
Connection to the Other World

Souji Akira's parent's died at an early age, forcing him to take care of his younger sister. A few years later, Souji moves away from Tokyo to find a new life. In the middle of the year, Souji starts his first day back in school, while everyone has friends to talk to, he does not. But that's when Souji is transported into what seemed to be a Video Game World. This is the start of Souji's adventure, will he overcome his obstacles and responsibilities?

Karrotxz · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: An Important Position

At school, I was doing my usual thing in homeroom, which was to read while waiting for the bell to ring. Seeing that I got a notification on my phone, I opened the text message application. It was my sister, she hasn't texted me in a while, so I was surprised to see a text message from her. I mean, it wasn't like I had another friends so I wasn't expecting any other notifications.

When I opened the notification of the message.

"Can we please talk when we get home?"

I didn't know what this was about... I mean I just ignored her and nothing else. Maybe she finally realized she was wrong.. Or maybe she just wants something from me. I didn't give much thought to that, since I had another text message already.

[Asahikawa Bank]

< 75000 Yen has been added to your balance! >

< Current Balance: $224,096 Yen>

AGAIN! Oh my god I'm going to be reported to the government!!!! Why does money keep appearing into my account? When I tried to click the report button on my bank app, the app wouldn't work. Instead it gave me a message saying that the app was down for maintenance. I thought it was weird since Bank Apps are always supposed to be just incase right?

Anyways, I went on my merry way, doing the work and listening to the teacher. At lunch, a couple of people came to my table. It was weird, until I realized it was the same people I met at the restaurant. The same classmates that I had to server, honestly I was kinda nervous but they stood there the whole time.

"Uh hi.." I said, trying to talk to them. Since they were just standing above me not saying anything.

"Hey, uh, we wanted to invite you to eat lunch with us." the girl in the middle said.

"I'm sorry but I'm not very sociable so I'm afraid I'll have to decline," I answered. It was simple really, I was way much comfortable being alone than sitting together with them. I didn't get why they were trying to communicate with me. 

Then the school day passed by, I went to my job and worked till 9. When my shift ended, I was beat, I went home with my back aching, my hands sore, and a headache. When I arrived, my sister was at the door. Arms crossed like if she were mad at me, I had no response to her waiting there. I just tried to brush it off and enter.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!?" she yelled.

It caught me off guard, I've never heard her yell at anyone. 

"What is it?"

"I told you we were going to have a talk today and you're late"

"Some people have to work you know"

"Sure but not everyone works themselves to death!"

"Come on, let's talk about this inside,"

Going inside, she continued her speech. It looks like my plan of avoiding and ignoring her worked, I patted my self on the back.

"Do you think I'm happy with you? You work everyday and barely spend any time with me!"

"You don't even talk to me.. How am I supposed to spend time with you?"

"I even tried to get you some friends so you can hang out with them but you turned them down!"


"You're such a looser!"

That was the last phrase she said before she headed upstairs. That wasn't much of a 'talk' as she wanted but an argument instead. But I was also surprised, so those guys were with her huh... I should have know this.. Nobody dares to talk to a low life anti-social, I even know that, I wouldn't hangout with people like me either.

Even with all that, I still prepared dinner, since I wasn't that petty to not take the responsibility of feeding her. I left the food on the table and some pudding that I had bought later for me, but decided to sleep early since I was tired.

And with that I headed upstairs, to my room, to my sanctuary and cave. It wasn't long before I fell asleep in the softness of my bed. Sinking into the dream realm I was yet reminded of the same dreams I've been having these days. It made me think, is it really just a dream? Or is this a real world, a place that actually exists. When I was in the white space, I received a notification from the system.

< Notice: World Connection will begin shortly. >

"I don't care about this! What does this even mean?"

I just pressed the play button, Since I was excited to go back in. I had forgotten all of which happened, but I gained my memory back as soon as I hopped in. I was scared, I didn't know what the outcome of the raid would be. Did we survive? Did we die?

As soon as I was logged in, I felt warm. When I opened my eyes and sat up, I was in one of the huts, but I was tucked in to the bed. When I looked around the dark and now moist hut, trying to regain my senses I spotted several other people in beds. When I looked towards the exit I saw Bell and the Earth Golem. I was surprised and happy that Bell and the Golem were safe. But it was too early, I didn't know what was going on. When I regained my hearing, I was finally able to hear the conversation happening in front of me.

"Please let me go outside! I must go outside!" Bell yelled at the golem. Hitting her arms on the chest of the Golem.

The Golem stood like a wall, not letting her get by, blocking the exit of the hut.

"Let her out Golem" I said.

"Souji!" Bell said launching her self into me.

"Thank god you're okay! I was so worried!"

"Huh? Well okay, can you tell me what happened," I had not realized until the pain kicked in. Looking at my leg which hurt so much that I felt like it was going to fall off.

"Aughh!" I screamed in pain.

"HEY! Please rest you're not in a good condition right now!"

Worrying about my leg I sat back down, then looking back at the exit, the Golem had not moved away from it and stood guard outside the tent. 

"I'll tell you everything after I come back! Please rest here, you're in a grave state at the moment," she said.

"Fine, but please allow me to send the Golem with you, he will listen to your commands,"

"Yes, I'll use it"

While I sat there I checked the mission's tab


Completed Quest: Survive (50 Goblins)!

Difficulty: Hard

Rewarded: Loot Box, 5 Stat Points, 5 Gold Coins


< Do you wish to open Loot Box? (Yes/No)> 

"Oh I completed the quest? Alright then lets open this Loot Box,"

Alright, I clicked yes and a big wheel started spinning. After finishing the spin, it landed on an item.

