
Connection to the Other World

Souji Akira's parent's died at an early age, forcing him to take care of his younger sister. A few years later, Souji moves away from Tokyo to find a new life. In the middle of the year, Souji starts his first day back in school, while everyone has friends to talk to, he does not. But that's when Souji is transported into what seemed to be a Video Game World. This is the start of Souji's adventure, will he overcome his obstacles and responsibilities?

Karrotxz · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Plain Day Leading To Destruction

<Tutorial 1 Quest: Join Bellphis and her crew. Reward: Stat Point Completed>

<Awarding 1 Stat Point for Player>

As I got the message, I was excited that I completed the Quest. Using my HUD, I located the player information screen, to where I could increase my stat points.

STR: 2

CON: 2

DEX: 3

INT: 5

WIS: 4

CHA: 2

MP: 0

Viewing the Attributes Panel, I though of what attribute would be the best to invest in, when I found what I wanted to do.

"Let's level MP!" I shouted internally, grinning I leveled my MP.

As soon as I leveled up MP, I got a notification.

MP: 1

<Basic Magic for Muttonheads Implanted into knowledge>

I could now read the book in my mind. I didn't know all the contents but I could read it as if it were physically there.

I read the first chapter which was all about the mana organ each living creature had and how it was possible to collect mana.

I wasn't able to read the rest of the chapters because I didn't have enough time but I got enough knowledge from it.

While I was investing my stat point, Bellphis seemed busy doing something.

About 10 minutes later, Bellphis shouted for the group to center around a campfire.

As we all sat around the campfire that Bellphis had set up, I realized that, because of my Appraisal skill, I had not asked these girls their names because I could simply see their names and skills.

I need to present myself so they know who I am. I know if I were in their shoes I wouldn't let a stranger into our group,

"Now that I think of it, I never got your name," I asked Bellphis, which was sitting next to the campfire, cooking a piece of meat which she had stored in her bag.

"Oh Ya! I forgot, well, I'm Bellphis but you can call me Bell for short!" Bellphis said, smiling, making softening her smile.

As she said this, I noticed that the sky was beautiful. A purple color which you could only see from a rural area that has no pollution. I could see the stars clearly and the campfire only lightened her face more.

She looked like an Idol, I think she would have the potential to become one if only she were born in the right era.

"I still don't know your name though? hmmm," she asked, putting a finger up to her chin which I figured she was thinking about something.

"Right, I'm Souji, Souji Akira," I answered. There was not a reason as to why I didn't give her a fake name, I simply thought it was unnecessary.

Nobody knows me in this world so it doesn't really matter to me.

"Say.. Souji.. How did you get here?" Bell questioned me. She had finally gotten to the part were doubt would settle in. How does a person appear out of nowhere in the middle of a battlefield?

Trying to come up with a story, I quickly thought.

"Well you see.. I was just lost in the forest when I saw smoke, and I thought I could get out of the forest If I just followed," I answered.

Still trying to think ahead and make up a story of how I got there and how I managed to save Bellphis.

"When I left the forest, I spotted you laying on a tree, I tried to call you but you wouldn't wake up, Then I saw that you were bleeding so I patched you up and gave you one of those mushrooms," I tried to answer her as best as possible.

I tried to make the story as believable as possible so that she wouldn't suspect me. It seemed to me like if I were trying to prove my innocence. Like if I were playing the role of an imposter.

Bellphis seemed to buy my story, but I could tell she still had some doubts. As the night went on, the conversation shifted to more casual topics. We talked about our favorite foods, hobbies, and dreams for the future. I realized that despite the strange circumstances, I was starting to enjoy their company.

Then I introduced myself to the others, engraving their names in my mind so that I know who they are.

After a bit, the fire slowly died down everyone retreated to their sleeping bags which each person had.

I didn't have one but Bellphis gave me her spare sleeping bag. I mean it was weird to carry spare sleeping bag since you only need one but I guess that happens.

I was about to wall asleep when I suddenly got a message from the system.

<World time will now normalize after completing tutorial.>

I didn't get what that meant so I hurried up an went to sleep. I felt like I was falling, it was a usual thing that happened when I tried to sleep.

And feeling like I was actually falling I woke up and rose up instinctively. Realizing I was back in my room.

I checked the time and noticed that only an hour had passed since I had slept.

"Another dream huh.."

It was a dream similar to the one which I had at school. It had the same people and the same system.

It was like I continued the dream, anyways, I was now behind and had to start making dinner if I wanted to eat today.

So I went down stairs, the bag tat contained the pudding was not there anymore.

"I knew she would like it!" I patted myself on the back for being such a nice brother.

Because we had been alone for a while, and my part-time jobs, I knew how to cook a couple of dishes.

