
Connected: Soulmate

"Soulmate," He said, and Ivy looked at him shocked. "You have a soulmate." "A soulmate?" She repeated while trying to figure out a fitting reaction. "What exactly does that even mean? That I've met my other half? That I've met my true love or what?" "That's what the humans think it is," Jason said sharply and Ivy got even more confused than before. "In this world, it means so much more, Soulmates are bound by souls, if one gets hurt the other does too. You'll make each other happy, but it doesn't necessarily involve love. It's just a person who makes you feel complete, but what your relationship will look like is up to you. We can survive a lifetime without a lover, but it's hard to survive a lifetime without a friend." ------ Ivy wasn't prepared for what happened after that, all the consequences that it would bring. She never knew how much she would miss the past, and at the same time, love the present after that. Secrets would be revealed, accusation would be made, more would change. They are being hunted, but by who?

Alex_Le014 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Isaac unlocked his door and walked into his house. His days were always the same, school, studying and then more studying, but this time about magic and the nonhuman's history. He went straight to the kitchen after dropping his bag in his room. He wanted to eat something, he had to admit that the human's food was better than that one down in hell. He had opened the fridge when he heard the floor creak. Everything seemed to slow down in slow motion. His muscle tensed as he took a knife that was nearby. Then he just waited for the right moment. He grabbed the person by its collar and pushed him towards the wall while pointing the knife at the trespasser's throat.

"Alex?!" Isaac burst out surprised when he saw that it was his brother he had under the knife.

"Nice to see you too," Alex commented as he gestured on the knife on his throat. Isaac slowly took down the knife and placed it on the table.

"Well, that's what you get for sneaking up on me," Isaac smirked, happy to see his brother again.

"Father has overdone things I see," Alex pointed out as he looked around the house. "A small demon like you could get lost in here."

"Why are you even here?" Isaac asked and rolled his eyes with a smile. "Miss me already?"

Alex rolled his eyes at his little brother's stupidity, but it was clear that they were both happy to see each other again.

"You wish," Alex replied as he dragged his hand through his dark brown hair. "No, actually I'm here on father's request. There is a yearly ceremony in London, and I'm here to deliver your invitation personally."

Alex held out a letter, it was silver with gold script on it, together with some beautiful gold details. Isaac almost laughed at how advanced they had made the envelope.

"Since when did father care about these ceremonies?" Isaac asked after studying the envelope carefully before he met his brother's eyes. "He never cared about them before. What's so special about this one that he has decided to attend?"

"He will not attend," Alex informed. "He's making me attend, this isn't important enough for him to attend personally. He's making us attend this time because of a rumour which has been going on. According to our father's secret sources, a special guest will attend. I haven't gotten any information about the guest, but we have to get on his or her right side. The only thing I've heard is that they're one of a kind. Father has finally decided to start his project."

"Took him long enough," Isaac took a fruit from the fridge. "Want one? Or maybe something else? The food here is fantastic. I finally understand why the dead souls miss the food."

"No, thanks," Alex denied Isaac's offer. "But it's clear that you've settled down. It's only been weeks, and you seem to feel comfortable."

Alex was slowly walking around the kitchen and living room as they talked. He was studying the wall with ridiculously expensive wallpaper and decorations that people would pay thousands for. Isaac enjoyed the decorations in the room, the arts made everything less dull and they were pretty to look at.

"Better than being trapped in a castle, right?" Isaac pointed out, and Alex rolled his eyes while facing his younger brother. "How's home? How's our father?"

"The same as always," Alex replied. "Dead, but it's home, some of the souls actually miss you. The little girl you used to talk to, Sophie, she's wondering when you'll get home. I explained to her that you were on an adventure and promised that you'd bring home a souvenir."

Isaac nodded gratefully when the silence fell over both brothers. It was that awkward situation where nobody knew what to say. It made Isaac a little bit sad, he used to be able to talk with Alex about anything. It's funny how so much can change during some weeks. They stood there for some minutes when suddenly a portal opened. Alex stared at it with wide eyes. He hadn't expected it so soon.

"I guess I'll be going then," Alex finally said when he got his brain cells together.

"Will I see you there?" Isaac asked curiously.

"Of course," Alex replied with a smirk. "You won't get rid of me that easily.

And then he left with a stupid smile on his face. It was typical Alex, either he rolls his eyes or smirk as an idiot. There is no other option, either those two or something was seriously wrong. Isaac half laughed at himself when the sudden loneliness washed over him. It came every time he was at "home". Sometimes he even wondered if he would ever be able to find a place in the living world that would be his home, maybe hell wasn't so dumb after all.


Ivy was running around like crazy. Today was the ceremony day, and she ran around to get her makeup done, hair fixed, and she made sure that she wouldn't be able to embarrass herself more than necessary. It meant that thin high heels were a no way-option. She would probably trip over herself, and if she's unlucky, she would also crash into the guest of honour or something like that, if there were any guest of honour. Jason just laughed as he watched Ivy running around like a dog who chased a fly.

"I've never understood why you girls always get so stressed before parties. I mean, why stress over things you could have done slowly and properly?" Jason asked while chuckling to himself and tying his tie.

"Because I don't have time to take it slow!" Ivy shouted from the living room. Jason went in to see her using her magic to make her hair. Strays of hair were pointing in all directions but then lay in a perfect spot where Ivy commanded them.

