
Seeing the Sun Again

Unfortunately it was not as simple as they had expected. The underground world was immensely tricky and unless they managed to somehow unlock the mechanism that released the exit, they would be trapped within forever.

Xue Wei glanced at them, but he paid them no mind as he began opening the different doors that were lined at the side of the hall.

He had already guessed that these doors would lead into treasure rooms, that they would be able to get their hands on even further resources if they managed to enter them, but he was also aware that the more treasures they got, the more greed and difficulty the other team would have with holding back.

Knowing that Bai Tianyi wanted to fight them, but was agaisnt being the one who made the first move, this would be the perfect way to bait them into attacking!

A snicker appeared on his lips as he placed his palm on the first door and pushed.