DICK!

Connor is your normal average chad, got summoned into another world by the God of creation AO because a huge amount of people wished for it. So he decided to be a hero and build a milf harem, but is this world really that nice??

JinVonRey · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The war's end, a Monke's triumph!?

After he put the three horned mask, Chris released his entire Devil existence into the world.

Chris was Mad, angering a devil never ends well!

Chris thought, I never thought I would need to do this again, It's forbidden for devils to exist in this world, in those two hundred years I got to know exactly why!!

Our existence, being, cursed mana, and influence. All are toxic to this world.

This mask was given to me by Kinryuu, enchanted with a blessing from Avander's who felt responsible to care for me, (Since he is the God of rebirth and renewal) It masks my devil presence, soften my cursed mana impact on this world.

I guess the reason I can't grow is that I need to release this form permanently but I can't! Not for myself but for others sake, if I keep it active for too long the mask will shatter releasing curses into the entire atmosphere, causing them to become allergic to air, and that's just the first effect! The second effect for those wo survived is hallucinations as the air becomes like drugs to them. Then comes aggression and self harm! A complete chaos, no one can survive that! And for me, it's simple as the world rejects devils, the gates of hell will open up and I will be sucked into hell! I know this since it's happened before, on the first time I transformed unintentionally.

I lost consciousness the moment I was sucked into hell, I later wook up on a charred plane with kinryuu on my side, he said.

"You caused a big ruckus, so much you've drawn her attention! Inferno have dragged you out of hell and burned all of your cursed mana that leaked out!"

I don't know much about it but kinryuu sometime referred to it as a she and sometimes as a he, he always never specifies. I also know that the being named Inferno has enough power to defy the laws of the world!

Even if I lost control this time, I believe it will have enough power to stop me again. No, I can't lose control, I finally met Connor!

Chris grabbed his spear, engulfed in a howling whirlwind, his mask eyes can be seen glowing in a red-greenish light.

"An impressive presence, as if looking directly into a typhoon!" Xaviin said as he rushed at Chris.

The two of them clashed into high speed fight, the fight seemed even but Ariel could tell, Xaviin was being pushed back, his necrotic mana density started to diminish. If things stayed as they are, Chris would win in the next minute, but can he keep it up?

As she was thinking she felt a sudden change in the seal on Connor's soul, it cracked.

{Notice: Analysis! }

{Notice: With Xaviin lack of Necrotic mana and Chris's Cursed aura pushing from the outside, the seal was breaking apart!}

"{Notice: Release your protection on Connor, I know you're holding your aura back so to not hurt him but that's wrong! It can help us break the soul seal} Ariel shouted.

As he heard her, Chris excluded Connor from his protection for just second, that was enough time for Ariel to Act.

Her left wing turned black as she absorbed an absurd amount of cursed mana, her left blue eye turned red.

{Notice: Channeling cursed mana, amplification of effects, cursing the seal to absorb holy mana from the Hero's body, amplification of effects. Skill, [Cursed Magic] Have been gotten, warning, Skill [Cursed Magic] Contradict with Ariel soul, usage is impossible the skill is blocked for the time being.}

Even without the skill to control curses, Ariel just keep channeling the cursed mana directly into the seal, like she controlled [Plot Armor]

The seal cracked open, Connor soul was forcefully ejected into his body switching him and Ariel.

The moment Connor opened his eyes he felt dizzy, a charp pain throughout his entire body, as well a horrible headach!

The fell onto his knees throwing up, at that moment, Ariel charged all the events onto his head, he instantly got knowledge of what happened.

Flying at top speed Connor's interfered between Chris and Xaviin fight, stopping the fight as he hugged Chris.

"Man I know it's been a long time but can keep this for later?" Chris said.

"It must been hard on you, nice to meet you again Chris, it's been a long time!" Connor said.

Xaviin took this chance to attack, charging a close rot spell.

The moment he got close to them he felt an immense pressure.

Connor teleported directly in front of Xaviin and grabbed his skull.

[Destruction: Hakai] A massive amount of pure mana ravaged Xaviin head, tearing a large chunk of his necrotic mana and cracking his skull.

Xaviin tried to back down but Connor held him tight, lifting his fist up.

"Ahhkyaaaaa!" he screamed like a raging monkey [Destruction: Hakai]

He rained down fists of fury on Xaviin. The reason for his rage is that on top of Xaviin killing Lydia, he remembered him hitting Alice, lifting weapons against Chris, the countless people that died in this war.

Xaviin tried to lift his hand to fight back but Connor punched back down instantly. Followed by a scream he kicked Xaviin toward the ground where Chris was waiting.

He grabbed Xaviin from the spine, grinding him on the ground in circles, with swift movement Chris thrown him back up to Connor.

