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Chapter 1 The Unexpected.

have you ever made a bad decision that will turn your life upside down?

Let me tell you about how my worse decision change my life completly...

Wish, dreams and goals I have none of those, for me life is a cycle where everyday is the same. I sleep, woke up, eat, study, go to school then repeat the same thing again and again. every time I go to school or any public places, people will start asking me: " wow! you ace the test again, so lucky" " I wish I have rich and loving parents like yours who care for their daughter truly" " your lucky to have a perfect life " Nonsense! all this people know nothing about my life, what do they mean lucky when I studied my butt hard for that test and what loving parents when all they care is money and all they do is pressure me to became a lawyer like them but I don't want to follow their footsteps protecting criminals and they just pretend to care for me in the public but when were at house I'm invisible to them as if I've never exist in the first place. because of the pressure everyone around me is giving, I have decided to runaway. I've heard that theirs a forest where everyone who wants to suicide go their, so I've decided to go that forest with no hesitations. when I've enter the forest it was surrounded by horrifying, big, tall tress not to mention the creepy sounds following me. I stop and check my phone not knowing it has no batteries, I instantly felt regret and I started crying for help but there's no one around me. as I continue walking feeling hopeless, I saw someone walking towards me, I trembled and my body was shaking, I want to run but my body wouldn't move. it walks closer and closer then I shout but before I knew, it was just a pregnant woman holding a flashlight. I felt so relieved, I really thought I was gonna die. out of curiosity she ask me: " what are you doing in a place like this kid? ". then I told her all my story, then I ask her the same thing: " how about you ma'am, what are you doing in here?". she told me her name Livea and how her husband and he's mistress throw her here, then she started crying and told me " I just want my baby out of this creepy place ", I told her: " don't worry miss Livea, will find a way to get out of here ". as we were looking for a way out, we saw a pickup car that collects nuts, " that car is surely heading towards the city" I said to her and we sneak to the back of the car and feeling relieved. as the car stop I peak at the window and as I predicted were already at the city, I woke her up and told her that were already in the city, we cry tears of joy. then when we were walking she suddenly collapse and her water broke. I started shouting for help, then crowds of people surrounding us. I shouted: " please call 911 ". it took the ambulance 30 minutes to arrived and she was already out of breath. after we arrived at the hospital she was taken to the OR {Operating Room} but before they could take her there, the prime minister and he's men arrived with blood all over them, the doctors and the guys in the black suits were panicking. before I knew it they cancel the surgery for miss Livea. I was furious and I immediately call the doctor who's in charge of her. I ask the doctor: " why is her surgery have been canceled? you told us she need a surgery right away." then the doctor replied " we need to cancel her surgery since the prime minister is in great danger and he need our help" I said furiously " what! we came here first, plus miss Livea is also in worse state.". the doctor was leaving while I continue to shout furiously at them. after that miss Livea was having a cardiac arrest yet no doctors approach her, only nurses approach her and I shout at them " where's the doctor?" and they told me " I'm sorry but all the doctors are operating the prime minister's surgery right now" and I replied " what!! this is nonsense, how come they prioritize someone who arrived 30 minutes before us". then 3 minutes later they declared her death. I was sulking at the side crying while the nurses contact my parents, I thought my parents would be worried but instead they didn't even notice me gone missing. I was furious and sad that I felt like my world is crushing down slowly. then a doctor approach slowly and out of my anger I grab he's collar and pinch him to the wall and I shouted at him. " you doctors, you are all monster. you prioritize those who give you a lot of money huh? this already happened to me twice and it was my grandpa and grandma, and now again. you guys are really monsters wearing white gowns pretending to save people but at the end all you want is money". before I knew it, I was being aggressive then he inject something on me then I feel cloudy inside and my vision is starting to black....

after that I woke up and I was so shock to see.....