
Conflict: Outside the unknown (the dream keeper)

One of the few stories that relate deeply to "Conflict outside the unknown" stories,

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The Truth and Dylan

After hearing the truth from the Morpheus Tree, Dylan was not happy at all. He had finally understood and realized why his life was unsatisfying. He lived a life that was different from others. Dylan could now see why his life felt indifferent, but it wasn't really indifferent at all. It was a manipulation of cosmic affairs beyond human comprehension.

Dylan was unhappy as memories of how he had been treated by people in his hometown flashed before his eyes. He wasn't loved by all, like most said he was. He had been bullied, insulted, abused, and stereotyped. He could now understand what it all meant. The fact that he had no dreams but would see the dreams of others and narrate their dreams as if they were his own; the fact that he wouldn't die even in the most severe of accidents because he was fated not to die The thought that he was a curious person who would do things he wasn't meant to do, even against his own will,

"What if he didn't want to die? What if it was because of this manipulation that he actually died? What if my father never actually wanted to save me from that fire that killed him?" Dylan whispered in pain, remembering the way his father died right before his eyes.

When Dylan was five years old, his dad was a farmer, and they lived in a small village with his grandparents. One day, a strange fire of unknown origin set the house ablaze. Nobody knew where the fire came from. The entire family was in the living room when the fire started. Dylan remembered seeing himself in the living room, sitting in the middle of those flames, when his father jumped into the house, sacrificing his legs to save Dylan, and died in the flames.

The moment Dylan remembered this, he fell to his knees in the dream realm, right in front of the tree, holding the face of a grudge. Dylan noticed the "glass sand," remembering what they were, which was the most disturbing aspect of the Dream Realm.

"What are these sand thingies?" Dylan asked, holding some sand in his hands.

"Those are dreams, Dylan. Those are fallen dreams. Dreams that collapsed from the tree due to corruption from within their Dream Nexus," said the Morpheus Tree.

"What do you mean by corruption?" asked Dylan, wiping the tears off his face.

"Those were once abundant dreams and dreams beyond dreams." "They were shattered alongside their Nexus due to the influence of the corruption," explained the Morpheus Tree as Dylan looked.

"A corruption that hunts and devours dreams" "The eater of dreams, 'EPIALES, the Lord of Nightmares," murmured the Morpheus Tree in answer to Dylan's silence.

Don't know at this point, my head hurts

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