[Fire Magic: Explosive Punch]+[Lightning Magic: Thunderbolt Punch]+[Destruction: Hakai]=[Combined Magic: Blaster Punch]

Connor punched the death out of Xaviin sending him flying even higher.

Following that, Chris flew at supersonic speed, quickly catching up with him.

[Devil Wind Magic: Tornado]

As Chris focused all his attention on Xaviin he had to disable the domain he created before, the Eric army could have a better look. What they saw was a hellish nightmare fuel. A a massive tornado engulfing and undead Lich and the Hero jumping in without hesitations.

The next moment, the tornado was set ablaze.

As the tornado stopped Xaviin fell to the ground, as he stood up he looked at his own hands.

Connor was rushing at him, to finish him up. Chris stopped him, saying.

"It's enough, he have already lost!"

"Need to take him out!" Connor replied.

"We can't do that, his phylactery isn't here!" Chris said.

{Notice: Xaviin has been keeping a mass of condensed necrotic mana inside all the time to simulate a phylactery but now he has run low on NM(necrotic mana) it's obvious that it's a fake.}

"This sick bone trolled us! He's been watching from a safe distance as he controlled his body!!!" Chris is visibly angry as he removed his mask.

Xaviin's Body started to disintegrate into ashes as his NM run out.

"I shall return, and next time I won't fail this miserably again!" he said.

Ariel, track him down.

{Notice: The area is filled with mixed mana, tracking his is impossible with the current ability.}

"Hero, how did you get this power, how come an angel is by your side?" Xaviin bluntly asked.

"As if he will reply, Connor might be dumb but that much!" Chris said.


"To the far south you will find three mountains, at each of them there is a cave, I'm not sure which one but I did get Ariel when I slept there as a child!" Connor replied.

{Notice: Cap!}

"Don't tell him, are you mad?" Chris shouted.

"A naive, Hero..." Xaviin turned completely into ashes signaling the war end.

"Are you stupid?" Chris screamed at Connor.

"No, that was a lie..."Connor passed out, he fell unconscious at the spot like a log. Ariel's wing and halo disappeared turning him back into human form.

Seeing that Chris carried him to the army base.



In a far away land, inside a vault a purple gem started to glow and an undead form appeared.

"That was dangerous!" Xaviin said.

He walked to a box nearby and took a mana crystal from it to restore his NM.

He then opened the vault gate to exit, he was greeted by the glowing eyes of a dragon.

The massive body hardly fit there, the golden scales slightly glow in the dark, an electric aura electrifying the air. The Dragon's heart beat can be heard loud and clear.

"Gotcha!" Kinryuu said.

Xaviin froze in place, what te hell is this doing here.

In blinding light, Kinryuu switches to his Oldman form. He then stood in front of Xaviin.

"What might have brought you here?" Xaviin asked.

"Multiple reasons, mainly payment! You've hurt Alice, caused a was and enraged the Hero, I have multiple reasons to get rid of you!" Kinryuu said.

Xaviin backed down a step, a wrong move and he will be a past tense.

"Lord of Thunder, you value money over every thing right?" Xaviin said.

"You're right, it's a testimony of mortals hard work and preservirance! Of course I would value that." Kinryuu replied.

"Then I will pay you with everything here, leave me live this time!" Xaviin said said.

"Straight forward? But you don't seem to understand how hard it's dealing with a dragon." Kinryuu replied.

Xaviin looked him in the eyes.

"What prevents me from taking it anyways after I kill you?" Kinryuu add.

Xaviin stood still for a moment before replying.

"I can't, not after I discovered the secret of the hero's power!!" Xaviin said with a steady voice.

Kinryuu though the moment he heard that, CAP! No way the thing inside the Hero will allow an information like that to leak out!

"Then how about this, right now I will take three quarters of what you own right now, next year at this time I will take the same amount again! In those coming two years if you crossed the Hero again I will personally take you out!"

Xaviin isn't approving of those conditions but has no choice to accept otherwise he will die here.

" Understood, I swear on my soul to never cross him in the next two years!" Xaviin said.

Kinryuu nodded in agreement, suddenly three quarters of what Xaviin owned got teleported to Kinryuu's tresury.

Ah! I almost forgot! Kinryuu though and turned toward Xaviin.

BANG! Xaviin got slapped throughout the vault, his phylactery cracked.

"This is for hitting Alice, this much damage to your phylactery should be enough to drop you back from a Lich into a death knight mage! Next Time I won't be this lenient!" Kinryuu disappeared.

Next chapter we're going to close the curtain on the first major arc, '' Xaviin's Bane" and after will start the arc Alongside Chris named "The Icy princesses, Humanity last standing woman!"

JinVonReycreators' thoughts