"That's cheating," Jason commented.

"I have magic, and I need time so I'm going to use it," Ivy responded before making the last details on her black and now straight hair. "What do you think?"

"Simple but fancy," Jason admitted. "It's a good combination with the dress."

"Exactly," Ivy said. "It wouldn't have been if I would have taken things slower earlier. I wouldn't have had the time to fix my hair if I had done it your way."

"Girls," Jason sighed and shook his head. "Always so dramatic."

"Boys," Ivy imitated. "Always wait until the last minute to do anything."

Jason laughed before he opened a portal.

"After you Miss Dramatic," He said jokingly and made a bow.

"Ha ha ha," Ivy laughed sarcastically before walking into the portal.

What she saw on the other side was magical. In general, it was a castle, but if you looked close enough, you could see that it was glimmering of crystals. It appeared like the whole castle was built by crystal stones in different colours. It threw a beautiful light on the garden, as the sunset slowly turned into a clear night sky. It was like being in a fairytale, Ivy thought when everything was too perfect to be true. The head entrance was huge and the doorframe was covered with gold roses.

"I forgot how beautiful this place was," Jason admired as he closed the portal. "Ivy, welcome to the temple of the United, a place where everyone is welcome."

They both walked towards the doors. Ivy admired the garden from a distance. It was perfect, almost scary perfect if Ivy was honest. There wasn't a grass straw out of place and there were water fountains and artwork in every possible shape everywhere.

Indoors the castle was even more hypnotising than outdoors. There were more crystals placed all over the castle walls with gold and silver details. There were arts of all kinds and a celebration to all the magical creatures in the world, living or dead. Magical floating candles lit up their way in different colours and the sound of people could be heard from the distance.

"Wow," It was all that came out of Ivy's mouth.

"Wow indeed," Jason agreed. "Quite magical, isn't it?"

"They didn't hold back when they built this," Ivy commented.

"If it isn't Jason Rivera," A new voice said.

They turned around and saw a tall woman with long dark hair and sky blue eyes. Ivy recognised her, but she couldn't figure out from where. It was something familiar about the woman in front of her. Then she remembered, she had met that woman once in her life, it was during Catrine's funeral. She was one from the Prostátis.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Lila Millers," Jason greeted with a smile. He hugged her, and she returned the hug as a good friend.

"Good to see that you've finally decided to come out of your hiding place," Lila smiled. "How are you?"

"Still a little old and dusty, but otherwise I'm fine," Jason joked. "How are you? And Povel? Are you two still together?"

"Actually..." Lila said slowly. She didn't say anything more. Instead, she showed him her ring on her finger. Ivy found it beautiful, it was made of rosé-gold with small carving details and a white diamond, clearly one of the more expensive rings.

"Lila! Congratulations!" Jason almost shouted out in happiness. "I'm so happy for you. Oh dear, I forgot, this is Lila Miller."

"And you must be Ivy," Lila interrupted kindly. "Last time I saw you were at the mall, but you were unconscious."

Ivy raised a brow in confusion. What exactly did she mean?... That's when it hit Ivy, as a brick. The mall was the day she found out about her soulmate. She remembered how Luke told her about how a woman had helped him. What would the odds be of this being exactly that woman? Do you remember Ivy's worries about embarrassing herself? Well, this was Ivy's definition of embarrassing, and she felt how her face got warm.

"Don't worry about it," Lila laughed when she saw Ivy's tomato cheeks. "It can happen to anyone. By the way, I have to say that I love your wings. They are so fascinating. And your eyes, two different colours are so unique nowadays, they're beautiful."

"Thanks," Ivy replied, blushing even more. She wasn't used to unfamiliar people. Then she threw a questioning look to Jason. Her wings and eyes usually were invisible, unless she wanted them to appear. Jason didn't understand why Ivy was looking at him at first, but then it hit him.

"Oh, I might have forgotten to say that none of the hiding spells or potions works here," Jason explained. "The point is that everyone should be themselves, and therefore look like their true selves."

Ivy wanted to say something, probably a complain when a tall girl came. She had long, straight hair and glimmering blue eyes and a short navy blue dress. It was quite easy to figure out that she was Lila's daughter, and not only by her looks. Her appearance and confidence reflected her mother's quite well. Ivy barely got a close look at her face, but the resemblance between mother and daughter was obvious.

"Do you know where I can get something to drink? I'm dying of thirst," The girl said without noticing Jason or Ivy.

"Elisia darling, it is in the right corner of the room," Lila said. "Oh, let me introduce you to some friends of mine. Here is Jason Rivera and Ivy Angelus."

Elisia turned around, and Ivy almost gasped of Elisia's beauty now when she had a clearer view. If Ivy hadn't known that Elisia was a Prostátis, she would have guessed on model or something. It was almost ridiculous. Ivy had never been that kind of person who pays attention to a human's looks, at least at most times, but the first thing Ivy thought was how good Elisia looked. The way her sky blue eyes seemed to shine while her dark chestnut hair highlighted her features.

"Hi! I'm Elisia Armstrong," Elisia introduced herself with a smile.

"Ivy Angelus," Ivy slowly replied as she panicked.

Suddenly everything Ivy had admired about Elisia was gone. The name Armstrong got her on other thoughts. That meme about coincidence got stuck in Ivy's mind. As she thought of the possible chances that they could be related, he showed up, Jack Armstrong.