
connected bloods

in a world that revolves around secrets, dangers and lies. After findings out about his true form,jace tried to keep the balance of his world safe for the people he loves he encounters dangers and finds out secrets he never thought existed,funny enough to him it did with his friends he embark on a journey thats takes deep to places he couldn't come out easily "the door,we must go through the door"jace said hurrily "nevermind am going first "kcee replied with annoyance "vampires only exist in history ,they are not real" jace laughs. what happens when he finds out that he has been lied to all this while and is the head of a secret cult group created by his own mother

DaoistEKJvYW · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Long ago the council and justin were brought together to destroy the seven lost gems so that the three head beast wouldn't be summoned by the seek doctors. Justin was in cohort with us with made it simple for the council because of his ability to control vampires and make them do his bidding but then one day he wanted it all for himself.

And that's when we met Emily, she was the most beautiful goddess anyone has ever seen, her beauty was as bright as the sun and it's brightness drawed so many pest and so many guest. she didn't lack anything she had it all and Justin fell for her * He smirks* who would have known that we both fell for the same woman and it was as funny as fuck because she loved me and not justin.

The whole prophecy began with her and it ended with our children, Emily had goodness in her heart she carried no malice against anyone even when she knew that her heart could never belong to Justin but greed consumed him along with jealous, he just couldn't see me happy with her.

so he created a demon called kai, kai was made with the four power of the gem and with dark magic. when we found out about it we were furious and tried talking to him but it was just a waste of time because he attacked us and released the three head beast as if it wasn't enough he open the realms of takara. We fought day and night trying to defeat the beast of takara but they were just too strong to defeat, and the surprising fact about all this was that Emily was not harmed.

The creatures of takara is said to have one supreme leader, this leader of theirs was known as the goddess and it was said that she was the strongest among all creatures she could control them and keep them steady. No one has seen her but the creatures were so protective of her and the way they looked at Emily was surprisingly good and Justin was also surprised with this fact so we all came to a conclusion that she was from the generation of the goddess but Emily never said anything about that and kept us in the dark about but our theory was right when Justin kidnapped her and the beasts turned against him and he was almost killed if not for her.

" so she is the goddess and not from the generation" Emily never said anything about it and eventually we stopped worrying about but we didn't know that the worst was about to happen.