
connected bloods

in a world that revolves around secrets, dangers and lies. After findings out about his true form,jace tried to keep the balance of his world safe for the people he loves he encounters dangers and finds out secrets he never thought existed,funny enough to him it did with his friends he embark on a journey thats takes deep to places he couldn't come out easily "the door,we must go through the door"jace said hurrily "nevermind am going first "kcee replied with annoyance "vampires only exist in history ,they are not real" jace laughs. what happens when he finds out that he has been lied to all this while and is the head of a secret cult group created by his own mother

DaoistEKJvYW · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Jace didn't a have plan but he was sure he was going somewhere if he keeps looking. but he couldn't do this alone, he needed his friends to help him out, yes Jace was smart and all but he needed more brains to able to solve all the puzzles and pick up the pieces of what was going on.

" And you know I can't do this alone" they all now stare at him. whenever he starts to make that speech, he eventually blackmails them emotional " you know you guy mean alot to me and I can't do this without you plus you already know about everything why not help your friend in need" they look at each other and Jace knew this was not going anywhere so he will use the heart of the group " cassie??.... what do you say??.. come on yes it will be scary but fun you know" no one says anything " and by helping your helping jake" he finishes and even if they don't help him out which he totally doubt will happen, he will still work on his own.

" Fine am in" vera supports him " me too" Kcee joins and eventually they all support him " but dude not that am scared or anything but are going to be seeing alot of those vampires" bridge asks feeling goosebumps all over his body when he thinks about it. " well I won't promise that we won't see any but all I can is we can do this and keep each other safe" he hypes them up so that they will know that no matter what is going to happen, they will always protect each other. " so where do we start"


Back at the council, Leo stares at the big full moon outside and his son's voice that was growling in pain. Jakes transformation was not normal that was because he had the blood of both a vampire and a wolf. The council knew that his situation was not ordinary at all but it was something they could handle well and if the boy can pass through the night, then they have nothing to worry about. the plan was to keep the born from Justin. " i know is hard" mrs cassie chips in seeing him alone staring outside and looking at the moon" you know this won't help" leo grins knowing exactly what she was talking about " what won't help?" he plays dumb " Come leo we both know that the more you keep denying this Truth , the more harder it will be on you" he laughs and nods " you know we have been waiting for this time and now it has come why don't we just see what will happen, I won't be fun spilling the whole Truth, all they just need to know is the truth not all, they can figure it out themselves".

This was no hide and seek, Leo knew what he was doing. He isn't denying the truth, he is just ignoring it. The ignoring the fact that it was finally time for Jace to take his rightful place and they were coming, coming soon. He sighs thinking about the past that he screwed up years ago.

Meanwhile cassie gets ready to come over to Jace house so they could discuss their plan, she knew all this was a bad idea but this is what she has to do for that man she loves. She had liked jace since they were in kindergarten and grew up together, she hasn't told him. because she was scared he would reject her and see her as a friend so in order to show how much she loves him she will support him.

Her alarm rings all of a sudden frightening her" that is strange I didn't turn it on" she says to herself and offs that alarm and goes to brush her teeth to leave. All she had in her head was just to go in there pick the brush and be done so she could leave, she steps into the bathroom only to see her toothbrush floating in that air with a paste on it. she screams and the brush falls.

Hearing her scream, mrs cassie runs upstairs to check on her only to see cassie on that floor staring at something with fear in her eyes. " sweetheart was wrong" seeing her mum cassie hugs her and points at the brush on the floor. " mummy... it was... it was floating" she studders and mrs cassie takes a glance and calms her down. " telling me honey what were you doing when you saw it". " I was going to brush my teeth mum, that was all I was going to do and then I walked in and saw this" she cries " calm down baby calm down, did you think about doing it" cassie stares at her not believing she was going to start intergorrating her after experiencing something horrifying " Mum I just said I saw that brush on the air" she yells and just then her window breaks she cries even more and hugs her mum " shh calm down calm down baby" " mum am scared, why did the window break..... wait did I do that?" cassie was no fool, as soon as she yelled her window broke into a million pieces.

Mrs cassie gives her a glass of water and she drinks it slowly, but it was not diverting her mind to what happened just now " mum did I do that" she asks again " I was to about to brush my teeth, that was all I was thinking about and everything was already prepared and now I yell the window breaks" after that shit about Jake begin a vampire cassie now even believed witches and wolves were all real. This was no drill to her, something was going on... wait is she becoming a vampire like Jake, * she gaps * but she was not bitten, she had not encountered anything creature so it can't be it. she sighs and lies down, maybe it was just another bad dream if she sleeps and wakes up she might actually be in the school library and must have slept off.

Mrs cassie watches her lie down and not say a word, she tucks her in properly and leaves. " fucking full moon" she curses and her husband laughs " so it has finally comes". yes, mrs cassie knew what was going on with cassie, her daughter was the witch in the prophecy.