
Confessed to the Wrong Alpha

Layla got drunk one night and mistakenly confessed her love to the wrong Alpha- Hunter Cross-the school's well-known hades alpha from the Black Lilies pack. The worst of it all, he agreed to date her which made it hard to take back her words, too scared of what he would do to her. So, having no choice at all, she strikes a deal with Hunter to only give their accidental relationship a three-month trial period. If they both work out, they'll continue to date for as long as they like but if they turn out incompatible, they'll split after the probationary period. Their relationship prospers into an almost unbreakable bond. Nevertheless, the happy times came to an end, when a Beta, Kareena, Hunter's previous lover, revealed Layla's web of lies from the moment of confession which was supposed to be declared to Gian, the Skull's alpha. Determined to win back the trust that she lost, Layla blindly fell into a trap laid by Kareena who told her that Hunter wants reconciliation. She unintentionally brought herself into the den of beasts which may cost her life if she will not get away in time...

sparrow101 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Chapter 8

"Oh my gosh." I blurted out in horror when I discovered that most couples had been all over themselves, making out, kissing, petting...and oh, in the corner, I hate how my wolf eyes took over, but two pairs were doing it on the wall. Talk about wild!

"I'm surprised you notice them just now." There was humor in Hunter's voice. When I regarded him, he was indeed giving me a wolfy grin as if teasing me for my astonishment.

"First time?" he asked, his shoulder shaking with chortles.

I promptly sat on my seat, hands pinned across my chest, and gulped a lump in nervousness. The atmosphere around was...alarmingly dangerous to my health.

What if Hunter will start to touch me without my permission? Oh no, I will bite him like a devil.

But Hunter only let a chuckle seeing me in defense mode and threw a caramelized popcorn on his mouth. "I told you, I won't do it if it makes you feel violated."

"You promise?"

"Yeah. Should we hold our pinky fingers to that?" he attempted to look serious but I knew that he was having a time of his time in poking fun on me.

"I-is it always like this?" I asked, trying hard not to look on my side where another couple was touching each other intimately.

"Pretty much. I was surprised that you want to watch a movie."

"You should have told me!" I reacted in a rather low voice. I really have no time to compose myself when I'm literally glaring at him now.

"I have to see your horrified face. "

"This isn't fun for me."

"Shall we leave then?" he asked which I was close to agreeing with when he added, "I didn't know you're such a faint heart, pumpkin."

There was no way that he said that.

"I'm not," I said vehemently. "Take back your words." I hated to be called like that. I'm a wolf. And a wolf shouldn't be easily scared. Not me. Nah ah.

"Are you watching the movie or should we leave?"

"Why are you asking that? Of course, I'll watch the movie. It's what we came here for. Not the other way around." I said.

"You sure? You look like you'll gonna faint." he still joked that I hit his shoulder.

"We're not leaving."


"And don't..."

"Don't what?"

"D-don't do it."

Hunter chuckled again and leaned over my face that we were almost breathing in each other.

"I don't take my chances for a moment of pleasure, pumpkin," he drawled and settled back to his seat, leaving his hand interlaced with mine.

I stared at our hands again, having no idea why I felt secure that he'll keep his words. "Thank you," I murmured in low voice and he gently squeezed my hand in response.

For an entire couple of hours, it was almost a miracle that I actually get the movie's theme and be involved with the characters' struggles despite the various live scenes inside that theater.

After such a horrendous experience, we finally got out and planned to grab a bite at the restaurant a couple of miles away from the city.

"I'll never watch movies on theater again," I murmured as we went over where Hunter left our ride.

"It's not so bad in there. You can enjoy both ways." He said, grabbing my arm when a passerby almost bumped into me.

"I will not," I said, pushing the awkwardness when he didn't let go of my shoulder and brought me close to him instead.

"Here we are." He said and I was in awe with the car in front of me. I never speak car languages but at least I know enough that Hunter's certainly screamed wealth into my impoverished ass..

Hunter opened the door for me, guided me inside before rounding to the driver's seat. I stared at the car's ceiling which glittered. Wait. Are those diamonds in a car? I reached those with my hand to confirm it. My brows raised in wonder. Dang, those were real diamonds. A car such as that shouldn't be left unattended without a bodyguard. Yes, stupid thing to say but for me, I might really do that if I have a car like this.

"I'd rather you check me out rather than this car, Lalah."

Too late that I realized that Hunter was giving me a strange look. I didn't even notice that he already got on.

"Curious," I said. "And it's Layla. Not Lalah."

"What? It suits you." He grinned and dug out the key from his pocket." I got this for testing." He said. "If you want, pluck as many diamonds as you want. I think nobody's gonna notice."

"You crazy? I don't want to jeopardize your...whatever you do with this car."

Hunter then shrugged his shoulders and started the engine with a roar. It somehow felt strong to my ears but not harmful in any way. In fact, it invited something within. As if it was begging to be ridden fast.

"Wow," I exclaimed as the engine vibrated when he was heating it for a few seconds.

"Right?" he agreed with a wide grin. "This boy sure is superior."

"Is this your work?" I asked when Hunter maneuvered the car out from the parking lot.

"Sort of." He said briefly. " We already run this in the test tracks and produced only five in the market."

"Five? You mean this is one of the fives?"


"Must be an awesome job to drive limited edition," I said and made a once over to the whole car. "And they pay you for just testing?"

"Just testing? Darlin, I forgot to mention that it includes crash testing in a controlled environment."

"You participated even in that? It's dangerous."

Hunter only grinned and continued to focus himself on driving. He smiled widely and bit his lower lip. There were several cars he overtook as he picked up speed gradually.

I held on to my seatbelt, a little nervous when he went on with increasing the speed.

Then he reached for my hand and eased it away from gripping on the seatbelt strap. He interlaced them together. His thumb rubbed over the back of my hand and slowed down the car.

"You're easily frightened." He said.

"It's not every day that I travel at 200 miles per hour on a highway full of other cars." I pulled my hand off him but he held it tighter instead. I glared at him. Thankfully, his eyes were on the road. After a while, he turned to the left junction road which had only a few vehicles taking it. Just where are we heading at?