On Mondays, me and Akane will always eat something grilled.

I quickly started to make dinner, as I was hungry from the waking up after that nap.

Dinner was ready in about an hour, then I called Akane downstairs.

"Ms. Akane! Dinner is ready!" I called for her and heard a thud from upstairs.

"Hey are you okay?" I loudly asked, hugging the corner of the wall and looking at the stairs to see if something had happened to her.

I didn't have to ask because 10 seconds later she came downstairs without mentioning a word and sat down at the table.

"Haa," I sighed, It's always the same thing with her, can she not talk anymore?

"Hey! Can you not answer me?!" I was finished with her attitude, I think anybody would agree that not communicating was a bad thing. We need communication for this to work, and it was simply not working out.

I was basically talking to a wall, she wouldn't answer me and she certainly wouldn't tell me what I did wrong.

"Leave me alone, Can't you see I'm texting?" she responded.

To which my jaw dropped... I couldn't believe it! I could not believe what was happening. Is this my fault? Did I raise her wrong? Maybe I should have been strict with her.

"Fine then, text all you want!" I said as I finished eating. I could no longer care, I was tired of her and her attitude, to avoid all of this. I headed to my room after washing my plate.

When I reached upstairs and headed into my room, I got the homework out of my backpack and started working on it. It had been a stressful day, so many things happened that my mind cannot wrap around.

I have so many questions but they cannot be answered. The main question, was why I couldn't communicate with my sister. Infuriated I quit doing my homework and threw myself on the bed again.

Reaching for my phone, I checked the notifications on the app that I read manga on.

Surely my favorite Manga had a new chapter, to which I instantly clicked on.

This manga always brings up my mood, so reading it would surely make me forget about all that happened today right?

As I continued reading my favorite manga, I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep, still clutching my phone.

I woke up with a start, realizing that I had overslept. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my backpack.

I basically ran to school, I questioned why Akane had not bothered to wake me up. But I just gave up on thinking about it any longer.

After I reached class, I settled in an zoned out, It was now lunch time, checking for the same app on my phone I loaded it up.

But a message popped up.

<We are closed for Maintenance>

Giving up on trying to play, I went back and finished reading the manga which I had not read yesterday.

And after reading that, the class started again and a couple hours later I was out of school.

The day seemed like It was going too fast, leaving me behind everything, like if I had reached but couldn't grab.

Time was warping but I was still me, but I woke up from the mess and managed to get back to reality.

I was now walking with together with Akane, after a long day of school, I decided to treat Akane with her own medicine and ignored her.

It was my response to being ignored all the time, hopefully she would reflect from that moment and be nice to me, maybe even start talking again with me.

Today, I couldn't just go home since I had to work part time so I split away from Akane, she didn't even notice that I was gone but I continued to walk towards the restaurant where I work.

I've been working here for about 2-3 months now since I've moved. And its been a blessing, the restaurant owner is nice and everyone there welcomed me into the restaurant with open hands. I haven't had a rude customer yell at me or make a scene yet, so I'm happy that I am able to provide good service for the people.

As I clocked in and began working, I noticed a group of students from my school entered to which I had to guide to their table. And take their orders, but I think they had recognized me since they were chatting to each other and asking each other.

"Aren't you that new student Akira or something?" one of the girls in the group asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm Souji Akira nice to meet you," I responded trying to get it over with soon so that I would be able to avoid further contact with them until I could bring out their food.

"Oh I see so you were the new guy! Well were in the same class!" she answered back.

"Oh I see.. Haha"

I didn't have any problem with other people, but just the thought of having to go to the same class with them and communicating with them was embarrassing. I also don't want them to have a bad day just because I don't like communicating like this so I will try my best.

"I hope you guys enjoy, and also you can call me Souji," I tried to be peaceful with them and use a tone that they wouldn't be bothered by, they were customers after all.

The rest of the shift went well and I clocked out around 8 PM, then went home to relax a little bit more.

The day was quite boring, I made dinner and went upstairs and did my Literature homework. The day didn't seem normal, I many random things happened and I was out of it. Those dreams also made me wonder what was wrong with me.

I mean, I had gotten back to sleeping but I guess the tiredness still haunted me and was causing me to hallucinate or mess with my head.

But when I tried to sleep, I was met yet again with a strange dream, this time I was back to the white space, where I was prompted to continue the game, obviously there were no other buttons so I chose the only thing that was possible.

I continued to play the game.

Credits: Karrot

Discord: https://discord.gg/uy8PC7mNQ8


Hello guys, thanks for reading Chapter 2, I hope to be able to upload more! Make sure to join my discord server for the art!

Discord: https://discord.gg/uy8PC7mNQ8

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