< Obtained Arth Kingly Training Method >

The knowledge was implanted into my brain, I could feel the Art Kingly Training Method in my head. Just like < Basic Magic for Muttonheads >, this one had levels which I had to unlock too.

However, the first level was free, the first level that I got was the training method of the Arth Kingly Style. 

A combat style focusing on getting the most out of your sword and your self. Improving your agility, strength, stamina, and health. The first level focuses on the training aspect of the style. However, it is very hard to learn, and you would need a strong mindset to learn it. Everyday doing harsh training in order to have the vassal to use the Arth Kingly Style.

I wasn't too disappointed with this book, since now we have a way of training and getting stronger with actual instructions, and tips & tricks. After reading the first level, I headed to my status window were I allocated my 5 Stat Points. This time I decided to spread them around so that I would be stronger without magic.


[ Status ]

LVL: 2

XP: 60/100

Current Mana: 10

STR: 2

CON: 2

DEX: 3

INT: 5

WIS: 4

CHA: 2

MP: 3

Skills: [ General Growth ], [ Appraisal ], [ Commandment ], [ Earth Magic ]

Summons: Earth Golem (1)

Items: Stone Axe (1), < Obtained Arth Kingly Training Method >, < Basic Magic for Muttonheads >


Alright let's put 2 points into Strength, 2 points into Constitution, and 1 into Wisdom.

< 2 Points Assigned to STR >

STR: 4

< 2 Points Assigned to CON >

CON: 4

< 1 Points Assigned to WIS >

WIS: 5

Perfect, I feel stronger now, My leg is still injured but I can move more now. Better than before, I could barely move before. I think I'll be able to help now. 

Then I looked around at the survivors and helped treating them. It was nothing difficult, I only had to get them what they wanted and cleaning their wounds and patching them up.

An hour later Bell came back, with sad news that she would announce to all when they woke up. She was so desperate that she didn't know what to do, while she rested I ordered the Golem to go and hunt some food for the villagers. Almost all of the villagers were hurt from Goblins that managed to get deep into the village. We were lucky that the Golem came just in time to stop them from causing further injury.

Then 3 hours later after everyone woke up, Bell gathered all of the villagers. 

< Gained 5 Mana, you have reached your maximum >

< Current Mana: 10 >

"I am saddened to tell you... our Village Leader is... he is--" she starts crying in the middle of saying this.

"He's dead! Our Village Leader is dead!" she exclaimed.

I felt pretty bad for the loss of the Village Leader. Even though I didn't know him for more than a day I put my head down. My heart kinda ached, I'd already lost 2 people important to me so I was used to the pain by now.

Then we had a moment of silence to the Village Leader, what's going to happen now? I'm thinking that Bell will take over no?

"I've buried his remains in the village cemetery, with our ancestors, but we also- we also need to move on, so we must choose our next Village Leader, It's been an ancestor ritual since the start, it says that the defender of the village or one who is a good leader and person should be Village Leader, I think I know the perfect fit for the role, to our protector Akira!" 

< Bellphis has used [ Battle Cry ] >

"WAT!" I yelled inside, my eyes widened. I couldn't believe this, it was a sudden surprise but it was also to sudden to choose the next Village Leader.

"Bell-Bell I don't think this is right!" I tried to convince her but was stopped by the villagers.

"I think Bell is right, we owe him and he protected us! He should be the next Village Leader!"

"That's right I agree!" 


I sighed since there was nothing I could do but accept my fate. It certainly fits my skill but I think I don't have a good relationship with these people to be able to take their leadership. Bell is also a better leader and has been here for more time so why can't she just be the Village Leader?

"Listen Akira! The Village Leader is an important position, you're the protector and most powerful person here so I believe it is your role!" Bell said.

"But you're stronger than me Bell!" I responded, I didn't want to take the responsibility this huge yet.

"Your skill and magic are perfect for a leader, I'll just be your right hand! Trust me we can make this work! It's what he would have wanted!" she said.

"Well alright, I guess you're right... What do I do? I mean I'm so lost right now,"

"Once we recover for a bit longer we should fortify ourselves more and clean up, then heal everyone, that's what were doing," she replied. She was right, we don't know when we will be hit by Goblins again and how big their forces will be next time, I believe it is appropriate to muster our defenses.

Alright I shall spawn another Golem to help us out! I limped outside of the hut, pushing off the ground step by step, when the sun rays hit my face like a bucket of water, it took a bit before my eyes adjusted to the light. I looked around, but I could only see blood and the bodies of the Goblins. They had dropped loot and I wanted them gone now, I wanted the walls cleaned and the places with blood cleaned. It wasn't a pleasure seeing so much blood... It was disgusting.

[Golem Summoning]

The Golem came out of the ground yet again, making a hole and patching it. It awaited my orders, to which I already knew what I wanted it to do.

"Collect the loot from the goblins, collect water and clean off the blood, move the goblin bodies and burn them!"

The Golem began its task, there was now 2 windows with the views of the Golems, Golem #1 was still hunting for food. It looked like he had managed to catch 5 rabbits and 3 wolf looking monsters. I called it to return, this should be nice amount of food for today.

What did I have to do next? Could I summon another Golem? Nah, If I were I would probably die from mana exhaustion so that's a no.

That's right, we must recuperate and then begin training, we must become stronger, we must not allow this to happen again. I finally know that this isn't just a game, or a dream. This is another world. This is real, my actions will have consequences and I need to lead these people to live a peaceful life without worries. I will become better and stronger for them.

Credits: Karrot 

Discord: https://discord.gg/uy8PC7mNQ8


Thanks for reading, more to come!

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