
The Beginning

Stephanie was a sweet girl of 18 years and in a relationship. She thought being in love was the greatest of all, so she entered into a relationship with Ellen, who was 21 years old. They were both in university with Stephanie, a law student, and Ellen, an English major.

         Ellen always told her how much he loves her and wants them to be together, he doesn't want to lose her. Stephanie has a male friend whom she confides in named Denning. Denning and Stephanie have been friends for about for 4years before she met Ellen. They are almost like siblings as they treat themselves as one. Ellen is the one Stephanie goes to when she needs an outside thought about things.

      One fateful day, Stephanie went to greet Ellen at his house and was playing with his phone when a message came in" Hey baby, I miss you and will always love you too". She became restless and was thinking if Ellen was cheating on her but couldn't bring herself to believe it talkless of asking him. She was to go out with her girls that same day, so when they were out she told them what she saw and they advised her to ask him when she got back to his place.

      Later that day, she went to a house party and came back late so she couldn't ask him again that night so she waited till morning. The following morning the following conversation ensued between them.....

  Stephanie: Do you know why I went to that house party yesternight?

Ellen: Probably because it was your friend's house party.

Stephanie: No it wasn't because of that, I wanted to get drunk because I had something to say to you but couldn't say it without getting angry with you to talk of hearing your explanation of the matter.

Ellen: What do you want to say that requires you getting drunk baby?

Stephanie: (after a long silence)  Babe, are you cheating on me?

Ellen: WHAT! why will you say that, I'm not cheating on you, honey.

Stephanie: Just stop with the pretence already, I was fondling with your phone and I saw a message come in so I went to check who it was................ Babe, who is Quincy?

Ellen: ..........(surprised and confused) I....I...I,(stuttering) I don't understand what you're saying.

Stephaine: You won't understand (sarcastically) just excuse me and let me go to my house. I'm done here.

Ellen: Babe, you can't just go after all you said, we have to talk about this.

Stephanie: WHAT is there to talk about when you're not even taking the first step of admitting you're wrong?